Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 40

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February 7, 1930 ; · tn SocietyS Interest Centering . ' ~ ·Post Holiday Benefits · Jlh f I · Tickets on Sale · - I or "Close· Up ,, Benefit fot Club _.· ·f Committee Chairmen for Club E1Jents y .. Vista del .Lago Is Listing Early . February Events The program inaugurated this !all for a gala social season at the Vtsta del Lago club, a season which, now that Sunday musicales have bee~ arranged, includes the cultural, contmues to attract members and guests to the club on the edge of the lake. The hospitality of Vista del Lago will be extended to the sons and daughters of members this evening for a Valentine party. The artistic, colorful design of ballroom and lounge will be enhanced by the decoration added in recognition of the Valentine season. The young people will dance from 9 until 12 and supper is to be served at 11. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Kingore are hosts and hostesses for · the evening. The affair is to be one of the most attractive on the winter calendar. The next bridge tournament for women of the club and their friends is commencing today during the regular bridge luncheon at 1 o'clock at which 1\I rs. A. R. Barr is hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Burpee ·were host and hoste ss for the family dinner bridge last Tuesday evening and the Purple Parrotts are playing for the dinner dance Saturday evening, February 8. The next Sunday musicale at the Vista del Lago occurs on February 16, when William Green, operatic tenor, accompanied at the piano by Miss Evelyn Hattis Fox, and Miss Harriet MasQ_n of Glencoe, pianist, will give the program . Mr. Green is a member of the faculty of the Chicago College of Music and Miss Mason is a gifted young panist well known on the north shore. An exceptionally fine and interesting music hour was given at the club la st Sunday by north shore artists who delighted their hearers with their selections. The musicale was very well attended. Tickets have been placed on sale for the performance of 14 Close-Up," which the Wilmette Barnstormers are presenting at the Wilmette Woman's club on the evenings of February 28 and March 1. The chairman of the ticket committee is Mrs. C. Warren Cozzens, who has managed other ticket sales for the club and for the L~ague of Women Voters, and who, as treasurer of th~ philanthropy department of the ct..b, ·for some years has had much success ,with box office activities. Assi~t ing ~ith the sale of tickets are: !!fesdames W. Behr~ George B. a :assler, E. G. Berol, J. McLeod CameIon, L. M. Cozzens, Rollo Gullicksen, R. E: Pattison Kline, John J. Mitts, Walttr G. MitchelJ, Floyd L. McGrath, Caref Orr, F. E. Parry, C. F. Ripley Ludwig Skog, A. ]. Woodcock, of Wilmette·; E. G. Alten, Robert F. Kolb, o \V'innetka; George Ortseifen of Kenil worth, and Miss Rebecca Fitch of Wit mette. The ticket committee is entertainin the cast of 14 Close-Up" at tea ·next Sur day evening. Rehearsals are procee< ittg enthu siastically, the thirty men bers of the cast giving three nights week to working up a polished produ tion. The· author, Helen Hill (Mt John DeKoven Hill of Evanston), h adapted her original play to local r quirements and taste. Mrs. Hill is welt known to north shore dramatic groups, through her pia vs 14 Poor Me " and 14 Together Alone" ·produced on the camr.us, and she is a writer of much exp~rience. A graduate of Western Re~erve 'universtiy, she wrote for the Woman 's College Journal there, and was later connected with a Cleveland newspaper. Included in the action of the play 2re film flashes taken in Wilmette. The general chairman of the production, Mrs. John B. Boddie, indicates that several new and unusual features are being employed, to be announced i~ detail later. . The curtain rises at 8:15. There will hr no seats reserved, and all tickets are the sam·e price. f (Photo by Mathew Francis) (Photo by Bernie) Mrs. C. Warren Cozzens is chairman of tickets now on sale for the perform- ance of "Close-Up" which will be given a~ a benefit for the building fund of the Woman's club of \Vilmette the tvell;ngs of February 28 and March I, at the cluh house. Ruth Oliphant Is to Wed ·Douglas Crooks Feb. 15 Invitations have been issued this week for the marriage of Miss Ruth Virginia Oliphant , daughter of ?