January 31, 1930 Children's Saving, Spending, Matters . T hat Need Trainin~ ~ - WILMETTE LIFE 47 Luncheon C hairm.an Miss Dorothy Joy Becomes ' Parents of Eighth Grade Bride of Frederick Hamm Pupils Hear Supt. Clerk Dr. Herbert Willett of 319 Richmond road, Kenilworth and pastor of the Kenilworth Union church, performed the ceremony which united Miss Dorothy Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Scott Joy of Chicago, and Frederick Hamm, the son of Mr. and ~·f r s. E. F. Hamm of 123 Melrose avenu e, Kenilworth. The wedding was a small affair with only the families of the bride and groom present. It took place at 5 :30 o'clock on Wednesday, J2. nuary 29, at the home of the bride. ~1r. and Mrs. Hamm left for a month's trip to California soon after the cerertlony. . The bride \·,ras attended by her 3ist er, Miss Elizabeth Joy, and Peter Hamm \Vas the best man for 1-tis t.Jrother. Peter Hamm returned from Duke university, Dunham, N. C., for the event. He will return to Duke university on Saturday of this week. As the curtain rose last Monday evening in the Stolp school auditorium, the school orchestra made a charming picture, and delighted the mothers of the seventh and eighth grade pupils. of both Howard and. Stolp schools with their music. Supt Frederick E. Clerk of New Trier High school gave an interesting talk preparing them for what their ch!ldren will encounter in ~he new experience of being high school students. Children should he taught to spe nt! we tl as save money, and to s:tv <.> ;)rima rily for the purpose of spe ndin g. I \\'an in which this may he accolllplis hect were suggested thi s week in a report made by Mis s Mabel Ke arn . , ]Juc;iness 2dministrator of the X ati0 nal · I~i n drrgarten and Elem entary coll ege <1nd instructor in the· course in pcrson:il accounting giYen for th e coll ege :;t ttrlen ts. collaborating \\·ith membl..' r::; pf the faculty and of the college demc 11 tratio'!l school, wh o ha \'c made a ~pcci al st udv of the suhi cct. "E,·erv child should han an allow;11;cc atid an opportunit. ' · to handle 11 ,nnev. become familiar with the differCilt c-oin s and develop an idea of tlw \(1lue of money in terms oi \\'hat it will 1 ~urchase ." Mi ss Kea rn s . said. "Th e ailowa nce may he given in pa~· ment fnr certa in work or m ere !~· a. ' a regu lar i (·r, but all children shou ld he able to count o n a defint c :-. tllll at regular inttr\'c: Is." The X 1 tiona! 'K indtr ga rtt 11 and l·:ll'nn.:ntan· college authority st mngh tilll'hasizc-d th e impMtanre ,,f rC'gularit\· in alln\\·ancr. saYillg that cnl ll·L('l' ~ irl \dJO are gi\'en t;J, llll' y {l ll t ht· ba~i-.. ,,; "\\·hen th ey need it" arl' unhappy l,fll'll. dt:c to wrangling i11 a.-king inr 111 ·nt\ and to extravagant. rarcks, habit~ contracte d throu.L[h this metht ·d. The cl1ild shou!d not !>e paic~ j,,;- ::l· · (J'h 1, 11 , 1 1y .