January 31, 1930 WILM~T'tE LIFE FOB SALE-HOUSES 59 66---------------------------~· r .- ~TRAL HOTEL, 629 MAIN STREET, ·;~o ms FOB RENT-BOOKS . rooms, water. by day or week, all outside steam heated, hot and cold 66L48-tfc COMFORTABLE FRONT ROOM. 1~ blocks· to station and restaurants. Price $5. Ph. Wit. 2088. 66L19-ltc ('fJ~ AN, Phone YoUr Want·Adl in .the BveaiD1 Phone Wil. 4~00 FOR SALE-$32,600 OR RENT $225, charming new 8-rrn. brick, oll burner. Best sec. Hubbard Woods. Call Wlnn. 1689. 77LTN19-ltc 78 FOR SALE-VACANT KENILWORTH COMFORTABLE FURNISHED roo m. Good location, near transp. Rea-· :-:ona ble. Phone Winnetka 2945. 66LTN19-ltp trans. FRONT ROOM NEAR East side. Ph. Wil. 1940. 66L19-ltc I~Ji JP) &lfn &Im A CONSERVATIVE BUYER CAN ACquire a fine piece of lake front prop- r·LI~ ASANT ·) FURN ISHED ROOMS WITH F Al\· 1- il ,. of 2 adu lts. Housekeeping privil,.~l' S. Protestant. Garage. Winnetka 914. 66LTN19-ltp :\J<"ELY FURNISHED ROOM F 0 n :.:·r ntleman. Convenient bath with :-: hower. N ea r tran s por. Ph. Winn e tka :.!010. 66LT19-ltp !·'Cll{ RENT- ROOM, ALSO SPACE 1~ :.:<trag-e. Will arrange for snme light !ln u~ t> keepill.£" if desired. · Ph. \.Yilm ette ~:! ·IR . 66L38-tfc 6i . erty in central Kenilworth at an exceedingly low price if ready to act at o nce. Do not wait but call u s today. REALTORS !J30 Spanish Ct. Opp. T eatro del Lago Wilmette 2920 78LTN19-ltc 89 WTD. TO RENT-HOUSES FOR RENT-APARTMENTS HSKP. APAHT!\fE~T. FURX. r·t· unf urn . Large porch, o il heat, in:-:ta nt hot water. Garage option:ll. Rf'fl'rf' llt'(~:-: . P h . Wilm et tf' 20 4. 67L1 !1-ltp :-;~JAi, L Our classified advertising department is prepared to accept adver· tisements for the current issue of WILMETTE LIFE every evening until FOTI ACTION ON YOUR HOUSE whether for :sale or for rent li:;t it with uH. We h ave interested clien ts waiting to be shown . 9 P. M. \VEDNESDA Y . HEALTORS 11 77 \\' il mette Ave. l'h. Wilmette 273 89L19-ltc ii rr ITil cdln &liD JHI nil n A}P)tto ;tldt · r<·nt. lBSunnllcdlnllli~ FOR S.AI.t:-JIOt.:'SES T\\'0- 1{0()~1 .-\P.AHT :\11-:.:\'TS AT fr .. nt "f bu ildin g-; lig-h t; n_.ry re:t:-: .. n- 1DE~<\T ~ i 1~(1(1:\l IS BEFORE YOU BUY ON THE NORTH SHORE INSPECT THE FOLLO,VJNn OFFERINGS: $~o.oon In Evanston: 3 houses, 9 rooms and 3 & baths, $33,000 to $46,500 ; 8 rooms, 2 \\"il11ll'liW lKOO-n,OJ baths, $29,500 : 6 rooms, 1 bath $21,000. ltE.-\LT O J~ 67LT~l!l-ltC' \\'innt-tkn 1 1:! Jp Kenilworth: 2 houses, 9 rooms and 3 baths, $34,000 and $35,000. iiLT:\Et-1 It' In Glencoe: 2 houses. 9 rooms and 3 baths $36,000 and $39,500. In Highland Park : 1 hou ~ e, 9 rooms and NILES CENTER 3 baths, $35,000. Renovated house4-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large , (frame) 9 rooms and 2 baths, $16,000. light, modern. Near Dempster "L" cI.:\" LA l' l ~ I·: L .\ \ '!·:X I ' E . ..\TTl ~A('T I\' !