February 14, 19Jo WILMETTE ILLUSTRATE PLAY The girls and boys of Howard eighth grades have ?e~? illustrating the "Merchant of Vemce on large pictures of a scene, on a st:ege setting. Most of us ,have been makmg- stage settings beca use they are more fun to ma ke. We h ave been working- on th.em for about a month but they must b e fini shed by W ednesday. -Margery Taylor, SA Howard. Sine~ th e begi n~in.g of schoo l in Sep: LIFE 51 JUNIOR LIFE ' (Continued from preceding page) Largtat M aker1 pi Oil Burn,ta in the World Fast Ride Behind Car Rough But Lots of Fun One day when I was over to a bov's hou Re his big brother pulled us on the back of hi::s car. He went on a side street where the snow was d ee p. We wen? going at a good rate of speed when we hit a ~no w bank and fell head first in the snow. We got up and starte<l off :1ga ln. Soon we got to a street that was icy. 'Ve ::;kidded and slipped and one time ~ rlded and hit a snow bank 1 was on th e end and I s lid off and fell head first in the snow bank. Then I :sa t down and waited. Pretty soon they ca me back and 1 got on and we went hom· \ wet and cold and happy. -Carl Frankell, 6B Howard. SILE Evanston Show Room IJTOMATIC Ask a Uur-H e Can Tell You goo LINDEN AVE. THE NOISELES!» OIL BUI\NEI KEEP 'l' A 1UH ES DOWN tembe! l\Irs. Jones eighth grade has onl v had eJ..~ht tardy mark:-:. f;o fat' we have the le:;!st tard1 ma rk:;; of any grade in the sch?ol. V\ e hope we can keep it up and this semester not h a\'(· any tard y marks. -Marjorie W edell, Hubbard Woods Show Room. Winnetka 6so Greenleaf· 0700 . t61o SHERMAN AVE. Greenleaf ,.811 I Early Birds Harbingers of Approaching Spring Lately I have seen many bir<'ls, some returning from the South, Rome that havt> stayed here all wint er. This morning I saw a blue jay fluttering- in a tree ('alling ".Joy! .Joy!" as if h e was expecting a relative from the South. I thh~k that most of the hard winter is over for the birds. Pretty soon we will be ahle to see flocks of them coming- fmm the f;outh. I hope I will be able to see quitE<t few of them pretty soon. -Frances Rapp, 6A Howard. Now you can put vegetables in wilted... and take thetn out crisp! The Frigidaire Hydrator restores freshness and flavor to wilted vegetables and keeps them fresh until served. See it at our showroom today. Central SC Takes Cage Championship From SB ch~1mpwnsh1p. It was an a nd 5C ~efeated 5B. Two f'ent:al 5!J played Central 5C for th e exciting- ganw of 5B's players were .m iss ing. The scot·e wa s 4 to 1. Th e hn eu p was as follows for 513: c'nter,. Charles Soule: right g'ua rd. Bill Spmney: left guard, Evan l\kllraith: ng-ht f0rward, Henry South"·icl<, nnrl left forward, Jack Randall. - Rill Spinney, 5B Stnlv. f'OUUTESY RRWA RDJo;D One da~ I was riding in the bus d0wnt o.w n, wh1ch was going to the :Mars hal l Freid . store. I saw a little girl come in ~~d Sit down on the on'!y seat there was . t. Pretty soon some more people ca nw 1!1 and . the bus got very crowded. 'flw littl e gn·l offered her sea_t to the first l:~dy who came in and that lady was ~o ~~ce that she made that littl e girl sit wn betwf'en her and th e other person. r thought that was very nice nf th~n 1 l )(·th. - Lois Jane nobe1·ts, 6B Howard . · k ~ nd m provicling us with a section ·of . Th WRITE FOR ,JUNIOR LIFE e. ' V ILMETTE LIFE has been ow.n. very Although the J UNIOR LIFE is Yt t quJt~ young it is very large comPared With the first issues When the JUNIOR I .-IFE fi rst. started it. was mostly th e se_venth and e ighth grad ers who gave n1aterJal ~·Ut n~IW many of the lower frade PUPils Write articles. Besides see1 _1g you.r nam~ in print you get theater ~~c~ets 1f you r s is among the twenty best <~rt1c l <.·s .:orne week. -Reginald G r een, Howard SA. 6t\ YISITS AltT INS 'riTTTTE A Th~·r~~ay, January 30, 6A went to the vJt l~StJtute to see some old Greek art. o~r e .·1w, a statue that wa::; ca rved in C. Then we went to a case that ~. o" ed Gref' k pottery and we saw a ~~"~v that was made in 1400 B. C. Then· . e~lt to a case and saw some Greet\ 1esi!rns, some of which we use toda < All of the children had a nice time I a~~ sure. -Gerald Spinner, 6A Howard. ]'> hoo ,n. The Hydrator is a marvelous new, moist· air compartment that is now standard equipment on all household Frigidaires. And it provides an invaluable extra service. It makes celery brittle and delicious. It adds a new crispness to lettuce. It gives tomatoes the freshness and flavor of tomatoes still on the vine. · Once you see what it does you'll marvel that a device so simple can mean so much in the kitchen. You'll marvel too, at the speed with which you can freeze desserts with the famous "Cold Control." And you'll be de· lighted with the many other features that Frigidaire offers. See the complete demonstration now going on atourdisplayrooms· JU~IOR POLICE NEWS s .~he .Tumor Police force at Howard . c ool has been :shortened bec·wse so ~a~y of th e J_unior: Police quit. 'n~ward , at ted ouL With mneteen Junior Police~;n and no": have twelve. Our prin c ipa l, fiv~ Todcl, smd. that he would rath er have who good Jumor Policemen than twenty Gathe~id not do their work well. Ira p p r · coal is head of all of the Juni or 0 Ice and h e heads it well. - Gerald Spinner, 6A Howard. FRIGIDAIRE STOVER CO. ··· with the HYDRATOR ROUGH RIDING b' One day I was going to school on my I I cy~ l e and there was ice on the street tried to go fast for I thought I woulcl be late for school but I couldn't bec::w se th~ street wa,:;; too slippery. I slipped qmte a few times before I got to school and I am not going to ride my bicycle to school any more until the streets are clear of ice. --Alfred Anderson. Jllchlgan Ave. at Randolph St., (11)1 N. Michigan Ave.) Randolph 4100 Hubbard Woods · 890 Linden An. Evanston · · 1681 Sherman Ave. Winnetka till! Greenleaf 4480 Public Service Company Jllghland Park · !8! Central An. Of Northern Illinois Jllghllllld Park 160 At; aU their oftlces