Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 54

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54 NOTICE VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH I:Y THE SUPERIOR COURT O:t.. COOK COUNTY, IJ,LJNOIS GENEUAL ..NU~IBElt W:lLM E T T E. answer or demur to the petitioner's petlUon, '()t object · to the report and assessment roll of the Commissioners aforesaid, the same and the matters and · things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed. and a judgment entered in accordance with the said r eport and assessment roll, and the prayer of said petition. The following is a description · of said improvement, and includes a description of the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land sought to be taken or damaged for the said improvement : That a local improvement shall be and the same is hereby ordered to be made In the Village of Kenilworth, Cool< County, Illinois, the nature, character, loca tion and description of which are as f ollows: That a local improvement shall b e made consisting of the widening and opening of West Railroad A \·enue, which shall be widened and opened from the intersection of said West Hailroad Avenue with the south boundary line oC th e Villag-t! of Kenilworth, up to the intersection of said West Railroad Avenue with th e north boundary line of sairl village and that, for the purpose thereof, the following described trac ts, pieces and parcels of land b e acquired by cond mnation th ~ reof: THACT 1: All that part of th Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of ~ection Twenty-eight (28) in Township Fortyt\vo ( 42) North, Range Thirte e n (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lyingnot'lh of th e north line of Kenilworth A venue aud west of the southwesterly line of the pt ·e~e nt 'Vest Hailroad Avenue, including all rights, if any, in the Rtreet~ abuttin~ thereon, all within th e Villag-e of Kenilworth, C'ounty of Cool-: and f:;tnte of Illinois, tog-e ther with all buiidings and other stru<.:tures located the reon; THACT 2. Th e nor_ thras te rly twenty ( 20) feet of Lot Seven (7) in Dlock Five (f>) in \V <·s t Kenilworth; together with all building::; nnd other Rtructures loca t e d th ron; THACT 3: 'l'he north ea::;t e rly twenty (20) ft>et of Lot . Six (6) iu Hlocl" Five (;>) in W l'st Kenilworth; THACT 4: The north east e rly twenty (20) ft>et of Lot FiYe (5) in Block Fin~ (;J) in \\'t·sl Kt·nilwoJ·tl} ; TUA CT 5: The uorth easte rly twenty (20) fel't of Lot Four (4) in Block FiYe (5) i11 We ~t K e nilworth; 'l'HACT G: Th e nortlH':1::-;tNly twenty (20) ft' d or Lot Thn·e (3) in Dloc..:f,: Five (:i) i11 \\'e ..;t K Pnilworth; 'l'HA("l' 7: Tlw north enste rly twenty (20> fet> t of Lot Two (2) in lllock Fin~ (:'i) i11 \\'l'S l Kt·nilwortl\; THACT 8: The northe:tslerly t \\· ent y (20) fe<'l o( Lot Ont· (l) in Dloc]( Five (;)) iu \\'t'sl Kt·nilworth; · 'I'I{.ACT 9: The northeaste1 ·ly t W'111 y (20) fcl't of Lot SP\'l'n (7) ill Bloc!< Four ('I) itt \\'t>s l KPnilworlh; 'l'rl.AC'l' 10: The northea~terly t wetl t.y (20) ft~ d or Lot Six (H) in .Block Four (4) i11 \Vest Kf'nilworth ; THACT 11: Tlw norlhem;terly t\hnty C~O) fepf. of Lnt Fh·e (fi) in Hloel< Four (.1) itt \Vc::-;L J(('nilworth; THA 'l' lt: The northensterly I W<>nl.y (20) feet. of Lot F'our (4) in Blpclc Fom· (4) i11 Wes! l{(·nilwort h ; TRACT 13: The northe:tslerly I went y (30) feet or Lot 'T'hree (3) in llloclc Four (1) ill West Kenilworth.~ LIPE In sald feet · of of the in said feet of of lhe February 7,_J9~Q ullHi Resubdivlsion of · Bloclts 1 and 2 Weflt Kenllworth : TRACT 18: The northeasterly twenty (20) Lot Nine (9) in ;Bloc I< One (I) Uesubdivision of Blocks 1 and 2 West Kenilworth; TRACT 19: 'l.'he northeasterly twenty (20) Lot Eight (8) in Bloclc One (I) ltesubdivl sion or Blocks ·1 :md 2 West Kenilworth ; 'I'H.ACT 20: .. The northeasterly lweul.y (20) Lot Seven (7) in Bloc!