Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1930, p. 52

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W I L M E T T E. L I F E February 14. 1930 !JeWs of Interest to Church-Goers of Our Village Baptist Church \VIlmette and Forest avenues The Re\·. George D. Allison, pastor The theme for the Sunday morning worship service at 11 o'clock will be "The Ministry of Beauty to Religion," the sermon being given on that subject by Rev. Ge-org~ D . Allison. Two beautiful and unu:-;ual numbers will be given by the ehnir, under the direction of Madame Gilderoy Rcott, "The Carol of the Russian hlldren" by Gaul and "Glorious Fore\'er" by Rachmaninoff. There will he a childt·en's story on the boyhood of \\' al'hi ngton. . 'The dt'partnwnt:-; ··f the <"hurdl Sunday school m<'et at 9 ::lO o'clock for worl'hip and in~truetion. Interest is e,·ident in thi~ JI:Ht of our church ~chool curriL'Uium and we would like to s ee all our ehureh mcmbers ancl frieuds mu·ticipating in its program. Then· will he no m (:'e ting- of the .Juni.ll' StJ(·iety. "Tiw Busy Ruzz(>rs" this Sunday -th<·y will mt't't at 7 o'docl< \Veclnesc1ay t-\'enillg- in ChildrPn':-; hall. following the t'hureh dinner. The Y11Uill!' People':-; :-;odd v will m ee t on ~unday at 5 :ao o'clo(·k for ·a Jlrogram in charge of the stewardship eommissin!l, Campb<>ll, l<·adt't'. \Yt> extt'nd a C'or<lial inYitation to tlw memlwrs of th e Presbytt>dan sodety to mt>et with us. Th(:' se<'ond ~erit>S of our Church :-;c·hool of MisRinns to ))(> held c.n fnu1· s!H'Ct·Rl-iivo \Yed!lf>~llay l'\'enin~s oJWHs 011 \Vednt->sflay t>\'enmg- of tii' Xt wet·k Yr·u ;"trt' iHYitNl to C'Ollll' nnd lHing- with \'ou nil memht' l'" nf th l' fanill._r for the dillllel' at 6 ::30, St'l'\'1'11 hy ::\f0sdam~s Scott and 1 >:t \'is and th .. ir Link mtc·ml.wrs: adult:-; iiO<·, C'hildl'Pll unclet' tweln>, 25c. Link l(>ader:-; an· t·equt'S tP<l tn tun1 in all reser\'ntions hv l\londnv e,·enin~. · · lmnwc1iat(>l~· following th e dinrkl' tlwrc will he clas:-;f>~ for all ag-Ps. The arlults and young Jk'O}>Ie will con:-:ifl<'l' tlw them~. "The ity." ll!Hler the lt'a th·rsh i p of Dr. :\lli1-;on. The lnt t> I'I1Wtlint(·s will use th e h·>nl<. "PiOtH'f'l'S of C:oo<l \\"HI." with l\lr~. 1 r. J . DPrn hl, lt>n<l f'r. Tlw Junior and Primar~· C'hildrt>n will stuch· ;d)(lut "l\f<'xi('ans in tlw Pnitf>d Stat f.s." with Miss Hoose and Mrs. Ding-It>, r ·sppt·th·ely. L~t u:-; enjoy the good fpllnwship of these t'\·enings. The Boat·d of Helig-ious El1ucation meets Tuesday, Ft>bruary IS, in thf' ~tudy at S o'doek. This willJLe an it)1POrtant met'ting and we trust that each m~:mber will IJ p present. On Friday. Ft·hruary 21, the Youug People, will ha\'e their mid-year banquet at 6 o clock. We t:>xpect this to be the finest banquet we ha Ye had. Louis P. .Jt>nsen. dirN:tor of Heligiou~ E<iw.: ation fl)r Chiengo will be the speaker. Members of tlw Couples' class will nh'et Friday in the home of ::\1r. and l\Tr~. .-\. E. G bert, 1526 Greenwoot1 a\'enul', for an eYening of . fellowship. On Saturday, Februarv 1:> the Life Service league of Chicagf) will' hold their annual banquet at the SteYen's restaurant. Members of the Life Senice league will wnnt to attend. Dinner $1.25 per plate. .Jf>an the "Birthday Offering" meeting. Miss Heisted of Marcy center will be the spe~ker. The devotions will be led by Mrs. M., H. Bickham. Tl)e Woman's Home Missionat·y society will meet Thursday at 2 o'clock at thP First Presbyterian WOI\IAN'S CLUB' Tenth street at Greenleaf a venue Wilmette, Illinois The Rev. Clyde Randloph Wheeland, B. D. · · ~inister 815 Greenwood avenue Phone Wilmette 3281 Methodist Church Th £' Senior High lt>agu e will meet at the usual hour of five-thirtv Sundav evening. There will he an unsual program, howeYer, in the form of a play in which seventl members of thE' group will participate. The title of the play is "A C'hild of the Frontier." The Young People's group, led by Theodore Runyan, met for an evening meetin~;:" last Sunday and will do so