Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 59

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~Febru;try 87 7, .1·930 WILMETTE · LIF'E FOB ' 8ALE-H01J8ES .. 59 SMALL HSKP. APARTMENT, FURN. or unfurn. Large porch, oil .heat, instant hot water. Garage optional. References. Ph. Wilmette 204. 67L20-ltc EVANSTON APARTMENTS CALL OR HAVE US SEND YOU OUH COMPLETE LIS'l' OF APTS. & HSES. 528 Lee St., 2 rms. and Inadr. .... $ 60.00 904 Elmwood Ave., 3 rms. & sunpr 60.00 2114 Sherman Ave., 3 rms... . ... .... 70.00 1307 Oak Ave., 3 rms. & inadr. . . . . 70.00 947 Chicago Ave., 3 rms. & inador 70.00 2206 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. & inador 70.00 518 Lee St., 4 rms. & inador .. . . . . 75.00 1114 Maple Ave., 4 rm~. & inador .. 80.01l 1317 Oak Ave., 4 rms. & inador . . . . 82.50 1621 Ridg·e Ave., 4 rmK & sunpr. .. 90.00 :nos Sherman Ave., 4 rms., 90.00 (2 bedrms.) .. - · . - · · - - · 90.0U 1125 Davis St., 4 rms . .... ~21 0 Sherman Ave., 4 rms., 92.50 ( 2 bedrms.) . . . . . . . .... · · - - · so.oo :!0 20 Sherman Ave., 5 rms. .. .. .. . S5.00 SOO Reward St., 5 rms. & sunnl' .. . 845 Hidge Aye., 5 rms. & sunpr . .. . 105.00 110.0(1 103:1 Dempster St., 5 rms . ....... . . . :!000 Harrison St., 5 rms. (2 bath!;) 140.00 tR12 Sherman Ave., 6 rms. (2 bath f;) 125.00 160!'1 Ridge Ave., 6 rms. &_ sunpr . . 150.00 175.011 ~!11 !l f't-ntral St., 6 rms. & gl'l.r . .. 175.00 15n H.idge Ave., 6 rms . ..... . 175.00 ~!116 Prairie Ava .. 6 rm~. . . . .. 175.00 lf>~5 Ridge Ave., 7 rms. & sunpr .. Phone Your Want·Ad· in the Bvenin1 Phone Wil. 4308 FOR SALE-$32,000 OR RENT $225, Winnetka, near lake and schools, dandy 8-rm. house, oil burner. Inq. 877 Elm St., Tel. Winnetka 1689. 77LT20-1tp FOR SALE-SHERIDAN RD., BRICK and stucco 7 room, sun porch, sleeping porch, 3 baths, both gas and coal heater, 2 car heated garage; 80 feet front; $30,000. Hoyt King, 711 Forest Ave., Wilmette. 77L20-ltc GLENCOE BELOW REPLACEMENT VALUE ~ew hril'k S room house, 3 bath~ and lav., 2 cur he a ted attached garage, on large lot. 3 bloclu; to train. $25,000. Small amount cn:-;h. See Mr. Johhson. \V. ']. PICI<AH.D 1618. Chi cago A \"e. Greenleaf 7120 77L20-ltc ~EW 8 ROOM BRTCK AND :-5TONE ENGLlSH TYPE RESIDENCE IN <?ur classified advertising department is prepared to accept advertasements for the current issue of WILMETTE LlFE every evening until l' I, §mm&lflt :: HOOM APT. & CG@ll®® University 02S:: 67LTN20-l tc 9 P. M. WEDNESDAY 1 1:i64 Sherman .<-\.\'e. Located in one of choicest section~. ] blu<:k!< to school and 4 blocks to main depot, on a large wooded, rolling lot. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths and showers, sun · room ; oil heat ; elect. refrig. ; copper down spouts and g-uttering; slate roof. Wonderful room in ba~ement with fireplac e, for billiard:-;, play room or party room. 2 car garage. To Be :-)old at Cost! r J p l'Oll ~L\LE - HOUSES $35 PER MONTH IX- ~_,a_.F_'_o_n._R_E_·~_·_T_-_s_T_O_R_E_s_&_ · _O_l_'_l '_It_ ' F_ ~_s_ 7i Ph. '\Yinn etka 3076 after 1lllirir & duding heat. BEAUTIF'GL NE'\V BRICK 67LTN20-ltp 6 P.M. home on secluded street adjoining large CENTRAL AND RllERIDAN GEORGE F. GONSALVES. 