Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 58

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WILMETTE iO LIFE GENERAL REPAIRS February 7. 1930 tO SITUATION WANTED--FEKALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS charged only Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. SCREENS BUILT OR REPAIRED, COMPETENT GEN. MAID WANT S place for 5 or 6 weeks while family are furniture rtlpairing and carpenter work. abroad. Ph. Palisades 2999 all day Sat. H Schuchard, Ph. Wilmette 3534. and after 5 P. M. Sunday. 60LTN20-ltc 50LTN20-ltc . · E N G L I S H Y 0 UN G CHILDREN '~ nurse. 'l'rustworthy, capable. Las t POLICE DOG LOST, MALE, GREY AND place 4'-h years. Be§.t references. P ertan. Reward. Ph. Winn. 1284. manent place d~sired. Phone Greenlear 55LTN20-1tc 2668 or Winnetka 2412. 60L20-ltl) LOST & FOUND HOUND, NAMED MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WILL CARE LOST - BEAGLE for children by the hour or day. Will "Boy," Jan. 27. Winnetka 1920. 55LTN20-ltc give ref. Ph. Wilmette 3690. 60L20-ltc LOST-SAT. MORNING, SMALL DARK EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS brown terrier dog, only valuable as work to take home, wlll call for and children's pet. Reward. Ph. Wilmette deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN43-tfp 1499. 55LT20-ltc ~lTUATION WANT,ED-MALE 61 HELP W .A NTED-l'ElUALE EXP. CHAUFFEUR, HOUSEMAN, AXJJ RELIABLE WHITE GIRL FOR COOKgarden work. Best ref. Winnetka 276-!. ing and downstairs work. References 61LT~20-tf·. required. Phone ' 'rinnetka 2798. 56LTN20-ltc EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS DECO ----------------------.----------rating, painting, and odd jobs. Bes rpferences. Winnetka 2764. WHITE l\fAID, PHOTESTANT, FOn general housework 3 in family. $18 a 61LT::-J2 0-tft· WPek. No washing. Phone Saturday or Sunday, Kenilworth 15 5. FILIPINO COOK AND HOUSEMAN; IX 56LTN20-ltc pl'intte family. Write "Wi nnetk a Tall -----------------------------A -li:>7. 61LTN20-ltl WANTED- GII~L LIYIKG I~ W1Lmette for h swk. 2 or 3 half d<tys 8XL'EHIENCED MAN WANTS 'YTX <low washing, garden and how-e worl\ weekly. Ph. Wilmette 812. 56L20-ltc RE-st of refs. 'l'el. Winnetka 2764. 61LTX -t1'1 WAlTHE~SES \YAN'J'E D AI'PL\" AT :5 ht·rifl:tn CafE>, 1213 \\.ilmett e A \'e. , V.'il. 56L20-1tc <' II A l;I<'F'EUH, C'OLOHED, AGE ?~ ' . --------------------------------wa 11 ts po::; i ti on with pri vat c f am i1 y. AI' !::' f. 1;; years' mechanical t;Xp<:>riemT WA~'I'EO G IHL FOl~ GE~EHAL Ph. Lin<'oln !.IH7. 61LT20-ltJ housework L'h. vVilnH·tte ~j:~7. ;)6LTX:?O-lk ------------------__;:..;;.;.;;.:..;~ _ ;...;.~ Cl~IUL-\X -S WISS :\1A~ \VAXTS V."lX :;; tlow washing, woodwork, abo waxing flo<~rs . !'h. Un i\'e l·sity 3:;22-\V. 61LTX20-1tp \\'A:-\TI·.J> SALESl\JAX XOHTII _ _ -::l-'hore Ht·altor ha s openi11g fnr :111 ex- 62 ~1'1'. 1\.'l 'D.-JI.\LE & }'lDL\~ ·.E )H'I'il·nl·< ·<l, high <:Ia~~. alert, I'rot1·stanl sak~tllil l l. \\'ritt · \Viln~t · ttl' Lit" .