again 'The February 23. All young people above :~t the high school age are cordially !nvitec't Nun!', to join with this group. · 1\fustc, church. Devotions: Mrs. Carl Zipprich, Reverend and Mrs. Joseph . Sefl of the First Bohemian ch!Jrch of Chicago will be with us and ten of their work. Mrs. "Out of the ashes shall rise a church, ~efl will sing. Hostesses: Mesdames finer In spirit, greater in structure, richer C. A. Lunberg, C. A. Older. A larger in service." attendance is desired. All the services of the church a.nd Sun'{'he mid-week hour of fellowship and day school will be held in the Woman·~ devotion is held each Wednesday night. club at the usual hoUt'S until further There is a fruitful discussion of the notice. "Methods of Pnvat· and Religious Living" followed by a. brief exposition of Sunday, February 16 at the 11 o'cloclc familiar scripture. · morning worship, Dr. Wheeland's sermon topic will b~ "The Friendship of Jesus." The Boy ~couts Tmop 3 will hold :tn open house at the C'lose of thf> st>rYiC'f' on Strangers are welcome in the fellowSu11day morning-. ~ome of the Scouts In ship of our church. All those who have uniform will he in a(t(:'ndanC'f' r<':tdv to no regular place of worship and are withdireC't folkR to their room that i:-: 'now out a local church home are inYited to twarly r.ompletely furnished for their worship with us. In rg-er work. Th Sunday sc-hool meets at !l :30 in Thf> p:-~Rtor's ~('rmon on "f'hapels n·Hl . fi\'e departments with classes for all ages. ~tndimm~" has just heen reprinted i11 ~h e It is our aim to provide Bible study for Epworth Herald. It is a. sermon dellv- every member· of the chut·ch. 'I'Iw Adult, E't'Nl t>specinlly for colleg-e ~tuctent s ·l ast S<'nior, Intermediate and Junior departfall. ments meet in the main auditorium. the Primary in the little auditorium and the .. Thf' !ht>mf' for n(:'xt ~11nnay'~ ~('rmon is Beginners in thf' lounge. Jinye you found Tlw f.:iuprt>m:t<'Y of .Te~us." This ~f'rmon place in the Sunday school? There has ht>('ll lll'f'parNl hv thf' rf'onnst of tlw your is a clags for you . no.nrd of. Foreign l\Jission~ of th<' l\Tethorlt~t EpH><'OJml chUl'<'h, and will he:. rf'Prnyer mrding \Yednef'day e\·f'ning nt pe;ltf'd lntl' l' fnr a confel'<'llC'f' of rnirtist{'rs. 8 o'clock. The f'tudy this week will h e "How We Arrive at the E\·angelical In'l'he following eif,!htc:>f'n nf'w nwmhars terpt·etation nf the BiblP." An examina\\'(:'!'<' rece ivNl into thP fplJnwship of tl1e tion of the nwthod used at our prayer l·hnt·ch lnst ~nmlny mo1·ning-: m eet ing studies. An interpretation · to 1\frs. 'V. J . Chapmnn- 2214 C'hPstnnt meet adequat(:'ly our advancing scientific n ':f' ntrl': 1\~r. anti Mrs. Blmor naviel'-1, nnr1 knowledge. You will enjoy this hour of M1ss Harnet and l\1isR N<>sta DaYiNl- 721 fellowship. 1fnf'l<>nn ro:1d. Kf'nilworth: 1\frR. M:ll"' E. Fnwl t>r - 1607 Forf'st :lYf'llll~>: ~Tr. nnrl Communion of the Lord's snptwr anfl l\fr~. F . C:. TToug-hton - :11!i Bl~>\'f\nth ~tr"t>t: rPcf>ptinn of new m(:'mbers into the ehurch ~rr. ancl 1\frs. John D . Kinnenl·-2241 will he held next ~unday. Now i:;; th L' C:hef:tnut nvenue: 1\f1·. anrl Mrs. Lf)ni.;; time to nrrange for your 1·eception into 'F' .·~arl,er nnd Ardis. RrUC'" ancl C'rah ff'll<":vship of the church. P0'l,er- .n-t Laurf'l nv<'nue: 1\rr. nnd 1\'Tr~ the The Pastor's class for instnwtion in " ~J(lf'mar ~chulthf'is-414 Mnpl., a\'E'llllt; the principles of <'hureh membership m rf' t~ 'lncl :\Tr~ . K TrHld Whf't' lf'r - 2~1!\ Lirl('oh~ at 10 a. m. ~undays in th<' ~outlt clo.t k Rtreet, EvanRton. room of the ch!.l). You will b r Wf'lcomf' Parent~ should (>Jlroll their ehilf1r<'n anrl tenchers should see that this importnnt step is brought bdore their scholars for decision. The Christ inn Bndeavor socif'ty will meet at 5 :30 p. m. Boy ~cout Troop !l tnf'et~ rf'!!ul:nh· Thursday evening!": at 7 :30 in the Eng-lish Luthern.n ehurch at SeYenth and C: r(>enlea f a w·nues. Peniel Community Center auxiliarv C'or. (1reenleaf aVf'nUP and ~eventh stt·eet m£>mberships will be received during th~ Carl I. Empson, pastor month of February by Mn;. Elmt-r G. Berol, 41 ·~ Gregory ayenue. Phone Wil~eptnn.Jr.