Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 3

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Febru.a..Y 7, 1930 WIL .MET.TE 1 LIF ·E· MUSIC, OPERA PIC11JRE · DOLLAR DAYS COMING of Commerce Retail Com· AT SHAWNEE FEBRUARY 9 Chamber mittee Decides to Hold Semi-Annual Movietone of Civic Opera Stars to Augment Regular Music Hour This Sunday Bar1ain Event February 17-18 Talks to A·uxiliar31 FAioiJS·WO JIIIST SUNDAY CWB ·SPWER Judge Florence E. Allen of Ohio Supreme Court in Address on February 9 · - ~., I Monday and Tuesday, February 17 and 18, will be Dollar Days in Wilmette, it was decided at a recent meetEntertainment extraordinary is prom- ing of the retail committee of the WilJudge Florence E. Allen of the Suised at the ·Shawnee Countrv club mette Chamber of Commerce. preme Court of Ohio, the outstanding Sunday afternoon, February 9,- beginwoman jurist of the United States, will Twice a year, once in the winter and lling at 4 o'clock, when, in addition again late in the summer, these barbe the speaker at the Wilmette Sunto the "Hour of M usic"-a regular fea- gain days are held in the village. They day Evening club February 9. Her ture at the club-there will be a shO\\'- occupy a prominent place in the busisubject will be "The Noise of History," ing of the Fox Movietone film, "Be- ness life of Wilmette. Judge AU en is serving her second hind the Footlights," a picture depictterm as a member of the Supreme On Dollar Days every merchant ing Chicago Civic Opera stars in hack Court, having been twice elected by makes a point of giving some extrastage and domestic scenes. huge majorities as an independent ordinary values, and bargain hunters The motion picture program is ~non of the north shore are advised to put candidate. She was formerly assistant sored hy the Associated Civic Opera a circle around February 17 and Febcounty prosecutor and judge of the club of Wilmette. It is an au<liblt film ruary 18 on their calendars. The DolCourt of Common Pleas of Cayuhoga made at great expense at th e imtance lar Days are occasions to which both county which inclu des the city of of Samuel Insult, president oi the Chi- the customer and the merchant Joo\: Cleveland. cago Civic Opera company and i:-; be- forward. She is a graduate of the New Lyme ing shown throughout the Chicag-o Institute, Ashtabula ·county, Ohio; Colthe Chamber of Com Members of area in the interest of further stimuhtlege of Women, \Vestern Reserve uniing interest in th e civic opecl prt)j~-.·rt. merce retail committee, which ha s versity; Chicago university law school~ charge of arrangements for !he semiThe film entertainment will begin at and of the New York university law annual bargain days, are: E . E. GriHis. 5 :30 o'cloc'c and admission \\ill he by Prof C. Russell Small, head of ~he school. She is a member of the Amerticket which can be obtained at the chairman, C. T. Fishleigh, D. Pagliar - foreign language department of New can Rar association, League of Women Shawnee club offlces without charge ulo, A. VanDeusen. E. C. Cazrl. John Trier High school, will address the Voters, American Association of UniHughes. Gordon Dobbins and Leo by members of both the Shawnee and V\'ilmette American Legion Auxili<~ry versity V\T omen, Phi Beta Kappa, Kap~fickel. Opera clubs. · t·n the topic, "The Gettysburg Battle- pa Beta Pi, Service Star Legion, and This Sunday afternoon's music hour field," next Monday evening, The group the Daughters of the American Revo:.. ~ill be presented by the Chicago Con- Hold Up Cash and Carry will meet at the home of Mrs. Ernest lution. Gould, 922 Forest avenue, and the 'cert company comprised of Cathrync Popular with AU Clusea Market; Flee With $257 meeting will start at 8 o'clock. Bly Utesc h, soprano and accompanist: Judge Allen is now serving her secTwo robbers who held up the Cash Marie Sweet, soprano: Elizabeth ond term as Judge of the Supreme Houston, contralto; Paul Mallory, <tnd Carry market on Ce :1tral avenue Court of Ohio. In Ohio the Supreme tenor, and Frank Bennett, haritone \re st of Ele\·e nth . st re et Saturday night Court is the court of last resort, corand director. These artists became <1hout 8:30 o'clock escaped with $257 re~ponding to the Court of Appeals in " ·hich they took from the cash register. favorites with the club mcn1bers in K ew York State and th~ Supreme J ustore when the their appearance at Shawnee in one ot The onlv persons in the 40 dicial Court in Massachusetts. She was robbers · entered were lke" Elli s, 6201 Ia ~ t season's music hours. Col. Gah·in Goddard, director4of the re-elected in the election of 1928 by a Glen\\'ootl avenue, Chicago, the man Scientific Crime Detection laboratory plurality of over 352,000 votes over her ager, Clarence Boudar, 1114 Ridge aveSergt. Alvin C. York nue. \\'ilmette. an employe and which is affiliated with Northwestern opponent. This was all the more rebecause she was running as to Speak Here March 8 \\'alter Brown, the negro porter. They university, will speak at the monthly markable an independent and had no organized dinner meeting of the Tri-Ship Boys'. _ Scrgt. Alvin C. York, probably the "' ere ordered. to a rear room while the party support whatever. President at Xcw Trier High school on club robbers ':leaned out the cash register. most outstanding of American \Vorltl Hoover carried the entire state of Ohio Thursday, February 20. His talk will war figures, will speak at ~ew Trier by over 700,000 votes, and in view of deal with crime detection work. High school on March 8 under the P. 0. to Observe Lincoln's Colonel