Febqtar.y 14, 1930 WILMETTE' LIFE _ -· THE EVANSTO:N . ST 0 R E Q .c it~· H UR c .u · AN o· SHE R 1ft A lW . · '. . ' MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANY Store hours:. weekdays, 9 A.l\1. ·to 6 ' P.M. Saturdays, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M ·· Telephone: Greenleaf 6600 · I Save money · · · shop in Februar1 durin~ the Sales and Sellin~s · · · FURNITURE .. . every piece on the fifth floor is specially priced for the entire month. Unique values. SHOES ... the new · arrivals· for Spring, as well as our entire regular stock for men., women and children, specially priced. O~ersalescontlnueto ·Utilize the services of our Beauty Salon Manicuring, finger waving, water waving, permanent waving, facials, haircutting ... powder blending, etc. Personally supervised by Mrs. Stade . .Call for appointments, Greenleaf 6600. Ask for the Beauty Salon; or come .in when shopping in the store. On the third floor. Lo-wer Floor Newrs ··· Many new and attractive pieces of stemware, art objects and lamps just arrived. Come in and see them soon! . )trove their drawing power domestic rugs stemware dinner sets upholstery and drapery fabrics lamp shades photograph frames nursery furniture infants' apparel layettes gloves Field's special hosiery tub. frocks jersey and rayon undergarments I . ) , Important reductions in Men's Madras and Broadcloth Sh.irts during the February Selling