28 WILMETTE return L~FE February 14. 1930 ATTEND WINTER CARNIVAL Genevieve Smithers. They will Mrs. Albert N. Page, 901 Ashla·td the first part of next week. avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers, 711 Lake avenue, left on Parry Owens is spending the Thursday for Cooperstown, N. Y. to end with his mother, Mrs. attend the Winter carnival at the Knox Owens, 714 Elmwood avenue. STAGE BENEFIT SHOW Univenity Naval Unit to Have Trip to Azores A trip to the Azores on the battleship \Vyoming will form the practice cruise for Northwestern university's naval R. 0. T. C. next summer, according to Commander E. M. Woodson. About 135 naval reserve students will make the cruise with the unit from Harvard university, sailing from Boston June 20 and arriving at Horta, Fayal island in the Azores, June 28. There they will stay for four days, re- · turning to Boston, July 10. On the practice cruise the men are assigned r 1Ular duties and watches \ovhich will qualify them for appointments in the naval reserve. The units from Yale and Georgia Tech, which accompanied the Northwestern and Harvard groups on the cruise last summer to Bermuda, will this year make a trip to Cristobal in the Panama CanJJ one. 7 w weekBruce He is school, which is attended by their home from the University of Michigln respective daughters, Sarah Page and <luring the mid-semester recess. Loyola Playen to GiYe 'Sua-Up' to Aid SL Francia' Hoapital; Patrone and Patroneseea Aaaouaced Landscaping Garden Work· Tree Work Pruning . Spraying Driveway Repairing Cement Work of all kinds Tony Campanale Telephone Winnetka 2764 Rock Garden Pool, E. W. Thomas Home, Wilmette Sears School Cagers Lose Inaugural Tilt to Haven The Joseph Sears school of Kenilworth lost its first North Shore Grammar school league basketball games of the season to the Nichols school of Evanston Thursdav of last wee~<. The !\ichols teams wot~ in the heavyweight division 12 to 3 and in the ligl{tweight division 8 to 1. \YednesdaY of thi s _ week Nichols and Joseph S~ars \\'Crc scheduled to clash again at Kenilworth, with the "pee-wee" and lightw eig ht teams as contestants. This SaturdaY morning, February 15. Kenilworti1 meets Vvilmette in all of the four weight classes. ENJOY VACATION Pupils of the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth enjoved a dav's Yacat ion \Vednesday of -this week, the occasion heing Lincoln's birthdav. Patrons and patronesses for tha benefit performance of. · the Loyola Community players to be given Friday and Saturday for the Foundation for St. Francis' hospital are announced by Mrs. George Quimby, chairman of the list. They include: Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Craddock, Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Picard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk, Dr. James 0. Donaghue, Dr. and Mrs. H. Reinsch, Dr. and Mrs. I. :{-!. Chilcott, Dr. and McGarry and Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Conroy of Chicago Mr. and Mrs. George Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. · Joseph Kehoe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert James, Mr. and Mrs. William Schildgen, Miss Margaret Hayes, Mrs. James Patten, Mrs. Robert McColl, Mr. and Mrs. George Quimby, Mr. and Mrs. John Lanigan, Miss Ann Lanigan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McArdle, Dr. and Mrs. 0. I. Rudersdorf, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McGill and Dr. and Mrs. G. T. Schultz of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Bunte, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Biehl, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davies, Mr. and Mrs. George Ludwig, Dr. and Mrs. Lester E. Mee and Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Conley of \Vilmette; Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Fillis of Winnetka; Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Sintzel of Niles Center and Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Conley of Park Ridge. The Loyola players will present for the benefit performances, "Sun-Up," a drama of the Carolina mountains, at the Loyola Community theater, Loyola and Lakewood avenues. The first performance will be tomorrow evening at 8:30 and the second, Saturday afternoon at 2:30. This benefit, this year's project for the foundation, which has for its purpose the holding of an affair annually to raise funds for St. Francis' hospital, will give its proceeds to the recently established lying-in fund. John J. Tracey, 336 Greenleaf an:nue, is leaving \Vilmette tomorrow ior !\ew York to sail on the S. S. Bremen . on February 22. He is going abroa d on business for three months. --oCharles Lundberg, Jr., 1010 Elm\l·ood avenue, returned to his home the latter part of this week from a ten clay motor trip to 'G ulfport, M1ss., with two colle~e friend.s. 1 I, · Rock gardens so natural as to seem a part of Nature's own designing, such as this, add indefinitely to the interest and enjoyll)ent of . many a North Sho.re home. A spot of rus~ic beau~y . sim~lar to this can be worked into the charming picture of your home place by Swain Nelson, landscape specialists. Find our. without cost or obligoation incurred by your inquiry, how your grounds can be improvtd. A 'phone call or a note will bring a Swain Nelson expen to consult with you. Eves that have "IT" · . . that subtle something which attracts others ··· usually lies in the eyes. Don't be discouraged if your own eyes are dull, lifeless and unattractive. A few drops of harmless Murine will will ·brighten them up and cause them to radiate 44IT/' Thousands upon thous~nds of clever women use Murine daily and thus keep their eyes alway& clear, bright and alluring. A month's supply of this longtrusted lotion costs but 60c. Try it! "IT" Ultra Violet Ray Lamps $35.00 up HEALTH AND HAPPINESS IN THESE MAGIC RAYS ~··otutralio" PAo·· Tolla, Pr11 Aome S\JAIIIElSO'ItSOWS £0. Jbnddcape (}rtlener1.{)lenview,911. l"ll/1 ~~lj \~~\ \ Pbont ROGERS PARK 6620 or GLENVIEW 87 or 88 Nerth Shore Talking Machine Co. IJRINL f.ORYOUR EYES 712 CHURCH STREET. EVANSTON UniY. 4523 741 ELM STREET. WINNBTU Winnetka l.f74