Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 57

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Ferruary 7, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE D. A. R. Announces Recommendations of Current Movies t' ns Plays "Claw/oot" "Simba," Feature Film at Community House Saturday Saturday, February 8, marks the conclusion of the run of "Simba" at Commu~ity House. This remarkable venture into the jungles is admirably filmed. There is more really interesting material and, conceivably, there are more thrills .per inch of film in "Simba" than any other feature film one can remember. Following is a list .of re~ommencla 011 current motton ptctures an111~unced. recently . by Mrs. Richard ]~alph Russel, chatrman of the better films committee of th.e Daughters of the American Revolut10n : THE ROGUE SONG-M~G-M. Lawret;tce Friday, Saturday 'f'bbett in an out~tandmg productwn o!sed on the operetta, "Gypsy Love." A newspaper story, out of the ordinFebruary 7, 8 RO~IANCE OF THE RIO GRANDEary class, is being brought to Commun- · Fox. All dialogue. From t~e novel by ity House next Tuesday, February 11, Katherine F. ~erould, featurmg -w:arner in the film entitled "In The HeadBaxter. EspeciallY recommend~d a~ outlines." What actually happens in a re~tn. nding entertainment for famtly. porter's life is convincingly done and rEVIL MAY CARE-M-G;M. All dtalng·ue. Featuring Ra~o!1 Novarro. and in a very entertaining mann~r. \Vho Joan Bennett J 10 rothY .Jordan. Exqu1s1te photogt:lphy has not heard that truth is stranger : nd tender ~ong nun:tber~ .add beauty to 1 Robert Montgomery than fiction? If you wish to be shown ·111 intensely ah~orbmg p1cture. that in some instances the foregoing ' lHSf-LOi:> :\IURDER CASE-Feature. ;"-ll dia lugul'. Based on story by S. S. van statement is true, see what happens l'vne. This is a well develop~d my.s tery in "In The Headlines." Grant With>lot concerning an an·h ma1.tac w1th a ers and Marion Kixon play the leads ! ,rim sense of humor. Adults. . Monday, Tuesday o BURXI?\0 UP-Paramount. Al_l dl~twith an admirable cast aiding, includh·gue. Richard Arlen and ~l:Lry ~nan .1~1 February 10, 11 ing Edmund Breese, Pauline Garon and a picture about an aut~ ra~er, "ho d!:-;Hallam Cooley. cowrs he is involved m dtshonest. betting, and is threatened by death 1f he Because of the Scout exhibit at Comw i ns the race. Adults. munity House next Saturday, February Ti-IEIR OW~ DESIRES-M-r:-.:\1. All Richard Arlen 15, motion pictures are being offered dia\og·ue. Ca~t: ~ormn. Shearer, . Belle }{et!llelt, Lt>wis Stom·, I_tobert. :\lontonly on Friday of that week. The picMary Brian ~omrry. Plenty of emotiOnal mtere~t. ture featured at Community House Adult~. . February 1-l, is "The Black \Vatch." l!ELL'S HEROES - Um\·ersal. , .\ll Intensely dramatic, fraught with indialogw:. Bal->t>d on story, "The '1 h~et- I <:odfathers" by Peter B. Kyne, featunng trigue and yet subtly produced, this ('harks Bic:kford, Raymond Hatton, Frt>d Wednesday, Thursday story deals with a man who, for the (Photo by :\loffttt) Kohler. Outstanding p~ot-:>grap~y and sake of publicity, faces disgrace yet February 12, 13 :-;im·ere acting make~ connncmg tlu!-:i gr11n "Clawfoot" is the role Mrs. Leon2rd performs marvelous feats. for his coundrama. Adults. SEYE:-.: KEYS TO BALDPATE-RKO. Larrabee oi Hubbard \\' oods has been try. ~f yrna Loy, as the heroine plays. All dialogue. Based on novel by Earl D. taking in Junior League theater perBiggers, f aturing Richard Dix. Heco!n- formance of "The Princess and the a new and sp lendid role opposite Victor ~1cLaglen. nH-ndt·d for the family, but too mature tor in Goblins" which concludes its run after children. . . POf~TI<;D HEELS-Paramount. "\ll the 10:30 o'clock periormance Saturdwlngue. Cast inC'lutl s \Villiam Pownll, day morning, February 8. The play is ~Ir. and Mrs. Joseph Kaszab, Tr., Fav \Vray, Helen Kane. Fair entergiven for children and for the purpose \'. ho \\·ere married January 4, returned tai;mit>nt C1nly. Adults. . DA~C'E HALL-RKO. All dtalo~ue . of swelling the iunds the kaguc contri- la st Friday from a wedding journey in }{asNl on the story by \'ina . Delmar. butes to charity each year. l 'lorid.a and the southern states. ~Irs with Lewis Stone ..