Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 60

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60 WIJ;.ME; TTE LIFE January 31. 1930 - ~ New Trier's Track Sydney C. Eastman Retir11d Phone Chief and Successor Athletes Lose to Observes Eightieth Senn High Entries Birthday on Sunday " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sydney Corning Eastman of 255 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, celebrated the eightieth anniversary of his birth on Sunday, 1anuary 26. Mr. Eastman was t-orn in 1850. his home occupying the site of the old Chicago Tribune building located at the southeast corner of Dearborn and ~{adison streets. He is one of two sun·iving members of the l~ nion Leag-ue club of Chicago and in 1894 acted as secretarv of the club. Mr. Eastman served as referee in bankruptcy in Chicago for twenty-eight years and was considered an authority c. n thi s subject. An engrossed resolut;on frnm the Commercial Lawyers association of Chicago, congratulating him on the ex treme high quality of his sen-ice dt:rin g thi s long period was one c.! the many me ssages recci\'Cd hy him ~unday. Fri-ends Call Him 41 Judge" Am ong early Chicagoans Mr. Ea stPlan. wh o \\·a familiarly calkcl "judge," v·a kn o\\' n as one of the originat·Jrs of the Fi eld Columbian mu se um. A street just north of the Chicago river, v·hich i~ ~ till in existence, was named a~ter his father. /.rbina Eastman, who \\as appot ntcd hy Abraham Lincoln in 1861 to IJ I? American consul in Bristol. F ngland. About fifty old friend:-. and neig hbors ,·isi tcd ~I r. Fast man in the up stairs sitttng-rnom nf his home on Sunin th e 100-yanl da!-ih. d~ \'. lie recein·d frnm 3 to 5 o'clock Xew Tri C' t·'s sl'nior tr :wk~ tf · J's lost th<· re lay (: \'t>nt by a bout a yarcl. \\' in ning·ancl from 7 tn ~- Light refrc ~ hme!lts OF WILL MEET Rev. Walter A. Dodds to this en' nt would have pla ced X Pw Trit.· !· were save d . . Since ~f r. J·:a st man \Va ~ in a ~:-\ t o 3, ti e with tlw <'hieag-o t C'am . unable to go do\\'11 ~ tair :;, thi s unique Address Presbyterians Prn ctiC'ally all of tlw buys on th e Gra~· manner of allowing him to greet 11is Postmaster Joseph E. Shantz to De· . Rev. Walter A. Dodd.s, engaged in and GrePn senior t Pa m this yt·ar w erl' scribe War Experiences at Monthly guests were re stortl'cl to. mt-mbers of th e i!Jnior t eam last year. Session of Chamber Monday Night evangelistic and community service The h o u ~e had all the appen ranee of a On ::-.ronday, F eb ruary :~. Cn:t(·h :\f:1~· work in Shanghai, China, under the oebutante t ea with th e J)ro fusion of potwill lal< e hi s track m e n t11 Chi<'ng·o for Hoard of Foreign Missions of the ted plant ~ and cut tlowerR sent to :\Ir. 1·e turn m :1.t ch with Senn. Thi s SaturThe \\' ilmette Chamber of Commerce r resbyterian church in the United a ~astman by friends a nd n ighbors. J ohn day moming, Fehnwry 1. at 10 o'clocl;: Benham of K enilworth. a fe llow old time will hold its next regular monthly Enl.llston Jlig-h sc hool will engagt· :\(·\\. m e mbe r of th e Union Leagu e club, who tnectin g Monday night, February 3, States, will speak in the \Vilmet tc Pres- Trier in a du a l tra ck meet. byterian church Sunday Feb. 2, at has p a~~P d th C' 0 year marl< was unable to attt>nd du e to th e co ld wt·a ther. He 1 t 8 o'clock in the \Vilmette Ma so!1ic 9 :45 and 11 o'clock. was one of tho!-:e sending a birthday greet- te:mple, 1010 Cetitral avenue, and PresiMr. Dodd s is one of thl' ymtng-er mi s- Art League in Campaign iJ,g of tl o w e r~. · dent ]. E. \Vorthen is urging every Recelres Jlany Telegrams sionaries of the Presbyterian church to Increase Membership Mr. Ea8tman wa :-; the recipi Pnt of md.ny 111ember of the organization to attend. and is in thi s countrv on his fir t furle tters and tel egrams from all over the Shantz, \Vilmette postThe vVilmette Art leag-ue is launchJoseph E. lough from China. He was appointed Ct.mntry. Mr. and Mrs. Amos l\Iiller ·1nd son, form rly of Kenilworth : Dr. Stark- master and a veteran of both the a missionary of the Presbyterian church ing a two we ek membership drive. wEathe r aud hi:-; mother ; Mr. and l\Irs. Spanish-American and. \Vorld wars, will in 1925, and is director of !