-\-lti3. EXl' . <'OL. :\TAID AND LlC'EXSEll ___________________..,_-7_L _'I_ ':-.;_·_:!I_ }-_l_tt' l'lw u f.- h oil st·m an. Ex ct.' liP n t ~. S. ref . \\'ill wurk separately. 'Vm. 1\rcT e<:t L<H 'AL 1 )HL'<: !-iTUIU~ \L\l'\'I'S YOCXG :'i 7::t \\.a ba::;h .A\'e. Ph. Normal 1~0:3. man with soda f·HilHain l'XJWI'h·n··e. AdG~LTX:?0-1 tp flrt·s:,; \Vinnetl\a Talk A-lliO. 371...T:\:W-lll-· 8:Xl'. COL. COUPLE - CHAUFFECI ;,s and hou~eman, C'ook or 2nd work. R ef. Ph . (ireenl(·:tf 0777. 62LTN20-lt p WO~L-\X 0 1~ ::\1.-\X WJTII C.\ I~ TO T,\ KI<; }'Olt. JtENT--llOOJJS ehil<ln·n to S('hool ancl hal'l\ rlaily . Ht'fe r- 66 t·nt·es. A. 11. <_;oiJ <lhue, 7SO I 'rmi}lt'<..:t -----------------------------:1\"t-nll<", Winnetka. 58L'I':-.:20-1tp l'LEA~AXT FHOKT HOO:\l, SIXGLE lwcl. 731 lOth St., Wilmette. 66LT1!1-2t p 60 1-il 'l'UA'L' IO~ WA~'l'ED-~'JDJAIJ E HEFJ)JED COLOHED WOMAN \VANTS lault(lry work by the day. Best Wilmette r ef. Ph. Kenwood 17!:15. 60L20-ltc 1 nOCBLE HOOM WITH TWIN BED=-' and lav., 1 double room private bath, Pl W'l t 3~il~ 1 also one single room. 1 · m~~~ ~tf'<: · Clas!lfied advertisements wlll be Genetal N 0 t tCe--to residents o! the district from . . 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. R at eS-30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used'. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadl..;ne for Jnsertr"ons-Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers: Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. ---------------------------------LOWER PRICES ~O'V }' OR SALE-AUTOS 27 INTF~RIOR DECORATING --------------------------------------------- PICTURE FRA!\1ING LOANS THAN IN SPRING. 35 USED BRASOR ART STORE cars, 12 different makes and models_:_ L312 CHICAGO AVE. UNIV. 917~ $15 to $1,500. 60 days fre · :-:torage. 27LTN5-tfc E\'T;'\~S'fON · N. :\SH C· O. SO D . G. YOGEDING, PRE~. 17~5 BENSON AVE., COR. CLAHK 1033 DA VJS ST., On.. OAK ST. 4L20-ltc ~~~~~~~-----~~· We Are 1n the Market for First 1\.fortgage Loans ------------------------------------ On North Shore h omes, apartmeuls, hnngalows, e tc. Lowe!it rates. Qui<.;){ ~crv i ce HOKANSON & .JENKS IT 'W lLL PAY YOU TO CO~SULT ME 513 Davis St. Greeuleaf 1617 O'h any repair work on your car. Will 30LT~20-lt L· work in your own garage if you prefer. ------------------------------------------------~15 years' experience on all makes. Sat- ~--------------------------~ isfaction g·uaranteed. Prices reasonable. F. II. 1 lostnick, Glenco<' 1161. AUTO REJ·.A I HI~H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~L~T~~~ ·~L20-~l_.tp JH~ AUTY Charles I-I. Brethold I , P .\JU.ORS -------------------------------------------------------RESIDEXTIAL 'WOHK 1~ 1\L\I{CELlng, !