Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 57

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January 31, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE MEN-BOY BANQUETERS Mrs. Emma C. Smith is by De·th Sunday TO HEAR DR. ELUOn ~f rs. Taken Emt~la C. Smith, 506 Fifth Famous Y. M. C. A. Leader to be Principal Speaker at CQn· gregation Dinner One of the outsanding events in the: calendar of the First Congregational r !turch is the annual ~r en's and Boys' banquet. which will be held in the r!turch Tuesday evening, F~hruary -t :\II the men and boys of the church k t ve been invited to the banquet and a very large attendance is expected. Dr. A. J. "Dad" Elliott will he the ,,rincipal speaker on this occasion. For '\ ·ears Dr. Elliott has been in charge ~) i the work of the College Y. M. C. A. moV'ement in the middle west, and director of College Y. M. C. A. conference s held at the Y. M. C. A. camp at J.a\:e Geneva. During the present winter he has delivered a series of addresses at several colleges in the middle west. The nickname which has come to be generally used in speaking of Dr. Elliott gives some idea of the affection in which he is held by the young people with whom he \ovorks. - The toastmaster will be E. U. Goodman, Boy Scout executive of the Chicago area. )lr. Goodman has come to this position within the last few years from simil:! ,. responsibilities In Philadelphia.. Througt, his leadership the Chicago council has made very notable progress in every department of its work. Communitv singing will be led by R. D Burtner an·d Lester Smith will sing special solos. There are three Scout troops connectN1 with the church: Troop No. 1 ; Boy Scouts under the direction of Scoutma~er Karl D. King; Roosevelt Troop No. 2, under the direction of Scoutmaster Kt>ith Dra.kt>, succe.e dlne Ewat:t Cook who is retlrin~ in order to become a Scout commission{'· and Sea Scout Ship No. 7, under the direction of Paul Casterline. These three troop~·: with the fathers of the boys, have been especially invlte<l to share with the men and boys of the church on this 0<'casion. Since the troops are community troops, the banquet will include a. number of men of the community who are not identified with the work of the church. The banquet is under the general direction of the Men's club of the church, of which Mr. George Iliff is prei'iid(:nt. 57 ENTERTAINS CLASSMATES Miss Alice Weber of 564 Provident avenue, WinnetkaJ a student at Mallinckrodt High school, entert.ained several of her classmates and thetr cscorts at dancing and supper at her home Sunday evening. Baptist Woman's Society to Meet at Woman's Club The Woman's society of the Witn;ette Baptist church will hold its ngular monthly meeting Friday, February 7, at the Wilmette Woman's club where the members will take part in the philanthropy sewing d.one at the club that day for the Baptist Old People's home at Maywood. Sewing will commence promptly at 10 in the 1'norning. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 immediately following which the Woman's society will adjuurn for a brief business meeting in .ne of the club · rooms. Alva M. Janes, Arctic Explorer, to Talk Here Alva M. Janes, Ph. B., of Evanston, Arctic explorer, world travelrr. banker and lecturer, will give an illustrated talk on "Africa From the Head Waters of the Nile to Cap<: Town" at the regular Tuesday morning assembly at the Stolp scl10ol February 4 at 11 o'clock. Mr. ] anes has lectured in \Vilmette 011 sen·ral occasions. fie recently returned from a year's trip around the world, COH'ring a total of 45,000 miles. This trip extended over the islands of the Pacific and Indian oceans, :\'e\v Zealand. Australia, Tasmania, Ceyl0n and Africa. The lecture which l1e will -opresent at Stolp school next Tnc~clay morning is one of several based on Robert 'f. Drake, who is working various phases of his travels. in Xew York. spent ten days wtth ~~ his parents. Mr. and :.\Irs. Lyman M. ·~ ~[r. and Mrs. Louis S. Becker, 105 Drake, 933 Lake a\·enue, while in ChiFifth street, left last Sunday for a two cago on business. He returned to New : : ·~ months' trip to the west and southwest. York last :.