9(i L· M E:.j C f · -·1r "~ l ..... i F. ~ . . IP _.. ..... . ~ - .. .... . · .. . . . . .. .. . . -... - ........ ~ . . .. -- - -- ·~ --- · · · . . : Febniary 7, 't930 . ri* . _:: · ··::: FOLLOW 'l'HB CROWDS ~0. - 80\VIf : 1460 Sbe·maa AYeaue, $200,ooo.oo STOCK OF QVAI.Jrf FURNITURE lo· tbe LIVING .ROOM, BED· · ROOM aad DINING BOOM - TO BB SOLD ""REGARDLESS OF COST" 1no.oo 20·40% REDUCTION ~- . N B~-..., . co. Dl· . Do Their Bit in Junior League Play . I'SS Ruth Holloway of Glencoe M is pictpred at the right in the! quaint costume she wears as Alcie, lady in waiting to the Pr-incess, in the ' Chicago Junior League play, "The Princess . and the Goblins," which is to close its season after the performance of Saturday, Februa:r y 8, at - the _ Harris». theater. Daveapo·t Conrtng of Damask, guaranteed eonstruc· tlon, to go for : "'-" LOVE SEAT ! ~omf7C~air 180.00 : Denim eovered Love Seat. Colonial design, to go tor Down .ftUed reversible ewshlon, tapestr y cov· erlag, &o go tor "T'HE picture to the left l J depicts Thor w·a 1 d, Miss Margot Atkin of Winnetka (right), and Gundred and Solberg, the three guards. Goblin buttons are being distributed to children attending the performance at 10:30 Saturday to indicate that they belong to the Goblins' club. $97-50 1n.oo $69.00 IUO.OO $54.00 1185.00 KIIBB-HOLE DESK Mahogany colonial ftat top d e s k. i·drawt>r typ .., to go tor BED·ROOM SUITE Full size bed, dresser and vanity, In Walnut, to go tor $~9.00 1!!.08 $86.00 11!.00 ·pfve·plece D J 11 e t t e Suite In Jlaple, reftwtory type table, to go for DINETI'B SUITE $99.00 tli.to PULL-UP CHAIRS Open arm chair, tapestry, veloar mohair, to go for In 01' CONSOLE TABLES Mahogany or Walnat, semi-round, well eon· stncted, to go for OTI'OILUIS Damask or leather f.ol·ered, ·stardlly built Jr. Ottomans, to go for (Photos by Atwell) · $11.~5 l1i.M $9.,5 lli.M $'7.85 18&.00 Flowers in Profusion for St. Valentine's Day Flowers in profusion will he on the local market for St. Valentine's day, Ed Hoffman, of the West End florists said this week. "Swains who are minded to send the young ladies of their · choice 'love letters that need never be written' will have no difficulty in making a selection from the gardens of the whole world," he statrd. "The increasing use of flowers for Valentines is no doubt due, in large measure, to the fact that other forms of Valentines previously used v;ere at best onlv a substitute for flowers," Mr. Hoffman said. "Now practically every tlower in the world is at the shop of the American florist, thanks to the ingenuity of American floriculturists and the marvels of modern transportatio::t. "Naturallv with such a wealth of materials r"or expressing sentiment . at ~-~is command, these natural sentimer.tal messengers are fast displacing the artificial ones." DESKS Several styles In wall desks. Malao~aDJ' and Walnut, to go for LAMPS Table s~yles, SECRETARY In Mahogan.,. or Wal· nut. Sturdily built, to go for Name R. Tencher Placement Head at Northwestern m p s, a II pa r c h m e n t shades or mica, to go tor · Ia $~9-45 1!15.00 $14.85 1n.oo $56.00 $29.00 UVING ROOM SUITE Two·pleee llobalr lh·tn~ room suite. Guo.r· antf>ed c'on8truction, to go for. COLONIAL BRIDGE LAMPS Ad.1ustable b r J d g e lamp with oil lamp, cantlle or bridge style PRONE SETS f'orll('r typ(· In ~lahog· uny, wall typ.