4 WILMETTE LIFE January 31. 19.W Sears Pupils Have Keen ! REOPEN CENTRAL AVENUE Rl..'-'-""""""" Recounts Progress .in Interest in Athletics Grade Separation Plan WILMETTE 634 PROMPT DELIVERY (Continued from Page 1) neers are available for anyone interested. (Editor's note: Figures more in detail will be fouud on Page 3 of this issue.) The hearing before the commissio11 is now set for February 25. \Ve are hopeful that "·e can proceed at that time. The attorneys in cooperation with the village managers are now busily engaged in preparing the necessary data and evidence to make out a strong case before the commi ssion on the qpestion o·f the necessity of the improvement. In this connection it may be said that anyone interested, who has any facts or information go ing to show the necess ity and desirability of separation of grades, should communicate with the committee, as we need the cooperation of every one in order to make the undertaking successfuJ. Miss Alice Jarrett daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy ] arrett, 534 Essex road, Kenilworth, has been ill in bed for the past week ·with a very severe cold. She will be up and around again very soon. MAPLE GROCERY &MARKET FANCY SWEET CORN Interest in the outdoor a_thletic program at the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth is unusually keen, Robert \V. Townley, athletic director at the school reports. The ice rink across the st~cet from the school building is in good condition, and boys from the second grade through the eighth have been 11layjng hockey and skating. The manual training department of the school has made hockey goal posts. The bovs - of the school are able t0 play hockey for fort~' minutes each day during their recess periods. Joseph Sears girls also make use of the skating rink and the warming house which adjoins it. The Prote stant \Vomen's Service club will meet Wednesday, February 5. in the \Vedgwood. room of Marshall Field's for luncheon at 12 :30 o'clock. An operalogue of "Madam Butterfly" 'vvill be given by Recta Rauch Strauss. -oRobert ' Bjork returns to Wilmette this week-end from the University of Illinois to spend his mid-semester vacation with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. lJavid Bjork of 216 Linden avenue. THEATER IN SIXTY DAYS (Continued from Page l) theaters after noon on Sundavs. c ~~ use of numerous protests against ~h l: proposal, the board dec.lincd to chan~t' nl' No. 2 Per Doz. $}.95 Turkeys, lb. . .......... 39c Ducks, lb. . ........ 21c-28c Geese, lb. . ......... ~c-28c frying Chickens, lb. . . 331j 2c Fresh Eggs, doz. . . 45c-5Sc Thoa. J. Webb Coffee, 2 lbs·................ 99c Dressed Rabbits, 3 for ..... $1.00 Vvhole Pork Loin, lb ........ . 23c Rib or Pork Loin Ends, lb . .. .2Sc Best Brick Butter, 2 Jbs . ..... 78c Good Luck Butterine, 1 lb . .2Sc Leg of Lamb, lb . .. .. ........ 3Sc Breast of Lamb, lb . .... .... . ISc Rib & Loin Lamb Chops, lb., 4Sc 4-lb. Shoulders of Lamb, lb., 2Sc Swift's Prem. Bacon, 3 lbs., $1.10 Bacon Squares (Sliced) 2 lbs . . .. .. .. ............. . 4Sc Bacon Squares, lb . .. ..... . ... 20c Star Bacon, Whole or Half 3Sc Berkshire Bacon, ' Whole or Half, lb . . . . . .... 36c Swift's Prem. Ham, lb. . .. 27*c California Hams, lb . ...... .. . 18c !lam Shanks, lb . ...... . ...... 18c Smoked Butts, lb . ... .. ...... 37c Fresh Spare Ribs, lb . ..... ... 18c Pork Shoulder, sliced, lb . . . .. 22c Pork Shoulder, whole, lb . . . .. 17c Calves' Liver, lb . ............ 69c Calves' Brain, lb. . . . . . . . ... 18c Pork Liver, 2 lbs . .... ....... 2Sc Young Steer Liver, lb . ...... 28c Salt Pork, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . .... 2Sc Pork Tenderloin, lb . ..... . .. 60c Chitterlings, lb. . . . . . . . . ... JOe Summer Sausage, lb... . . .. 4Sc Home-made Sausage Meat,· 30c Small Link Sausage, lb . ..... 29c Mickelberry's or Jones' Sausage Dried Beef, lb . ... . ...... . ... 69c Best Round & Sirloin Steak, 4Sc Flank Steak, lb . . .. ..... . . ... 3Sc Sirloin Steak, lb. . . . . ...... .3Sc Best Rib Roast Beef, lb ., 3Sc-38c Best Pot Roast, lb . . . .... 2Sc-28c Short Ribs Beef, lb . . . .. ..... 18c Boneless Rump Roast, lb ... . 34c Leg Veal, 10 to 12 lbs., whole, 28c Breast of Veal, lb . . .......... lie Shoulder Veal Roast, lb . . .... 25c Veal Rib Chops, lb . . ......... 28c V eat Loin Chops, lb . .... .... .35c Best Grade Lard, 2 Jbs . . . ... .25c the ordinance. Immediately following this action . however, a petition to the board to c-all :.t special referendum on the quest!n n ":as circulated and presented to ·he l·oard, bearit1g the signatures of mor e than 1,500 Wilmette voters. The dat t tor the election was then set for Sc-ptember 25, 1928. The referendum resulted. in a majority vote in faVL)r of the Sunday movies. Concurrently with the announcement that the vote favored Sundav mo\·ies . ~::tm C. Meyers, managing director of Teatro del Lago, stated that he planned to build a theater in Wilmette and. that work would probably he started within sixty days. The project, however, failed of fruition. Subsequently, thl..'rc have been rumors of theaters to be opened but in every instance, prior . to the preser4t announcement, they failed to materialize. Nothing left but crumbs. But what else can you expect when you put Premium Soda Crackers, spread with jam , between two hungry people? "Uneeda Ballaa 'II' . PREMIUM SODA c·RACKERS One of the crispest crackers, the flakiest crackers, the best crackers that ever companioned soup or salad, chee$e or jam. Made by the r"Uneeda Bakers" of course. Buy them by the pound or in the package. .NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY .,._. .... 1 1138 MAPLE AVENUE, EVANSTON Ill ~""""""'¥