-slmft. Sumln,· mette 2530. '· noughly "Seventieth Day" he fore Eal'-lt er) Followin~ is the musical program for ~erviC'e~ !\ :4!l A. 1\f. Runday R~hn()l (Junior to February 16: Li~zt Adult department). Walter Relsn~r Prelude, "Liebestraum" .. . . . general !'lunerlntendent. · ' Anthem, " I Have Longed for Thy Salvation" (Stabat Mater) ... . _ :Rossini 11 :00 A. !\f. Sunday RCh()o} (BPg-inners and Primary). Mrs. Carl I. Empson Anthem, "Lord of Host~" . arr. bv Burney sunerlntendent. ' Offt"rtory Duet, "Power Eternai" (Stabat Mater) ... . . . .. .. ... ... . . Rossini 11 :0?, A. J\f. Morning- Worship. ~ermnn Miss Bushouse and ~rs. Gannon 'l'he ResurrePtion." ' 7 :45 P. M .. Rundny Evening C'lub New Po~tlude, "March" 'l'rier H1gh school. · (G minor Suite) . . . . . . . Rogers 8 :00 P. M. Luther leag-ue. Home of The Choir Lucille Dahlberg, 419 Grf'gory avenue. ~atherine Dushouse, ~oprano; John B. Mtller, tenor; RoRe Lutiger Gannon, conThe Women's MiR~ionarv ~oci(:'tv will tralto; Edward Otis. bass: Erma Rounc'ts meet ThurRday afternoon, · February 20 organist and director. ' n,t the home of Mr~. Gustav Buchholz. ~25 Our Missionary ( entral avenue. Friends of the congreMiss Rachel C. Mitchell, Fatehgarh, J!a.tion are urged to join In this fellow- rndia. Rhtp. served by the Northwest circle at 6 :30 o'clock. The program has been planned to interest all of the members of the church who are eager for the church and church school to influence the children and young people. Parents of children who have attended or are attending the church school, men and women who are in favor of the good which our modern religious education program Is doing for the youth wlll all be interested. Miss Webster and Mr. Mead will present the changes which have taken place in our approach to the religious development of children. This will be followed by a discussion, led by Dr. Loper. about "The Part Parents Play." Mn;. Marguerite C. Taylor is continuing hE-r series of lectures on "Interior Decorating," which are given in Pilgrim hall on Friday mornings at 10 :30 o'clock. The third lecture, to be given February 21. will be on "Decorating and Furnishing Problems." This subject will bP continued on the following Friday morning, and the fifth lecture will be devoted to a :-;turly of tE'xtiles. Tickets m:w be purchased for separate lectures. The series is J:!'iYen under the auspices of the Enst End circlt>, of which Mrs. Ralph E. Pottet· is chnirm'an, and the proceeds will go to the btl ilding- fund. · The Rovs' cluh. for boys of prc-Srout age, meE>ts regularly at the C'hurC'h nt 3 :30 on Monday, under the dirPction of .T. C' . l\feac1. The boys have b"(>ll mal<in~ !'~port scra1,:. bool<s. showing the \'arious gnm t>s which are plavNl in this countrv. These be sent t~ boy~ of the sa n~e ;1ge in otht>r· C'otmtries. and return scrap hooks are t>Xr>ected telling of th gamPs \Vhich foreig-n boyR play. From now nn there will atso bt> certain Saturday activitie~ . most of them out of door~ . On Snturday, F.,hruary HI, the boys will take a nature hil<e to the Forest Pr(:'Sf'n·e , whe r e they will C'Ook a meal ovf'r an open fi1·e . The hil<e will start at !l :~0 ~aturc'la.v morning from th e C'httrC'h. Althoug-h mo~t of thP hoy~ attf'mled the church ~chool. nH:> mh e r~hiJl in th£> club i!'-1 not restricted to ehureh ~f'hnol nwmhers. ""ill On Frrc1ay, February 7. the mt>mhers of th o \\'ekr:tC':t fila ra mpfire group had an . - informnl pnrt:v :-~t.ilH· home of .Tfl'l<' Tlorsting. 