54 WILMETTE LIFE February 14, 1930 Wilmette Playground and Recreation Acti~ities 1~1odel \Vilmette Aero club, an or~anization of model airplane makers and flyer :., sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board will 5end a team of competitors to enter a dual tournament conducted bv the \¥aukegan Playground and Recr~a tion hoarrl at Waukegan Saturday, February 22. Saturday afternoon the boys will meet at the Stolp gymnasium at 2 0'clock to try out for the-team. G. W. Gatherco ~tl, recreation assistant in charge of the group announces. The club, which is in its second vear l,f activity. is progressing nicely, · Mr. Gathercoal states. There are twentvf.ve boys who have completed the first model allowed the members, the beginn!ng R. 0. G. flier, while there :.tre twenty others who are still working on their first machine, which takes !ts name from the first principle of airplane 1--uilding-rise off the grou!ld. This model must take off, land, and remain in the air a definite length of time before it is passed as satisfactory ~nd the maker is atlowed to pass on to a more complicated model. Four of the club members have started on their endurance tractor, the ~econd model in the step of progrt"ssion. Th:s model is worthy of entering inter -club. inter-city, and. inter -n:ttional competition. Three of this group of fliers will accompanv the team to \Vaukega:t , the entrant ~ to he determined after the local tournament s~t urday. Club members may acquire four licenses which designate hi s ahility as a maker and flyer of model airplanes. Before he may change from one plane to anoth~i he must make the first plane make a credible flight. For the R. 0 . G. a flight of twenty-five seconds is required and corresponding flights for the other planes. \Vhen .1 boy flies a plane made by himself ~ ~ .irty seconds, he is entitled to a junior pilot's license. When he ha s flown a model one minute he i'> a junior industrial pilot. When he makes his plane do a three-minute flight, he is a transport pilot. To become an ace. a boy must fly a scale model of so:ne plane thirtv seconds. The hov who lllakcs the record flight of the mont!1 is the lone f'agle of the club. The \Vilmette Aero club is ope n to all boys of the village over t\\'elve years d age who arc intere ~ ted in moclel airplane construction and flight. Ken neth E. Brubaker is instructor of the club. Paul H. Seymour's lecture on contract Next Monday evening will be the bridge last Friday evening at the last possible chance to register for the Shawnee Country club and this is her Contract bridge class, Recreation auaccount of it: thorities announce. 1\nd ,next FriIf I bid three hearts after my part- dav afternoon will be .the last possible ner's bid one spade. or vice versa, it chance to enter the · Auction bridge may mean: class. "Gee, that's swell. Glad you got The first of the series of six lessons spades . . , Now, .if we only had clubs in these two bridge classes were held and diarh6nd·s we'd go no trump ." 