746 ELM ST., t·~tate, a bedrooms, 3 baths with addiHIGHLAND PARK Winnetka 62. tiollal :-pa<.:e on 3rd fl. for extra rooms; 77LTN20-1tc 73LTN13-tfc la\'., sun , l.Jreakfa~t and recreation NILES CENTER rctom~; h(Jt \\'at £>r lwat with oil burner, 4-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large, 77 l"OR SALE-HOUSES slate ronf, 2 ca1 · attached garage, large OWNER NOW BCILDIXG LARGER light, modern. Near Dempster .,L" house desires to sell bungalow on AsWtH1ded lot. Prit'l' $35,000. . terminal station and North Shore elec CHOICE BRICK HOME. S. E. WINNETbury Avenue, Hubb.an} \Voods. Near 29 minutes to loop. ~chool and tr~ns}Jor·tation. Large living FR~L\Xl..: ka. Near lake, schools, transp.; large room, two bedrooms and sleeping porch, lot, 7 rms. ; 2 baths, breakfast rm. ; HEALTOH gn.rage.. oil burner, ·copper weather attached gar. Frigidaire, incinerator, !'154 Lincl ·11 Aw. Ph. Winnetka 1300 Dempster Street at Bronx Ave stripped. Priced for quick sale. Call automatic heat and water. Splendid i7LTN20-lte Phone Niles Center 93 Winnetka 1093, or se, your broker. terms. Owner will show by appt. Write 67LTN36-tfc 77LT20-2tc Life A-146 77~TN17-tfc Sn1a1l Stores, Offices M y & il®lflfY THE BRONX M. J. FAHERTY _ \ . REID · I> I" I, i (' f I· c 2, 3, 4, o and 6 ROOMS A:\ ATTTIAC. ?\EW 7 P..::\f. BIUCK Here tn Wllmette's most convenient and re~id. in Kenilworth. Lg. JiY. rm. with E'1Cclusive location, you will ftnd wellfireplac and built-in booi{·Cases, big to gTOUJ1(] VaiUt:'. E:asiest te rms. $19,500. arraa.ged apartmente. A11 apartments lig-ht din . rm .. 4 bedrms., 3 baths. (~ \\'ill trade for ~ma ll home o1· lot. have outside rooms whtch provide an fully tiled with ~ howers), charming abundance of light and air. Amplfl breakfast room, larg e bas C' me nt recrea· closet space. Schools, churches, and tion room . downstairs toikt, latest II. shopping facllitles within Immediate \V. heating- plant with A. B . C. oil access. See these apartments today. REALTORS burner, slate roof, copper gutters, <.: hroAgent on premises. mium-plat4' l)lumhing fixture[', ~ C'ar !t:W Spani~h Court Opp. T<·:1.trn del Lago WIL~IETTE 2~120 garage with driY way. All thi s (!,1' 77LT~20-ltc $24,000. REALTORS 1\0H.THWEST 424 Linden Ave. Wll. -460 LINDEN CREST APTS. \VILMETTE ~EARLY 1.:\HGE 7 H::\f. llESfD .. SPLEXDID LO<·ation just off Sheridan Hoad, with large, deep lot. 4 hedrm~.. ~ bath1:;, 2 <.:ar garng' , hot wa tl·l' h eat, fo1· close NEW 7 ROOM ENGLISH hrick house. 3 familY bedrooms, 2 baths, maid':;; room and bath; oil burner; 2car garage; fine location east side; $25,000. Phone Lake Forest 527 or address Life A-159. 77LTN20-ltc ~Ev\l BRICI< COLONI.A~L H011E QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Jo'OR RE'S'T-HOUSES ~7T~TN1-tfr IHI(Q)llK~liil~@IID & JJ ®IID~~ REALTORS 930 Spani:sh Court Opp. Teatro del Lag 41 Wilmette 2920 . . Y r\ TLA BLE MARCH 1, 5 ROOM 77LTX20-ltc house, 2 ha thR, oil furnace, attached garage. $125 per month. Phone '\Vinnctka 2347. 69LTN20-ltp c In choice !'Cction of East Kenih·:orth. 5 P. lJt>droom!-', ::; hath~. 2 ea r garag on large REALTORS lot awaY from noil;e of traffic. Price WINNETKA Glencoe 702 :J37 Park Aw. Beautiful Spanish h o m e attractively $il3, 000.00. 77LTN20-ltc situated amid 1% acres of landscaped Al~o !':plendidly Joe a ted 100 foot lot 1 and gardened grounds. ·- Uausually spa- bloC'k from Jake. Owner wants offer. GLENCOE, 24 HAWTHORNE AVE., cious Interior arrangement Garage new, delightful home, English architecfor two motors. Sublease; willing to ture, 10 rooms, 6 bedrms., 4 baths, 2 sacrifice. For complete CJetalls and Inlavas.. attached 2-car garage, oil spection appointment Dhone burn er. Lot 112x146. Evergreens and Ph. Kenilworth 228 122 Sheridan Rd. shrubbery. 