42 · WILMETTE LIFE February 14, 193(} College Players Present Play· for Children February 15 "Penny-Lad, Is ·Play for Children Produced Feb. 15 BY JEAN TEN BROECK I Dances in Benefit 11~...- Operatic Tenor, Talented Pianist __ B_r_id;_e_t_o_B_e_ _. . .: in Sun. day Musicale Bv a rvadside in Sweden stood. a litd e cabin where dwelt an old blind soldier, his wife. and their little grancl~ 0 n, Ka;-1. Verv little of worldly things came their. way and their only source of livelihood were the nets the old soldier tied and. the few brooms his wife was able to make. In summer a gate crossed the road near the cotta~e and in the cabin door stood Karl who 1 an to open it for travelers who threw him a penny as they passed. With his pennies Karl helped to buy bread for the familv table and because of this manner of earning his coins, his neighbors called him "Penny~Lad." It is this ·story of Karl, his blind old patriot grandfather, his grandmother, the old Swe~ish ~tory of "Bikku Matti," which has ·been dramatized for children of the north shore and those who accomrany them to Harrison hall of the National Kmdergarten and Elementary (OlteRe in Evanston Saturday, February IS. to see the Student Players in their eighth annual performance. The story of the courage of these three and of the braverv of the little lad who faces ridicule ·in his grandmother's skirt in order to realize !lis desire wil1 unfold itself to little children in two performances Saturday. one in the morning at 10 :30, the other a matinee at 2 :15. Twenty - five student players have been bu;ily and enthusiastically re hearsing for the performance which v:ill bring both colorful picturesqueness ~nd charm to the stage and appeal to tbe children and "grown-ups." Miss Clara Belle Baker a-nd Miss Etta Mount are producing the play, Mrs. ~farguerite Calkins Taylor and Miss Dorothy Whitcomb are making the effective ~ cenery, and Miss Nellie Maclennan and Mrs. Sarah J. Conwell are in charge of costumes. The Nvrth Shore Alumnae assoc:ation is sponsoring the performance. as it does each year, and so successfully has this been done that the appearanr.e of the Student Players is one of the events February is certain to bri'lg l'etch season. Mrs. Fred S. Kingore is ~eneral chairman for the day whjch offers more than the showing of the play. From 12 until 2, a Valentine hmche,m will be served to all who make resen·ations by February 15. and the luncheon will be the scene of children's parties. This part of the gala day is in charge of Mrs. Alfred R. Bates. Follow:ng the afternoon performance ice cream and cake will be scn·ed. .Miss Ruth Page, premiere danseuse of the Ravinia Opera company, is appearing in concert Friday evening, February 21, at Skokie school in Winnetka under · the auspices of the \;\/innctka Nursery school board in a program given as a benefit for the X ursery school. Miss Page, who is well known both in social and music circles. is Mrs. Thomas H. Fisher of \\linnetka. Presenting the program with the talented dancer, is Lawrence Loomis. composer of the new opera, "Yolanda of Cyprus," who will play accompaniments for Miss Page, as well as solo numbers. Tickets for the program are on sale at Adams' pharmacy in -Win l:etka, or may be procured from Mrs. Dwight P. Green of \Vinnetka. Elect a Austin to Wed Paul Gamcon on Feb. 22 Style Show March 17 The annual stvle show for the benefit of the Xorthwestcrn ·c niversitv settlement will be held at the \\' inneth'a \\"oman's club March 17, at 2:30 o'clock. Tickets can be obtained from the chairman~ Mrs. \V. \V. Shoemaker, Glencoe 1407, or at thl' door. The plans for the style show, according to the committee in charge. arc more elaborate than usual. Clothes for tvery occasion will be shown, and children's clothes will be included. The debutantes of the season will model. Dinner Dance Feb. 18 Tuesday evening, February 18, "ill be the date of the dinner dance and card party that the way · and mean~ committee of the \Voman's club of \Vilmette is sponsoring. Dinner will be .served at 7 o'clock during which Harvey's orchestra will play for dancing. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Leonard Starkel or Mrs. George Redding. \\'hen Miss EJecta Louise Austin, daughter of Mrs. Louise C. Austin of Evanston, becomes the bride of Paul 1·.. Gamron, son of 11 rs. Emma Gamron of \Vilmette Saturday, February 22, Dt.an Peter C. Lutkin of Northwestern university will play the wedding march. A quartet composed of Dorothy Rae, Ah·ene Res seguie, Eugene Dressler. and Rollin Pease will sing the bridal chorus at the ceremony taking place ar 4 o'clock in St. John's Lutheran church in \Vilmette with the Rev. Herman Meyer officiating. The wedding rt>ception will be held in Evanston at the home of the bride's brother-in-la\\' and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Heinemann. Mrs. Heinemann has been chosen as matron of honor and the bridesmaid:> will be Miss Josephine Cullen of Evanston and Miss Marjorie Rach of \\ ilmette. \Villys Gamron will serve as