Goddard is a widely known that landslide and the fact that she auspices of Wilmette Post 46 of the was the only state official not running Birthday; Closes at Noon ballistics expert who has developed a on American Legion, it was announced the Republican ticket, Judge Allen's The \Vilmette Postoffice will observe method of bullet detection by which plurality was surprising. In her home this week by W. E. Richmond, comLincoln's birthday on Wednesday, he can ascertain the type of bullet county of Cleveland she had more mandant of the post. Sergt. York, who \\·as born in the February _12, by closing at 12 o'clock and the type of gun that fired it. He \otes than any one candidate, state, Tennessee mountains and had ne,·er, noon. it was announced this wee'< recently came into prominence in Chi - county or city, securing in all 225,000 before being called for service, been by Postmast-er Joseph E. Shantz. The cago through his work in connection votes. She carried 69 of the 88 counout of the mountain~. was at the usual collections of mail will be made. with the St. Valentine's day massacr.:- ties of the state, leading the entire juoutbreak of the war religiously op- as well as the usual dispatches, but and the killing of a policeman by tho.; dicial ticket in Cleveland, Columbus, posed to killing of any kind. Inducted there will be only one · delivery. On notorious Fred Burke at Benton Har- Akron, Youngstown, and Zan'esville, into the army he found himself forced February 22, \Vashington's birthday. bor, Mich. and other important centers. Donald Frisbie, faculty sponsor of the by circumstances to abandon his life- the Wilmette postoffice wiJJ be closed One of the most interesting things long beliefs and in course of time be- all day. and there will be no deliveries. Tri-Ship club, this week issued a special about the c.ampaign was that Judge invitation to fathers of New Trier boys Allen not only lead her judicial ticket came one of the most brilliant fighters to attend the monthly dinner of the in great industrial centers, but also in with the American forces. He was club and to hear Colonel Goddard'~ a great number of rural and agriculcited for bravery and accorded the lecture, as he feels it will be of par- tural counties, such as Medina, Geauga, Congressional Medal. The official ticutar interest to them. report recommending the granting of Lake and Portage. In other words, the medal read as follows: "On Octoher support came from farmers, workber 8, 1918, nc:ar Chatel-Cheheery, ing-men and the great mass of citizens Contagious Diseases Here .in every part of the state. practically unassisted he captured 132 Scattered; Few New Cases In view of the fact that she had servGerman prisoners, took about thirtySeveral new cases of contagious dis- ed eight years as a judge, this re-elecfive machine guns and killed no less ease in Wilmette have been reported tion to the highest court of the State than twenty-five of the enemy." to the Wilmette Health department has real significance to the womanduring the past week, and there are a WUI Break Ground for New movement. number of others still active. The new Paid Glowing Tribute Incinerator Plant April 1 cases include one of diphtheria, two of Emily Newell Blair in commenting scarlet fever, one of whooping cough, Ground will be broloen for Wilc.n Judge Allen sums up her impresone of mumps, and three of chicken mette's new municipal incinerator plant pox. There are also three active sions as follows: on or about April 1 and construction "I make her sound formidable. And cases of pneumonia, two of which were will be pushed to completion within Like magic, CLASSIFIED she is not. She is the sort of woman reported during the last week. 120 days, it was announced this week. brings music to your home. to whom any child on a train would Execution of a formal contract with appeal for help. She is the kind to the Superior Incinerator company of Make Final Payment On whom business girls flock with their For sale-Radio~. pianos, musical Dallas, Texas, was authorized last Kenilworth Water Plant troubles. She has a fine sense of Tuesday night by the Wilmette Vilinstruments and instruction given. Final payment on Kenilworth's water humor. She asks no quarter becau'e lage Board of Trustees and bond sub~ filtration plant and pumping station she is a woman. She yields no premitted by the Superior Incinerator · was authorized by the Kenilworth Vil- cedence because she is one. Not that company approved. Hawaiian Guitar lage board Monday night when the she is unfeminine. As a matter of fact John C. Blaylock, an engineer reOscar. Jacobson, teacher final report of the engineers was sub- she is typical of the eternal feminine~ siding at 714 Prairie avenue, Wilmette, mitted. The plant, which cost $86,500, the maternal. She would do to serve as and associated with a prominent ChiPhone Greenleaf 4505 has been in operation for a year. The a model for a statue of the Mothercago engineering and contracting firm, fin~l payment was delayed on account hood of the Race. . . . . . . She brings was retained as supervising engineer of construction details that had to be qualities to public life that are needed, for the viJJage on the project .upon UsE CLASSIFIED completed., but which did not afft'ct although, if we are to judge by rethe recommendation of the public sults, seldom desired." · the operation of the plant. service committee of the board. Crime ·Detection Head to Address Tri-Ship Group !..----------------. ~ "Let Us Be Gay"

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