·: These houses are h onestly built, properly terminal station and North Shore e lec financed and fairly priced. You wi11 29 minutes to loop. i rr·r·m hr·111r ·; t't·nt .. r ha ll. largt· Ji\·. find them of pleasing designs, finished nn .. IH·att ·tl sunparliJr ..t · X. b\ . r·n 1:-:t fl. , in good taste and with unusually spa4 1-!""ltl lwdrr·t·ms . .:\"o ·wporl hr·t wat!'l' cious rooms. A call or a letter wlll hrdlt·r: l:trgt· LllH1sc: q wd ;tn tl \\'fHI<l· ·<l bring you full written particulars. Dempster Street at Bronx Ave Jot , gar;L!,;'='· Thi~ hr·ll:-<· · was IHtilt fr,r tlw pn·st·nt ""·rwr ancl i~ an attra<'th·t> Phone Niles Center 93 C. A. HE:L\IPHILL pun·h:t:-=t · at $:! 4,1t no. 67LTN36-tf< Designe·r Con tractor Bui lder 2944 Grant Street, Evanston, Green. 4573 77LTN19-ltp Ia nd :·Ta JH·<l l:l!ll'K II<I~IL.: . Jn~. \ C'I' !Fl'I..LY :t 1111 lt-JT:ll't ·d gTuu nc1. lh·ate<l ~ 1 1-'Jliltg· JH·n·ll, 2 baths, watt·r !war. r.i l hunltl'. att;rl· he<l g-arng-('. YO'CR HOUSE FOH RENT FURni:she<l or unfurnished'? We have a number of cli ent s interested in imIIH:diate or spring r e ntals. Can us- S).l ITT I GC)SS. IXC. H.EALTOHS 460 \Viun etka .-\\·e. Ph. Winnetka 1800 S9LTNU>-ltc 90 ANTIQUES ---------------AXTlQUBS FHOl\1 BIHKS AND LANcaster Counties, Pa. Bed:-:, bureaus and g lass. Phone 11 ighland Park 6ri6 or see at 3!Jl Xorth Ave., llighland Parle 99LT~ 1 9-ltp THE BRONX M. J. FAHER'rY FOH \\'ilm rtt·· 6:-. :]HI Li n<lt-n · \ \ ' t·. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS iiLl:·-ltr · Here in Wilmette's most convenient and l'Xc1usive location, you will find well0 \\ . .\'EI~ UF .:\'EW fi IDl. BHI CK BUNG arrar.ged apartment~. All apartments KE~:\ErYY COLO~L\L alow with tilt> roof, tilt· kitchen and have outside rooms which provide an XE\Y BI~WK. SL. \ Tl·~ I~O<>F . ;, LEJI h;t!h . frig-idait 't·, dt·<·. ldtehen ventilaabundance of light and air. Ample H·nms, :: hath s. ~ t·X. l:t \'. ;t tHI toil(·!. tr·r. g· ;~:-: .-;toYt·: garag-t': will sell at closet space. Schools, churches, and hrl.;f:-t. nnok, lla:-:t ·tnent loun gt·. billi;trrl $1 :--,;)(HI. )I ig-ht acn·pt g r·<·<l ,·acant propshopping facllttles within immediate ror·m on :\r<l floor, w :1 tPr g-as lw ;t 1, access. See these apartments today. l:' rty as cash pnyment. :! c:tt· g·arag·t·, largo · Ltnd~<·apv·1 l· ·t Agent on premises. $~'i.:i00. LINDEN CRES1' APTS. \VILMETTE l:::lALE- BEAUTJFL"L .BAULY Amer ican · !>Ofa. Genuine r osewood b1·idal wreath carving. Excellent condition. Uphol s tered in grce11 sa tin damask. Worth $600. Will take $275 ca::;h for immediate sale. Ca ll Rogers Pari< 1095. 99LTNl!l-ltp I ~b.\ LTOl~~ YVONNE SOHN NEEDLEPOINT, TAPESTRIES, CHINA, glass and pewter. 823 Washingto11 St. Evanston. Greenleaf 6592. 9!JLTN19-1tc 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GDS. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. REALTORS 424 Linden Ave. Wll. 460 1;7l.TN1-tfr FOR RENT-HOUSES TER:\fS H.EALTORS "-10 I inc.h:n \ve Ph. Wilmette 68-444 11:17 <'c· ntral ~\\ ' t ·. Wilnwttl· ~!Hiti ,, ' .- . 77.L19-1t<.: 7iL1!t-ltc ----------------Jti·~ALT O I~ XATIONALLY KNOWN MAKE, STUDIO upright pi a no, in excellent condition, with bench to match. Price $150. No dealers. Ph. Winn . 2799. 