Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 52

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52 WILMETTE LIFE February 7, 1930 News of Interest to Church-Goers of Our Village Taylor is giving on "Interior Decorating" every Friday m.Q.tnlng at 10 :30 in the Wilmette nnd Park avenue::>, Wilmetll· church parlors are sponsored by the East End Circle of the Woman's guild. Herman W. Meyer, pastor 406 Prairie avenue 'l'clephone 1396 Mrs. Taylor is well prepared to speak on the subject, having given practically Church telephone :.1111 the same course at the National Kindergarten college. The lectures, however, SERVICES are not over-technical but are practical Fifth Sunday after '1'ri11ily 'l'ickets are 9 :30 a. m. - Sunday school and llihl~.; and intensely inter(lsting. available for ~eparate lectures as well as classes. for the entire series. 9 :45 a. m. -First service and sermon. 11 a. m.-Second service an<.l ::>ermon. A Valentine luncheon is planned for the Sermon : "The Authority of Christ'::; next meeting of the Woman's Guild, Preaching." Matthew 7, 29. which will be held on Friday, February ~ 14. The program is in charge of the reMEE'l'IN(~S ligious education department and will be Monday at 7 :45--Choir rehcan;al. especially valuable to mothers of chil·Tuesday at 7 :45-Voters' meeting. dren in the church school and to all Wednt>sday at 4--Classes for children. Thursday at 7 :45-Sunday school teacherM. who are interested in the religious development of children. Luncheon will be Saturday at 9-Classes for children. served at 1 o'clock by the Neighborhood . The Sermon on the Mount closes with Circle. the words: "For he taught them as one having authority, and not ns the scribe~.'! That applied to Christ's preac hing in general, not only of the law, as in the Wilmette and Forest a venues S ermon on the Mount, but nlso of the Rev. George D. Allison, pastor gosp'1. aR in John 15. All Christian pr'aching mu!';t ha,·e one authority to be Dr. George D. Allison preachel-1 the g-enuine. That one author!ty is the Bibl·~. God's re\·ea iNl won]. You are in\'ited to ~unday morning ~en·ice at 11 o'dock on the theme, "The Jmpo t·tance of Simplicity h ear the set·nHHl at ~t. .Jol11t's next Sunin H.eligion." There will :llso be n ch i'day morning at 11. flrt'n's story, "Anotht.·r Curious Clo<'k," Pastor H erman 'V. ~ley e t· ha s h:ul :1 aftet· which the little chil<lt·pn will ht· call t-Xle!Hl<'<l to hi111 to Ul'(' nn e tiH' exc- ca r ed for in the kindergartt.·n room . cuti\'t· ~eerl'lary of tlw Lutlwran Laymen·~ leng-tH', a national or~aniza lion of All dPpartnwnts of the StiiHlay sehnol Lutheran layme n, with hea<lquarters nt met-t at !i :ao o'<.'lock for worship ancl Rt. LouiR, 1\tn. Thb eall if acce11ted. instniction. would of cour!'ie IH'l'ess ilate vaeatin~ tlw pastoratt· at St. John':-;, and tlw eallin· · The Young P(>npiP's SO('it-ty will lliP<'t. of a s\t<'t·t·ssnt·. I 'astot· l\Teye t· has now at 5 :~0 o'doc·k \\'ith th e ]q·llow :-;hin ("ombeen at f't. .John 's almost st·ventx·en mission in cha J'C:<' nf the topi<' : " \\7a ys or years. The t·eg-nlar monthly nw ling of ~tudying the Bihle." thE' vott'l's of th e eun~re~ation will b t· hC'Id on Tuesday evenin~ next at 7:45 al Th t' F . A. ~. will meet Sunday evE>ni11g· which tinw thi:-: matter will he tnken at 5:30 in the home of Mr . and ::\1rs. und er consi<lera t ion . \\"alt er 1 fnas. 6~1 Park nvrnu<'. 1\Iemlwrship in th C' F. A. ~ . (FPllmvsltip atHl TIH· regular mon_thly mf'eting or lht· Service) is op~n to adults of tlw c·hun ·h ~nnclay sehnol tC':wh e rs and ofliC('I'S will who wish to meet fot· ·an informal worhe lwld on Thursday evC'ning, February shitl service of thC'ir own. 13 at 7 :4G at thC' Sunllay school rooms of the c hnn·h. l<:vC'ry tNtehPt' and officer At th C' Sund:-~y 1'-\'e ning- eluh, Ft ·brua ry of tlw f'undny school :-;hould be pre.