-:hampuoing, finger waYl', facinls , hairdyeing, manicuring, etc. For appt. call 1\liss Anne Albert, \Yilmettt· 4528. XL20-1 IC' ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1s t and 2nd mortgages Insurance 545 1\laln St., Wilmette Tel. 65 30L17-tfc ::~;_=_ ==_;=================~ ; _,_;_;==;:;; W A 'l'CJil~S 17 DRESS 1 \JA1\JNG -----------------------------------r--Dressn1aking Ren1odcling Clock Repairing GH.AKDFAT I IBR C L 0 C K 8, llALL COLLETTE SOEUR,' GLENCOE 16:~4 clodu;; cuclwo clocks, manlc·.l <'himr· clocks and alarm clocl<s. Cilrelully anll ---- ----~-----------------1--il~.·-"-~~-0~ -~--f c rpa~unn hly repaired. Clocks ca li ed for EXC'H A.NGl: li-A and delivered. J'AUL DAVEY . CAR " rA:-.:TEI> I~ EXCHANGE FOR JEWELEH. ('arpenll·r, paint, or other work. W!n- 1165 'Vilmette A\·c. Ph. Wilme tt e (i n e tka 1065. 17-A LTN20-ltc 34LTN19-tf,. ----------------------------- 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOH EXCIJA!'\GE-DESIRABLE YA<'ant lots in Lake Forest for hou::w a1Hl lot in. \\· ilnwttc. Ph. Wilmette 7:!:;, 17 AL20-1tr J:SS'l'RUCTIO:N ------------------------------------------------- I-I. GREENBAUM -----------------------------------------HA \\r~t\ IL\N GUITAR 615 Da \ ' iS ---------------------------------PIANO LESSONS BEGINXEHS OR ADVANCED PUPILS. Will also teach orche~tration, accompaniment, harmony, and up to date 'jazz, piano Holos. Ten years professional work. \\'ill guarantee results. Price reasonable. GEORGE D. MOHLE 629 Park A \'e. Ph. Wilmette 2345 JACOBSON St., Hm. No. 207 Gr. 450!i 25LTN20-2tc O~CAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~2~5I~~T~N~20~-~2t~p t7 INTERIOR DECORATING --------------------------------------------- ARE YOUR LAMPSHADES DIFFEREN'I'? DO THEY EXPRESS YOUR INDIVIDUALITY? DO THEY HARMONIZE PERFECTLY WITH YOUR COLOR SCHEME? ALAN GOODRICH shades are designed by Interior decorators. They create an environment that Is liveable as well as interesting and cost no more than ordinary shades. We wire vases and design shades to match. Alan Goodrich Studio IS! Church St. Evanston 27LTN20-lto ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------Rua ~ou Want Ad Ia Evaastoa, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run tn THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16t000 families in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. WATCHMAKER AND .H~WELER the watch or ring that you would like to buy-choicest assortment-modern designs-reasonable prices. .lust the place to buy that gift of gifts-A Valentine. Also specializing in clock and watch repairing. Work guaranteed. A-1 LAUNDRESS WAKTS 1\ION. AND Thurs. Ph. Greenleaf 7186. 60LT20-ltp 1139 Gree nleaf Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4516. 34LTN19-tf<' ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAUNDRESS, BUNDLE AND FAMILY washing. Call and del. Clothes dried PAINTING I& DECORATING 38 outside, ::-;pecial nttention given to sillu; Painting, Paper Hanging and woolen~. 15 years, N. S. ref. Ph. Wilmette 2623. 60LT20-2tc and Artistic Decorating. CARL J..,HANKELT... 1506 Wilmette AYe. Ph. Wilme tte 3104 WORK 'VANTED BY DAY, LAUNDRY, 38LTN20-tfc cleaning or cooking. Hef. Ph. Wil--------------------------------mette 4012. 