\lotTetU lllg' good, nor ttlf dnlng· thl "l!" Ill:' :\[ A,]- d R H t f r t 1 l:imsc lf. suc h a . . dressing, tiel\ in"c.: !Ji, : h·s. · lhrt' · f Ia e-.l· 0 '. \'attlS o bn . · · · , .: 111 ave c arge o t 1e unc 1 1cun o e r(lnm. ta k mg care ot 1 11s pl'l --. ttl' .. .1ut L t tl · N t' 1 1-· d t · f · · ,t.: n ·ec a 1e a 1011a '\Ill ergar en h~ ma,· 1 >e paH1 or ser\'lce:-- t· q· '·t 1 ~ ~·r:- 1 d El t 11 st d 111 the home-for \\'a shin l(' cli-hes ,,r l· ,,n · eme~l ary en ege nn ~ ~ ur ay, . lk · · · ,- ~ t't ebruarv b. between the mommg and ~I 10\'C11 mg wa ·-; a nc 1 ~11111 1ar l' 1 J·lfl" · 1 f t. "P · lnsa · 1 1 ~ 1 ernoon per l)rmance... u cn n\·this seems ac > ('. ~tli11L' l)art·;lt:1 .t -1 . . , . 1,a d,. . R ,esen-a t'1()11:-. can 1 1t mac c wt 1 hnH' found tt feas1hh· \(l pa,· t .1L' cl11ld I \f \\. lt Cl k Rol t . t tile c 1) . f . . ·. II . rs. a er ar ·e ' 1cr -. a < · ()?? ror per or mmg ..;crnt'L" \\'h1r h1. ""'u' 1q;e G 1ca 1 ! 1 F e1 13 · · ,reen -, >v >ruarv ,, · 1 nt Ilcrwtse 1 )e (.l)Jl(' 1 )\' l 1rl·d \\'llr"er-,. ' I .. ·. r ,.. 1 ). t ~ ·"11 Part of th e chilrl < alltowan(·t· ma .\· l·t· I \ mong- t lOSe a ~s 1st1.11~ .urs. ,a es \\1 ~pe nt for imm('diatP rH·db ,,r p\··a~ur··~. '1c ~Ir " . Harry P111lllps, :\1 rs. George :u~ d part saved, hut g-uidan··t· i~ quitP a~ \1. Cron·s, ~[rs. Philem~,m E . Kohlsaat , ~f'f'ess~uy In th e s rH·r .Hli ng- a~ in th· :-;a,·- \[rs. L. L. Lane. of EYa nston, and Mrs. ~·;>~~dtt~~ft ~,::!~;~~1 11 1,~~:-; 11,'11 ;~<1 11i\\\\h~~··~:h:.~~ Franci: Hinckley of Hubbard \\'nn cl s. to miserly hoa rding . The most frert Ut ·llt mi:-;t :tJ.-,· m:tdt-· in tear hin~ (hi!dren to :-::t \. ,. i:-: t" ~H tot . vontributi()n for Sunday school. or for less di!'tant a ~oal, :\li ~~ l(t·:t rn :-: said. Tlw fo rtunate children, is one of lh t> fin e fNt.··hild ca nnot romm···hl'lld Tlw futurt· a!" t ures of this method. The amount of the tan the adult, and ~lwuld lw t·nt·ou r:tgt·d allowance should be goye rn ed hy the to ~a\'1' for a Y<" r~· short pt>rio1d at ftrst, ehild's age and to ~ome extent, by the sf· tlwt hf> mav und t' rstan d tlk <tl'tlJal ml.'ans of the parents. F w children rt'lationship lwt\n·t·n tlw :-::1 \'ing- :t nd i. hf' under fiv e are able to comprehend rhe \'alue of coin s larger than tht:> penny or ~a ti s fact! o n be g-ains from th t· pu n·ha!"e. Tt is hard for a (·hild tn put a w a~· n nickel and should not have weekly pt·n ny or a. nlck PI wh t'n lw wan ts C'an tl~ nllowances larger than thi~. Other chilnr a cheap toy, !Jut if ht· dot·s n o t ha w· dren who e\·entually will havt> a. grt>at to save too long- he will lt: ·a rn th:1t if IH' deal of monpy to spend ~ h o uld not he ~ iYe n too sma 11 an allow a nee, nor should ~·a vel-i ten, tw('nty or ftfty cl'nts. lw 1'H l1 t·urchase a toy th at will g-i\'1" mort· plt'.IS- poor children he tau~ht ex travagance by Iire, than could the eh··ap orw, 11r enjoy large allowances. - -- - - - - ~(· me pleasure th a t will mnr .. than ('o)Jl1DINE IN EVANSTON pe n ~ate for th e dt·la :r. she f' xpl ainPd. Persuading th f' young- rhild to sfl n· for Thr \Vilmett e Optimist club o mit~ed n co lle~e edu(·atinn , or t ·\ 'P il for :1 hi rn·le their regu lar Tuesday luncheon mee~:t~g t~nt will take a Yt>a r or two nf sa \·in l2.