-e nt. !i . .ludg-p fi'lo t·Pnl'l' R AliPn will g-i\'1' :tn :-t<ldress on the subject, "The :"\oise of TIH' .<' h1 1il' will soon ht'g-in rt ·hearsing- £listorv." This is on<' of tht> l)('st prothe six elwrale1; in th e Da('h hannoniza- gTams. furnish<'ll h~· lllf' club this ~·pal' tion whkh arc to he s1111g- at tlw six an<l " 't' tru~t th:1t .Ju<lgP All(' ll will haYe midweel< s(·n·kes during th e sE'ason ol' a lnrg(' audienc<'. lt>ut. Every ehtdr mt>mhPr ::;Jwuld ath'tHl ever_v one of tlw rdwa rsals. Th~o·se chor:1'\t·xt \Vl·(lnPs<lay e\'t' ning :tt R o'c·loc·k ~1's nrc mu s ically and hymllnlogicalJ~· WI' hav an h our of spiritual r fr<· s hin ~· speakin~ th e hig-hest type of d t>vot ionnl with in!';piring- hymns, a lwlpfnl Hihle song, th e wnrds bringing out the story ex pof: ition nnd a period of h enr t-ft' lt of the Saviot"s cleath for the sinner. JWaye r s . This is one o( tlw hest things and the music being adapted to the sal'l'<'ll in our prng-ram. · messag l'. On \Vedne::;day. February 1!l, to March ("Ia~ses for th<> Christian Nluention of 12 inclusive, we will have a notlwr series children are g·iven everv \Vednes<la v af- nf con~rf>gatinn d)nl'}_ e rs and study groups. ternoon at 4 anu Satuniay morn in~· at 9. An.r ('hild six years of n~e or above This Pvening, Februnry 7, we look for may <'11 1 ·· th se classes whil'h a rp fn·e ly a large numhf'r of m e n to be prE'sent for offp·· ...u to all. Those who d f'~ ire to pre- an ewning- of fellowship at 8 o'clock, in "';rare f(lr confirmation will n·ecive special lho church. care nnd guidanc . TIH' Gid Scouts of Troop 3 'meet eaeh Th e next meeting of the M n·~ Ft>llow- \Vednesday after school at 4 o'clock. Last ~hip club of ~t. .John'~ will be hPid on week we had a pot luck dinner in the Th11r~dav ev'ning, February 20, nt 8 Scout r·oom which was prepar<'d by th e o'clock. Th speaker is C. P. d eBlumen- ~irls working- on l:ieconcl 'class rectnirethal. ments. Our membership is increasing a.nc.l we hope to re~ch our goal of twentyfour before very long. St. John's Lutheran night is "The Prayers and Praises of is now composed of a membership of Israel " The lectures are preceded by a bout sixty, will meet Monday morning ;, few· minutes of music and worihlp and at 10 :30 in the Woman's room of this followed by discussion and questions. church. "Good Companions" by Priestley will be reviewed. The Young Married People's group will ho1d its February meeting at the Shawne' club Tuesday night. This meeting will begin with a dinner at 6 :30. First Presbyterian Woman's club Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue Wilmette Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland, B. D. Minister 815 Greenwood avenue Phone Wilmette 3281 "Out of the ashes shall rise a church, finer in spirit, greater in structure, richet· in ~ervice." Baptist Church The regular Wednesday evening service will be held as usual. There are four features each week : - Acts of Devotion-brief' studies in the "Methods of Private Religious Living"-a short strikIng poem with just a w~rd as to its spiritual significanc-{)ld familiar passages of scripture examined with th~ All the services of the church and idea of bringing forth "things new and Sunday school will be held in the Woman's old." club at the usual hours until further notice. The Woman's Foreign Mis~ionary society will meet Thursday at 2 o'clock in Sunday, February 9, at 11 a. m., Dr. the Woman's room. Devotions: Mt·s. S. Wheeland's sermon topic will be "Is ForE. Leeman : study book- "Th e Glorious ~iveness Possible?" A footnote on ;'i~cial Company," :Mrs. N. G. Woods; host es~es: snobbery, political chicanery and rehg10us Mrs. F. P. Proctor and Mrs. :\I. E . hypocrisy. Griffith. Sunday school at 9 :30 a.. m. The chur<'11 n t !';Chool in all departments with classes fm· all a~es. The adult, Senior, Intermediate and .Tunior departments meeting in the main audtorium, the Primary in "A Dutch Dinner" will b_ r set·wd by the little auditorium and the Beginners the Third Division Monday even in~. Ft>h- in the lounge of the club. ruary 17, at 6 :30. RE>serva tions may be Prayet· meetin~. Wedn esday evenin~ at given to any member of thE> Division, or S o'dock in the lounge of the club. 