Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 50

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so WILMETTE LIFE February '/, 1930 Wilmette Playground and Recreation ACtivities Men's Basketball League Schedule Posted by Board The schedule of games for the M e n's Basketball leag ue for the spring ~ea son was announced. this week hy L.he \Vilmette Playbround and Recr ~atil)ll board. The games will be played at the Howard and Stolp gymnasiums. 'J'eams whose opponents are not rca ~ly to play in ten minut es after game ~ime may claim a forfeit, it is ~nnouncc:d . The schedule follows : Wednesday, February 12 Howard 7 :Oo-Junior A. <.'. v:;. Thrift Club ; 8 :00-Presbyterian II \'R. Ridge Fharmacy; 9 :00-Wolft-Griffis v~. State Dank. Stolp 7 :00-Presbyterian I v~. English Lutheran; 8 :00-Schnelder's vs. Methodist; 9 :00-St. Joseph Y!'. Schultz and ~ord. SPORTS CALENDAR Friday, February 7 8 :15 p. m.-Lecture. Paul H. Seymour. "An Easy Tra.m;ition !<""rom Auction to Contract Bridge." Shawnee Country club. Monday, J:<'ebruary 10 7 :30 p. m.- Men's volleyball. Howar·d gymnasium. 7:30 p. m.-Women'::; !Jasketball. Stolp gymnasium. 8 p . m .-Contr·act bridge class. Wilmette Woman's club. Tuesday, l'ebruary ll 7 :30 p. m.-Girls' Athletic club m eeting and gymnasium class. Howard schoOl. 7:30 p. m.- V\Tomen's basketball. Stolp gymnasium. Wednesday, February 1! . 6 :40· p. m.-S wimming for women . Sovereign hotel. 7 p. ·m.-Basketball for men. Stolp gymnasium. 7 p. m. - Basketball for men. Howard gymnasium. 'l'hursday, }'ebruary 18 7 p. m.-Areo club for boys. Central school manual training room. 7 p. m.- Juniot· boys' basketball league. Stolp school. 7 :30 p. m .-Horseshoes for men. Howa rd school attic. 7 :30 p. m .-Gymnasium class for W(Jmen. lloward school. X p. m.- Monthly meeting-. Wilm~tlc Playground and Recreation board. Yillage hall. },rldu.y, February H. 2 p. m . -First lesson, aul·tion hridg-,· . Wilmette \Voman's dub. 7 p. m . -Junior pulil·t· athletic hour . llownnl Rchool. 'i ::w p. 111 . - Boxing and wre:::;tling f··r nwn. Howard school gymnasium. )l p. m. -Gymnasium class for 1111·11 . Howar·d school gymnasium. S :30 p. - m . -Married couples darwing dass. Stolp gymnasium. IN '.fUA~lUUAL ATHLE'J'l('S lUonday, February 10 3 :30 p. m.·-Basketball for boys. Fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grad es. Stolp and Howard gymnasiums. 'J' uesday, Februn.ry 11 3 ::W p. m .-Basketball for girls. Sixth , sev~nth and eighth grades. Stol11 and Howard gymnasiums. Wednesday, February 12 3 :30 p. m.·-Basketball for boys. Fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. StolQ and Howard gymnasiums. Thursdayl February 1!t 3 :30 p. m.-Basl<etball for· girls. Sixth. Reventh and eighth grades. Stolp and Howard gymnasiums. l'rlday, }'t·bruury ll 3 :30 p. m .-Baskf'tball for boy:,;. Fiflh, Hixth, seventh and eig-hth gradt>:-:. Stoln and Howard gymnasitrnlH. Five Wilmette Teams Enter Men's Volleyball . Grammar School Cage Play League Beginning Five basketball teams will be entered in the North Shore Grammar school league from the Wilmette Puh lil: schools, Director of Recreation Daniel M. Davis, announces. The schedule for the North Shore league was arranged Tuesday at a meeting of coacl)es F. C. Jackson ·of Haven and Nichols schools, Evanston; Robert W. Townley, Kenilworth, and Director Davis of Wilmette at the v\'ilmette Playground and Recreation board office. Teams are divided according to weights. The Pewees include boys un· der 85 pounds; the lightweights, boys weighing from 85 to 100 pounds; tht: middleweights, boys from 100 to 115 pounds, and the heavyweights, boys weighing more than 115 pounds. Two teams from each school, a first and. second team, will be chosen from the Pewee division. The schedule for the \Vilmette hovs' games will be : February 15-Wilmette at Kenilworth . All teams. 