Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1930, p. 10

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16 W.IL·ME T T E L:IFE February 7, 1930 · ' George D. Moble, Noted Library to Remain Open Pianist, Opens Studio on Lincoln's Birthday George D. Mohle is opening a. stu?io at avenue where he wtll gtve . 629 Park . . . . . mstructtOn m mustc, ?rchestrat10n, Mr. harmony, an? acc~m~amment. Mohle, who 1s .a ptantst, has had ten years of expenence. He has had a studio in New York and has worked under AI Short, known as one of the best musical directors in Chicago, and GRANT TAG REQUEST has been featured by Ralahan and Katz A request pf the Chicago Federation theaters. Mr. Mohle is a resident of of Aged' and -Adult Charities to hold its annual tag day in Kenilworth on the north shore. May 6 was ·granted by the Kenilworth Village board which met Monday night PRE-SCHOOL CIRCLE of this week. The Logan-Howard pre-school circle will meet Wednesday evening, FebMr. and Mrs. Frank Randalt of 912 ruary 12, at the Howard school. Dr Twelfth street returned Thursday from \\'. \V. Hawkins, \Vilmctte health coma three weeks' trip through southern missioner, will be the speaker. All who Alabama and Florida. are interested are invited to attend. The usual schedule will be followed at the WiJmett~ Public library on Lincoln's birthday next Wednesday. Miss Anne L. Whitmack, librarian, made this announcement this week for the benefit of villagers who may inquire a'S to whether the library will be open on that day, 1903 1930 Birthday Sale Second Week Many people are taking advan· tage of this great sale. Many items on sale not listed here. Rexall and Puretest Products Catarrh Jelly .. . 19c Corn SoiYent . . . ..... . ....... 19c Little Liver PiUs (100) ..... . 19c Antiseptis, Pint ...... 59c Cream of Tartar .. . ..... .. .. 19c Glycerin and Rose Water ... 19c Glycerin Suppositories, 1 doz. 19c Mineral Oil, Russian Type, Pint ........ ............... 89c Cascara Tablets, 5-gr. (100) .. 23c Mercurochrome .... :19c U. D. Zinc Oxide Ointment ... 1Sc cANNOUNCEMENT Barbecue announces that starting Thursday nightt February 6, they will hold a dance every Thursday night in the Odd Fellowst Building. Joe Schneider's Famous Orchestra will furnish the music-there will be a small admission charge. Service can be had in the restaurant as usual. (1 THE Sheridan Restaurant Toilet Goods of Quality Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold Cream . . . . . . . . . 39c Harmony Rolling Massage Cream ........ .39c Harmony Lilac Vegetal . .. . 59c Lemon Cocoa Butter Skin Cream ..... .. . . .......... 39c: Lemon Cocoa Butter Lotion .. 39c Olivo Shampoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c Georgia Rose Face Powder . 39c Georgia Rose Bath Salts .·. . 49c Georgia Rose Body Powder . 79c Rexall Shaving Lotion ....... 39c: Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste .... .... ..... . . 19c & 39c: Rexall Antiseptic Tooth Powder ........ . ...... 23c Tube . . . . . ..... . .. 39c "Straight from the Heart" Puretest Rubbing Alcohol Un~urpassed tor rub· bing u way soreness, lamene~o~s, bruJses nn·l sprains. l'ull J·int nlrthday Sale J~rlt'e .. .. 49c w·1t h tl1e s t a t e d purpose o f at'd'tng the candidacy of Sen. Charles S. Deneen in the Republican primaries in April a group of 150 representative Evanston citizens planned to meet at the North . Shore hotel Wednesday night and form a Deneen club of Evanston, with permanent headquarters in the N'orth Shore hotel. Sponsors of the club pointed out that it is non-partisan, is open to members of all parties and that its sole purpose is to help bring about the reelection of Senator Deneen. The senator's supporters at the organization meeting stressed the fact that he has upheld the hands of President Hoover and specially that he is in harmony with the president on the world court question . William A. Dyche Heads Group \Villiam A. Dyche was chosen to be president of the club and chairman of the board of directors. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Odell and Nels Hokanson were fleeted to share the office of first vicepresident. Business, educational and professional circles of Evanston arc conspicuously represented in the membership list of the cluh. Senator Deneen is an alumnu s of ~orthwestern university law school. \\'omen were given equal representation with men in the roster of officers as drawn up. The executi\·e committee includes two chairmen, a man and a " ·oman, for every ward, and a man and woman representative ' from every precinct. Capt. Smedberg Organizes Club Capt. Joseph Duncan Smedberg, a civil engineer, who has been active in laying the foundation for the organization since the ftrst of December. called the meeting to order. He invited Harry Fugene Kelly to make some introductorv remarks and turn the meeting over to \Villiam A. Dyche as temporary chairman. Mr. Dyche was later given the post permanently. Among those who were scheduled for brief talks concerning the purposes of the club and the qualifications of Senator Deneen were Nels Hokanson, Mrs. Odell, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Oldherg, \Virt HumphreyJ George S. Ballard, Holman D. Pettibone, John F. Hahn , and the Rev. George Craig Stewart. ON TRIP TO FLORIDA Mrs. Lee A. \Vilcox, 1511 Elmwood avenue, \Vilmette, private secretary to Dr. Gerald B. Winrod, left Monday, February 3, for points in Florida v.·here Dr. Winrod is conducting an eyangelistic campaign. Dr. Winrod is "n orator of nation-wide prominence, an author and a former Chautauqua lecturer. His headquarters are at \Vichita, Kas. Group of Citizens· Forms Club to Aid Deneen's candidacy .. Household Needs Fintaid Medicated Plasters, 2 for ..................... 25c 1 inch by 5 yards ... ..... ·. 29c Firsta.id Dental Floss, 2 for . 25c Rexall (Blue) Hot Water Bottle ..... .... .... .. .... $1.19 Symbol Rubber Gloves, per pair .. . .. ........ .... . . 59c Kantleek Atomizer ......... 98c Klenzo Bath Brushes .... ... .98c Electrex Curling Iron . .... 98c Jonteel Powder Puffs, 3 for .. 2Sc: Candy and Stationery Homemaid Wrapped Caramels, l-Ib. packqe ..... ... .. .... 39c Homemaid Peppermint PattMs, l-Ib. package ........ . .... 49c Liccett'· Peanut Brittle, 1-lb. packqe . ...... ....... 29c Liaaett'· Filled Fancy Candies, l·lb. Jar .... . ..... .. .. .... 49c Sunnymeacle Stationery .. ·.. . 29c Lord Baltimo~ Writiq Portfolio ............. .. ... 39c Lord Baltimore Pound Paper, 49c WHATEVER the Valentine message in your heart, FLOWERS 7 \ \ ill best express it. Their· color, irresistible beauty, fragrance all symbolize devotion. Select them now .. CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS CORSAGES, etc. Mrs. Arthur Wakeley, 234 Leicester road, Kenilworth is entertaining at luncheon and bridge on Friday, FP.bruary 7, :tt the Skokie Country club. -oMr. and Mrs. Otto Erwin Koegel, 716 Ninth street, who have been abroad since January 2, are expected to sail this week for home. · -oMrs. Frank G. Guthridge, 917 Green\vood avenue, will be hostess to members of her luncheon and bridge club at Shawnee next Wednesday. A. Wheelock, 822 Central avenue is now at his winter home in st: Petersburg, Fla., where he will remain until next spring. s. -o- I Saoe untla Sa/et1 Central aacl Wilmette AYenu· Plaoae. Wilmette 21 -d Z1 WEST END· FLORISTS We Delivtt GLENVIEW ROAD WILMETTE -o- 194 3 M iss Francis Levi and her brother William, 730 Forest ave.n ue, left Sat~ urday on a three weeks' trip in the west. ;... I I I

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