< One (I) Hesubdlvision of Bloclts 1. and 2 We:-;t Kenilworth; '.l'f!ACT 21: The northeasterly I. went y (20) Lot: Six (H) in Bloc!< One (I) ltesubdivi~ion of Bloclts l and 2 We~t Kenilworth; 'l'HACT 22: '.rhe northeasterly tweuty (20) Lot Five (5) in Bloclc One (I) Hesubdivision of Blo~lu; L :md 2 West Kenilworth; THAC'l' 23: 'l'he northeasterly twe nty (20) Lot. Four (4) in Bloc!< One (I) nesubdivisiou o( Blocl<s I. nn<l 2 Wes t Kenilworth; 'l'HACT 24: Th e northeasterly twe 11 t.y (20) Lot Three (:\) in Block One (I) I{Nmbdivision of Block::; I :tlHl t \\'est Kenilworth; NOTI CE OF PROCEEDINGS FOR A LOCAL ll\1PHOVEMEN'l' for the widening and ope ning o f \Ves t Hail r oad Avenue from th e intersection of W est RailrQad A venue with the south boundary line of the Village of K enilworth up to the inte rsection of \Vest Railroad An!nue with the north boundary line of said Village, in the Village uf K e nilworth, Cook County, Illinois. IN 'J'IIE SUJ·J~HIOlt COURT O:t' COOK COUN'J'Y, JI,LfNOIS ca:Sl.:ILH, NU~IUER h1 said Ceet of of lht) in said feet. or of tlw in said feet fJl' of lltP in s<ti«l feet. o( of 1111! i11 saJU reel. of of t.IH· iu snitl ullili STATE OF ILLINOIS l COUNTY OF COOK f ::;~. VJLLAOE OF KENJLVVOHTII, A Municipal Corporation, v~. CHICAGO Tl'l'LE AND TH.U!:i'l' COMAS 'fH.U!:iTEE UNL>EH. TH.Ul:i'l' NUMBER 505G, CJ llCAGO 'l'LTLE AND TRU~T CO<\ll'ANY, A!:i T H U!:; TEE VNDEH. THUl:iT N U l\I .BE H. u:~51, JULIUS A. UOHGESON, PETElt VEHSTHAETE, 1\1AHY V E lt l:i 'f ll A E T E, PETER LUlZZO, 1-IANNAIL LULZZO, CHAHLES ALFHED TIJOitSEN, ELIZABETH PAVLIK, HEIH8 .A ND DI~VI SEI':~ ()It' FRANK J'.r\VLlK, S1~[';10U, DECEASED, MAltY K .JOYCE, lJI.~Il{S AND DEVISEES OI<' JACOB GLOS, DECE,\~ED, OTTO .1. O'l"l'gN, PAULINE ... 0 T TEN, .JOliN LACE, FIDEL WALSEH, CIIH1STIN8 WALSEH, DOLtLES 'A .J. GIU~~N. IIAZF:L M. GH.I~EN, ATLAI\:TJC A.:\'IJ 1':\CIFJC TEA ('OMPANY, El,WAI{J) L. HA PP, S'l'ANLEY BALASSA, MHS. AHTIIU11 K . l\1 cKE~NA . .JOI·; 1\UBIAK. <:AHFIELD HENNEN, .A. C: . HIC' IIA HDS, HOY PAYLlK, C::I·X>IHa:: I'AVLJK, ANL> ALL WHOM J'J' l\fAY CON!'EI1:\". PANY · Tl fE 8UPEH101~ COVIn' OL<' COOK COLT NT)', I LLJ?\OIS, hy onlC'r duly e nten' <! in th C' above e ntitl<·<l proeee11ings, having rlire<"tt><l th:t t a~ to su<·h d e(<· JHlants as arc shown hv the afl1dadt fil (d in Haid JH 'O<'<'c tling~ to. he Jton-residt'nts of the State of Jllin o is, or wltosc re::;idl' l1C t· ~ nre s hown tlwl'f·hy to IH· unl~nown , and the d C' fendants d !> igJl:lted as "All whom it may coneern," th e Ch>rl\ of said Co urt en U!-if' puLl ica tion to hi' m:Hl(> in the \VILMETTB LIFE, a s cular n ewspaper pabJished w eekly in the Yillage of WilmPtte, Cook Co unty, lllinois, co ntaining notice of the following m:tltet·s: Nolice is h e reby g-iven of the })l'nde nc·y of the nhove £>ntitled proceeding· ~ instituted hy the pdiliou or tlw Villag·e c.f K nilworth. hert'lofot·c ftlptl in tlw Superior Court of t'ook C'ounty, J llinoi~. ilf>:;;i~natu1 Ct' nenll ~umber 511717, itt said Court, praying- for tlw a~certainttH·nt of the .iuHt 'OinJH' TIS:ttion to be matl for the pri\·at<! proJ)Cl'ly to ht) tal;;t n or damag-e d for th e 111:tking- 0( the ill1Jil'O\'('ment hereinafte1· <IPHnihed , and fo1 · th e ascertainm e nt of wh:tt pro]wrty will b .. benefitf·d by the making- o( said impl'O\'Cment, nud tlw ltiiJOlllll of stH·h ht:'nt'fit. The Commil-;siollen; duly apJ>oint<·d hy the said Superior Court of Cool< County, Illinois, to inves tig-a tl' and report tht' just compensation to be lltad c for the privnt"' · property to be tnken or damaged for said improveme nt, and