~~4========~==============================~W~I~L~M~E~, T~T~E~~~I~F~E============~==::~~==~~~~====~====~: Sings at Mira/ago F ebruary 14, 1930 Edna St. Vincent Millay Reads to Large Audience By Vera McDermid Edna St. Vincent Millay gave a charmjng reading of her poetry last \rV ednesday evening at the Haven cchool :tuditorium, before several l1undred admirers whose enthusiasm was not the least dampened by a wait of almost an hour. Because of her ta1eli ness , which she attributed to "gettin.g into the grounds ot Northwestern tmtversity :1nd not being able to find her way out." and also because of a severe cold with which she was suffering, she did not read as many of her poems a s she had expected to. Amotw the selections that she chose to give o were poems f . rom 'A · . F ,: ew F'tgs From Thi ..; t les," "Second Apn l, and her lc..test group of poems entit led "The Buck in tbe Snow." She also read "The Harp- \Veaver." She chanted rather than read. her poems, \vhich resulted in a more dramatic effect. Wearing a long, g old and green brocaded gown with flowing sleeves, she seemed to melt into the background of lights and sl,adows and grey velvet curtains, and she seemed quite as fragile and delic;te 2.s the exquisite poems she read. Miss Millay's appearance was sp,1nsored by Zeta Phi Eta. She was presented by James B. Pond. Peacock Ice Cream Shops - Special for Dollar Day FROZEN DELIGHTS- ICE. CREAM- not the ordinary kind- but pure, frozen creaminess, nutritious and wholesome, made from pure cream in over 30 delightful combinations and flavors. You' ll love them ! For Dollar Day Only SOc EACH Any Flavor tn Brick Form 428 Linden Wilmette 4120 Miss Lucille Long, accomplished ycung light opera star, will appear on the supper d.ansant program of the Miralago Ballroom. located on Sheridan road between Kenilworth and Wi ln:ette, on the evenings of Sunday, February 16; Wednesday, February 19; Friday, February 21, and Saturday, February 22. Miss Long, who has achieved considerable di stinction in t:g ht ope:-a circles, is possessed oi a rich contralto voice which has earned t'or her sobriquet "golden radio con tralto." Mr. and Mrs. David F. Hatl, go9 Central ::tvenue, -returned the first part of this week {rom an extencl.e d motor trip throngh F lorida. They spent most of their t ime at Palm Beach and :Miami, visiting \\'ith the Foster Bransons while in Palm Beach. Russian Music Enjoyed at Musicians' Club Program An int :~ re s ting program of Russ i ~n t·!Us.ic was given · by members of the North Shore Musicians' club on February 4, at the \Vilmctte Woman' s club. before an enthusiastic audience. The program was as follows: 1'\one But the Lon ely H eart . . . . ... .. . .. . ... . ...... . .. Ts ·ha ikowsky Cradl e Song . . ... . . . . . ... TschaikO\\'sky Through the Silent Night .. Rachmaninoff Virginia Marshall Sonate, G Major .. . ... . . . ... Dammartfni All egro non troppo Grav e con Expr es ~ion Yi\'a c:e E s telle Swignrt F.!' Blinkt d ' r Tau Rubinstein 'l'o a ::\-fl:'ssenger . . .. . La Forge F oss(:'ssio·l .... . ... Clough-Leighter :.11 I:-:land Serenad e . ........ Fra.ntes Copthorne SJ)ring Com es Laughing .... . . . Carew A lvene R esseguie Humoresque .. .. . . ... . ..... Rachmaninoff Lt; Ve Waltz . . ... . . . . . Moszkowski Brnau Akl:'ly Tu the l\Iurmu1·ing Stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T schaikowsl{y Nocturn e . . . . . . . . . . Balakireff 'l.'repak . . . . . . . . . . . l\loussorgsky Nor rna Bosworth Rhapsody, B Minor . . . . . .. ... . . .. Brahm~ f·hapsody, C Major .. . , Dohmmyi Electa Au !'> lin Accompanists Ernau Akely E lecta Austin $HOSIERY$ SPECIAL T H U RSDAY, F E BRUARY ~TH CHOICE OF $1 Bargains $1 All Felt Hats .......... $1 $1.35 Hosiery .... ........ $1 House Dresses ......... $1 Boudoir Slippers, 2 pairs $1 N o try on-No re turns Please kno·w your size EVERY PAIR OF HOSIERY IN THE STORE Unique Style Shop JOINS BE LROSE BARBER SHOP Ray Spahr, formerly associated wit h the Bright well barber shop, 1122 Cen~ tral avenu e, is now affi liated w ith the Be lrose barber shop, 1128 Central avenue. $1 1126 Central Ave. Wilmette 2403 $1 00 Pair OUR REGULAR $1.15, $1.25 AND $1.45 VALUES SALE OF Imported Ruby Stemware A fortunate purchase of imported Ruby Stemware allows the Kitchen Shop to offer this perfect Ruby Ware at these unusual low prices: FELTMAN & CURME 617 DAVIS ST. Evanston GOBLETS, Doz........ .. .... ....... ... $7.95 SHERBETS, Doz. . .. .... .............. . $7.95 TUMBLERS, Footed, Doz. . .... . ....... $6.95 FINGER BOWLS, Doz.... . .. . .... . .... $7.95 DESSERT or SALAD PLATES, Doz. . .. $7.95 COCKTAILS, Doz....... . ... ..... ... . .. $7.95 CORDIALS, Doz. . . . .. . . .... .. .. ....... $6.95 A trifte more if purchased in half dozens THE KITCHEN SHOP· 509 Davis Street, Evanston Greenleaf 6310