Febr...ary 7, 1930 . , ... r. WILME ·T TE .LIFE instead of at .the Stolp sehool library, where the teachers' club meetings usually are held. The meeting .wiU be held at 3:45 ·o'clock in the afteraoon, and parents of Wilmette school childrett as well as other residents who may care to attend have been invited. Mrs. Robert Day, . daughter of · Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Swaim, 701 Laurel avenue, was visiting friends in Cincinnati last week. She will spend several days with her sister, Mrs. Stanley Olmstead of Danville, Ill., and will return to Wilmette, the latter part of this week. J:. Entire Nation to Contribute to Big April Flower Show hibits · from this stat~. A large sweet Dr. F. 0. Beck to Speak pea display will be · among the numto Teaehen February 17 bers sent in from Pennsylvania. New Mexico will be represented by a large Dr. Frank 0. Beck of Evanston, collection of desert plants, including formerly a member of the faculty of With entries from fourteen states many rare members of the cactus Garrett Biblical institute, will speak at already made, the Central States Car- family. the monthly meeting of the Wilmette den and Flower show set for April 5 Teachers' club on Monday,. February to 13 at the Chicago · Stadium will be Mrs. V. K. Spicer, 312 Essex ro3d, 17. His subject wilt. be "Building national m scope. Kenilworth, has had as her guest for Bridges of lnternati9nal UnderstandCalifornia, Colorad.o, New Mexi.:o, the past three weeks, Miss Edith Brett ing.u Dr. Beck is one of the men in \Visconsin, Missouri, Iowa, Iltinois, Southard of New York. Miss Southard charge of the "reconciliation trips" conOhio, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, has returned to Brooklyn. ·Quite. a ducted each Saturday to various parts New York and Massachusetts exhibi- t:umber of small affairs were given for of Chicago for the purpose of studying tors will be represented here with their Miss Southard during her visit here by social problems. His lecture will be triends of Mrs. Spicer. finest floral products. given in the Howard school auditorium Chicago used to be famous as the ' 'Garden City" and as this region now has more acreage under glass than any other in the world from which flowers are sent all over the country and Canada, the Chicago metropolitan area is still the garden spot of the globe. Among the largest exhibitors in the show will be the West Park, Lincoln and South Park or$anizations. The Garden Club of Illinois has eightyseven member clubs, which are ent~red in ten dasses. The University of Illinois at Urbana will also be represented. Indiana exhibits will be featured with roses and carnations. Alpine plants and flowers are a specialty from Michigan growers and will be exhibited in the premium classes. Colorado, famous for its carnations and ferns will have special exhibits in these groups, while from New York state will come one of the outstand.. ing gardens in the show. A collective exhibit prepared by the leading growers in three or four of its largest growing centers will represent the California exhibitors. A large California garden also will be shown. Flowers from beyond the Rockies will be brought to the show daily by aero· plane. Ohio is a great growing center for perennials and outdoor plants ~nd flowers, which will dominate the ex- In Our Evanston Shop '.-:' ·. ,... :1. 't, ~>· -,~· .,..,~A·· .. · "'! . ;:. Final C and '"fV · - · · ·· A Sale That Will Be Long Remembered ' Sold Regularly up to $50 NPw 13so .. 1ooo .. 6oo HATS $ 50 Here is the ONE outstanding "Final Cut" of the Winter season. 1.95 Every hat hand-blocked and hand made of French Fur Felt in the newest spring shapes and colorings-we are also including every hat in our stock. THE~~)HUB HENRY C hicoto Stores STATE AT JACKSON 118 SOUTH MICHIGAN (NBAR MONROB) C. LYTTON & Er1a·sto· Sho' T·e~tla1. Th·rstla1 a·tl Sat·rtla1 Boni·tl LAJEUNESSE, INC. Juniors' and Cirls' Wear WILMETTE o,.. ~ SONS Evanston Sho/) ORRINGTON AND CHURCH 1168 WILMETTE AV£. Wil. 312