-\ dults. l\ asz<\b is the former Eleanor Clifford, THAT FED HEADED HVSSY-Chriscaughter of 11r. and Mrs. A. Clifford, tiP-Pai·amount. Short subject. Cood ent~r806 Park avenue. t:dnnwnt for adults. t d 1 L g Starts LO\"E ('0~1 F.S ALO:;-.!G-RKO. All d;aIS a e a 0 Jogul'. cast in ·ludes Bebe Daniel!->, Lloyd Ping Pong Tournaments }!ught-"s .\lolltague LoYe. Adults. F.\S'I~ WORKERS-Fox. All dialogur. The \"i.;ta del Lag< club is to conF .. at uring Jost>ph \\~agstagg. Pro\·ide:; T 1 g- 0 ,,d t-ntt>rtainnu·nt for adults. duct a ping pong tournament uesc ::ty !>A I> K~OWS HEST - Educational. c·\·ening. · }' ebruary 11. for memb e r~ Sh.,rt :-;ul.jtoct. All dialogut' . .-\ medit~cr;e onh·. Follo\\'ing a family dinner at 6 f<trt'(' lac:kin~ in g-ood taste, humor and o'clock, play will start at 8. the r:~m<·. r~\· t·:STEll~ K~inHTS ~ Edu<'ational. ' testants, bnth men ancl women. tn cr.:n~loon Subjt·(·t. All dial()gut.·. A rough and pete for the men's club chat~tpion.- hip tumhle farc:e. c;nd the \\'O!llCn':; club champwnsh1n. Main Street and A1 a pie A venue · ~fonda\· e\·ening-, February 17. the Delivers Large Shipment club \\·it( launch a tournalllL:Ilt \\·hich EVANSTON will he open to ping pnng ent hu:-;ia~ts of Chairs for Miralago <.11 along the north ~hore. A fan 1ily The largest order for chairs eYer de- dinner will be sern~d at 6 the C\'l'ntng I lircred bv truck from the Crocker Offers for Immediate Occupancy I Chair coinpany of Sheboygan, \\'i s., "'f the tournament. Th_e pin~ pong cotnmitte~ o~ th~ rinlJ was deliYered to }.firalago yesterday. conststs ( 1\ A. ~1. Barrett, S. S. Bemtn . The order consisted of 1100 especially R. \\'. ~fcKi:;:un. \\'arner H. Robin con:-;tructed chairs with the hack rest :wn, aml ~~ rs. Frskine \\.ildcr. maclc into the shape of an "~[" which of undeniable charn1 are part of the new equipment for the ~firalago supper-dan sant which opens this week with a special supper scn·ice in addition to the regular dance. The new supper tables no\\' being completed arc be, g hand paintell hy commensurate with this fine t\\ elve artists under the direction and and excellent location. address supervision of T. Barrett Smith. working into the table tops delightful Satnnlay studies in a musical motif comprising orchestrations and . dance figures in ..\n ..\ fri<·a n .\(Jnntun· colors to harmonize with the present ~urrnundings. The table numbers are Tu··stlay also worked in to harmonize with the rec.;t ni the design enabling patrons to Grant Withers, Marion Nixon Our famous $1 Table d'Hote Dinner find their own tables after each dance. Clyde Cook "THREE UVE GHOSTS" "BURNING UP" NORMA SHEARER "THEIR OWN DESIRE" y· THE RIDGEVIEW Apartment Hotel 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS Rentals ... COMMUNITY HOUSE "SIMBA" Plan to Have Dinner at The Ridgeview TAKE SLEIGH RIDE About twenty-five girls of St. Agnes Sodality braved the cold on January 20 for a sleigh ride party. The ride ~as followed by refreshments, consistmg of hot chocolate and cookies, served by the committee which arranged the event. This committee was composed of Ruth Braun Helen Hermes and :Mary Kruch. ' John K. Parshall, 127 Woodbine avenue, has been on a business trip in Rock Island all week. "In the Headlines" "Conlinrln~ UI'WSJiapH·liff story nho,·e ttu· nn·ragf'" Tht.' l:,lucutionul Scrl'l'll served daily in our Main Dining Room from 5:30 to 8 P.M. Sunday Dinner, $1.35. Ridgeview Coffee Shop Ope, 7 A. M. 'til MiJ,ite }'rill a y Only Victor McLaglen Myrna Loy "The Blac'k Watch" From 1'albot ~Iundy's "King of the Khyber Rifles" PHONE UNIVERSITY 10000

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