100LTN19-ltc 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOOllS C. R. XOR~L\~ & CO. Sublease Opportunity 77 Indian Hill Road WINNETKA Beautiful Spanish home attractively situated amid tth acres of landscaped and gardened grounds. UFtusually spacio us interior arrangement. Garage for two motors. Sublease ; willing to sacrifice. For complete details and inspection appointment phone 1\0RTHEAS'r GLENCOE ~28 Davis St. BAIRD & WARNER Greenleaf 18 !1~· 69LTN19-t tc ~3 FOR RENT-STORES ~ OFFICES ca~ O.RGE F. GONSALVES 746 ELM ST. Wmnetka 62. ' ' 73LTN13-tfr 77 FOR SALE-HOUSES Sn1a1l Stores, Offices SITUATED CLOSE TO TRANSPORTAtinn and schoo l. Attractive 2 story FOR SALE-MISC· . \.:\" ATTILH'. XE\Y 7 1~:\1. nnTCh frame Colon ial-cons isti ng of 5 bedre s icl. in Kl·nil\~rth. Lg-. Jh·. rm . witlt r oo ms, 2 baths, butler's pantry. On a b eautiftuly land scaped lot, 70x152. Priced PACKARD 8, MEN'S OVERCOATS, fin"t>l :H't' an<l huilt-in hotll<-cases, big for quick sale. · lig-ht clin . rm .. 4 bt·<lrms., :; 11:1ths . . (~ ladies' dresses and coats. Tel. Kenil. 2794. 102LT19-ltc fullY tilt'<1 wi t h :-:h<·W(·rs). <'harmwghrcakfast r oom. larg-e bMi t· nH~ llt recrention room, down:-:t;ti rs toild, ln. t<'~t 1~ · TEIUfS FOH. SALE-INSTANTANEOUS HOT "·· heating- plant wi th .-\ . B. <'. <Ill water h eater, The rmos tat, ash sifters burner, slate roof, c-rq)j)l'l' g·uttt· rs, t'hroS~1ITH and laundry stow·. Call at 1003 Vine mium-plat p 1_1lllmbin g- nxtures, .:! ("[ll' St., or phol}~ Winnetka 156. REALTOR g-aragt' with <lrin~ way. .\11 this f· ·r 337 Park Ave. 102LTN19-ltc Ph. Glencoe 702 77LTN19-ltc $2·!,000. LAH.GE MAH. DRESSER, 2 COLONIAL mah. tables, small mah. chair, aJl fine cond. and reas. Ph. Winnetka 958. XEW Bf!.TCK HO'CSE I~ HIGHLAND 102LTN19-ltc l{EALTOHS Park. 5 hedt·(,(·m~', 3 baths, oil heat, !l30 Spani!':h Co urt Opp. 'Teatro de l Lag-11 elec·tric tefrigera~ ion . attached garage. POOL TABLE, REGULATION SIZE, IN . \Vihnett e 2!)20 77I.JT~l!)-lt c W ell wooded lot. Price $48,500. good condition. Phone Wilmette 2473. 102LTN19-ltc WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furnl· ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston. Ill. Ph. Untv. 189. 101LTN48-tft. $22,000 \V AI/fER P. & CO. lHI@Ik <61ITil~@ 1Til c&k. JJ ®IITllk~ SA.LE TRADE S~1ITH & GOSS, INC. 7 ROOM FRAME HOUSE IN HIGHl~ nd Park. 2 car garage. Real bargain. A~ EAST Kl·~XII...WOH'Tll I!ESIDEXf'E 1 a11 lil&h1and Park 49. Substantially built !) ro olll hom~, 3 bath~ 1 2 car garag-e, on Jarg-r lot. PncP $42,000. 77LTN17-3tp Fr JH. RENT OR FOR SALE WITH down payment-Winnetka east ".'d.e- desirable 6 room cottage. Large hv_mg room. Shown by appointment. 122 Sheridan . Rd. Wmnetka 198, owner. 77LTN19-ltc s~nall 1MI~CGilllnlf® c&k. (())ffw K enilworth 228 . 77LT19-ltc WANTED TO DUY-MISC. 1&1 Winnetka 143 77LTN19-ltc WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, _C_H_O_I_C_E_B_R_I_C_K_H_O_M_E-.-S-.-E-.-W1--N-N_E_T-lOc per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wllmett~. ka. Near lake, schools, transp.; large 103LTN48-tfp lot, 7 rrns. ; 2 baths, breakfast rm. : attached gar. Frigidaire, incinerator, WANTED- USED GRAND PIANO; state make, age, price and terms, also automatic heat and water. Splendid toy electric train. Write Wilmette Life terms. Owner wm show by appt. Write A-150. 103L19-llp Life A-146 77LTN17-tfc REALTOR 725 Elm St.