Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 20

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WILMETTE . :LIFE . for HOMES and -APARTMENTS AUTOMATIC OIL-BURNING WATER HEATERS Ski Hiking to Cary L Illinois Children'· Home Replar Sean Schedule and Aid in Annual Seaaiori Saturday hikes to Cary, Ill., the popular skiing playground, are becoming a habit at the Joseph Sears schcol in Kenilworth. Last Saturday Robert W. Townley, athletic director at the school, ~fiss Gertrude Herrick, assistant athlt:tic director, and two other teachers, Miss Marjorie Stanton and ~1 iss Flot ence Tatro, took nineteen girls and nine boys to the winter playground. The pupils who made the trip v;ere: Nancy \Vilds, Frances Bluthard, Dorothy Smy~he, Brenna Hawley, Patricia Davis, Catherine Conley, Janet 11athieson, Barbara Oleson, Dorothy Raggio, Jane Bisbee, Lucie Dix, Valent~ne Clay, Helena Clay, Elinor Clark, : ean Geither Shirley Botthof, Prudence Johnson·, Joy Mervis, Jean c~> S t·er, harry \\' eese, Jack Mervis, ·curley \Voodlanci, Frank \\'illiams, Vail Smith, Tom Hildebrandt, Charles Bemis, Carleton Ross, and Russell Cooke. D~rothy R.eay Weds · : Llst.-tl as Standard by l:nderw riters' Laboratories All requirements for reliability, operating simplicity, and continued safety in a bot water supply are met by Piatt Oil - Burning Water Heaters. Burn Oil-Save Toil Piatt thermostatic control not only provides safety acceptable to Underwriters' Laboratories, but also makes for great op~rating economy. Piatt control makes it nearly attentionless and entirely automatic. Piatt construction is as nearly indestructible as experi enced engineering and vast manufacturing facilities can produce. 1 CEXT for eaeh 10 gallons of hot water. which means ~ to % sallng onr gas. The annual meeting of the Illino~s Children's Home and Aid societY:, wtll be held in the Palmer House, Chtcago, Miss Dorothy May Reay of Highland at 12:15, Monday, February 10. Park and James Arthur .Younglove of . f Glencoe are being enterta~ned at .a large In addition to the election direc- ·~umber of parties precedm~ thetr martors and reports from various bra:nches, riage Saturday, Fehruar~ b. The se.rvthe Hon. Rodney H. Brandon, dtrector ice will be read at 8:30 m the ~vemng of the department of public welfare , <..t Trinity Episcopal church, Ht~hland will be the principal speaker a~ thts Park to be followed by a reception at meeting. All persons who are mter- the home of the bride's parents, Mr. ested in the homeless and neglected and ~.frs. William Mason Reay, .134 children of Illinois are invited. Hazel avenue. The reports of the society show 5,25 4 The first of the affairs was a lu~chdifferent children served by the orga~- eon at the Drake, followed by a matu~ee ization during the past year. Of th.ts party, Thursday of last week, at whtch group, 2,219 were cared for, for _lon,g Miss Jane Younglove of Evanston, or short periods through the Soctety 5 aunt or the bridegroom, was hostess. institutions boarding and foster homes. ~londay evening Mr. and M.rs. James Through~ut the year the daily popu- Clute y ounglove of 840 Shen?an road, lation of children under care was 1,830; Glencoe, parents of the bndegrootn, while 3 035 other children were served took a group of gue.sts to th.e Stud~ "'·ithout' removal from their own fam- baker t o see Francme Larnmore ·.n ilies. The entire cost of thi s service "Let C 5 Be Gay." Thursday of thts was $390,526. week ~~ rs. Edwin ~f. Ashcraft, III, of \Villard T. Carter. who had charge During the past forty-se\·en year.s, Evanston ga\·e a bridge luncheon: Mr. of the religious education department the Illinois Children's Home and Atd y ounglove will give his hachel<;>r dtnner of the Cnion church in K.enihvorth last society has received for care h~meless next \\'erlnesday at the S k~lme club, year, but is nO\Ii at the Hartiord Sem- children fr om every county tn the 2 ncl the following evening hts parents marv Foundation. will be in Kenilworth state. It has become th~ legal guard- \\·ill gi\·e a ~inner. dance ~t the Opera about February 15 to spend a week. ian oi 11.000 or these chtldren. Prom- dub. The bndal dmner wtll take place 1Ir. Carter i · on a month's tour of the inent and self-respecting citizens in fridav e\·ening, February 1~. at the '~·e?tern c?llegcs and. a iter being in practically e\·ery part oi Illinni.::, were I,ome- of the bride's parents, and will Lhtcago wtll go to Ohto. I iormer wards of this organizat10n. be fnllo\,·ecl by the rehear~al. . -o., The society maintains receiving i~1- I ~~ r..,. James A. Robert . Jr.,· of Chi1Ir. a~.J :\[rs. Frank F.ultt)n, ~ H~ll . stitutions. i~ . Evanston ar:d D~quotn, ! cago will be matron or. hono: at the road, !f!