February 14, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE BRIDGE CLUB MEETS 31 Spires of Old Roman Cathedral Still Look Down Upon Old ·Trier . . Beautiful· Structure Erected in Fourth C~tury By Emperors Gratian and Valentinian II Transfonned Into Church at Beginning of Sixth Century ,; Editor's note: Through the inBtrumentality of Supt. Frederick E. Cle·r k of New 1'rier High Bchool who traveled through En-rope a year ago and, among other places, visited Old Trier on the Mosel, Germany, we have been for.tunate in establishing a contact with C. Merbeck, a young German director of the Stadtisches Verkeh?'B und Presseamt at Trier, a branch of the Mid-European Travel b~1rea1t, by virtue of which we expect to receive much valuable as well as interestitlg infm·mation concerni,tg the historic region from which New Trie1· takes its name. Appended is the second of a ser,es <.I desm·iptive articles aboitt Olcl Trier. Mrs. M. M. Ball, 1224 Elmwood avenue, .Evanston entertained members of the Evette bridge club Thursday of last week 'a t her home. Guests during the afternoon were Mrs. A. Walgren and Mrs. A. Crane of Evanston. Members of the club are Mrs. William S. Smith, Mrs. Carl Renneckar, Mrs. \Vatter R. Blunt, Miss Mae Row:m, Mrs. John Budinger, Mrs. E. L. von Glahn, and Mrs. H. A. Triplett, all of VVilmette, and Mrs. Ball and Mrs. P. F. McCall of Evanston. The club met yesterday at the home of Mrs. Bltt<!t, IG18 Elmwood avenue. r ·· fUVNfAIN 50VARI. ·IY~ : .._.., . · I ,I I I f I RIER was, in the third century, one oi the greatest towns in the ·world, being about three times larg<'r than Cologne and about one third the size of Rome. One of the interesting sights for the twentieth century visitor to the famous old city is the cathedral. shown in the accompanying picture. The Cathedral The middle portion of this rectangular late Roman building was erected on a plot of land forty meters square and from the year 1720, is also very remarkto this are attached several buildings aLle, as arc the decorations on the qf Romanesque architecture. On the pews and walls, and new sepulcher northern side (Wind street ) can still (1924) of Bishop Korum, who died in he seen the characteristic red bri ck Decembe ::-, 1921. In the western choir walls, crossing the high Roman wall , is the sepulcher of Archbishop Balduin of which the window spaces are partialc.f Luxcmberg, who died in 1354, a black ly walled in. The center building is of marble sarcophagus under a pillared 2116 Central St. H.oman construction with the except;on roof of later date. < ·f the roof. In the construction of the EVANSTON The imcription on the southern wall ro o f, pillars eighteen meters high, each concerns the restoration of the cathec·f o ne -piec e Odenwald s tone, were us ~ d . dral in the year 1911. Use . Uncertain Of what use this building- was will Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osgood, who he known only when the foundations have been making their home ternhave been brought to light. It is as vorarily with the latter's parents, the There will be no charge for y~t u~known whether the West front Roy C. Osgoods, 423 Essex road, making up curtains from materials wah tts t~ree door~ was actually the , Kenilwor~h, have rented an apartment front . It ts most ltkely that the old at "The Chimneys" Indian Hill and purchased at the above shop. thee arched room was the emperors' ~,·ill move in about' the first of March. reception room. The building v:as con-ostructed in the fourth century by the Mrs. John ]. Tracey, 336 Greenleaf Emperors Gratian and Valentinin II, avenue, entertained members of her so the edifice is one of the earliest card club at luncheon last Tuesday. ~on1an huildit1gs in that section of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Europe. Enlarge Cathedral The building, the pillars of which broke during the great fire, when t!le town was destroyed in 411-428 A. D., was transformed into a bishop's church by Bishop Niketius at the beginning of the sixth century (525-566). Archbishop Poppo (1016-1047) began, in THE the year !037, to enlarge the western part of the cathedral. The eastern choir, of Romanesque ::!rchitecture, was begun by Archbishop Hillin (1125-1169) in the year 1160 and finished :n the year 1196. Much lat~r, TO about 1500, the two towers of the east.ern choir were built in late Goftir architecture. A beautiful treasury of Barrock architecture was added to the eastern choir. This was finished in rhe year 1708 and contains valuable treaures. Contains Hoffmann Sculpture AND We enter the cathedral through a side door. In the cathedral, Roman remains of the establishment, such as the stone-barrier of the eastern choir and the arch of the sepulcher of the Papal Legate Ivo (1144), may be seen. The picturesque pulpit, sepulchers and altars Our waterproof cement coating stops disintegration. of Barrack and Renaissance archit(':cExcellent for stucco, concrete, brick or tile exteriors or baseture, are very interestirtg. ments. Furnished in a variety of beautiful colors. By far Several works of the famous scu~p tor, Hans Rupprecht Hoffmann, are to the most economical way to paint your horne. be found. in the cathedral. Among thesr Make Your Old Home Look New . are the pulpit (1570-72 and the later altars, Trinity altar (1597) which was 'PHONE OR WRITE TODAY FOR ESTIMATE; NO OBLIGATIO$ dedicated as a sepulcher to Archbishop and Elector ] akob von Eltz, who died i!l 1581, and also All-Saints' altar dedi35 E. WACKER DRIVE, CHICAGO cated to Elector Lothar von MetterTelephone DEARBORN ·P44-45 Work Fully Guaranteed nich, who died in 1623. The trellis work of the choir, dating T CURTAIN ·SHOP Curtain and Drapery Materials Have You Tried the Conover? Once you've had it 'in your kitchen-once you've seen it wash your dishes by electricity - you wouldn't want to be without it again. PLAN NOW TO MAKE WAY ANCHOR YOUR WAY BEAUTIFY PROTECT RENEW SAVE Its importance as an electric labor saver may be judged when you consider that it saves you the worst of all your household tasks -when you think that you can use it every' day,. and sometimes two or three times a day. PRESERVE YOUR HOME Let us send you a Conover and show you how much work it wilt save you. Just ·telephone Wilmette 3700, and we'll arrange it! ANCHOR SPRAY PAINT COMPANY A Conover i1 ttm} to buy, too. Small paymer.!l out of your bousebold budget will make it your~! I I I