February 14, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE $ 53 · St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, pastor · 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 Sen lees Sunday Septuagesima 9 :30 A. M. Sund~y . school and Bible classes. 9 :45 A. M. First service and sermon. 11:00 A.M. Second service and sermon. sermon: "Choosing the Better Part," Luke 10, 38-42. ARE YOU BUSY? Are you sufficiently occupied in following your vocation and avocations so that time does not hang heavy on your hands? Did you come to Wilmette originally for the purpose of finding added duty and responsibility to satisfy a jaded longing for more activity? Are you afflicted with enforced idleness at times as a result of lack of definitely assigned obligations? ·Without question, the individual resident of Wilmette is a busy, preoccupied person who would gladly welcome any reasonable plan whereby he might economize in time. The citizens of our village are discovering such a scheme in the realization that one's personal efficiency- and therefore one's personal freedom - may be greatly enhanced by the devotion of one hour a week to church attendance. Properly utilized, that one hour vvill yield greater returns than any other hour of the week-a perspective of the past week and an inspiration toward a more effective week ahead-association with the friends and neighbors whose friendship is invaluable but otherwise neglected- and the personal reception of the inestimably helpful guidance and benediction of a Heavenly Father who rejoices in our presence in His house . · :Meetings FridaY and Saturday, February 14-15: Play by the Y. P4 S. Monday at 7 :45: Choir rehearsal Wednesday at 4: ClassP.s for children. Thursday, 5 :30-6 :30: ~upper given by Ladies' Aid . Thursday at 8: Men's Club, addre~s on Present Russia. · Friday at 7:45: .Junior Young People. Raturday at 9: Classes for children. ~aturday at 2: District League Com·ention at Arlington Heights. There are two ways of sE>ning Chri:::;t. OnP is by sitting at His feet listening· to His gr~cious message of salvation, thE' other i:::; by presenting to Him materia 1 offerings of our love. Neither Rervicc dare be neglected. Each has its proper time. Whep the Lord calJs to wor:::;hip we are to be found in HiR house to feed our souls with His divine Wonl, wh (· n He calls to work we are to go out in faith using our material gifts for His glory and the welfare of HiR churdt. This proportionate giving of ourselves to the care of our souls and th e dispensing of our gift~ is the subject of a notable lesson by our Lord in the hom(' of Mary and 1\:[attha in Bethany. You art> itwitec1 to the service at St. .John's on Runday in which the pastor will preach fl sermon on : "Choosing the Better Part." At the reque:::;t of the congrf'ga 1ion which held its meeting la:::;t Tuesday ev"ning the call to the executive :::;ecrHnryshiJ> of the Lutheran Laymen's leag-11e PXtPnded to the Rev. Herman W. Mever was declined. Pastor Meyer will th(:rE'· f o t· continue to serve St. John's. A party was tendered Miss Electa Austin, organist and choir director at St. .John's; by the members of the choir on Monday evening last; there were thirtv mPmbers present, the seat::> of honor being occupied by Miss Austin and her fiance, Paul Earl Gamron. During the course of the banqt,Jet the bride ani! groom to be were prt>sent<'d with a silv<>r meat platter and two silver vegetnhlc dishes as a mark of regard on their approaching marriage. A suppet· will be given hy . the Laclit·s Aid of St. John's at the Sundav f'('hool roor:n ~n 'rhur:::;day evening, February 20, begmnmg at !) :30 o'clock. Immediat ely aftet· the su pper the ladl e!> are giving ~~ brief program. which will b e cotwludr(l b<'fore 8 o'clock. .. The Men's club is having its monthly meeting on Thursday evening February 20, at 8 o'clock. C. P. DeBlum~nthaJ, who during the revolution escaped from Russia with hi s family coming to the United States by way of Siberia and China, will speak on past and present conditionA in the land of Bolshevism. Thi s will ue a highly interesting lecture in view of prt>Hen t developments in Hussin, E.'specially the religious persecutions. At its last meeting the congregatiou adopted a resolution authorizing the church council to formulate a plan for the liquidation of the entire indebtedneR~ of St. John's within the next three years. Another resolution was adopted by whidt the church council is to devise wavs and means for the housing of the Sunday school which has outgrown its presen.t quarters. Good Preaching, Good Music Good Fellowship Morning Worship at 11 Directory of Churches: The F~rst Methodist Church Lake and Wilmeur A nnurs Rev. H oract G. Smith F~rst Congregational Church Rtf). Vere V. Lopn Lake and Wilmrttr Avrnocs · The F~rst Presbyterian Church Ninth .Street and Grrenleaf A vrnur Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland Wilmette Eqlish Lutheran Church Grrrnltaf Avenue and Seventh Strett Rtf). Carl I. Empwn Kenilworth Union Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert L. Willett minister The subject of Dr. Willett's sermon for s.unday morning, February 16, at 11 o clock, will be "Two Anniversaries." Church School with classes for all ages meets at 9 :45 A. M:. . Come to the You;;, People's gathering ~unday evening. A light supper is served at 6 and the meeting follows. The Ladies Guild invites all of the women of the church and community to C0me to its weekly meetings h eld each l\tonday morning at 10 in the Guild room. On Wednesday e~ning, February 19, Dr. Willett will give the ~eventh of his ~"~<·ries of lectures on "How the Blble qrew." The subject for this one is "Bibh('al Romnnces." St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmettr and Park Avrnurs The Wilmette Baptist Church Forrst and Wilmettf Avenues Rev. George D. Alli1on Rev. Herman W. Mtytr St. Augustine's Episcopal Church r 140 Wilmtttt Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton Published bu the lntt~church Advrrtiling Committt~, Wilmette Church Ftderation