Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1930, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE LIFE February 14, 1930 TEA FOR MOTHERS Mrs. George N. Lamb, 115 \\"o~d The regular meeting of the board of the Grosse Point Health Center was held at the Wilmette Village hall on February 10 at 10 o'clock. The report on the activities of the month of January showed much ground covered. In her examinations of school children, ~[ rs. Inez Bliss, the Christmas seal nurse, has b.een concentrating on defective vision. Of 296 children, twentyeigh t were found with definite eye trouble, much of it unsuspected aud It's just a short drivr out Dun ~e rious, and fourteen children were dtt Road. to the east bank of MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED fitted with glasses on recommendation tbt ~splaines Rinr-and there you'll gtt tbt finest poultry and :\nnuuncement is made of the !liar- of physicians privately consulted. Nurstbt frtsbest eggs obtainable--nage of ~.fiss Estelle \Verner of N[is- .ng service included 117 calls, four of ~ouri to Peter Conrad, Jr., son of Mrs . actual be_1lside care, thirty-six with indirect from nurby farms. Peter Conrad of 1328 \\.ilmette ave- >tructive care. The latter care includes Iitle, Saturday eveni ng. February 8. in advice to consult the family physician the Holy Name church in Chicago. The 1 k · hride and g room are making tl . w 1ere uecessar.v or to ta e the cluld . E H.: lr to hospital or clinic for special treatAre Now Rudy for Sale 1IOnte 111 ·'·anst? 11 · I ment. On such advice one baby was ~a ken by the parents to the state :\[iss Pau_line !.ettihone returned to I .J uv?nil~ Research hospital._ which is an her home m \\ dmette Sunda\· from mst1tutwn open to the · cluldren of all Dand~~ Rd., East bank of River Cincinnati where she pla.n :d a -concert the schools of the state, two babies with :\1 iss Ruth Pagl' and Frank were taken to the Evanston hospital. TELEPHONE WHEELING 1 5 Park(·r at the Eml'n- thcatn. and one to the Children's Memorial 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~~~~~ hospital. Little ~enrv about ~hom j the board has been con-c~rned for some ! months, was admitted to th<.· Shrint'f'!:i Hospi~al for Crippled Children for observation and treatment. I The \\\·11 Babies clinic at the How ard school suff~red in attendance hecause of severe and llllliSUal weathn conditions. This ts a nutrition clinic for ~mall rhildrl'H and is operated for the bene fit of a II babies of \ \'ilnictte. 8x 10 ~r otl.H.'rs who <ll'sire a rL"gular check up l lll d1et a.re urged to hring their babil'S Portraits to the clinic. Rl·cnnls are kept of the c hil~'s condition and pwgre~:; and Regular Price S 2 o ->peetal cases are referr ed to the familY doctor. The Hea lth Center endeavor-s at all times to cooperat<.· with \ \'ilmettl' physicians. The office of the Health Center at Rid~l' at~d Lake has acquired new eqwpment to add to its eftlciency and C~lmfort. The dental clinic which is cond ucted at the oftice continues it s expert preventive and corrective se n ice for the school children. In the near future an educational film is to he shown in the schonls on the care of the teeth. Radio fans \\·iH bt? interested to learn that \\'ilmette will be on the air soon when the story of the health service 1606 Chicago Ave., Evanston 2238 of our Yillage is to be told by those .,~·ho >ha~e been in active charge of it. -'" t - o c c_>~k on S unday afternoon a ""' 111111u 1 prog.ram 1s regular!}' broadcast o\·er -= -= : .= ~· '"uuulllllllllllllllllllllllllll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""""'l"l'l"'"l"l'l"' """'l"':"""'l""""""""""""""""""""""u"n"""""""'n""""""""""""' ' ' '~=~: ~ St~tton \VHFC by the nttr~es of the - Chtcago Tuberculosis in stit ut e. Look for further ar:nouncement and he ready to listen m "on \ V 1Imette.' hine avenue, will entertain the motht!rs l-' ~ the pupils of Mrs. Delana's kind ~~r A tea room is to be one of the imgarten oi Laurel school, next Mondav oortant attractions at the Better afternoon, February 17. · Homes exposition taking place in the \Vilmette \Voman's club building Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Helstrom, 1212 ~1arch 19, 20, and 21, between the F.tmwood avenue, announce th e birth hours of 11 in the