al::;o what real estate will be benefited by said im]n·nvC'ment 1 and the amount of said bcnC'fit to e<~ch parcel of land a!isessed, duly made a special assessment to 1·a ise the eost uf said impro\'ement, and filed thl'ir s;t i<l report and as:-wssment roll in the ollite of the Cieri< of the Superior Court of Cool< County, Illinois, on the seventh dny of l"ebruary, A. D. 1930. Thereupon a summon~ issued out of said Court against the defendants above named, and the defendants rlescribcd as "All whom it may concern," returnable in Raid f'ourt at the County Court House in the City of Chicago, County of Cook nnd State of Illinois, on the eleventh day of March, A. D. 1930, :ts is by law required, which llroceedl_n~ i~ now pending. Th (> total c·ost of said improvement, as ~hown by the estimate of the President of th Board of Local Improvements of th~ Village of Kenilworth, and the report and assessment roll of said Commissioners, is the sum of One Hundred Sixty-four Thousand, Forty-four Dollars· and no cents ($1 1A,044.00), and the total amount assessed to the public as b enefits therein is no dollar.s and no cents ($0.00). Now, unless you, such defendants as are shown by the affidavit filed in said proceedings to be non-residents of the State of Illinois, or whoRe residences are shown thereby to be unknown, and the defendants designated as "All whom It may concern," shall be and appear before the said Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, at the County Court House In the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the eleventh day of Karch, A. D. 1930, and plead, TRACT 25: 'l'he no1·theasterly twenty CW) ft' c t or Lot Two (2) in Bloc){ One (I) of the ltes ubdivision of Blocks I and 2 in ::;ahl \V es t Kenilworth; THACT 26: The northeasterly twe1tty (20) fed of Lot One (1) in Block One (I) of tht> tt£>s uhdi\·ision o( Blocl<s 1 and. 2 ill said WPsl Kenil\wn·th; Ail of the here in:thove clescrihl'cl tract~ numll erC' d from J(i to tH inclu::;ive, being in th n e~mhdidsiou of Blot:l<s I :tlH.l 2 in said \.Y e::-; t K e nilworth, according to lhc 11 lat. thereof r cco rcled in tlw oflice of th e H et:ord r of Cool< Count.v, Illinois, 011 th e twe nty-thinl (l:1y of M:ty, A. D. 18!>0, in Bool< 41 o( l'lrtts at Pn.g·e Jl, :1s Doell111L'IIt ~mnb e r 127..J!l00, rtncl be ing \\'itltitt the Yillagc o( K e nilworth, C ounty of ('ook and· State of Jllinois. 'I' I! ACT 27: Tiw 1111 rthealoilcrly t wc 11 ty (:~0) ft·c t of· Lot. l':ightee 11 (JS) in .l:tJll<'s Jti <'. l.h o\\· 11 ·:; i\d (lition to K enilworth; 'l'llACT 28: Th c Jt<,rlhea s tPI'IY lwc·nty C~O) ft·c l ,,r Lot :-iC\'(> J11 ee n (17) in .1:1111CS IU ee Brown' s ,\ddition to K e nilworth; 'I'IL\CT 2!J: Th C' northc: ts i.Prly twc·nl y (:W) f· ·<·l M Lot Sixt e<.: n (I G) i!! .J:tllll'S l!i(~C Brown's Addition to Kenilworllt; 'I'HAC'l' :10: 'J'h e noJ·thc:tsterly I wcnty (20) fcPt ol· l.,.ot Fifteen (15) iu .James lticc Hrown's Ad<liti,,n to Kenilworth; TI~ACT :JI: '.l'h e not·th ens t. r rly lwC' nty (20) rPPI of Lot Fourtee n (14) ill .James Hice Drown'::; Addition to Kenilworth: THA "T 32: The nol'lheasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Thirteen (l:l) in .lam e~ ltice .Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 33: . Tht:> northeasterly hYenty (20) feel o( Lot Twelve (12) in .lames Hice Drown·~ Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 34: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet ol' Lot Eleven (11) in .Tames H.ice :Orown'::; Ac1dition to Kenilworth; THACT 35: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet or Lot Ten (10) in Jame~ Rice Brown's · Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 36-: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Nine (9) in James Rice Brown's Addition to :g:enilworth; TRACT 37: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet or Lot Eight (8) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 38 .: · The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Seven (7) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 39 : The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Six (6) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 40: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Five (5) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 41: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Four (4) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 42: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet r,f Lot Three (3) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilw.o rth; TRACT 43: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Two (2) in James Rice Brown's Additlon to Kenilworth ; TRACT 44 : · The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of . ic~ . Brown's Lot One ( 1) in Janies R Addition to Kenilworth; All of said tracts. numbered from . 27 to 44 inclusive; bemg ~n James . RICe Brown's Addition to Kemlworth, bemg . a subdivision of eight (8) acre~ of land m the Northeast quat·ter of Sectwn Twentreight (23) Township Forty-two (42) North, Rat~ge Thirte~n H3) East .or the Third Prindpal Mendian, !iccordmg to the plat thet·eof recorded m the .offi~e of the Hecorder of Cook Count.y, Illmots, 011 the twenty-fourth day of October, A D 1891 in Book 53 of Plats, at Page 2i. ,{ 8 D~cument Number 15!i72?!J, and being within the Village of Kenll worth, County of Cook and State. of Jllinois. The above dcscri_bed northc:u·;tel'l.v twenty (20) feet of l'lnid lots to b e tal<~ · n by condemnation thereof, as n.fores:ud, ai1 d described · h er e in a~ trncts 2 _tc> 4 t inclusive, shall be thrtt part of sn1d respect.ive lotH lying- northea~terly or a litw twenty (20) · feet southwesterly of :tn1l paralle l with t.he uort.heasterly line of said re:;pective lots, the sai<l norl.hea':-tl't>t·ly line bein~ the nre ~e nt sontltweslerly lint· of said. West Hailroad Av<'nue. And also that said West Hail road A \'C' nue as so wid ened :tncl opeued, he improved from t.he .interseetion o( s:till \Vest Rnilrortd Avenu e, a.~;; wiclt>ned, with tht· south bonmlary line of th e Vill:tg-e of Kenilworth to the inl cr::;eefion or Haicl West H.a.ilt·oad Avenue, rts wi<lene<l, with tht· north hounclnry li~1c o( ~ai1l villag·e, O\'er th e entire lc ngtli the reof, ittcludiug stt·eet r eturns, hy p:t ving- with a ntH~ course reinforced concrc·te pavement t PJt (10) inche:-; thick, with combined ('Oil<'I'PI·· curb and g·utter, g-r:Hling·. exca~·nting· <tJt·l pt-epa ring- 1he suhg-radc, g-radJng, J(·\' <'lin~. hand rnl<ing- and Reeding .the p:trl{w:-tys, covering parl;;w~ tys w·th hi:~('], loam, ~rading, )('\'cling- :11Hl hand 1:nlun~ parldng- sp:H'<', rPlllO\'nl :tH <·xca\·a l.lolt . ·~I con('retP sidt-' Wrtlk, COIH'I'elc and IJn<··· paveme nt and cu··h, nnd co ncre te Jll:ttforms fo1· ga~olinc ptmJps o1· otlH' I' P tll'poHes within the lin e of tllC s~tlcl pmpose d pnvem e nt. nncl comhinNl C'llJ 'h :ttHI ~lJttPr, the propo~·ecl wall~ in th e pro posecl parkways ancl ]>:trlung- :-; pacP ,. n·mo\'ing- buildings n.nd th e ir. (ounll:tlt·.lllH and fenC'es r~ncl other ohstnrt'ltons, C'lltlttH!' off, modng-. r e::;e lting ~~~Hl eomu:ding ~in · hydr:-~nts :-~t n'W Jora.t1 on R, co nslrtH'Illl g I'On('rete mnnholf's rtnc1 mauhol<· (';tlc.'ltl>asinl'i, const.nwtin~ tilt· <11· conc!