Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 1

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WILMETTE VOL. XVIII. NO. 20 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FEBRUARY 7, 1930 LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS Publiahed weekly bJI LJovd Holliater Inc·· JtU-JU6 Central Ave., Wilmette, 1Ziinoi3. Bn.tered aa second claaa matter March 1!, 19!., at the post olftce at Wilmette.,Imn.ote. Vftder the Act of March 3, 1819. S"baoription price 1!.00 Cl ~eor. C. OF C. TO FILE GRADE SEPARATION PETITION Candidates for precinct committeeprisoning Family, Eacape Wilmette Businessmen Gird to men New Trier Books Expected to Be posts in the precincts lying west Push Drive; Worthen Asks Open to Scrutiny Today, of the railroad tracks in Wilmette were Robber-; who raided the home of Public Comment Committee Discloses announced this week by the Regular "Edward B. Mallers, 506 Sherid.an road. Republican organization interested in The Wilmette Chamber of Com- that section of the village. The candimerce's drive in the interest of grade dates are: 16th precinct-Joseph Balmes, Happ ~ eparation (elevation or depression of the railroad tracks through the village) road. took three definite trends this week as 17th precinct-Anton Engels, 2403 that organization marshaled its forces Glenview road. and took cognizance of possible means 18th precinct- Joseph Schneider, 2100 to achieve its purpose. Schiller street. Culminating several week s of inves21st precinct-Henry Fowler, 1404 tigation, !he board of d.i rectors of the Forest avenue. Chamber of Commerce announced that 26th precinct-John J . Peters, 1519 a petition to the Illinois Commerce commission, requesting that that body \Vashington avenue. ·order the separation of railroad grades 27th precinct-Peter W. May, 212 in the village, is now being prepared Sixteenth street. .and would be filed in the next few 28th precinct-Harry M. Bachman, ·days. 1249 Maple avenue. Aaka Public Comment The candidates of this organization As a second measure and with the are in no wav connected with or purpose of bringing the situation mo~e pledged to any -existing county faction, and .more forceably before the pubhc, it is explained, and are interested o·nly Prestd_ent J . E. Worthen addre_ssed. the in getting out the largest possible vote fol~owmg urgent request to resrdents of · irt the coming Primary election. Vv1lmette: . . Are you interested in grade sepa _ John W. Edg.e JS prest~ent. of the R ~g-ular Repub.ltcan. organtzattOn and ration (elevation or depression of railroad tracks). If so, will you Ntcholas P. Mrller rts secretary. demonstrate that interest by writing a letter to the Chamber of Rev. H. W. Meyer Receives Commerce, outlining your views on the subject. Call to High Church Post Because it is realized that a large Rev. Herman W. Meyer, pastor of number vf residents of the village are greatly interested in the manifold pro- St. John's Lutheran church at Main jects now being promoted by the Cham- street and Park avenue, Wilmette, for ebr and yet have been unable to be- the past seventeen years, has received come members of the organization and a call to become executive secretary take part in its work because their bu- uf the Lutheran Laymen's league. The sinecles are located in Chicago, mem- league is the national organization of bers of the Chamber voted last Mon- Lutheran laymen with headquarters in day night to permit them to join. The St. Louis, Mo. The possibility of Mr. regular fee of $10 was slashed to $5 a Meyer's resignation as pastor of the year for this division of the Chamber. \Vilmette church, should he accept the }Jroffered position, will be discusser} at Have Right to Petition Outlining a conversation with Fran- c: meeting of the voters of St. John's cis X. Busch, attorney for the North church Tuesday. evening of next week. Shore Grade Separation committee representing Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe and Highland Park, which communities are now conducting a fight before the Commerce commission for grade separation throughout their areas, Mr. Worthen quoted Mr. Busch ClS follows: "Failure of Wilmette to demonstrate itc desire for grade separation by appearing oefore . the Illinois Commerce commission and ,· asking that body to order it, very seriously handicaps the efforts of the oth~r north shore commur.;ties and may logically hinder the acC-omplishment ', of .their purpose. For Wilmette to joi* forces with the other February 17th and 18th 'ill ages would very materially multiply their chances ·for success as well as adwill be Dollar Days tn vance its own cause to a reasonable Cl.Ssurance of accomplishhment." Wilmette. Watch for Asked whether the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce had .a legal right to next week's issue of file such a petition, · Mr. Busch anWILMETTE LIFE. It will swered: "Your Chamber of Commerce has both a legal and a -moral right to con rain a host of items file that petition and I will be more than glad to draft . the petition and to that may be purchased for present it before the commission." Mr. P.usch is now ' preparing the petition one dollar that ordinarily and has been authorized by the board of directors of the Chamber to file it cost much more. with the State body. During the lengthy discussion of the (Continued on page 56) Kenilworth, Monday night and early Tuesday morning were still at large A warning issued this week by the on Wednesday, although the Mat!