011 Monday evening and Friday aft~r Or it may mean.: noon rep~ctively this week. The hours "Look at that goof I've got for a of the class meetings are 8 o'clock for partner. Guess I'd better play all the the evening meeting and 2 o'clock for hands to keep him from messing things the Friday aft.ernoon meeting, at the up." \Vilmette Women's club. Or it may mean: Attendance for the first meeting of If you have the seven tricks ~·ou the cont~·act class exceeded the "'Xshould have held for an initial bidand if you haven't prepared yourself pectations of the Recreation workers, for extreme unction before the eve- who juding by the enrollment cards ning's over-I've got some extra aces returned to the office, had prepa!"rd up my sleeve-something about normal ior fifteen tables and seven more tah·e s expectancy should go in here - and had to be set tt.P hastily after the class Registrations with your spade and my four aces we tnemhers had. arrived. might make game and get an extra haYe heen received for four more tabies ht:ndred twenty-five and if we do that and, in order to accommodate the late often enough our hard work maybe comers, a resume of the first night's ,yjli. be rewarded with a lovely pink lesson will be made hut this practice wilt not be continued aiter MondaY ash tray for a prize." evening c\nd unless enrollment is macl.~ Or it mav just mean: "Alpha Beta Kappa Gamma Delta then, applicants will be denied entranct.· in the class. The fee for the ent;re Dl:lta Sigma Theta Chi Pi." course will be charged those who want That last is the stenographer's version. Poor soul. Always playing to enter for the first time Mond ~:1. \'. bridge a Ia Robert Benchley, her chief This action will also be confirmed · ~~~ asset at a bridge party and the only the afternoon class. Following principles described by reason for such invitations being ex· tended her was to help picK: up the Paul H. Seymour of the Chicago Dail~· JPNIOlt CAL END:\ U d<.:bris after some husband happened ~ ews and. \\'idcly known bridge auSntunlny. Ff'brunrr 1:; to draw his wife for a partner, a battle thority, Helen Hyde Carter of Win R :30 n . m .-Wilmette Peewet-s, lighthistoric, and classic in all languages. netka, bridge expert, author and W (·i~ ht:s, middl ewe i~hts and h eavyHO\vever, she isn't disparaging to teacher, outlined the principles of conw eight hnslc etball teams of boys Ys.1 K e nilworth, at Kenilworth. Mr. Seymour. She could hardly be. tract to the class members Mond:1v ~fOIHJny. February 1i The president of the National Auction <:vening. Her first lecture dealt w:th 3 :30 p. m.- Wilmette Peewee and Bridge in stitute, bridge editor of the the "one-bid" and the "take out." The lightw· ight boys' basl<etball t <'ams Chicago Daily News, author of five next lecture in the contract series "ill Y_t;. Ni<'hols. Howard ~ymnasium. books on auction bridge alone, revisor t<~. kc up the difficult "no trump" and the 'l'uf'Stlny. February 1R 3:30 p . m.-Wilmet te middl ewt'ight of Hoyle's book of games, widely bidding connected with it. and heavyweight boys' basketball known lecturer and radio lecturer, The first lesson in the auction seric~ teams \ ' S. Nichols. At NicholR. might be expected to know bridge. tu be held this afternoon at 2 o'clork 3 :30 p. m.-Girls' intramural ha~l<etball le-a~uf'S. f::ixth, seventh and Evidently he does. Helen Hyde will deal with the fundamental e- ighth ~rnflf's. Stolp gymnnsium. Carter, north shore expert on bridge principles of bridge and respective ~ :~0 p. m.- Girls' intramural hasl< etand popular tournament player, says value of hands. hall lNl~uNt Sixth, seventh and he does. And she ought to know. She 1 t>ig·hth ~ranes. Howarn gymnasium. Mrs. Carter is a former resident 0i ~ft>dnN<dny, Jo'ebrunry 19 plays bridge pretty well her. elf. In vVilmctte and in addition to the popu~<tr :} :~0 p. m .