15 large forest trees. East 77LT20-ltc liide. Price $50,000. Owner, A. R. Gates, 725 ELM STREET WINNETKA 142 fi28. Davis St. ·a~nUutf HH\!". Glencoe 561 or Handolph 0342. 77L20-ltp 69LTN20-ltc 77LTN20-ltc 7S FOR SALE-VACANT m_-~GALOW, 3 ROOMS, BATH, SLEEP- Sublease Opportunity 77 Indian Hill Road with til e roM, h:tYing larg-e living room, dining room, kitchen, maid's room and bath on 1st floorwith 4 l:l.rge bedrooms and 2 tile baths on 2nd floor. 2 car attached h eated garage. Corner lot 80x171. Price $40,000. Terms. SPA~ISH STYLE STUCCO GLE:t\COE vVALTER S11ITH & CO. FOUR BEDROOMS THREE BATHS TWO EXTRA LAVA TORIES HOT WATER HEAT, OIL BURNER RECREATION ROOM '\VITH FIREPLACE BREAKFAST ROOM THOROUGHLY INSULATED METAL WEATHERSTRIPS SLATE ROOF COPPER GUTTERS TWO CAR GARAGE GOOD LOCA'.riON CONVENIENT TO TRANSPORTATION READY FOR OCCUP AXCY XO'\V PH.ICE $24,000 CONVENIENT TERMS BAIRD & W.ARNER SMI'fi-I & GOSS, INC. 1 ng porch. $60. nt>tka 752. Immediate poss. Win69LTN20-ltc GLENCOE-AT 690 GREENWOOD AVE., R room house, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, oil h. a~. l-ear garage. Lot 100x200. Con\'f>lllf~nt to schools and station. $1 50 P··r month. Glencoe 561. 69LTN 20-1tc FOH HENT-7 RM. HOUSE, ALL CONY·-nif.' m·es. Happ Rd., Wilmette 890- Y3. ~=~~~~~~~~~~69~L~T~N~2~0;·1~t~n ... ::::s ; 3 ~'Olt RENT-STORES · OFFICES -:\. l·:. COR. ELM AND LINCOLN SINGLE OR ENSUITE REASONABLE RENTALS OFFICES Sl\1ITH & GOSS, INC. 725 Elm Ht. AGENTS Winnetka 14% 'l3LTNJO...ltc BEFORE YOU BUY ON THE NORTH SHORE INSPECT EAST WILMETTE Stucco home--tile roof, water heat, oil THE FOLLOWING OFFERINGS: burner, 4 bedrooms, bath, ex. lav., sun In Evanston: 3 houses, 9 rooms and 3 room, open porch, heated garage, side baths, $33,000 to $46,500; 8 rooms, 2 drive, land~o;caped and fenced 50 ft. lot. baths, $29,500; 6 rooms, 1 bath $21,000 Xon-resident owner asking $17,000. PurIn Kenllworth: 2 houses, 9 rooms and 3 baths, $34,000 and $35,000. l'hased for $19,000 in 1928. In Glencoe: 2 houses, 9 rooms and 3 baths $36,000 and $39,500. ·In Highland Park: 1 house, 9 rooms and 3 baths, $35,000. Renovated bouseREALTOR (frame) 9 rooms and 2 baths, $16,000 1137 Central AYe. Ph. Wilmette 3966 These houses are honestly built, properly 77L20-ltc financed and fairly priced. You will find them of pleasing designs, finishe~ OWNER LEAVING TOWN WISHES TO in good taste and with unusually spal dispose of attractive brick house in a cious rooms. A call or a letter wll f WI k r bring you full written particulars. very desirable section o nnet a, nea c. A. HEMPHILL lake, schools, and transpor. 4 bed t rooms, 2 baths, attached garage, ol Designer Contrac or heat. Large lot, beautifully landscaped Builder treet Evanston, Green. U73 Priced for quick sale. Winl"etka 1194 2944 Grant S · 77LTN20-ltc 77 LTN' 20-1tp NEAR LAKE .ANYONE INTERESTED IN BUILDING in the exclusive neighborhood in the Indian Hill Club grounds can get a 1 or 2 acre plot at a reasonable price. I also have an excellent listing of other attractive vacant in both acreage and smaller plots in Winnetka. Call Mrs. Winscott, Winnetka 1267. .7 8LTN20-ltc 7t FOR SALE-ACREAGE C. R. NORMAN & CO. Mir~o IFunllllcelf SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY ESTATES FURNISHED RENTALS UNFURNISHED RENTALS EVANSTON TO LAKE FOREST BARRINGTON FOX RIVER VALLE.Y 1GlS Chicago Avenue Greenleaf 7220 . 7~LTN20-ltc

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