~etka, ente_rtamed thtrt~-stx and a trammg s~ho?l .tor g1rl · . at \\·edding sen·ice, and ~l.tss Irnn ~eay, 0f thetr rnends at dmner and bndge Potomac. These tnstttutton · are tor ~ ister of the bride, wdl be matd of un Saturday night Ia · t. The dinner the temp orary care of children only as ~ ~ onor. ~I iss Shirley and ~fis· ~ancy v. as in honor of ~Ir . Fulton's birthday. it is the purpo ·e of the ?ociety to re- r~eay. \\·ho also a\e sisters oi the bri.rJe, store the cluldren to thetr own home · \\·ill be bridesmatds, the others bemg if that can be done, and if that i · im- ! .I iss Jean :\dams and ~liss Virjean po ·sible. to secure for them. at an early ' Richev of Chicago. Louis Bourgeois Studio elate, 1 hom~s in selected familie · . Gilbert Younglove will be }lis _It t~eretore. employes a .large group l' rother's best man, and the ushers will o.t tra111ec~ _octal Wl).rkers t?r construe: be Edv.-in ~I. Ashcraft, III. of Evansttve servtce to .c~11ldret.1 .tn need ?1 to n, Robert Slater, C,ilbert Robin · on of ~o.re and _uper. vt ·wn o r tts \\·ards m . Chicago, and Robert E. Smith, Jr., taster o r boardmg homes. c. nd Ro lnl Beatty of Highland Park. :\(iss Rea v is ~ f rmer Kenilworth ).frs. \V. Blom (Florence Peas~), ~ i rl, having -been born at 61j Abbottswho is staying with her parents. }.[r. ft ·rd road. She is a gradua te of the and ~fr · . \\'arr en Pease, 320 Leice.:.:er Deerfield Shields High school and :itroad, Kenilworth, befor e going to Cali- tended Les Tourelles, Switzerland. in fornia, ·pent last week-end in Detroit. 1926. :\fr. Younglove is a graduate ~£ :\fie h., a· the guest of her si·ter, :\(r·. the Cornell Engineering school and 1S Robert \\'oodruff (Beatrice Pea ·e). a membe r of Chi Psi fraternity . He a'1d 11rs. \\.oodruff is the mother of a "On his bride will S.Pend a month in BrrLouis Boo rgeois, registered architect. 53 6 born \Veclnesday, January 29. The n:uda and will return to live in an Sheridan Road. Wilmette, Ill., announces baby has been named Robert ~onnan apartment in Evanston. the opening of the office in his studio. Mr. \\" oodruff, Jr. Bourgeois is equipped to handle homes, Charles Robb -oand Robert Crawford 1 on on oum IS t e ·James A . .Y ountlove Saturday, Feb. 15 ° - 1 yv 'I 1 · L d apartments, office buildings. or any other spent se\·eral ?a:-.s last week at ~he constructions. Phone Wilmette 1884. Boy Scout cabm-111-the-woods, durmg 1 J al" Sp aks N K E C. As$embly Today · · · . Mrs. Be~nce Ensor of London, England, editor of the Xew Era magazine and chairman of the :\ew Education Fellowship, will be . the speaker at the weekly assembly of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, February 7. ~Irs. Ensor will take as the subject of her lecture "Adjusting Education to a Changing \Vorld." TRAVELING ABROAD Claude Burnham and son, David. of Kenilworth. who haYe been abroad a year, left Paris January 22, c:nd are going to Vienna, Prague, B.'!rlin and London before returning to America. \\'hile in London Mrs. Burnham and David will visit Mrs. Burnham's brother of St. Louis. who has been transferred to London for a year. She expects to be in London a week and will sail for home Februarv 19. Mrs. Burnham will take possession of her home on Ro slyn road, Kenilworth this spring. Until that time she will stay in New York with her son, James, who is teaching in the Columbia uni\·ersity. ~Irs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~th~e~m~i~d~-~e~n~le~s~te~r~re~c~e~s~s~a~t~~~·:e\:v_T~ri~e~r. - Ban-y's Speeial Rag Event Starting Thursday, February 6th, and continuing only TEN DAYS. Nowhere will you find a more complete selection and at prices lower tha!l ever. YoMr selection! are made in 11 DAY LIGHT SALESROOM.~~~~~ Size 9x1Z ft. SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS. Beautiful Oriental colors and designs. High pile. Sold formerly at $57.50. ~0\\. . . .. $47.58 SEAMLESS WILTON RUGS. In new and plea sing colors and designs. This grade formerly sold at $8i.50. 1\0\V $75 INLAID LINOLEUM. An extraordinary sale-values apparent when you see them. This sale now at $1.40 t o $3.50 per sq. yard . The Largest Exclusive Carpet, Rug and Linole14Th Store North of the 1'Loop 11 SEE DEMONSTRATION at 1620 Sherman Avenue Evanston 900 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods -DISTRIBUTORS- EstJmaUng Cutting Sewing Stair Pads and Linings Laying SILENT AUTOMATIC oF· EvANSTON 1620 SHEllMAN AVENUE D ·d G aVI ·B arry E~tabliahed ·" Cleaning and Repairing Rags and Carp~.ts 19!0 806-810 GROVE ST., EVANSTON · · · Pri..te Parkin, ,S pace , · 5Univerait,. Ph ones. l Greenleaf 5712 · Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett and small daughter, Mary Leone, 55 Essex toad, Kenilworth, are planning to leave about th~ middle of this month for a sojourn of six weeks motoring through California.

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