WILMETTE .LIFE WTD. TO BENT-HOUSES February 7. 1930 116 CLIENTS OF B~LLS REALTY, INC., want houses to rent. Willing to pay from $100 to $250 per month. Terms. One to three YM.rs. Call- The Three Wise Fools I Announce Important Realty Transactions Through Bills, Inc. Bills · Realty, Inc., reports two important north shore 'residence sa!es n:ad.e during the past week. The residence at 98 Hill road, W .innetka, overlooking the Indian Hill Country club grounds from the east end of the fairway was sold by Mrs. Elizabeth T. Andrews to Mr. and Mrs. Harold 0. Barnes now residing· at 716 Kent road, Kenilworth. Mr. Barnes is of the A. P. Barnes and compa:1y, printers. · The Andrews ·residence is English Brick on one and one half acres of ground and is considered one of the most desirable homes in the Indian Hill Country club Consolidation. ~A:r. and Mrs. Andrews plan to reside in California. . Mr. Olson of Bills Realty, Inc., con ducted the negotiations of the sale Norris C. Flanagin residing at 7737 Essex avenue, Chicago, bought of Frank R. Walker a new home at 927 Forest avenue, Glencoe. The house is English brick and contains many special features. It is located on a beaut1ful wooded lawn. Mr. Flanagin is of the Matthew C. Pierce company, engaged in advertising at 111 West Monroe street, Chicago. ]. E. Weinstock conducted th e negotiations for BiUs Realty, Inc. BILLS REALT¥, INC. REALTORS 1649 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette 3741 89LTN20-1tc ., 99 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH garage. Maximum $100 per mo. Might buy. Write Life A-158. 89LTN20-1tc WTD. TO BUY-APT. BLDGS · WANTED-BEST 2 APT. BLDG. $15,000 to $18,000 will buy. Owner only, Address Life A-162. 95L20-3tp ANTIQUES I .1 YVONNE SOHN NEEDLEPOINT, TAPESTRIES, CHINA, glass and pewter. 823 Washington St. Evanston. Greenleaf 6592. 99LTN20-ltc HEIRL00~1S BRING IN YOUR SILVER HEIRLOOMS and have us restore them to their original finish by our sliver plating process. Guaranteed not to tarnish. Work called for and delivered. PAUL DAVEY JEWELER 1165 'Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6 99LTN19-tfc 100 ' A subtle glimpse of the wealth of comedy to be afforded north shore residents this Saturday night, when the Faculty of Men's cluh of New Trier High school presents the play, "Three Wise Fools," is offered in this photograph. Reading from left to right are Frederick A. Kahler, C. Russell Small and F. C. Windoes, the three well informed gentlemen with the implied lack of intettigence. FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GD~. Rollin Simond Selected for N. U. Debate Squad Rollin Simonds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmond M. Simonds, 834 Sixteenth street, Wilmette, has been chosen as one of the members of the Northwestern university affirmative debating team this ..,car. Simonds, a New Trier High school J graduate, attended Harvard last year and took part in several debates there. He was leader of the Harvard team that defeated Yale. While at New Trier he was a member of the debate teams f or three years and won the IllinoisWisconsin extemporaneous speaking cont est conducted by Beloit cotlege. Modification of the prohibition amendment is t he subject that Northwestern is debati11 g this year. SPl:CL\1, AsSESSJIENT :XOTICE WIL)Il:'l'TE SlJF.CL\L ASSl:sSl\lENT NO. 264 Logan-Howard FOR SALE-MAH. DINING RM. TABLE, 6 chairs and serving table for $75. Ph. Wilmette 3910. 100LTN20-ltc WALNUT JACOBEAN DINING ROOM set-round table, 7 chairs, and buffet Will sell reasonably. Winnetka 1732 100LTN20-ltc 8 PIECE BEDRM. SUITE. COXWELL chair. Like new. Reas. Winnetka ,2768. ___________ 1_oo_L_T_N_2o_-_u_c FOR SALE--3 PIECE LIVING ROOM set. Call after 5 p. m. at 654 Central Ave., Highland Park, 2nd floor. H. P 3845· 100LTN20-lt~> STEINWAY GRAND AND BENCH mah., $800. Adam hall table, $15 Four poster day bed, $15. Ph. Wit 1735. 100L20-ltp WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Carolina hook rugs. Drop us a card and we will have our driver stop with a number for your selection. Carulina Hook RugDistributor~. P. 0. Box 442, McHenry, Ill. 10()LTN20-ltp FOR SALE-MATCHED SOLID MA H 3 mirror vanity case, chiffo-robe, ni~ht table and chair. R_ e as., in group 01 lileparate. 175 La Pier St., Glen~oe 100LTN20-ltp 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS P.T.A. That a program given by the children is always of great interest was evidenced by the large attendance (!t the meeting of the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association last Tuesday afternoon when the seventh and eighth grades staged a number of short plays. The seventh grades gave a dramatization of a subject studied in social science, showing different methods of communication, beginning with primitive times when signalling was done bv means of waving blankets. the use of reflections and flags an<l message !' carried by relays of runners. Present rapid communication hy :1!-:mail. long distance telephone and telegraph was next illustrated. Girls in swimFling costumes were receiving a telegram in Florida an hour after it was sent from New York and a business man tn the east ordered fruit from California by phone, to be delivered the next day. We were given a glhnpse of the future when :t Chicago society woman may order her wardrobe from Paris by telephone, makillg her selections by teleYif;ion and receiving her clothes within twenty-four hours. Gowns, coats and sports outfits were modeled by the girls of the seventh grade. The dialogues were written and scenes planned as a class project. · The first of the plays by the eighth grades was . the "The Midnight Cry,~' written by Rob Willis. It was a story of England in the Eighteenth century. A peer of England i~. entertaining an unknown German nobleman, who makes an attempt to steal the family jewels and is outwitted by the f~ mily jeRter who is thereby restored to favor. "The Irate Farmer," written by Frank 1\fay, followed this and illustrated how the honesty and courtesy of Boy Scout wins them a staunch friend in the farmer who has come to reprimand them and see that they are punished for trampling down his oats. "The Stolen Princess" by Virginia Jo!les i& a story of a princess who is held C3.Ptive by a witch who Is finally overcome with the help of the fairies, Unselfishness, CPurage, Cheer and Happiness. A charming the plays, thought In planning scenery costumes is introduced in celebration of the liberation ot the princess. The children should be highly commended for their work, for originality in wr-iting the plays, thought in planning- scenery a.nd costumes and abtllty in acting, Parents In seeing a p.rogram of this type realize how much of pleasure and valU3 ble experience the students are getting from our schools, aside from the necl'!ssary "three R's." A short business meeting followed. Mrs. Stalling's room won the attendance prize. Refreshments were served by third grade mothers. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. vVild. of 628 Greenleaf avenue celebrated their thirty-fourth wedding anniversary with a dinner purty W cdnesday, ] anuary 29, at th~ Stevens hotel. Among the guests were the following from out-of-town : Mr. Wild's brother, Charles H. Wild ui Balto, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonalJ of Elyria, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Ch~rles C. Ayers of Salem, K. ]. ; E. M. Lang of Portland, Maine, and Harry Millar of Baltimore, Md. Paul Cohen, . formerly of \VilmettL', was graduated from Purdue university, Lafayette. Ind., at the close of the mid-year term it was · announced this week by university officials. Mr. Cohen received his pharmaceutical chemist degree. WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods Highest prices for same. Croat Fumi ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans ton, Ill. Ph. Unfv. 189. 101LTN48-tf 102 ..- FOU. SAL}~-liiSC. FOR SALE_:_AFTERNOON AND EVE ning dresseg, tweed suit, size 18. Ph Glencoe 1011. 102LTN20-ltc $65 WILL BUY A HANDSOME MAHOG any glasH top desk, 3 leather trimmed office chairs including swivel chair Must dispose of at once. Ph. Univer sity 0505. Ask for Mr. Liste. 102LT20-1tp - - CINE MOVIE CAMERA, $45 ; CASE, $4 Bell Howell projector, $100. Rolle r screen, $7. Ph. Wil. 1735. 102L20-ltp FUR BABY CARRIAGE ROBE. PERF cond. Reason. Ph. Winnetka 1692. 102LTN20-ltc 101 WANTED TO BUY-MISC. WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS tOe per lb. 1232 Central Ave .. Wilmeth, 103LTN48-tfJ) MISCELLANEOUS . WILL R E N T TO RESPONSIBLE party, Ladles' and Gentlemen's, fane y dress costumes. Ph. Wilmette 3730. 105L20-lt c BOY'S FIGURE SKATES. FINE COND Size 51h. Ph. Glencoe 610. 105LTN20-lt p IN THE MATTER OF THE ~PECIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE, for proceedings to levy a. Special Assessment for a . local impro~· e ment consisting of paving and otherwise improving parts of Washington Avenue, Highland Avenue, Central Avenue, Twentieth Street and Twenty-First Street, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, Special Assessment No. 264, in the County Court of Cook County. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Vill~ge, ~as hereto; fore filed in said court, m sa1d cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving an excess of Twenty Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Dollars and Seventy Cents ($20,990.70), to be abated in reduction of said assessment, and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and detet·mine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that ~aid court has fixed Monday, the 24th day of February·, A. D. 1930, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at. the room of said County Court, in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All versons desiring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated l"ebruary 7th, 1930. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES McDONALD STANTON VAN INWAGEN HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Boa,rd of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L20-2tc Special Low Prices during February Phone w I N N E T K A s 3 0 uFor Better Health" Call today for a FREE ESTIMATE Two Week Delivery CHICAGO RADIATOR CABINET CO. 526 Center St. Winnetka 530