\an tao in - \Vith the amo.unt derived from its nom R. Y. Jon e~; and :\1i~s " rad s worth came tell of his military experience s. This stitute, which does one of the larges t inal dues, children from the \Vilmcttr from Evanston.l\Irs. George Hinman, 576 Oak street (widow of tlw late George Hin- kature of the entertainment program pieces of community se rvice work con- schools are taken on tours of ·the Chi man, editor of the Herald and Examiner ts expected to attract a large crowd. ducted under Chri stian auspices in c:..o-o Art institute under the guidance at the tim e of hi s d ea th) and Merritt Starr, In the Spanish-American vvar ~.1r. fcreign land s. of expert lecturers from the institute F:i9 Pro ~;wc t a Ye nu e, w ere present from of and pictures and sculpture are pur~,hantz :;cn·ed in the nav\· on the U. ,\. in ne t ka. He is a brother of Hector Dodds chased to be olacecl in school buildHe took ·part in the \Vilmette. :\Yr. Griflin, an old time friend made ~. S. 0:-egon. the journey from Elmhurst: Hen~y Bul- battle of Santiago and severfi] minor ings i~1 the village. lock, ca m t· from th e Eastman's old neighborhood on Arlington place, Chicago. C'ngagements. In 1916 Mr. Shantz saw WIN CARNIVAL PRIZES Membership in the league is open Others from Chicago were, E. R. Lobdell, s<::rvice on the Mexican border as a . . · to anyone interested ancl individuals Addison Righter; former Congressman member of the 131 st infantry national . The Incl~an Htl! Count~y club helrl " ·ishit}g to take out membership need Frank J. Aldrich; form e r Congressman guard . tts annual tee skatmg carm_val last Sat- not be parent s of school children, al.1. Fo~s and :\Trs. A. 1 [ale, widow of Dr. urday afternoon for the chtlclren of the though the " ·ork of the league is lo Alfred Hal e , and her son Edwin Hale. Decorated by 2 Countries From Kenilworth: Mr. and 1\lrs . Leon members. !here were more than one spread art c~lture in all of the schoob Both the French and American AIIPn: :\1r. and :\Irs. Bugh Foresman; Mr. ;1nd ~[r!" . ~~arren Pea~e; Sydney Fairlee: governments decorated him for bravery !mnclrecl cluldren on the _Pond .. Ham- of \Yilm ette. Each one of these in sti:\lr. and .\fr~ . George Shipman; Mr. and in the \i\rorld war. He " ·as in the 131st tlton Doughaday was Wilmer 111 the tutions is represented hy a commitfl~e Mrs. John Lind, who brought their mother, Infantry, 33rd Di,·ision, entering as a event for boys under 13 years and Don- of lcagur members. ::\f rs. Flor··~ n ce D. Case (widow of the late ald McPh~rson sec?nd. In the sa:ne ~frs . .T. Rohh Harper is president of 1'1r. Case), herself an octogenarian ; Mrs. first sergeant an.d being promoted sucWalter Launder; Mr. and Mrs. Charles cessively to second lieutenant, first class for g1rls Mary f~nmbu.11 w~s .wm- t!1r \Vilmettf Art league. Mrs. Sumner of the first and Nathahe \\ a1dner ner Mason is its secretarY. and Mrs. "\'\'are ; ~Jr. and Mrs. James Prentiss, l'eutenant, and captain. I~en·y E c Khart ; the Mi~ses Harris. : and second. In the ev~nts for boys of 13 L. ~f. Cozzens. treasurer. -Mrs. Ernest On October 13, 1918, he was wounded a great many others. l\Ii~s Edna BartJ... tt., formerly of Cheyenne, Wyo., niece in action in the :Meuse-Argonne of- years and over Gtffor~ Gardner was H. Freeman is membership chairma:1. d :\fr. Eastman, presided as hostess. Miss fensive. Beside his name in the United first and Ralph Hatmll, Jr., second. Jane WaidBartlptt h:1s bet>n with Mr. Eastman since States government's list of soldiers Decorah Leonard and t Lt> df:'a th of :\Trs. Eastman in March, ner won jn the race for girls 13 and Girls' Club Thanks Those who have received the Distinguished 1!'29. over. The judges for the afternoon Who Aid Scholarship Fund Service Cross is the following citation: were Mrs. Ballard Bradlev. Mrs. Ralph "Although seriously wounded in the head The Girts' club of New Trier High .Train Gateman Dies Monday by shrapnel he went forward to rectify Hamill, and Peirce \Vard. school has expressed its appreciation to Night on Wav to His Post the position of our troops, who were resid.e nts of the township who are helpMiss Jeanne Culver has been spend- iug the club's scholarship fund by . Stanley Bushunski, 69, of Chicago, occupying the ground on which our mght gateman at the Lake avenue and barrage was scheduled to fall. Through ir.g this week with her parents, Mr. crdering magazines through the club Main street crossing of the Chicago a perilou'i fi.re he brought the line back end Mrs. Alvin H. Culver, 103 Broad- members. Beneficiaries of this schobrway avenue, during "mid-semesters" at ship fund are g-irls who have been. ar.d North \:Vestern railwav in \Vil- to a new position." For his bravery in action at Chipilly the University of Illinois. Her brother, graduated from New Trier, many of r.Iette, W.iS taken off a train here Mondc...y night about 10 o'clock on his way I< id.ge the French government decorat- Alvin, Jr., who attends Notre Dame, "hom ar ·~ making outstanding scholarto work and was rushed to the Evans- ed him with the Croix de Guerre wtth has also been home this week during ship records. the mid-semester recess. ton hospital, where he was pronounced gold star. -odead. Mr. and Mrs. George Benson, 210 Mrs. Philip DeBerard of Rockford, The Rt!v. Leland Danforth who has Melrose avenue, Kenilworth are enterMr. and Mrs. Russell Y. Cooke, 331 Ill., spent several days recently as the been attending a cou~se of lectures at the taining several friends at dinner WedCumnor road, Kenilworth gave a din- guest of her parents-in-law, Mr. and Episcopal college of preachers in Wash- nesday evening, February 5. · ner party at their home last Saturday Mrs. Arthur J. De Berard., 1220 Green- ington, D. C., will return to his home -oevening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. wood avenue. Her . small daughters 333 Warwick road, Kenilworth on Karl B. Korrady entertained a few David R. Decamp of Kenilworth, who J ea,me, who is 5 years of age, and Monday. He is returning home so as of his friends at a stag dinner in his are spending two months at Miami Anne, who is 3, have been visiting their to be in Chicago for the Episcopal apartment at the Orrington hotel last grandparents all week. Beach. Fla. convention held next week. Tuesday evening. New Trier High school's senior and junior track team, coached by John Nay_. lost their first dual meet of the season to Senn High school of Chicago at the New Trier field house last Saturday by scores of 430 to 330 and 30 to 20 respectively. The Senn meet was the first of the season for the New Trier tracksters. who ma<le a creditable showing in spite of the fact that practically all ·of the material is "green." New Trier's junior team was made up almost en tirely of freshmen. Arthur Mcintosh, captain of the New Trie"f senior tc~_n1, was unabl e t o compete in the meet Saturday hcca use of a recent Qperation. He is a veteran of last year. Among those wh o gave gnod account of themselves in th e senior di,·ision for ~ew Trier last Saturday were: Fred \Villiams, George Boylston. IIi ram vVeld, Frank Rjlcv. Bob Kcll,·. Hugh Saxon and \Valter \.Vanger. \Vil liams won first in th e low hurdle s, Boylston first in th(' mile run. \Ycl<l first in the half-mile run. and \\'anger Managership of the :...rorti1 Shore district nf the Illinois Bell Telephone first in the 440-yard dash. company changes hands effective February 1 with the retirement from active Fran){ Riley placed second in tlw s h,,t duty of Henry B. Gates. a veteran oi 2-+ years' service with the compan_ v, put event and Bob K e lly. a 1ww ma n. and appointment of Edward G. Pdry as his succe ssor. Mr. Gate s has been co ppNl H'cond in th e hig-h hurdl l's. llu g-h la sh man. grt l .() ff tro a a re sident of the north shore ior many years and was formerly Village Saxon, a g·ood c bad start, but w o n third for :-\ew Tri t>r President ui \\'ilm ette . c. c.

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