Ft:bruary 14, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE ·29 Josephine Miller Present Double Program at University Theater in .Pla:v Entered National drama weeJc was to be obin Drama Tourney served by Northwestern Universitv ·"Children of the Moon," a three-act tragedy by Martin Flavin, a Chicago play\night, will be given at the Goodman Memoria·! theater on Monday evening, February 17, at 8 :30 o'clock, by the Chicago Dram·a league tournament players. Whitford Kane is directing the play, assisted by Fl0yd ·Maberry, . director of the Bell T~.lephope players. The cast is composed e5f ·players who participated : in three drama league Little . Theater ·tou·rnaments. The role of the mother, Laura Atherton, in the play will be taken by Mrs. Josephine Miller of Glencoe, who has appeared in important roles with the Korth Shore Theater guild and the Threshold Players of Glencoe. The n ·st of the cast will be filled by Harry Pierson, Mina '\Villiams, Helen \Valtun. Howard Cox, Donald Briggs, Donald Proctor and James Baxter. The play concerns itself with the Atherton family, whose members have "moon madness." A young aviato!· has had an acc.ident and is the guest c.i the family for hvo weeks. The daug-hter, ] ane, falls in love with him. I ~1 a burst of fury, the mother, Laura Ath,erton, gives up a trip to Europe, ~wei in a burst of fury and selfish love ~he tells her daughter that moon madnes s runs in the family, and that Jane ha ~ no right to marry. In the hopek :-: sness of the situation, the aviator dn:iclc::, to kill himself and the girl. Bruce Owens, 714 Elmwood gave a dinner bridge for twenty guests last Saturday evening at her home. ~Irs. ·, I , " theater in a double program Thursday and Friday evenings at Annie May · Swift hall. The un:versity players selected "Two Shepherds" by Martin~z Sierra, author of "Kingdom of God" in which Etltel Barrymore played this winter, and "Sacred Ground," a one-act drama by Guiseppe Giacosa. . This unusual d.uo of plays brin~s. tn the case of the Sierra piece, an atmosphere play in which character development and brilliant dialog are more important than the plot, and in "Sacred Ground," a new version of the triangular plot in which the lover is dead before the play begins. Miss Nadine Shepardson of the facitlt_\' plays the role of the wife in the latter with George Phelps, graduate .;;tud.ent, as her curious and suspicious husband, Paolo. Mr. Phelps, who is t!l aking his last appearance with the univ~rsity theater after starring in ~ everal vlays this last semester, also takes the principal role in "Two Shepherds" opposite Miss Helen Sanford, pincipal of Haven school, who is active in amateur dramatics. 1 Sears Eighth Graders to Visit the Art Institute Eighth grade pupils at the Joseph Stars school in Kenil\\'orth will visit the Chicago .\rt institute :Monday morning, February 17, to Yicw th e \\'Orks of modern American painter:; and the Chicago Arti sts' exhibition,.. T\YO of the Jose ph Sears teachers, ~1iss 1!. Louise Robinson and Miss Edith M. Stryker, \\'ill accompany them. This will be the last of six trip s tn the Art in stitute arranged for sixth. seYenth, anrl eighth graders at the o;;rhonl throughout the 1929-1930 term. I I , a \·enue. , Albert N. Page, 901 Ashland avenue, was hostess to her bridge club at luncheon last Tuesday at Shawnee Country club. ~lrs. -o- You'll achieve smart comfort when you wear a Stevens Special Foundation Garment ~~The "FRANCES" The new silhouettet molded. curved. graceful. is imparted smoothlyt comfortably by these soft. pliable garments, especially designed for the Edgar A. Stevens shop. Our expert fitting service assures careful attention to your individual figu~e requirements and the ultimate perfection tn correct corsetry. Whether yeu prefer the foundation garment or the step-in style, typically smart models are available in our newest Spring. arrivals. Illustrated-The "FRANCES" foundation garment, $15-a rich looking, socomfortable, one-piece .garment- the girdle is of soft rose-tint imported batiste and handwoven elastic with nipped-in waist and diaphragm control; the brassiere. is of very fine imported net with a low back. · i Backgrounds worthy of occasions When you're planning your table for some favored affair, do you ever feel cramped? Or sometimes use a set of plates or some glass that you know is not quite the thing? It's all right to admit. All hostesses share it. Yet it's needless. At any price you care to pay we can select, with you, new inspirations for your tables. Astonishing, how they'll en· hance your every gathering! As good for your morale as clothes for South· ern wear! Just stroll through the shop tomorrow with an eye out for your own particular needs. We'll stroll sympathetically at your elbbw or let you alone, as you wish. Abo a wide collection of Mme. Irene, Gonatd and Nature's Rival Foundation Garment·, $5 to $45 · TATMAN 517 DAVIS STREET 625 N. MICHIGAN A VB. EVANSTON CHICAGO