8 :30 a. m. F bruary 22-Kenilworth at Wilmette. All te:-.ms. 8 :30 a. m. February 13 - MiddleR and Tfeavi eH vs Haven, at Haven. F'Pbruary 14 - Pewee!': and Lights vs Haven, at Haven. February 17 - Nichols vs Pt>wt~f>s :-.nd Lights, at Wilmette. February 18-Middles and Heavies vs Nichols, at Nichols. F ebruary 24-Haven Pewee~ and Lights vs Wilmette, at Wilmette. Ff'bruary 2G-Haven Middles and Heavies vs Wilmette, at Wilmette. l·e bruary 28-Wilmett(' Pt>w ees and Lights VH Nichols, at NicholH. the Second Round The second round schedule of games for the Men's Volleyball league, as announced this week by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation boards, fol lows: 'Vednesday, Februnrr J!) Howard 7 :00-Presbyterian Jf vR Junior A. C.; 8 :00-Ridge Pharmacy vs. Wolf'f-Griffls; 9 :00 English Lutheran vs. Thrift club. Stolp 7 :00--Schneider's vs. Stat bank; 8 :00-St. Joseph's vR. Presbyterian I ; !I :00 -Methodists v~. Schultz and !':ord. 'Vednesday, Februn.rr 26 Howard 7 :00-English Lutheran vs. Junior A. C.; 8 :00--Ridge Pharmacy ,·s. Sdmeider's; 9 :00--St. Jo~l' Jih ,. ~. Th:·ift dub. Stolp 7 :00-Wolff-Grlffis \'s. Prl'sbyterian III; 8 :00- Schlutz :tll<l :'\ord vs. State bank; ~ :00-PreslJ~·tprian I \'s. ~1ethodists. · Wednesday, ~larch r, Howard 7 :00-Wolff-Griltis vs. S<'lllll'idt:)r's; 8 ':00-Presbyte rians \·s. Statp l).lnl<; ll :00-Methodists vs. Thrift dull. Stolp 7 :00-Schultz and Kord \"s. Hidg·t> Pharmacy; 8 :00-Presbrterian fJ vs. Engli~h Lutheran; 9 :00-St. Jost·ph vs .. Junior A. Wednesday, ~larch 12 Howard 7 :00-St. Joseph vs. J.;nglish Lutheran; 8 :00-Schultz and ~ord vs. v. olff-Griffis; 9 :00- Methodist ,·s. Junior A. C. Stolp 7 :00--Presbyterian I \'s. H.idge Pharmacy ; 8 :00-State bank vs. Thrift club; 9 :00-Presbyterian II YR. !-khnt>ide rs. Wednesday, :Mn.rrh 1ll ~lEN'S VOI.LEYBALI, Howard 7 :00-Presbyterian 1 f \ 's . St. Howard P. T. A. Ridge Pharm<tcY Joseph; 8 :00-Schneider's VR St'hult:r. 1.nd (15, 15) (1, 10) Nord; 9 :00-:\Iethodist vs. Eng-lish Luth John Baughman .Joe Kraft t.·ran. Ray Robinson Harry Peters Stolp 7 :00--Presbyterian I ,·s. Wilff~Iartin Lynch Hay Steffens Grltfls; 8 :00--State bank vs. Junior A. C. ; JE:-tTY Schneider Tony Sc:tin ler ~· :00-Thrift club vs. Ridge Pharmac~· . Harold Schleuter Peter Wagner Wednesday, Mo.nh 26 Gathercoal, n·ft>t"('t> Howard 7 :00-Mcthodist vs. St. J ost·nh : 8 :00-Presbyterian I vs. Schnt>id(·r":-;; :) :00 ftidg·e Electric St. .Joseph -State bank vs. English L~tht· ran. (5, 15, 12) (15, 12, 15) Stolp 7 :00-\\rolff-Griffis vs. Thrift club: Dan I. Davis Ed Phillips 8 :00-Presbyterian II vs. Schultz :1 nd William Shinier PE:ter Wagner Nord; 9 :00-Ridge Pharmacy ,·s. Junior .Jacob Hoffman Alex Hoffman A. C. l~lmer Hacker J a.m s Hoffman Wednesday, April 2 Art Hacker P £: ter Bohnen Howard 7 :00-Presbyterian I ,·s. Seh:.