-Boys' intramural bn~ket fact, she is the teacher chosen by the itv of her classes on the north sh.- r e hn.ll games. Fifth, sixth, seventh Wilmette Playground and Recreation has won "ide acclaim by playing- in :11111 <' ighth grafles. Stolp and Howhoard to conduct the series o( six !,ridge tournaments. She is a pupil of a l'd ~vmnasium. Thurs~ny. FPhrunry 20 lessons on auction and contract bridge \Vilbur C. \Vhitehead and otl:f>f 3 :30 p . m .-Girls' intramural basl,etalreadv begun at the Wilmette vVom- famous authorities. ha l1 le:l_;!"Hes. f::ixth, S<'Y<'n th and an's club. Her comment on ~1 r. Sevt·i~· hth gTadt_·s. Tfowanl gymnasium . mnur's lecture was: . 3 ::W p . m.-Girls' intramural ha ~ I\Pt.!\lEN'S VOLLEYBALL hall 1C :1g'Ut:'R. Sixth, Mventh ;wtl ' '\~ ery g-ood and very interesting. Tt napti!'lt (9, 15, 15) St. Jo~eph (15, 1, 61 eighth grades. Stolp gymnasium. ccrtainlv shows that contract is reachFrank Guthridge Peter Wagne r }'rl·lny, f'ebruary 21 Peter Bohnen ing a 1;opularity never dreamed pos- \\ alter H:uu; 3:30 p . m. - Roys' intramurnl h:1sl< e-tArt Youngberg Ed Phillips sible when· it was originated." hall. Fifth, sixth, Reventh aP.l < ~eo rge Williams Alx Hoffman t:' ighth grades. Howard and ~tolp All of which goes t-o shO\\' the poor Earl McDow James Hoffman gymnasiums. stenographer is out of her element Lawrence Weiss JUNIOR BOYS' CAGE LOOP Snturdny. Fl'brnary 2t G. W. Gathercoal, referee ABC'R (4!!) Junior A ces (19) at~1ong bridge experts. The lecture S ::10 p. m.- Kenilworth Pt'eWt:'<'f:, li~ht :hob \Vat ~> rs Sherwood Palmer weights. middleweights nnfl henvvwas supposed to be on the suhject. Joe Gathercoal Howard \Villiams Avenue Pharmacy Ridge Electric weight bnRI<etball teams \'s. \Yll"An Easv Transition From Auction to lUdge Jack Lorenz Arnold Lind"'trom (14, 5) (16, 15) nwtte. Howat d gymnnsium. Harry Clark Sh rwood Nel~on Contract. Bridge," but the only transi- Clarence Steffens Dan I. Davis Clarence Steffens H e nry Specht Jacob Hoffman tion the stenographer sensed was 3 Joe Kraft CE!cil William~ Bayliss Wolff A 'lthony Shinler Elmer Hacker g-radual dissolvement of all the brain Harry HoO\'t' r, r eferee Peters Art Hacker 1\Ien's Cage l'ltnndlngs Methodists (12) Bruins (50) et·lls to a liques.cent state romposerl Ray Steffens William Shinier Won Lost Pet. Gt:>orge \Vaidner Claude Hill G. W. Gathercoal, referee .. . 12 0 1000 o£ two parts of hydrogen and one part Joe Gathercoal Presbyteri<l.n, I Norton Kaufman ... 10 1 909 of oxygen. Ja ck Lorenz Sdmltz & Nord Carl Nordberg The Airplane Builders Enter W aukegqn Event SPORT CALENDAR Saturday, February U 2 p. m.-Tryouts for Aero club team for Waukegan · tournament. Stolp gymnasium. Monday, February 17 7 :30 p, m.-Basketball for women. Stolp gymnasium. 7:30 p. · m.-Volleyball for men. Howard gymnasium. 8 p. m.-Contract bridge dnss. Men n..Dd women. Wilmette Woman's clpb. Tuesday, February 18 7 :30 p, m. 1 Basketball fot: women. Stolp gymnasium. 7:30 p. m.- Girls' gymnasium class and athletic club meeting. Howard gymnasium. Wfdnesdny, February 19 6:40 p . m.--Swimming for women. Sovereign hotel. 7 o. m. - Basketball for men. Howard gymnasium. ·7 p . m.