'rhe call Wilmette 3357. study will be the "Book of Psalms." Th e Th e nov Scout room will he d edica t E'<l gren'test book of worship in any laryguSunday morning, F eb ruary 16, at a bri<.'f :lg·e. The finest gem in literature'::; jewservice imm ed iately following- tlw ehun:lt els. A book ~iven birth by the suffcrin~ service. and strugg·l s of a p Poplc seeking God. It mirrors every emotion of the human The "Yillnge Fair" will he h t-lcl April h ea rt ; while universal in scope it is primarily individual in its h elp. 22-23-24-25. The Phllathea. class will hold its monthly social meeting Thursday night, Fehntary l:l, at the home of Miss Lila Kirkpatrick, 1328 Greenwood avenue. Six s imple supper::; for the wlwlr famThe pastor's class for lnstrur·tion in ily will be i:lene<l e:1.c h V\~edn('sclay night the principles of church membership will meet at the ~unday sch oo l hour in the beginning March 5. south cloak room. A 11 ages arc in vited. ... ) English Lutheran Corner Gr<'enlenf :-t\'1·11\H' and ~<.'vcnth street Wilmette Sunday Scnlces 9 :45 a. m.- Sunday school (.Junior to Adult) \Valtr r Reisner, s upe rint endent 11 n. m. - ~unday school (R<'g·inn f'rs. Primary) :\Trf';. C. I. Emt)son, supcrintennent 11 a. m. Morning \Vorship Sermon: "The Crucifixion" Strang-er!'; are a1wnys welcome in our fellowship of worship. You are invitNl to unite· with us in nll th e nrti\'iti cs of the church. Th e minbt<'r would he glad to greet you if you will tarry a moment at the close of the service. Communion of I'E'CE'ption of n ew fourth Sunday of time t0 arrange th e membership t.he Lord's Supper and members will occur the this month. Nnw is tlw for your reception into of the church. Friday 7:45 p. m. . . . . ... . . . . . ... Choir rehearsal Hany R. Nunn, directo r . \VE' cordiallY in:vite tiH' unchnrc1w<1 famili es of otir ('Ommunity to worship God with us. 'VE-' have ample room . benutifully wor~hipful services, and Gospel sermons. If you d es ire to worship God, worship with us. Christian Endeavor society will mret Sunday evening at fi :30 o'clock ;1 t the home of Miss Betty Edmundson, 12!1 Ninth street. The leader will bf! Dnvid Henderson on the topic "How l\fay Endeavorers Crusade With Christ?" They invite young people to meet with tlwrh. Annual Missionary Praise meetin~ of the Woman's society will be held nt th~ Woman's club, Tuesday, February 11, at 2:15 p . m. Mrs. Harriet M. Knowlton will have charge of the program. Mrs. E. L. Schulz will conduct the devotional pf'riod. Mrs. George H. Schl:lrer of ~yria will be the speaker of the afternoon. Mrs. Scherer is a speaker of charm. A social hour will follow the meeting. ·rea. will - be served by Spo1'e 11. All womf'n of the congregation and their friendf: are cordially Invited to attend. Boy Scout Troop fi, meets re~uln rly Thursday evenings at 7:30 In the· English Lutheran church at Seventh an.t Greenleaf avenues. Congregational Church VHe V. Loper, minister ElizabE>th B. ,,.ebster, Dirl'ctor of Heli~ious Etlucat ion Your children will enjoy our Sunday school. An entirely new :--y:-;tem of tf':tching-. which will lf' acl your children to correct Christian attitud<'s is now available in our school. Bring thf' littl r· folk to Sunday school and wor~hip with The Sea Rcouts meet each Tuesday eve- the congregntion while they arE> brin" ning- and the Boy Scouts on Thursdays taug-ht. We are h ere to serve the community and are trying to do a good jol>. at 8 