\Ir. and Mrs. Walter C. Oliphant of Oak Park, to Douglas S. Crooks of Kenilworth. The wedding will take place on Saturday, February 15, at the Harvard Congregational church in Oak Park. Miss Oliphant will have Miss Flora Pearce of Oak Park as her only attendant. Miss Pearce is a senior at the University of Michigan and will return from college to " attend Miss Oliphant. Little Jean Sheva of Evanston will be the flower girl. 11iss Oliphant is a graduate in the class of 1927 from De Kalb Teachers college <.nd was president of the \Voman's Athletic association and the Student council. Mr. Crooks is a graduate of Knox college and is a member of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. He is now the alumni president of this fraternity oi the school. Mr. Crooks and his bride are driving to Asheville, N. C., for a two weeks' ltoneymoon and upon their return will be at home with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crooks of 615 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, until they move into their ow n home which they are building a t Cum nor road, Kenilworth. Miss Florence Branson, pictured above, is chairman of arrangements for one of the delightful affairs of the season, the bridge tea and fashion show 1he Junior auxiliary of the \Voman's dub of \Vilmette is sponsoring the afternoon of Saturday, February 15, at 2 o'clock, in the \Voman's club. Frank Sullivan, incorporated, will display fashion's late st with members of the auxiliary as models. Assisting Mlss Branson are the t:ommittee ch.:J.irmen; Miss Helen Evans, of tickets; Miss Jane Triggs and ~liss Marion Cook, fashion show; Miss Virginia Bixby, prizes, Miss Dorothy Fuller, refreshments. Is Opening Home Monday for Charity Bridge Tea Mrs. Perry L. Smithers of 711 Lake avenue is opening her home Monday afternoon, February 10, for a bridge tea given as a benefit for the charity work carried on by the Associated guilds of St. Augustine's Episcopal church. The game of .bridge will commence at 2:30 o'clock, and a prize . will be given for each table. Mrs. Merle B. Snyder is general chairman for the affair and is in charge of prizes. Mrs. Clarence Puhlman is ticket chairman, Mrs. R. H. Palenske heads the committee in charge of refreshments, and Mrs. Joseph B. Marshall is chairman of tables. Ice Carnival on Shawnee Club Calendar Next Week If the weather permits, the Shawnee Hid- \Vinter Ice Carnival with special tntertainment will be held Saturday evening, February 15, at the club at 8:30 o'clock. There will be a children's party at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Next Monday at 2 o'clock in the ~fternoon there will be the women's regular bridge. It will be partner day, and progressive bridge will be played. Tea will be served at 4 o'clock. Monday evening will be men's night. A buffet dinner will be served at 6 o'clock. On February 22 the club wilt hold its anniversary party. Entertain at Shawnee Mr. and Mrs. Aaron McClurg Speer, 606 Laurel avenue, gave a dinner party icr their daughter, Margaret, and eighteen of her friends at Shawnee Country club last Friday. The dinner t:·receded the Junior formal dance for young people in the sixth, seventh, and ctghth grades. Mr. and Mrs. Speer also gave a dinner party for their other daughter, Mary, at Shawnee last Tuesday, on the occasion of the latter's twelfth birthciay. Giving Dinner Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Davis, 1733 Washington avenue, will entertain twenty-four of their .· Chicago friends at dinner and bridge tomorrow evening. Welfare Meets Monday The \Vilmette senior board of the Infant \Velfare society will hold its next all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Arthur ]. Taylor, 835 Central avenue, on Monday, February 10. ~20 Lake avenue, entertained the di- · Mr. 'anrl Mrs. \Vatter D. Lawrence. rectors of the Town club at a business and social meeting at their home \;~st Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Adam W. Crawford. 7JO Central avenue, gave a dinner party a1 Shawnee Country club for their :;on, \Vallace, and eighteen of his classmates Entertain New Members Each new member who has qualified of the eighth grade of the Stolp school, last Friday preceding the Junior for- for membership in the Woman's club of Wilmette within the past year will mal dance. be entertained at a bridge tea WedMr. and Mrs. William S. Hedges, nesday afternoon, February 19, at the 1768 \Vashington avenue, will entertain club house. The board of d.irectors a group of friends at dinner and danc- gives the affair annually to welcome ing tomorrow evening at Shawnee newcomers into the club and to int"oduce them to the board and the memCountry dub. bership committee, who are acting as ).frs. Harry L. Barker, 1765 Wash- co-hostesses for · the afternoon. Tables Have Sleigh Ride ington avenue, was hostess to a group will be aranged for those who wish to Twenty-six members of the Chri stian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church cd friends at luncheon and bridge at play bridge. enjoyed :.. sleigh party last Saturday Shawnee last week Thursday. Dinner Precedes Dance t.vening, returning to the Log Cabin for refreshments. The group was. Hostess at Dance Mr. and Mrs . .Howard Ehrlich, 45 ( haperoned by Mrs. R. ) . Bennett, 1033 Miss Dorothy Dee Denman wilt be Warwick avenue, Winnetka will enterAshland avenue. The party was such hostess to forty young people at a iain twenty-four friends at dinner at a succes s that more sleigh rides are dancing party tomorrow evening at her Shawnee tomorrow preceding the senceing plailned for the ncar future· home, 21 Linden avenue. . ior dance.

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