~ltz and Nord; 8 :00-Presbytt·rian I r vs. The schedule for the second. round Lawrt>nce Weiss Gathercoal, l't>ft 'l'\ 't' :Methodist; 9 :00-Statp bank vs. Ht. .Jo- L·f games in the \Vilmette Playground ~eph. attd Recreation hoard's \Vomen's BasCoal ~fen (5, 3) Baptist (15, 15) Stolp 7 :Oo-Schneider's vs. Thrift club; :\Tatthew Heint?.en 8 :00-Ridge Pharmat·~· vs. t·:ng-lish Lu'h- ketball league, announced this we,~ k, \\~alter Haas .J :H·ol.J Hoffman Frank Guthridge t>ran; 9 :00-\Volff-Griffis vs . .Junior .-\. C. follows : Alt·x Hoffman Earl McDow ~londa.y, AprJI ; ~IONDAY NIGH1' J,F...\(H ' E ~d Phillip!-! Earl Carlson Howard 7 :00-State bani< vs. l\Jl'lhArt Hacker George Williams February 111 odists; 8 :00--Thrift elub ,·s. S('hultz and g1mer Hacker Art Youngberg 7 :30-Chicago vs. TNT. Nord; 9 :00-Junior A. l'. \':-:. S('hrwidt' r·'s. Stone, refert>t' S :15-N. U. vs. IllinoiH. Stolp 7 :00-Wolff-Gritfls vs. Erw;lish 9 :00-XYZ v~. Ohio. Lutheran; 8 :00-Prel'bvte riun rr ,.s. Pr't'sPre~. (15, 15) Gym Class II ( 10, 1 0) February t; byterian I; 9 :00-Ridge Pharmat'y \'s. St. Stanley P eterson Arthur Garniss 7 :30-TNT vs. Ohio. Josel?h. Leonard Koenan Quinn Morgan 8 :15- XYZ vs. Illinoi:-. Wednesday, At·rll 9 gdwin Hill Frank LaBonte 9 :00-N. U. vs. Chkago. Howard 7 :00-Thrift dub ,·s. Preshv.Joe Kraft Lloyd Smith Febru~try tt terian I ; 8 :OQ--Ridge PharmaC"y \"s. MethStephen Kraft Art Seddon 7 :30-N. U. vs, XYZ. odists; 9 :QQ.-Presbyterian 11 ,.s. St:ltt· Harry Pet.~rs Joe Converse 8 :15-0hio vs. Chicago. bank. StQne, referee 9 :00-TNT vs. IllinoiH. Stolp 7 :Oo-Schultz and 1'\ord \"S. Jm11or 1\fnr('h 3 A. C.; 8 :00-Wolt'f-Griffis \':-:. St. Joseph; Men's volleyball team standing::;: 7 :30-TNT vs. XYZ. 9 :00-Schneid er's vs. English Lutlwran. Won Lost Pet. 8 :15-Chicago vs. Illinois. Baptist . . . . . . . . . . . 12 o 1000 9 :OO....._N, U. vs. Ohio. ~lEN'S llORSl~SH OES :1 750 winning team in this lt>HJWf' will Men's Gym I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 f;t. John's Jr. Congrega.tionn ls beThe Ridge Electric 8 4 667 awarded a silver loving C'UJ). (21, 10, 21) (1!.1, 21 , 10) Howard P. T. A. . . . . . . . . 7 4 o32 Elmer Hacker H.Dllin Simonds Men's Gym II 8 6 ·151 Howard Prochnow Mark Simonds II Presbyterian II . . 7 4 632 TUESDAY NIGHT I;EAGl'E St. Joseph 5 5 500 February ll Methodists Ridge Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . 5 7 403 WilmettP 1 :roe.·ry 7 :3Q-O'Kays vs. Roughneeks. (21, 20, 10) (1, 21, 21) Methodist . . . . 5 7 403 8 :15-Horsefeathers vs. Dark Hor·s1·!-'. J. R. Harper Emil Salzman Coal Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 000 9 :00--Wisconsin vs. Brownies. Lowell Todd Ht· rbert l\larqu :trdt February 1S. 7 :30-Wisconsin vs. Horst"ft·atlwrs. JUNIOR UOYS' ('A(~ E I,EA(~UJ<: St. Johns Cym Class Bruins (101) 8 :15-0'Kays vs. Brownies. Junior Aces (11) (21, 5, 12) ( 12, 21' ~1) 9 :OG--Roughnecks vs. Dark I lors«:>s. Claude Hill Hherwood Palmer l'red Prochnow Emil Salzman Horton Kaufman Febnary .2» Bob Koenan 7 :30-Dark Horses vs. Brownies. Norman Nielson Sherwood Nelson \\'on Lust Pet. Carl Nordberg 8 :15-Wisconsin vs. O'Kays. ~ I oward Williams Wilmette Grocery X 2 ~00 Joe Berol 9 :Oo--Roughnec>ks vs. Hor!'eft>atht>rs. Henry Specht Gym Clas~; . . . ... . . 7 :~ 700 Winfield Rogers March 4 (j 1)00 Methodists 4 William Oglesbee ~t. Johns 6 4 GOO 7 :30-Dark Horses vs. O'Kays. Paterson, refer·ee f) Congrega tiona! GOO G 8 :15-Brownies vs. Horsefeathers. I. 0. 0. J:o"'. II . .... -t f> 444 9 :00-Wisconsin vs. Roughnecks. ABC's (29) Wildcats (20) St. John's, Jr. ... . . . 2 4 '133 Members of the winning team In this . Joe Gathercoal Jat'k Heitman I. 0. 0. F. I ... ... . . . . . 