·, rc·n lly teache:-; hin1 to h a rd r·a t her thn n at the Sha\\·nee club thi s week to JOtn ~:1 \'(' \':ith the E,·anston Optimist club in a The chi lrl of 4 Vt ·n r :-; ha:-; a short span cl:nne r me eting in E\·anston \Yednesrlay .,f intereM and shnulrl hf' askf' d to sn \'(' fnr only a few dars at a tim··. ·rht' in - e\·ening. tf' rest of th e ;) \'(':tr nlcl will ht· mort' t·nrl urin~. allrl ha ,:ing- exw·ri l'll('t·d tlw pi<·:IS~fr s . H . H. Slwckr~- . 1Li Bertling urr of satisfring-- small ,\·n n t~ throu g h lane, \\'inn etka . and :\fr.;. Clarence ~lc . · :1 vin~. th e older <·hild will llr n· ad~ - tn ~fullen al so of \\'innetka Rave a large !":-\ vr for longer pt>riods and fo1· lar~('r fhingf;, 'l'h(' 6 n·ar old, who l':tll rt· nJ.·tn- luncheon and brid ge p;irty ~t the Drake h·r previom; <..;hr!~tmas f'S . will ~:t \'f' hi s hotel on \Vedn rs clay nf tin s week. P(·nnieR or nkkle:-; happily for :-;p,·,·ral -n~·f'e ks in orrler to huy pi'Psf' nts. Th e 7 (lr Urs. R 1hcrt ~[r~eil Bum. 614 E ssex · ~· p ar old will sa \'l' for an e\'('11 lo n~t· r J't· riod for a drc·us tkk<'t ()!' a pa it· of road. Kenilw orth gave a small luncheo.n ~kntes or a.· birthday 11res£'nt for mother. and hridgc party at her home la st Frt Learning to give from his own mo:wy Pl'eRents to hi!' friend!', hi1- own small dar. 1 1 SHOW E R FOR BRIDE Mrs. Craig Ketcham, Mrs. Bentley McCloud, and Mrs. Gilbert Kelly entertained at a kitchen shower last Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Alfred L. McDougal, Jr., whu is a bride of this month. It was given at the home of Mrs. Craig Ketcham, 611 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs . Ira C. Darling, 338 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, w~10 have just returned from a trip to New York, are leaving very soon for Chandler, Ariz., where they will spend a month. Mrs. Leland Danforth is spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Darling while Mr. Danforth is in Wash ington on business. -oCharles J. Caldwell · and. his cousin, Perry King, of Rushville, Ind., were the week-end guests of the former's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Caldwell, 930 Linden aver..ue. HOLD SENIOR PROM The senior prom of the Xew Trier High school was held on \Vedne sday evening in the me ss ball L>f th e scht)Ol. ~[r. and Mrs. ) ohn ).larshall Rohtrt s, 328 Warwick road, Kenilworth ha,·e left to spend a period of twu months in the south Thev are motoring to Miami and will make manr short trips while there in the south. -0- Mrs . Frank Nason of 733 Cummings avenue, Kenilworth is entertaining her bridge club this week. 1 0 · I 0 0 SALES HERBERT HOOVER should appoint a commission to laugh at Ca.el·ee Clean Eoonomloal Elllolent Unllo·m IJU MA;f.UTREET DON DIXON '-e~~oi J. C. SLOWN A. B. VANDEUSEN