60LTN20-ltc FLOORS RESURFACED AND REFINIshed like new. No dirt or muss. Reasonable prices. Phone Winnetka 1433. 38LTN12-U'P- TEACHER, EXPERIENCED 'WI T H ~~~~~~~~~~~ . small children will care for them in 4! B.ADIOS her home by the hour or day. --------------------------------------------MISS SCHAPKER MOOS RADIO SERVICE of the 620 GROVE STREET, EVANSTON OUTDOOR RECREATION SCHOOL Expert Radio Service $1.00 Ph. Wilmette 1068 Day Night 60L20-1tc Ph. University 0944 Ph. GreenlPaf 685!i . 42LTN18-4tJl EXPERIENCED COLORED l\1 A I D, good cook, no laundry. North Shore ref. Midwest Classified Radio Service Ph. Lincoln 8084. 60LT20-ltp SKOKIE RADIO SHOPS Wil. 4117-Phone-Winn. 671 ~~~~~~~~~~~=~42~I~,T~N~2~0-~l~h- COOKING, S E R VI N G LUNCHEONS, dinners, care of children. Winnetka 1920. 44 SERVICE BUREAU 60LTN17-tfc --------------------------------POSITION WANTED M 0 THE R'S FOSTER NISTLE OIL BURNER SERVICE helper or companion by refined young All burners at all hours. Wilmette 179 woman. Call 1\I. Perry, Wilmette 4288. 44LTN11-tfc -------------6-0L_T_N_2_0-_It_ll GRADUATE NURSE WITH PLEASANT home c".res for convalescent or eldetly people. Ph. Wilmette 4299. 60LTN17-4tc Ha~ HEL. GlHL WISHES DAYS OR MORN- KJ 'E WAHM ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 I:\ ing- work. Tel. University 8146. 420 Park pri\'. family. Near transp. 60LTN 20-lt}J -------------------------------Ave. Ph. Wilmette 293. 66L20-lt P EXPERIEXCED W 0 1\I AN WANT=-' PLEASANT FURN. ROOM. PLENTY work by day, laundry or cleaning, r ef. of h eat and hot water with bath. $v. University 8679. 60LT20-ltp Wilmette 729. 66L20-ltc CENTRAL HOTEL, 629 MAIN STREET, rooms by day or week, all outside roomH, steam heated, hot and colrt water. 66L48-tfc WELL FURNISHED FRONT R00!\1, near all transp. Reasonable. Call Witmette 3 730. 66L20-ltc NICELY FU.H.N. RM., LADY OR MARried couple. Glencoe 976. 66LTN20-1tp FURNISHED ROOM, CONVENIENT TO transp. Call Wilmette 2764. 66L20-ltp FOH. REN'l'- 1 SINGLE AND 1 DOUBLE h::;kp. room. Very reas. to ladies or couples employed. Ph. Wilmette 179. 66L20-ltc TWO ROOMS FOH. LIGHT HOUSEkeeping or sleeping rooms. 525 Chestnut. 66LTN20-1tp HOOM WITH OR· WITHOUT BOARD. 1 or 2 persons. Call Winnetlm ft~l. 66LTN20-ltc COMFORTABLE, SUNNY ROOM IN east side home. Oil heat. Hot water always. Convenient to all trans. Garal{e optional. References. Wilmette 201. 66L20-ltc FURNISHED ROOMS. GARAGE available. Protestant. Winnetka 914. 66LTN20-ltp 87 FOR RENT-~PARTMENTS 2 ----------------------------------------- DA_ Y NURSERY --------------------------------------- = A AP ART11ENTS NEW BOAL BUILDING SOUTH AND EAST EXPOSURES RENTAL $75 to $85 ~ ~ ' PRACTICAL NURSE FOR ELDERLY, c:om·alescent patient. Ph. Wilmette 729. 60LTN20-1tp SIT. WTD.-COMPETENT MAID, GENeral housework, good cook, ref. Ph. Normal 5283. L20-1tp SMITI-I & GOSS, INC. 725 Elm St. AGENTS Winnetka 142 67LTN20-1tc Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 - . I

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