110~ Elmwood nvt>nue. They had plnmwrl a sl\ating pnrt:v. hut as thP went h('l' wns not favorable. thev had n Valf'ntinf' pnt't:v instencl. Fourteen out of the nint>t,en r:irls were present, anc1 P\'et·vone hnrl a good time. The gToun e_xpeds to have many more such goon ttmt?l' wo,·en in with their work. Entlish Luthernn St. A utu~tine's Next Sunday, February 16, will be Septuag-esima Sunday, Reventy days before Raster. There wBI be Holy Communion At 8 o'clock in the morning. Church schools and bible cla~ses will commence at 9 :45 o'clock, ~nd morning prayer with address will be at 11 o'clock. St. Augustine's Boy Scout Troop No. 4 celebrated Boy Scout week with a fnther's and mother's banQuet in the Club house last night, followed by an enterl::tinment by the boys in the Parish House. . The newly elected vestry for 1930 h eld Its first meeting WedneRday evening in the church assembly rooms. The women of the Asso<'iated guilds held a very successful charity bridge for church charities in Chicago. at the home of Mrs. Perry Smithers, 711 Lake avenue, last Monday afternoon. The Boy Scout troop of St. Augustine's wm attend church In a body at 11 o'clock Sunday when the rector wlll give a special address. . Cho!r meetR -;.ery Friday evening chureh at 7 :45 o'clock. Harry R of Northwel"tern Conservatory of is the director. · Congregational Church Vere V. Loper, minister Eliza beth B. Webster, director of religious education The' subject of the sermon which Dr Loner will preach next Sunda.y is "Th~ RPtigion ot Action." Th~ service of worship is held at 10 :45 A. M. ., This church cooperates in the Sunday Unchurched Familiel'-1 are Invited to E\'ening club which will meet this week worship with us. We welcome you to our chur.~h. in the New 'l'r!er High school auditorium. The Day of Prayer, an annual meeting Branson De Cou Will show his "Dream Pictures of Northern Wonderlands of the (\f the Protestant women of ~lmette wtll ~lidnight Sun" with musical aecompani- be held In our church this year on March 7. beginning at 2 P . M. ment. Eleven O'clock Sunday school for the The annual "Dutch Dinner," spon~orf'd beginner and primary chtldren Is for the <'?nvenlence of parents of small children. by the Third division, will be served next Monday evening at 6:30. Any mem- J arentR are sensitive about their little bers of the division will be Yery glad to folk. They are afraid of disturbing people by bringing them to the services of reeeive your reservations. worship. This need no longer keep you The First division will have a special at home. Bring the children turn them meeting next W~dnesday at 10:30 at the over to the primary superintendent and God without a worry or a' care home of Mrs. C. A. Lundberg, 1010 Elm- worship as far as the children are concened. wood a \'enue. Eac.ll member Is asked to They, too, wltl be benefiting through your bring her own lunch. attendance and are as safe as in your own home. To be sure, parents who canThe Wesleyan Service guild wlll meet not come to church, may send their chilTuesday evening at 8 o'clock tn the Wom- dren it they cannot arrange to come with an's room of the church. Thla will be them. First Evantelical 886 Elm street, Winnetka Roy A. Thompson, pastor 9 :30 a. m. Sunday school. Primary, Junior and Intermedinte de· Sermon partlllents of the Church school will meet 11 :00 a. m. Morning worship. by the pastor on "The Power of the at 9 :30 A. ~. : Cradle Roll and Beginners Apostolic Message." depnrtments at 10 :45 A. M.. continuing 5 :00 p. m. Young People's meeting. until the close of the worship service: The Rev. and the Senior department and Forum 7 :45 p. m. Gospel service. H. 0. T. Burkwall of the British and for Adults at 12 o'clock. Foreign Bible society of Canton, China, wlll speak on "The Bible in The Neighborhood circle will hold an the World." atl-day me~tlng on Tuesday at the homE> of ~rs. J. Melville Brown, 99 Rob!'lart llonday, Febnary 17 road, Kenilworth. Mrs. M. H. McMillen S :00 p. m. South China Boat Mlsston and ~rs. J. C. Crossley of Wilmette wm annual meeting. Message by the be the assisting hosesses. Rev. William McCarrell of Cicero. T11·rsd·ay, Febnary to Wednesday, February 19, ts the night 8 :00 p. m. ~id-week service. Bible for the monthly pa.rish dinner. It will be study. Sunday, Febnary 11

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