54 WILMETTE LIFE january 31, 1930 ]a1 Albert J. street ·and is sypervistng operation!r f.·~ Stults Makes Evanston and a!Qng the n<>_rth shore. ; Headquarters in Evanston The personnel of the offices remains Albert. J. Stults, secretary of E. E. the sallle, with Frank C. Betts manager Stults Realty company, is rtow mak- at Evanston and H«:nry F. Uhe, maning his headquart~rs in the Evanston ager qf the Winnetka office. office of the organizati~~_at 1108 Davi!' Mr. Stults, now that he has moved his headquar_ters to Evanston, can ofREAL ESTATE LOANS fer north shore clients greater servic~ Have funds to loan on North Shore in reference to their Chicago real esresidential property at reasonable tate problems and in the exchange of rates. See us on renewal&. north shore properties for :Chicago Also mort~ages for sale. holdings. He has recentlv heen operE. G. Pauling & Co~ ating out of the maiq office 'of the Jt s. La Salle St. Fraaklla 774t company at Ravenswood. ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111110111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ Artistic Lighting Enhances Field Building Sl Nc ) !-- 11 th IH' th ll l )l1 , ~ ~ I THE CHIMNEYS Just ready for occupancy Cen ter St. at Hill Terrace Telephone Winnetka J.no I - th p;l ul 11< th ('I ti l I~ a Ill ;u hi PI Contains a group of 3 to 5 room dignified HOMES for those who value neighborhood, exceptional exposure and outlook, and the privacy and quiet obtained only by thorough soundproofing and careful selection of tenants. The Chimneys, a building of most unusual type. combines good taste in design, finish and appointments~ with the comforts of spacious rooms. wood-burning fireplaces, cross ventilation, ample closets and storage, real kitchens and electric refrigeration. This view of the new Evanston store of Marshall Field & Company ~h~ws . the building in silhouette against the night sky. The beauty of the bUtldmg is enhanced at night by artistic lighting of the exterior.. In the C'ent~r o~ the picture will be noted the bright faces of the Marshall Fteld clock, whtch 1s on the Sherman avenue-Church street corner. - c - APARTMENTS FILL ~urvey UP Chandler's to Build Shows Fewer Vacancies in November Than in June Second Unit Soon on · Its Davis St. Site Chandler's store is now preparing to vacate the Davis street unit of its old building i.n preparation for the erection of the new unit to match the recently completed one facing Sherman avenue. It. too, will be five stories high and an architectural counterpart of the Sherman avenue unit. When finished the two units will form one L shaped building- with frontage both on Davis street and Sherman avenue, Evanston. The book department, fountain pens·. and office and desk supplies have been moved to the main floor of the Sherman avenue unit. Until the end of the school . rush at the start of the second semester next month, the text books will be on the first floor of the Davis street unit as heretofo""re. The west half of this unit is now devoted to special merchandise, which is being temporarily offered at cut prices in order to clear it quic].dy before vacating. y t iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH'I~ :1'//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. '------------------------------------------------------------- - THE RIDGEVIEW Apartment Hotel Main Street and JU aple A venue Evanston Due to the increa sed building of <:ingle family dwellings, principally for nwner occupancy, hom June 1 to November 1, 1929, and. a decrea se in ~he construction of n ew apartment buildi~gs, the number of vacant apartments in Evanston ha s decreased 2.08 percent e1ccording to the fir st supplement to the Evanston Real Estate board -sur\'ey which has just been issued. There was a total of 5.416 apartment s surveyed in June and 5,982 were sur\'tved in November. The vacancies in J u·ne tot<lled 646 or 11.92 percent, ~nd !n November there were 589 vacancie s or 9.84 percent. During this same period there were h Offers for Immediate Occupancy 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS of undeniable charm Rentals ... commensurate with this fine address and excellent location. total cos~ of $774,000 compared wtth nine apartment buildings at a cost of $427,000 and t\\'o store and apartment buildings at a cost of $140,000. Less than half of the $1,341 ,000 spent for Pt'W buildings during this five month IMPORTANT TO BEDROOM rt-nod was for apartments, according An adequate number of baseboard to the survey, and this is offered as receptacles and good. switching arthe rea son for the increased perce:1trangement are as necessary in a bedage of occupancy of apartments. room as in a kitchen, bathroom, living Apartments are being built more in- room or dining room. Giving a thought frequently than heretofore and there- to the electrical wiring efluipment in a fore there is better opportunity for bedroom, if one is planning to modernfilling the build.ings as they are com- ize its lighting, is quite as important as p!eted. the selection of fixtures. 50 single familv dwellings built at a Plan to Have Dinner at The Ridgeview Our famous $1 Table d'Hote Dinner served daily in our Main Dining Room from 5:30 to 8 P.M. Sunday Dinner, $1.35. Ridgeview r.o{fee Shop Ope, 7 A.M. ,til M;d,ite S. W. Winnetka For those who appreciate S. W. Winnetka, bounded by Forest, Willow, Chestnut and Hill roads, I have 3 particular moderate priced homes to submit. PHONE UNIVERSITY 10000 Z'///////////////////////////, DU·DLEY BRADSTREET, Realtor 1 522 Center St. Phones Winnetka 806-875