~rs tax committee representing the various limousine in which they escaped. was New Trier villages in the war on un found abandoned Tuesday night ·at equalized taxation, states that Harry S. 1 hirty-first street and Emerald ave- Cutmore, director of revaluation, has nue in Chicago. Mr. Mallers is part informed the committee that New owner of Matters building at 5 South Trier tax books should be open to the Wabash avenue, Chicago. public by today, Friday, February 7, Recovery ·of the car reduced Mr. and that residents are allowed only Matters' loss from $14,410 to $9,100, the five days in which to file a complaint difference representing the value of for adjustment of assessed valuation, the machine, which was undamaged. should an inequality or error exist. The robbery at the Mallers' home was In the Wednesday edition of a Chi one of the most sensational the north cago newspaper, however, Mr. Cutmore shore has experienced for several years. was quoted as having announced that Posing as policemen, the robbers were taxpayers of New Trier, Lyons and admitted by one of the Mallers' serv- Palos Park townships. may view their ants at 7 o'clock Monday evening. They reassessment valuations beginning immediately took possess·ion of the Monday, February 10. house and awaited the return of Mr. and Mrs. Mallers, who were not at Notice Not Recei"f'ed home. In the meantime they guarded While the tax committee was informthe servants, rounded up some of their ed by Mr. Cutmore that he would give them one week's notice in advance as loot, and cut all telephone wires. When Mr. and Mrs. Mallers returned to the closing date of the books, that abo4t 2 o'clock Tuesday morning, they, noti~e had not yet been r~ceived at as well as their chauffeur, George 6_ o clock Wednesday evenmg, press Posteman, were imprisoned in a fur Ume for Wn.Mt1'1't LIFt. H_ence re.s·storage room on the third floor of the -,dents ~re urg ... d to commumcate w1th Mallers home with the servants. The the Wmnetk~ Chamber of Commer~e, robbers piled their loot in Mallers' telephone Wmn~tka 858, or the WmLincoln automobile and sped · aw:ty, ne~ka Commumty House! t~lephone leaving their own machine, a Ch~vrolet, ~mnetka 538, ~here_ defimte ~nforma which was stolen from John F. Mit- tJon of the !lotlce will be available as soon as received. They are also urged tesladt, 1208 Eddy street, Chicago. After the robbers escaped an hour to watch the want ad section of the elapsed before Mr. Mailers and the Chicago Daily News, selected by Mr. butler forced the door of the room Cutmore as the official organ for such m which they were imprisoned. The notices. loot, as itemized by Mr. Mallers, conThe committee also urged that every sisted of one diamond-sapphire watch, taxpayer leave himself open to a call $2,000; one platinum ring, $250; one for a mass meeting should some conruby and one emerald ring, $250 each; tingency arise where it was deemed adone set of diamond links and studs; visable by the committee to summon the $350; one cigaret lighter with a watch residents to conference. inset, $110; silver table ware, $3,000; The Meuage fifteen suits of clothing, $1,000; a man's The communication of the tax comraccoon coat, . $800; two doze~ shirts, mit tee follows: $100; one sqmrrel coat, $500, and one "Members of your tax committee have been informed by Harry S. Cutcaracul coat, $500. more, director of revaluation, that the Huerter Legionnaires to New Trier tax books should be completed and ready for the counter on p resent Dance T omorrow or about Friday, February 7. While, Peter ]. Huerter Post, No. 669, subsequently, the Wedneseday evening American Legion, is inviting its friends edition of a Chicago newspaper quote$ to a dance in Hoffman's hall Satur- Mr. Cutmore as having announced day night, February 8. The halt is that the New Trier's tax books will be locate t at Ridge and Washington ave- ready for public perusal ~>n Mop.day, nues. Joe Schneider's orchestra will February 10, this if!fo.r:mation has not provide the syncopation. been as yet extended to this committee. You are therefor warned to take every precaution to ascertain · the exact date the books will be open to the pub~ Pages lie so that you may learn what vat·ue assessment has been placed against Amusement Directory .. 56-57 and your parcel or parcels of property. 1 · Book Comment ........... 44 S Daya to File Objection 11 Boy Scout News .... -...... 66 At the time the books are ready for inspection it is the regular pro· Church News ........ _.... 52 cedure the board of assessors to Clauified Ads .......... 58-40 issue a for notice·· to the public that the Club Activities ............ 42 books are availa01e, giving Mr. TaxEditorials-Shore Lines .... 32 payer five cla7· onlj ·in which to file Girl Scout Affairs ......... 38 a complaint for adjustment of his asJunior Life ............ 46-48 sessed valuation, should an inequality error exist. : Music Page .............. 34 or"Mr. Cutmore ha~ . promised ~oUf Recreation Events ........ 40 committee at least' one wee~'s notfe Society News ............. 40 in advance as td the . ;~losing: date.~ :of (Continue·d on Page ' ·S) ·· · ·: " ... THIEVES GET $t4,ooo Republican Group Names Candidates Edward B. Mallera' Residence in for Precinct Posts Loot Kenilworth MoDday Night After Im- WARN INFORMATION ON TAXES NOW AVAILABLE .. BIG DOLLAR SALES COMING In This Issue

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