- In 'Valnut, to go tor $155.00 17.50 $6.95 $t1.uO $1~.65 $30.00 REED FERIIERIES All rotors, " 'ith gnl· ,·anlzed pun. to gH for BRIDGE SETS \ Folding card table, lock legs and -1 chairs, to go tor Revolving Book Stand Solltl lUahogany, ball ben ring tytu·, l8xl '!. Height 28 Inches. To go for $~.65 IU.uO $9.85 . $17.iJO $16.85 MATTRESS A11 felt aO·lb. mattress, A. c. A. ticking, for Frlclay and Saturday only. To go tor CoD Spring Opt>n coil spring, lu~ll· eat top, toll or shag!" size. To go tor Shaving Mirrors Chest type mirror In ~lahogany or Walnut. to go tor ·$9.45 $!~.00 $9.85 $16.95 $26.00 Ladderbaek Cbalr1 Colonial dPslgn Jn lluhogany, ruslt tleat, to go tor COPPEE TABLE WuJnut or l\la.hogany. 17x27 toJ·· 21 Inch high, to go for $18~65 $14.05 Qpen Thursday and Saturday 'Till 9:30 P. M. R. Tencher, 828 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, has been made director of placement on the Evanston campus at Northwestern universitv. On January 1 the university inaugttrated a place-' ment or vocational service for students in the Evanston departments and placed Mr. Tencher in charge of the new department. Mr. Tcncher's interest in the work promoted him to give up a responsible business connection to become a member of the university staff. placing the knowledge gained in an active and successful business career at the service of the young men to assist them in bridging the gap between the academic world and the ·world of practical business. Mr. Teilcher is a graduate of Purdue and Cornell universities and was for twenty-five years in active bu. iness, the last ten years as district manager of Dwight P . Robinson and company. RETURN FROM EUROPE one of the largest engineering and Bruce Hulbert, son of Mrs. Cora construction organizations in the courtHulbert. 316 Richmond road, Kenil- try. \rorth with Stedaman \Villard. son of ~:[rs. Edgar Stevens of Kenilworth. PLAYERS TO ENTERTAIN has rctu~ned from a six months' tour At the regular monthly meeting of of Europe. Jack Hamilto.n of Win- the North End branch, Friends of C1i..: llC'tka also toured with Mr. Hulbert c<:.go Junior school organization on and ~{ r. \Villard hut has not returned Tuesday, l· ebruary 18, in the Grand to his hOine as yet. He is to continue ballroom of the Sovereign hotel, the bi::; stud\· of architecture abroad and members and their guests will be enis now s;)cnding a few \\'eeks in Aus- tertained hy the Illinois Bell Telephnne tria. He will return the first part of Company Players club in three one~Jarch. Mr. Hulbert and Mr. \Villard act plays-"Duke and Dices," "Memory arrived in Kenilworth on January 29. Ro·se," ,mel "Evening Dress Indisafter having visited eleven countries: r·ensable." Eng-land, Scotland, \:Vales, France, Spain, ftaly, Switzerland., Aust:·ia, Mr. and Mrs. M. LeRoy Minor, 1}29 Hungary, Germany and Belgium. :Mr. Sheridan road, with their two children, Hulbert will return to the Univers1tv _T <~. net an3 Harry, left on Friday of this L f Michigan for the second semeste-r ,,·eek for \Vashington and New York <~nd Mr. \Villard will be in business for a week before sailing on a West with his iather in Evanston. fndies cruise, F_ e bruary 14. They will be gone for five weeks and upon their Mrs .. Edward Marshall, 140 Kenil- return wiil stay for ten days in Florida worth avenue, has been called to Car- <·t Hollywood. Beach. They will visit bon, Ind., to be with her father, David their daughter, Sarah, at Briarcliff beMarshall, who is very ill. fore sailing. -