·et<' Jllllt~ <lrains, eonsi.J·ucting- concrete Slclewallc~; c·xtencling- snnitary Rt:'we t· services, ·w.l\·in~ shut off boxC's on lC'acl. watt·r ptpt> sP rvices , ancl ext.l'nding- saul sen· tcT R, nclju:-;tim~; nt:tnhnl£> s, \': ll\'<' \':tu.ll:-: :tltll eatchhnsins, furni~hing ~tncl s(·ltllt/-:' t':1st iron ('fl\'t>rs, rn:tldng- c·ol1JtC'dions of pro ·posNl drnins to existing manh11les, maleillg' ('O tlll ('(.; tions or c·xisling· St·wers to propos(·(] clrrtinH nnd m:1nholC'S , re loc:tlin~ aml ndjustiJt~ C' lt·dri·· stt'(·et lig-ht st:lllclarcl ~ nnd cnhlc~. furni s hing- an(l in~t:tlling- adclilion:tl light :-;tnJHlnr<ls, lantp~. c· : !l~h· s and cOili!PC'tions, C'IC'anin~ alHl prole1'11ng s;~id propo::;Nl J>rtVC'nH·nt, wnlf< nnd c··?ml>inC'<l curh ancl g--utter from frost, r:HnH, traftie, and hot sun and winds, cnrill!! snitl proposNl pavem ent. nncl ,.urh atHl gutter, maldng- core f<'Ris of th e J>:t\'Pnwnt., fumishing- rtnd pl:tcing li.nwslon,· screening-s in nll <>Xcav;Jiions nnd trenc·hp s under th<> nroposcd paveme nt, protcC' tingtrees to h1· left in plnN', and Pxist in~· improvemruts from injury, r<>Jlniriltg existing- impmvements w1te1·e damrt~t·ll , removin~ all ~mrplns t>XC:tvntccl mnte rinls and rubbish created hy the const'rnctiott of the proposed impmvemeut, enginN!I'in~ services, and all lnhor, mat('ri:t!H :11111 other expenses ' ne<'essnry to (·onstnH't said proposcCI locnl improvement in a workmanlil<e mn nner, nil within t.he Viilage o( Kenilworth, County of Cook n 1111 State of Illinois. All of the hereinahnve clescrilH·d iutproyement is more fully Hhown and Ht·t forth upon eertnin plates or clra wing--s showing- plans, elevations and detnils, and marlced "Pl:tte J ," "Plate 2," "Plate: 3," and "Plrtte 4," which snin plntf>s nrt· on file in the oOice of the Village Cieri<, nt the Villa~e ofliee of t.he Village of Kenilworth, Coole County, Jllinois, a.ncl which said plates are hereby made n part hereof with the same force and effe ct ns if the same were set out in words and figures herein. NOTICE JS ALSO HEREJJY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERF.S'L'T~D. that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Kenilworth, County of C.ook and State of Illinois, having ordered that the improvement above described hC' made, the ordinance for the same beingon file in the office · of the Village Cleric of said village, and the said village haYing applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said Improvement according to the benefits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, General Number 511717, the final hearing thereon will be held on the eleventh day of March, A. D. 1930, or as soon thereafter as the busi ness of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections 111 said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides tor the collection ot said assessment tn twenty · TRACT 14: The northea::;t.erly tw enty (20) feet. ot' Lot Two (2) in Bloclc Fout· (4) itJ WeHt Kenilworth ; TRACT 15: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet. of Lot One (1) in Bloclc Four (4) in WeHL Kenilworth; All of the hereinabove deserihen IJ·acl.s numbered from 2 to 15 inclusive, being in West Kenilworth, a subuivil:lion of part of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Twenty-Eight (28) in Township Forty-two (42) North, H.ange Tl'!irteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plnt thereof recorded in the office of the Hecorder of Cook County, Illinois, on the seventh da}' of May, A. D. 1890, in Boolc 41 of Plats, at Page 10, as Document Number 1264387 and being within the Villnge of Kenilworth, County of Coole and State of Illinois. TRACT 16: . The · northeasterly twenty (20) feet «·( Lot Eleven (11) in 131oclc Oue (I) of t.ht! Hesubdivision of Bloclcs 1 and 2 In said West Kenilworth; TRACT 17: The nortlleasterly twenty (20) feet or Lot Ten (10) In Block One (1) of the

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