morning and 10 at night. Plans for the tea room for this, of a son at St. Francis hospital. one of the largest projects on the north shore, will include luncheon from 11 :~5 until 1, refreshment from 2:30 until J, when a fortune wi ll be told over each cup of tea, and the serving of dinner from 6 until 7 :45 o'clock 111 the evening. Proceeds from the exposition will go to the building fund of the \\'oman's club of Wilmette. Tea Room Ia ·Feature of Better Homes Expo Health Center Notes English Dramatic Group to l'isit N. T. on March 5 North shore playgoers a11ticipatc with pleasure th e coming of the famous Ben Greet players, ~ho will present Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" at New Trier High school on Wednesday, March 5. \Vhen Shakespeare's 36Sth anmversary was celebrated by the London Shakespeare league with a series of performances at the Arts theater last Apr il, announcement was made that Ben Greet would take his distinguished company of players to America for a t\'.ent.y-five weeks tour g uring the 19291930 season. That the American public 1s tremendously interested in Shakespeare is evidenced hv the extreme popularity of no less than seve n companies that traveled this country last season. With thi s appeal strengthened by the presence of an outstanding favorite of th e English speaking world in the person of Sir Philip Ben Greet, it is predicted that new high records will established. The pre se nt American tour of thr Ben Greet company includes perform ances. 111 practically every section of the countn· and touches manv o! the leading colleges and universities. Two performances of "Twelfth Night" ~ill be given at New Trier High school on March 5. one in the afternoon for school children and another in the evening for adults. Eggs and Poultry .. Baby Chicks be Wheeling Farms I February Specials I RECEIVES APPLICATIONS Applicauons are now being recei..,·ed !,y Miss ] ennie D. Shantz, secretary for the C nited States Civil servicP. in tbe \Vilmctte district. from candidates tor positions as clerks or carriers in the postal service. The applicatio ns must be filed ~ith Miss Shantz at the '\' ilmette postoffice not later than Ff:hrtlary 28 and. may be filed by both men <! nd women. The examinations will be con <lucte<i about March 15. 3 Buff $10 1 Make Your Appointment Today AUXILIARY MEETING The Tunior auxitiarv of the \\'oman's cluh of \Vilmette \Vill have its next ·r egular meeting Thursday, February 20. Miss Patsey Flentye IS 111 charge of the reservations for the dinner which will be serve<i at 6:30 o'clock. ~fiss Anne \Vhitmack. \Vilmette librarian, is to give an informal talk on "Interestillg Glimpses of ~foclern \ Vrit ers." A Valentine dinner dance will be given at the Kenilworth club this evcning. It promises to be a gala affair with Mrs. \Vendell Clark and Mrs. Aifred \Viltberger as hostesses Next Friday evening will be stag· night. Sanfo rd S. Holden is chairman and Bentley McCloud, James Prentiss, Louis J?ncs, and Ralph Starr form the commtttee. EuGENE L. RAY · STUDIO Ph. Unit'. 1 = - · ChUrCh 0 £ Christ, SCientiSt lrSt F ~entb Street and ~entral ~venue ~il~ett~ - Ill. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~-~~-~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A.M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M .. - EVANS'ION·DOLLAB DA· Y TBURSDAY,FEBRUARY20~ The Kitchen Shop will offer on tbi~ day only a large selection of Kitchen wares, reguW: $1.50 and $2.00 values, your choice for dollar day, $1.00. FEBRUARY ~ubject: 16, 1930 SOUL RBADING ROOM- 1 1 6 3 WILMETTE A VENUE Open D3ily (txcqlt Wtdnfsd~y and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. W~atscby 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.: Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Tht Biblt and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all otbtr authorized Christian Scitnct Lituature may be rud. borrowfd or purcbawd at tbr Rudina Room. 1lfE PUBLIC IS COilOIALL Y INVITED TO ATTEND Tim I THE KITCHEN SHOP 509 Davia Street, Evanston 3"'w! : _ _ __ - = OIUJlCH SBRVJCES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM llllll.. ._llt__IUIItftltllllllltlltiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ I t Greenleaf 6310

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