-Basketball for men. Stolp gymnasium. Thursdlly, February 20 13 ::W p. m.- Aero club meeting, Stolp :::YmnaRium and Central school manunl training room. 7 p . m.-Junior Boys' basketball league. Stolp gymnasium. 7:30 p. m . -Women's gymnasium class. J loward school. l'rldny. Fc-brunry 21 2 p. m.-Auction Bridge cla ss. Wil. m cttP Woman's club. 7 p, m.- Junior Police .fl. thletic hour. TT j .wa rd gymnasium. 7 : ~0 p. m .-Roxing and wrestling clnss. Howard gy;nnasium. 8 p. m. - Men's gymnnRium r lass. TJowanl gymnasium. 8 : ~0 p. m.- Married Co upl~>s' Dancin~ cla:,;s. H,tolp ~mnasium. Saturdn·:r. February 22 10 :~0 p . m .-1\Jodel aiq~lnne tournament, \Vihn ette vs. Wauk Pg~u1 PlaygJ'OttlHl nn d Recreation hoard. \Vn ukPgan. Recreation Board What ·This Is All about Sounds Last Call The office stenographer down at the for Bridge Class Recreation board was sent to cover Maybe the Scribe Knows f I Joe Berol Winifteld Rogers Jack Oglesbee C'Pcil Williams John Osborne Fost r Gilgis Sherwood Palmer Hoover, referee Hot ShotR (27) 'Vlldcats (14) Joe Kr :tft John Sanderson John Jordan Hob He~s Bob Youn~berg Adam Bernardi Hay StPffens Harry Baidwin Lawn·ne·· :\[eHnle harlt-s Fog lsong Jack Frost Hoover, referee Junior Boys' 'fl'Pm ~huullngs Won Lost Pet. Bruins ..................... 2 0 1000 Hot Shots .. . . .·.. .. .2 0 1000 ABC's . . ........ 2 0 1000 Junior Aces . . . . . . . . . . (I 1 OliO 'Wild<;ats . . .. .... . ..... . . 0 1 000 Junior Aces . .. ..... .. . 0 1 000 :\1 ethodist .10 2 State Bank .. 9 St. Joseph ....... 6 English Lutheran ...... .. 3 l'resbyterhn, II 5 Wolff-Griffis ........ 4 ~chneider's Bootery . . .... . . 3 Ridge Pharmacy ......... . a Junior A. C. . .. ..... . ... . .. 2 Thrift Club .......... . ..... 0 ~ 5 4 812 750 544 423 7 8 9 9 10 5 416 333 250 250 200 000 HORSESHOE S1,ANDINGS Won Lost Pet. Cym Class .... .... 8 3 726 Wilmette Grocery .. . ..... 8 3 726 ::\1 ethodist!'l ...... ......... . .. 7 4 li34 Rt. Johns .. .. ...... .. 7 ..... . 6 4 600 Congregational . ...... .. . . .. 6 5 542 I. 0. 0. F., II ... . .......... 4 6 400 St. Johns, Jr. . .. .. .. .. ..... . 2 ·4 333 I. 0. 0. F., I ..... .. ..... .' ... 1 9 100 Gym Clati'3, I (15, 15) Gym Class, II (9, 4) Carl Geppert Joe Converse Arthur Austin Al Tucker \'\'alter Doose Clifton Darling LEAGUE STANDINGS Robert Calvert Won Lost Pet. \Vill Willi:tm~on Clyde Smith Tlllnois .... 2 0 1000 William Haigh Arthur Seddon T~T 1000 2 0 D. C. Stone, referee f'hirago 500 l 1 'XYZ ... .. ..... ... . .. 1 1 500 Yollt>ybn.ll Team Standings N. U . . ........... . . . 0 2 000 Ohio .. 0 2 000 Won Lost Pet. Daptist . . . . . . . . . . . 13 0 1000 TUESDAY NIOUT l\len's Gym, l ............. 10 a 769 J, J:A OTJF. lilT A~ OTNGS I!.idge Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 693 Won Lost Pet. Howard P. T. A . . . .... ... . 8 4 667 nrownle!i . . . ... 2 0 1000 1\len's Gym, II . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 616 llorsefeathen; 1 1 500 Presbyterian, II . . . . . . . . . . , 5 562 O'KayR . ... . 1 1 500 St. Joseph . ............... 5 6 452 RoughnP.cks . . .... . 1 1 500 1\Iethodlst . ............... . 5 7 403 WIHconRin . . . . . ... . .. 1 1 500 Ridge Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 385 I 1ark Horses .............. 0 2 000 Coal Men .. ....... , . . . . . . . 0 1 000 WOMEN~ RASKETRALL ~JONDA Y NIGUT 1 I