o'clock. The SHn1Iay morning worship sen·iee f·f the <'hurch is held at 10:45 o'clock. Next Sunday Dt·. Loper will preach on th e l'ubject, "Al,raham Lincoln- American Statesman." There will be special mu~ic by the Junior ch oir, under the direction of Amy Leslie Toskey. The "Wilm ette ~unday Evening club, which meE>ts in thi~ church every Sunday ewning at 7 :~ 0, is very fortunate in having the Hon. Florence E. Allen, judge of the S upreme Court of Ohio as its ~'P'aker next Sunday. Anna Nyberg Spooner will play a group of violin solos. On Tuesiln y, February 11, the Ch icng-o Baptist Mission Union will ml:'t't in our church from 11 a. m. until ~ p. m. Luncheon will be served at 12 :30. All Baptist women residin~ on the not·th ::;hore wi)J be interested in this meeting. Kenilworth U nio1~ Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister .Methodist Church The . S'nior High league will hol<'l a welcome service for the high school freshmen on Sunday evening at 5 :30. Ted Chitnmbar, of Lucknow, India. will be the speaker. A social hour wlll follow this meeting. The yo ung people of our senior department were very much interested in hearThe Young People's department will ing Miss Gretchen Steiner talk on relig- meet Sunday evening at 5:30. Dr. Voigt ious drama and th£> development of in- of Garrett Biblical Institute will be the dividuality through drama, at the regu- speaker. All young people above high lar m'eti'1g of the department last Sun- school age are Invited to join in this day. Miss Steiner is the daughter of service of devotion and fellowship. Dr. Edward A. St·lner, who has appeared at th' Wilmett<' Sunday Evening club This church cooperates in the Sunday !"1\'eral times. Evening club which meets in the Congregational church at 7 ::10. .Judge FlorAn Important meeting of the Board of ence E. Allen will speak on "The Noise Religious Education will be held next of History." Soloist: Anna Nyberg Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the church parlors. Spooner, violinist. The lectures which Marguerite Calkins The Wilmette Book Review club, which The fire sett1ement. fig-ures have hc('n agreed upon by the trustees and the Insurance companies. In the very nea ,. Dr. Willett's subject for Sunday, Feb- future a Congregational meeting will be ruary 9, will be "The Program of Jesus." called to decide upon the plans for our At this service, the regular mid-winter new church. communion will be observed. Opportunity Penlf'l Community Center auxiliary will be given for those who so desire to unite with the church and for the bap- memberships received during the month of February by Mrs. Elmer G. Berol. tism of children. 414 Gregory avenue. Phone Wilmette All are welcome to the variom; depart- 2530. ments of our Church school which meets Followln£!' Is the musical program for each Sunday at 9 :45. February 9: The young people meet at the church Prelude. "Song Without Words" at 6 o'clock each Sunday evening, All (No. 15) .... . Mendelssohn those of high school age in the church Anthl"m. "0 for the Wings of a and in the village are most cordially Dove" - . . . . . . .... Mendelssohn urged to attend. Anthem. ,.There Is a Land Beyond thP. Rettlng Sun" . . . ..... . . . .. Smleton The Ladies' Guild will meet Monday Offertory so1o, "The Living God" _.O'Hare morning at 10 o'clock in the Guild room. Mr. M111er The members are asked to come in for Postlude, "March In B Flat" ...... Faulltes as much time as they can devote to their work. Tlte Cltolr Wednesday evening at 7 :45 at the Catherine BuRhouse, soprano: .John B. church Dr. Willett will give the sixth of Miller, tenor: Rose J.iutlg-er Gannon, conhis series of lectures on "How the Bible tralto : Edward Otis, ba.ss; Erma Rounds, Grew." The particu1ar subject for that organist and director.

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