8 111 league will be awarded gold baRketbal~s. Bob Waters Charles Fogelsong c. Febnary 10 7 :30-Presbyterlan vs, Howard P. T. A. 7 :30-Methodist vs. Coal Men. . 8 :15-Ridge Ave. Pharmacy VIi. Rtdg·e Electric. 8 :15-Gym Class II vs. Gym. Class I. 9 :00--Baptist vs. St. Joseph. February 11 7 :30-Baptist vs. Methodist. 7 :15-Ridge Ave. Pharmacy vs. St. Joseph. 8 :15-Gym Cla~s II vs. Coal Men. 8 :15-Presbyterians vs. Ridge Electric. 9 :Oo--Howard P. T. A. vs. Men's Gym I. February 2-l 7 :30-Gym Class II vs. Methodist. 7 :30-Presbyterians VH. St. Joseph. 8 :15-Baptist vs. Ridge Ave. Pharmacy. 8 :15-Howard P . '1'. A. vs. Coal ~fen .. 9 :00-Men's Gym I vH. Ridge Electnc. March 3 7 :30-Presbyterians vs. Ridge Ave. Pharmacy. 7 :30-Howard P. T. A. vs. :\Iethodist. 8 :15-Baptist vs. G~·m Cia~:-; II. 8 :15-Men's Gym I vs. St. Joseph. 9 :00-Ridge Ekctric· vs. Coal Men. JIRr(·h 10 7 :30-Howard P. T. A.vs. (iym Cla!-:H II . 7 :30-Men's Ulm f \"s. Ridge Ave . Pharmacy. 8 :15-Ridge Electric ,.:-;. ~lethodist. 8 :15-Coal Men vs. St. Joseph. 9 :00-Baptist vs. Presl.Jyterian:-;. llarrh ti 7 :30-Ridge Ele<:tri<· \'s. Gym Cia!-:~ H. 7 :30-Coal :\len vs. Ridge Ave. Pharmacy. 8 :15-l\len's Gym I \'s. Presbyterian~. 8 :15-Howard P. 1'. A. vs. Baptist. 9 :00-Methodist vs. St. Joseph. League Results Cecil Williams llarry Baldwiu Clarence Steffens Jack FroHt Harry Clark Henry Bendt-r P:1tf'rsun, reft>l"l' t.' .Junior Basl<f'tball team standings: Won Lost Bruins ........... . . . .. . .... 1 0 Hot Shots .. .. ........... . . 1 0 ABC's . ...... . .. . ... . . ..... 1 0 Junior Aces . . . ............ 0 1 Wildcats ................... 0 1 ~I ethodists ................ 0 1 Pet. 1000 1000 1000 000 000 000 Announce Second Round Slate for Women Cagers ~lEN'S JL\SKE'I'IL\LJ, Terminal A. C. (4) Pres. I (17) Elmer Hacker I .eo nard Koenan Harry Peters Herbert 'Vf'ld Harry Stone George Huck E\erett Nelson Charles Lauer Ray Steffens Harloff, Ridge Pharmacy ( 6) :\Iethodist (aGl Robert Steffens .James Reinhold Harry Peters <'harles Varuey James Kraft Kenneth Page Harry Miller Fred W aiduer Clarence Steffens Lowell 'fodd Harloff, rf>feree Presbyterian II ( 18) State Bank (25) John Ouse Bal Robinson Stanley Weld Chris Schaeter Robert Koenan Lawrence Roth Fred Russell Jack Cullen Ralph Whitsett Robert Smith William Babcock I·'rank Reynolds Harloff, referee Schultz & Nord (52) Junior A. C. (18) Bob McLean Richard Huck F.ugene Hardt . Bob Waters Bob Nord Cecil Williams John Born cam]) Henry Sp'O\cht Morris Laing Don Mcintyre Ovi Wieberg Paterson, referee Schneider's Bootery (20) Eng. Luth. (G2) Bob Steffens Vernon Wyle '\\rillard Uttenreu ther Norman Nielson Ed PhUlips Carl Nordb~rg August Walowitz Winfield Rogers Walla<"e Stark Paterson, referee Cag·· ·r.-am stuudln~s: ·· 0 ····· ··· Wo·n Presbyterian I . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Schultz & Nord ........... 9 Methodist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 State Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Eng, Lutheran ............ 3 Wolff-Griffis ............. 4 Presbyterian II . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ridge Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . 3 Schneider's Bootery ..... . 3 Junior A. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Thrift Club ................ 0 LoRt Pet. 0 1000 1 900 2 !ll8 a 727 5 500 3 500 7 363 7 363 8 272 8 272 9 181 4 000

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