2 WILMETTE LIFE · January 31, 1930 THE BIGGEST LITTLE STORE ON THE NORTH SHORE Gossard Gossard All The f3VJJAI2() Line of Beaut' New Spring ForSlenderiring Lines Goaard Charmosett.e combinations mould the figu!o perfectly - in~tantly reduce' the fieure measurements make the lilles of all frocb doubly smart - shown hero. Model 8404, $12.50. "Where there's a Waist, . a way"... there's to wear the new Models Are In . Silhouette , Model3643 $5.00 For the New Style . / -r=-·/ -trJrt- ···. thus spoke no lea an authority than Marjorie Howard in Harper's Bazar! Fortunately, there is a scientific way to acquire a wailt of Gown· -this lovely Gossard Combination of pink satin tricot is designed to accent the waistline and uplift the bust! Becau"e step-in~ haYe a nice, graceful influence over the hipline"-ancl are so ea~ to put on - many women constantly demand them. For the average figure Gossard designs the step-in shown here. The special waist line design smooths excess flesh ; a skillful combination of brocade and elastic gi\'e the straight firm lin es of the mod ern mode. LL~ht bones gh·e additional support at th e bael< and over the ~~~~r~~!!'· ....... $s.oo ' Only 50c, 60c and $1.00 But styled by Gossard the uplift Bandeau will be just what you will want, one with each of your new frocks Store Hours 8 A. M.-6 P.M. Wilmette 588 1146-1148 Wilmette Avenue or tn's We Have 4 Deliveries Daily Wilmette 589