best man for his brother and the ushers are to include Harold Eggers and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap, 535 WarMr. and Mrs. 1'. E. Moritz, 226 \;\farRobert Todd of Chicago, Carl Lochner of GlencoeJ. and John B. Heine- wick road, Kenilworth entertained a few wick road, Kenilworth are sailing Februf riends at tea Sunday evening. . ary 25, on a cruise of the West Indies. mann of Evanston. Club Vista del Lago announces a program meriting particular attention for February 16, from 4:15 to 5:15, as 't he third in its series of Sunday afternoon musicales. Members and their guests will h.e ar William Green, distinguished operatic tenor, and Miss Harriet Mason, gifted young pianist, who was recognized fo'r several years as a child prodigy of the north shore. · Mr. Green, who is at present a member of the faculty of the Chicago College of Music, has been acclaimed for years throughout the United States and Italy by music critics of high re·nown. He is now a celebrated teacher· of both 'oice and opera repertoire in Italian. Pre~iously he was a protege of the late Maurice Devries, and while studying in Italy for five years with famous masters, attained great sue-. cess under the nom de plume, Signor Guglielino Verde. - As a form~_r· mem · ber of the San Carlos Opera company he was numbered among the tenors of distinction. He will be accompanied at the piano Sunday by ~{iss Enlyn Hattis Fox. Miss Harriet Mason represents local artists with honor. She is tru}y a north shore girl, having been born in \Vilmette, and now residing with her parents. Mr. and Urs. George \V. Ma so n, in Glencoe . Her rare talent and unusual career have had the intere st and admiration of music lovers thr ough out· Chicago and the suburbs for th e pa st seven years. At the early age of 10, Miss Mason gained pronounced at tention on the- child artists' program at Ravinia. When 11, she first appeared with the Chicago Symphon y orchestra at the Studebaker theat er, (Photo by Malcolm Balfour) rendering Mozart's concerto. Her lat The engagement of Miss Dorothy est appearance was at Orchestra hall Deen Denman, daughter of Mr. and in the summer of 1929. She has ap . . Mrs. B. T. Denman of Wilmette, to peared with the People's Symphony : H ubert R. Schaddelee was announced orchestra as well as before important rtcently. Miss Denman is a sopho- clubs and societies and in recitals of more at Northwestern universitv and a her own. · member of Delta Gamma sororhy. Mr. Mr. --Green's exceptional voice and ~chadd.elee, who joined the Phi Sigma golden experiences and Miss Ma son's Kappa fraternity, was graduated from musical ability and youthful charm will the University of Michigan in the class be combined to form an exceptional of 1927. The wedding will take place prog_ram for members of the Club in the early summer. Vista del Lago and their guests. A buffet supper will be served at () o'clock. Kenilworth Bride Is Social events at the club Vista clef Honored at Reception Lago this week have included the :Mrs. James Lawrence Lardner and Thursday family bridge and the lunch~frs. Allen E. Towne of Evanston ~on F.riday, February 14, with bridg e were hostesses at a large reception and rollowmg. Mrs. W. G. Kelley is the tea which took place Sunday, from 4 hostess for today's event. until 7, at the home of Professor and Mrs. Lardner in Evanston, in the hon- To Address Welfare or of Mr. and Mrs. vVilford Clarence The Junior auxiliary of the InfJ.·lt Lahman, Jr., of Kenilworth. Mr. and Welfare society v;i]] have its regular ).frs. Lahman are a recent bride and monthly meeting Monday, Februarv bridegroom, and a brother and sister- 17, at 2 o'clock, at the home of ).1 rs. in-law of Mrs. Towne. Also in the ).{. C. H\!cht at 1042 Greenwood aycrecei!ing line was Mrs. Seward Martin Jltte. Asststing Mrs. Hecht as hostesses Davis, mother of the bride. will be Mrs. Georg-e Burke, Mrs. F. A. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. William Harvey, and James Alton James, Mrs. \;\/ilbur Miss Caroline Hughes. Helm. Mrs. George H. Tomlinson, Mrs. JJhn M. Baker of Evans~on Mrs. Ernest Tittle, Mrs. Edwin S. \··ill speak on "Child Welfare." Mrs. ~fills. Mrs. Ralph B. Dennis, Mrs. Baker is the League of Women Voters' Otto Y. Schnering, and Mrs. Walter chairman of the child welfare board for C. Spry. Among the young women Cook county. assisting were Miss Rosalind Jenks, Miss Josephine Altman, Miss Ruth Truska, and Miss Winifred Adkins of Giving Bridge Benefit Mrs Max Redlin and Mrs. P. H . \;\/ilmette. The bride and bridegroom attended Billinger will give a card party for the the University of Illinois where Mrs. benefit of the philanthropy department Lahman was a member of Kappa of the Woman's Catholic club of \VJlAlpha Theta sorority and Mr. Lahman mette at the home of Mrs. Redlin. of Psi Upsilon fraternity. The Lah- 1518 Spencer avenue, Wilmette FridaY mans ·are residing in Kenilworth where afternoon, February 21. The affair i-s open to all interested persons. they have recently taken a home. - ..)