WILMETTE LIFE January 31, 1930 Our Lady Assistant HE lady assistant has become an indispensable feature of the modern funeral service. Nowhere is the feminine touch more appreciated than in this line of work, which calls for sympathy, tact and devotion. We are very proud to include a lady assistant among the outstanding features of our service. She is available for all cases where her presence is valued or desired. In training and experience she is well fitted for her work, and our clients have repeatedly praised her considerate servtce. T CU)J11. I I 09 CENTRAL AVE. . [J{cf~ uNDERTAKER WILMETTE 654 WINNETKA 404 Our Mortuary Is Equipped with a New Pipe Organ .. tfhe JLouseof lJ>e1'sonal Setl)ice" Superior Ambulance Service T be Oldest Established U ndettakets on the Immediate N otth Shore 5 54 CENTER ST. To Insure Good Health in your home during cold weather you must have sufficient humidity National Air Moisteners 75c value Free Furnace Inspection If your heating plant is not giving you satisfactory results, our furnace man ·will be glad to call and inspect your plant and advise· as to the proper fuel to burn-cold air returns-·pipes-or what-not. · 1st National RADIO CHASSIS Balkite Built ~~~ ~~~~~ .~ ~..... $SO COMrLETE WAFFLE SET Hand Painted China 9 SALE ol Eleetrieal AppUanees ULTRA VIOLET RAY HOOVER DUSTING TOOLS List Price $12.50 Now ............. . CLOTHES WASHER Slides Under Sink or Table ~~~ ~~i.~~ .~~-~~- .. $SO TELECHRON CLOCKS ~~~ ~~i.~~ .~3·9··~~. . . $)0 WALKER DISHWASHER ~~~ ~ri·c·e· ~~9. . . . . . $)0 SANDWICH TOASTER List Price $15 Now ............. . $J 0 URN SET List Price $55 Now ............ . ~~~ ~~~~e .~~~~. . . . $'5 $J 0 EXERCISER and REDUCER ~i:~ ~~i.~~ .~~·~... $SO Danaemark Eleetrie Comp&DJ' 1151 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 214 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Open Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday E"ening&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii