Latest School News Publiahed weekly by the school children of Wilmette under supervision of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board JUNIOR LIFE \VIL!\fF.TTE, ·ILLI NOIS, JANUARY 31, 1930 a~"'rl Told b:v the Pupils VOL. 2. !\0. 45 Raga Enjoys Taking Baths Pearl Gray Appears to Be One Kitty in One Hundred Only After They're Taken Frances Builds . Only to Reginald Braves Early Receive Report Cards; Have to Build Once More Hours to Hear the J(ing V ote on Honor Rating Stol"l Pupils Choosing Officers for Semester ill the woods and the puppy follow ed me and I ran first one direction, then ·Lllother, but I could find no hoat so I walked around the island and I sat down to rest and eat and I gave the puppy sum e. The puppy saw something and h t' beg:i n to run. I followed him and ht> ran and I ~aw the hoat and we Wt're eating about twt!nty feet from the . boat. The puppy saw a cat in the boat. Th<' cat got so scared he fell in. I took him to On Monday morning all the girls in our shore and my aunt ~aid I eould have the room wt>re having spelling while the boys puppy.-Carl Frankell, 6B Howard. we re downstairs having gym. )Irs. l\lason was giving out .our word!'; and then we were corr<'cting them and spelling words to her that we missed. .Just then :\-Iarjorie Rader was going to have h er Sunday, January 19, my fri end 's words sp~lled but she had not started :\Iy little kitty'::; name is Pearl Gl':ly. f::ther took us for a. s leigh ride on our yet beca use I was .a sking the teacher I am a little poodle named Rags and l ~omething. Then as I wa.<~ going to my She is gray and white. 'Ve have to ~~uy sleds. just hate to take a bath. liver or kidney for her every week. She is \Ve ti ed our sleds to the baeJ,; or llis l-ieat I heard :\Irs. :\[ason spelling the The first time I had a bath my mis- so particular she dosen't like just (·om- car and started out. .:\Iy hrotht·r .,·as word "struck." Then everybody laughed tress c.alled me down in th basement mon food. on one !'i lt>d while his boy frit'nd and n. anJ I found out that Mrs. :\lason had and started the water going in the laun One time I was taking a bath and littl boy was on another. l\Iy girl friend spelled the word instead of :\tarjorie. dry tub. I did not know what she was the water waR in the bathtub and mr and I were on another sled. Then the teacher laughed and she said going to do so I stayed down there kitty jumped in. She was so srarecl she We rode for about a mile and had :-.he would nev er forget that and l don ' t The next thing I knew I was in th~ didn't know what to do. Last night she great fun. Betty and I fell off mnre than think sh ' will. laundry tub shivering as I sat there. - Louise Hickman, 6B Howard. (:Ot in the bathtub and lay there washing any of the rest did although we had lots After quite a while, I though, she took herself until I came in, then she junliJed of fun. We were going along smoothly and me out and dried me and I can admit I out very (!Uick and sneaked away. all at once we came to a road cro~sing felt better. I am white and get dirty When we camE' home from our vaea- I and Betty and I were in the middle so Wtl \-ery quickly. In a few more weeks my, mis- tion she had two little kittens. One of our got all the bumps. We went bump, bum},, tress calletl me down stairs again but now neighbors took h er over to her house but bump. I knew what her trick was so I would s he ·wouldn't stay. When she came over At last we were going smoothly again. Th e Howard SA basketball l-if)Uad whtch not go until she carried me down. to feed kitty she found the kittens in a l was dragging my feet almost all the i~ not doing just as well as it could do, I never went downstairs again unless cellar window. There werE> pretty old way ~o m.Y b;other's boy friend got all hopes to g et somewh<·re near th e top or they forced me down or I knew that for they had their eyes open. Altogether the snow m his face. When we got home the baskdball league at the end of the they were not going to give me a bath. [ think Pearl Gray is the nicest little we were all wet. Anyway I was ~nd season. Although I hate a bath I muHt admit kitty to be had. had tt"? change my clothes. 'Ne had a n·ry The team played its first game with I feel better when I get through. -Elizabeth Leslie, 6A Howard. r.1ce ttme. Stolp 8B and we lost, 11 to 5, that game -- Kate McConnie, 613 Howard. and ~e knew we were going to lose and we dtd. Our sec;:Qnd game was with Stolp SD and -v,re won, 13 to 0. That was an eaRy gam·~. Our third game was with Howard 8B One_ da;v when I was in second grade January 20, at 5 o'clock, I heard Kmg and we lost, 5 to 4. This was our closest all the .gtrls had to s t ay in from recess o~orge of England speak over W~IAQ. On Janl!ary 24 we received our r <'port game, only losing by a point. Tne secfor talktn~ The radio w·.s turned on but there '.