\fonday. They will spend two weeks at Hot --o-~f rs. Kern· C. ~f eag-her of 716 Cen~prings, Ark, going on from there to Texas, visiting in San Antonio, Corpus tral annue ieft early this week to jC?in ·~ Christi, and Galveston. They will re- friends from Detroit and motor \\'lth ~~ ·hem to Florida. turn by way of New Orleans. ·~ ZOOLOGIST TO TALK George F. Morse, eminent zoologist. - - - - -- - -will tell of wild animals in captivity at MUSIC-DANCE PROGRAM an assembly to held at the Joseph A program of mu sic and dancing Sears school in Kenilworth Friday p·galed members of the \Vilm ette Rot- morning, February 14, at 9 o'clock. ary club \Vednesday noon of this week <tt the ~-)!Jawnee Country club. ConBABY DIES TUESDAY t::lmting_ to the prog-ran-1 were ]. C. Anton Carlson, infant son of Mr. and Schumac11er of the high school mu sic ~.1rs. Robert Bernard Carlson, passed l~·culty, who gaYe a program of x\·lo- 'm·ay suddenly, Tuesday night at the t·hone music, accompanied bv 1"1i ss home of his grandparents. Dr. and \Yinifred ~rickey, pianist. ~[iss Mickey ~'lrs. Kathan P. Colwell, 520 Gregory Friday, .Saturday \\'ho is also a member of the hi;h avenue. Jan. 31-Feb. I sd10ol music faculty, presented. a bo;s' 'ocal oct e- t as another feature of the ~1 r. and Mrs. Thomas \Vhite, 310 program. A g-roup of girl s g-aYe an ex- Richmond road, Kenilworth are e.ll:ibition of tap dancing. tertaining a few friends as their. gursts in at the dinner dance at the Kemlworth club this evening. ASSISTS AT TEA ~Irs . Rohert Gordon of 1227 Manle ;1venue was maong those assisting at the large reception :Mrs. \\'alter Clyde Jones and her daughter, Miss Helen Jones, gave \Vednesdav at their home Ill Evanston for Mrs: \\'alter Clyde Monday, Tuesday Jone s, Jr., formerly ~liss Emily W1tt February 3, 4 ot Evanston. Feb. 1 Saturday . }~lnal Showings ~~ r. and :Mrs. \Y. H. Haenichen, ·BO "The Abbottsford road, Kenilworth have as their guest, Baroness :Milititz of Misia sen, Germany. The baroness is a paISLAND" troness of the arts and a member oi 4 Stars from ~lne Tlnee the \Vomen's International Leagues, and verv interested in education. She Feb. 4 Tuesday is here .to study American schools. Joseph Schildkraut W eclneaclay, Thursday -o-"The February 5-1 ~1rs. Charles A. Law, 2-l· \Varwirk road, Kenilworth, had a small lunchton and bridge on Tuesday of th!s week. Mrs. Law is now in the home "Yery Good" formerly occupied hy M r Law's mother, Tbe Educational Sereen who is now at 323 Kenilworth ave Fri. and Sat. March 7-8 nue, Kenilworth Grant Withers and :u r. anrl ~Irs. ~Iartln Johnson's -0Charlotte Greenwood _ \lt ·n·ntnre In Africa Mrs. Clifford F.. Ives, 1630 \Yashington avenue, · had as her guests last week her father and mother. ~[r. and ~f rs . A. C. Albin of X ewman, Ill.. and also her sister, ~~ rs. Rea :\. Hilliard nf Duluth, ~~inn. ··m"YT"YY'Y'Y......-Y'YYYYYY'YYY'Y'Y'Y'Y'Y'YYYY¥¥YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY'f~· -o~~ . ~· ~frs. Lcl{oy .-\rmstrong. 1318 \\'ash- ~~ ~· ington avenue, will be hostess t.o members of her Xeighhorhood club next Tuesda \" afternoon. ~~ rs. Thomas S. S. Ha~dwick, 757 Twelfth street, is chairman of the club. street. a restdent of \Vilmette for the lc~st fiftc:·n y~ars, died at the Evanstc·n hos1~1tal Sunday, January 26. after a .long, tll.ness. She wa . 83 years old. ~~ rs. Snllth was horn in Franklin l~>t~nty, ~r assachusctts, and came to Chtcago Ill 1891. Her hushand died t wen ty~one years agn. Two sons, Julian c.,. Smtth, of 1170 ).richigan avenue. \\ Il~11ette, and Charles H. Smith of the Orrmgtnn hotel, E\'anston. survive her. Burial took place at ~~ emorial Park o:emctery, " ·l1ere Christian Scicnce en·ices \\'ere held in the cemetery chapel Tuesday aitcrnnotl at 2 j() 1 , clock. ~ Modem Music Taught George D. Mohle 6!8 Park Ave. Specializing on the Plano In Ja.. nnd Modern Tenlons. Ten years' experience. Reasonable prJees. Phone Wll. taU be GLORIA SWANSON "The Trespasser" COMMUNITY HOUSE MYSTERIOUS GEORGE ARUSS "DISRAEU" MISSISSIPPI GAMBLER" "SO LONG LETIY" "SIMBA" ···················································== ·~ =~ ·~ ·~ ~~ SUPPER DANSANT ~· ~~ ·~ CT\Tow at MrRALAGo! ~~ Beginning Wednesday evenmg, February 5, MIRALAGO adds to the Dansant with DELL CooN and the MtRAT.Ac.o ORcHESTRA.... ~· ~= ~~· ~~ ·~ 1: ·~ deliciou~ itandard~ - cuume service! . 1 perm:ment new table reservations . profc~::ional entertainment during intermissions! ~· ~~ ~· ~· ~· ~~ ·~ ·~ ~~ You will finJ your own fine cr~wd at MtRALAGO- the same h1g · h the same re~pon~ihle management. ~· "THE DISCIPLE OF LAUGHTER" ..... ·~ ·~ fH£ D.-\SSANT - Admtssion. the person. Wednesdays and .Fridays, $1.10; Saturdavs. $t.~o; Sundays. $t.H;- couples or larger parttea only. Phone table reservations to Wilmettco Ballroom and Orchestra can be eively reserved for Monday. Tuesday and Thursday evenin~5. 46~6. exclu· ~· ~· ~· ~~ · ~ ~~ · DON DIXON 1: ·~ ll.... ~~ ..... ·~ fH£ CursrNF: -Private Clu~ Chef . Servicl' a 'a carte. So cover charge. =~ fr5up and 'Dance at MIRALAGO" nn SHERlllAN RoAD hetwun WILMETTE and KENILWORTH Complete sell-out of all reservations for Friday. February 7th . Reservations still n 01 ilablr for Wednesdily, February 5th. and Saturday, February featuring "The College Four" Vodvil and Club favorites. 8th. ~~ ~~ ~· ~= · . . . !iaaaaaaaa::aa::::::::::::::~~aa~~~::a:aaaa:~a==

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