Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 51

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January 31, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE 51 .~..~uburban Realty . Foundationa Completed for New Sorority House Council to ·Meet Thursday, Feb. 6. . Found~tions for the new Alpha Ep- The ~egular monthly meeting of the Suburban Real Estate Board council will he held at the Palmer Hou se, Th11 r ·day, February 6. .· These meeti:1t:rc; are held at noon, wtth a luncheon i 11 ' pr i\'ate dining room No. 9, and :ue :J.:,raYs open to the members of the seeing trips to MEXICO. HOUSTON. SAN ANTONIO and one day well spen! inspectina 1. dlo ~,· ing boards: The building wi ll be rea dy for ocour CITRUS GROVES. Bcrv.·n1 -Cicero, president, Chester By all means t~ke this trip. Do not delay. For more information write Allrn L. Morris, l t. Bra~g; Chica~o Heights, president, ~upancy when th e fa ll term start s early 1 6 24 South Michigan Ave .· Chicago. n September. The new house will ac.'. I. Klyczek; DuPage county, pre si- t_ ---- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r:l'n.t. Lee G. Littleford; Evan st on, 1 1·e ·ident, Rav L. Dowdall; Harvey, J· j;:es id ent, C. R. Craig-, Jr.; LaGrange , J·rr~ id e nt. Jos~ph A. 'fhorsen :. Liberty,·ill e- ~[ unc.elem. prestdent, Rtcharrl ] . / 1. ,·o ns ; \faywood, president, \Villiam r a\\Te ncc; North Shore, president. A. r. \Voodt:ock; Oak Park, pre sid ent, 'r. H. Forkel; ·Waukegan-~orth Chi lr!go. pre sident, Walter ]. Parsons. T he bLtsiness program outlined for tlti:; mee ting includes prominent speaker~ and round -table discussion on the fo llnw ing topics: "Suburban Taxation Problems"; "Functions of a Property Owner:;' Division"; "Suburban Real E sh te Publicity Program." The best minds among suburban re altors are being devoted t o the w ork c.i the Suburban council a s the execu tive body is composed of the presi(!cn t a nd four delegat es (who are u:·. ua lh- past -pre sident s) fr om each 1 ~~trm be r board. The :\ ·)rth Shor e board is represr nted in the council by A. J. \V oodcnck. prt sident: Robert L. Wyatt, past -presi dent; Harold L. Vant, pastr·res ident; Louis T. Dodds, past- preside nt ; Jules Dixon. The 1930 officers for the Suburban coun cil tre: President, Mrs. W. H. \\' ri g ht of Oak Park board; vice-pr~si - 1 de nt , Ro bert L. Wyatt of ~ o rth Shore j hoa rd: secretary, Joseph A. Tho r:Je n We offer for your conservative investment ui LaGrange board. commodate twenty-four girls. In addi- house mother and two guest rooms. tion to the study and bedrooms, the James Gat)lble Rogers of New York !Juilding will have the usual living city is the architect, and the R. C. rooms, dining room and ki'tchen, li- Wiebolt Construction company is gensllon Pht sorority house at the west brary, maid's room, quarters for the eral contractor for the building. ~:tel of the women's quadrangle . at ·'Orthwe stern univers it y are complete EXCURSIONS TO TEXAS ;·;nd con struction on th e re st of the A wonderful seven day ucursion to the Lower RIO GRANDE VALLEY, where tbe sun l'uildin g will he re:; umc d a s soon as shines twelve months a year. weather permit s. A $200 trip for ONLY $75 . which includes a rrturn ticket. Pullman. hotd. muls, sight· ...... '· First Mortgages Are Reliable Investments CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGES made under the exacting requirements of NATIONAL bank protection, backed by the stable values attached to North Shore properties recommended by the officers and directors as sound, conservative investments, suitable for trust funds, estates and private investors, yielding a steady, sure income of 6lfo . Also first mortgage bonds on income properties to yield 6 ~-~ and 6Yz %, and through our subsidiary loan corporation subordinated notes (in $500 and $1,000 denominations) secured by first mortgage liens to yield 7%. PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN IF DESIRED Full and complete service is maintained by us free of charge, collecting and remitting to you the interest and principal and auditing regularly the fire insurance and taxes, keeping these in proper order. Or, the better to serve your convenience-you may deposit in any bank the interest coupons and .mortgage notes as they fall due. Further details upon request. 1 Design Novel Shower to Fit That Old· Style Tub al~ l e which consists of a 0-inch spout I' :\. new type of shower is now obtain- I · WJth two-way control, riser pipe, : bracket and 3-inch marvel shower I ltead. This is designed to meet the needs of a shower where an over the r!m tub filler has been installed withou t a shower. · An oven rim spout has a transfer va_lve in front of it and by turning t iltS lever up the water comes out of the head. By turning it down the \1. ater comes into the tub. There is no tearing of the wall necessary with this installation which is ~ 1 [ sturdy construction and is easily tils talled. It is · also possible to make ;, permanent shower installation on til e ordinary tub on legs in place of a P_o rtable tub, and. since there are .; till tlwu sands of tubs on legs stilt in use, ~~ sl_ wwer of this kind fill s a demand all 1ts own. A b~zaar booth whose array of arti cles Will be contributed bv members of .the \Voman's club of \Vi"Jmette will be Introduced into the Better Homes ex position this year when its doors open March 19 on a three-dav exhibit. M rc;. 0. E. Thaleg is general chairman of th_e exposition which, it is expected, w11l be about twice as large as the one of last season. Procceeds will be . directed intn the !und for the new Woman's club build11.1R· Merchants are showing cooperc!tton by already subscribing to more than forty booths, and mem~ers of the club and the junior auxiliary will t!evote their interest and time to the success of this second expos1tton project which is sponsored by the ways and means committee of the club. Bazaar Booth to Feature Better Homes Expo Here FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT RoGER R. J E!':NESS, Telephone WILMETTE ~1ANAGER 4000 ROGERS PARK 9776

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