\'as < :ards, winch are really for the last ~ wo We were supposed to write or build so much static that we could not hear. rno~ths. We had two weeks' vacation ond team did a lot better than the first sentences with letters on our desks. Of We at la3t got it as clear as we cou ld . , C'hnstmas and the report card covers 1lw t am, winning three games and losing course therf' were few who were not tnlk- The orchestra first played tht· English other two weeks and the month sinee two.-V\.Talter Foslund, Jloward 8.A. lng v.:ht>n the teachers' footsteps died in national anthem and then the "Star then. In Stolp ~chool each room has the dJ s tan('e, I thought I would be rt' al Spangll"d Banner." They also pl:Wed tht- voted on what is to be their honor roll. smart and get mine all done before tlu' French, Italian and Japanese national ~JoHt of the roomH decid<'d that they other girls. anthems. The announcer said that we, wa.ntecl to have the old honor roll. To I ~t:uted and k£>pt on working fastt' r were to hear His ?\fajesty, King George. !{et on. the old honor roll you needed ~tnd fasL·r and noticed that the olht·rs There was a littl e static but we heard t',· or above, a. V-G in ~ocial :Six-A and 6B made day book E>nds for l1ad hardly st:lrted. Finally I reaehl'd him (Juite r)lainly. The next day in ~oeial , ndaptatwn and no tardy marks. Our <> ~r motherH or fritnds for Christmas. the end ancl raised my ha.nd for thP science p r riod we discussed the naval t·oom, SC, d ecided ~hat to be on the honor We had lhcm made and we were going leather to conH' and set> if they w~re "f·r- conference. ~Irs. C:rm·es sa id sht· would roll o,ne ~: ho!!ld haye an aYl'rage of Y-U lc have 1 h<' m bak(·d but the kettle was re('t. Just at that n ' r;\' minute someotw liked to have heard it but ~he rould not f'o untmg socm l adaptation as just one of tno full to hold all of them so our opened th · window and th£>y all went lose her ,-aluable sleep. teacht. r said ~he thought it unfair to lht· grades.-Dick Hall, 8C Stolp. on the flonr. Of eour~t' I had to do tlwm only hake half so we did not have them -Reginald Green, Howard 8.-\. 1 all ovt- r ngain. Xo one has ever ft>lt !taked before Chr istmas. V\Te are haYing REARS DAMROSCH J·ROGRA~I 1 cheaper than T ft-lt that reres~. l\liss Donn elly took Ln~t Friday when I was home I turned t!wm baked now. HO:Xt:S'J'Y'S Rl~WAU.U -Franct·8 Jean C'ollin~. Howard Gil. fJl1 tht> radio. Just then I h<' ard the ~m thPm Friday, January 16. 'Vht>n they One day when we were out walklnt{ a nouncer Ray, "Mr. Damrosch will give f'~.·m e b:.u.:k we are going to them. I girl said that ~he had lo~t some mon<>y. rou another concert today." This time 1 hey wtll be late Chri~tmas presents but ! She aBked us if we had found it. ·wt· the con('ert was on the st.ringpd instru- they are going to be very nice. ~aid no. But we t:elped her !ook for it, ment. Ea('h in_strum<·nt played a ~cale -:\Iary Louise Schaeffer, 6A Howard. but could not find tt so the gtrl went on and showed how high and how low they ':1\eJJ, half of tlw :rear is up and again her way. We stayed where the girl had <'(·Uld go. And towards the last thev we an· cho~ing- new officers for our school lost the money. We looked all around played two pieces in which the strings cluh. Xext Friday at Remedial period and sudd enly I saw some money. Then rdayed only. I am :--;ure these prog-rams the 8D cla:-;s hopes to install new offic·'l"l-i, we ca11ed her back and told h er that we h<-IP all of UR in studying music. not ht·c ause the old ones are not good, had found that money. She ~aid that we -Marjorie W edell, Howar:d SA. 'Ve ha."e bee11 . enj?ying ourselves very for they are very good, lmt because in could keep the money because we were much thu.;. wel·k tn literature a.s we hav e our. con~t~~ution we decided to chnvse h<,nest so she l<'t us keep the dollar. We SPEAKING Ol' SKATING been readmg poems. 1\frs. Stalling- n ' ads ne" offi( e1 s at th end of E>very sE>mesl.~r. thanked her. That is how I earned some ~Iy ~avorite winter :;;port is ice skati ng. the poemH to us ftrRt and then she picks All Stolp r-e,·c·~th and eighth grades hold money.-Eleanor Speredes, 6A Howard. I ltl<:e tee skating beC'ause you are alwavs a couple of ehi_ldren to r t'ad the pot>mH thel.r- duh meetmgs on Friday at Remedial · WATCHES EXPERT SKATERS nble t_o at least f(·el freshenl"d :uid and then we discuss it. The first pot>m pertod, 11 :30 to 12 o'clock. Last weE>k we 1 Sunday I was skating up at How:ud hea l!hter. When you come hack from '~e rN~d was '"l'o a Waterfowl" bv Wilhad a very enjoyable program. A funny poem, a story, a reading from the North school and there were three fancy skat- f'~atmg you have a very h~>althy appe- ll~m CuBe~. Bryant. 'l'he next 11oe m we We. t Almanac, some funny jokes and e rs on the pond. There was a lady and ttte and when you skate at th0 Howard n :ad was The Leap of Roushan Beg" a man and they were dancing and doing school pond, it is about an acre and a Ly Henry ~ongfellow. The poemH we read sume very funny Rtories. fancy figures and other thing s. There half. There is pl enty of room and vou a~e all d~!ferf'nt types, as th e "High-Juliette Rusnak, Stolp. was also a lady who was whirling are always welcomf'. · Y .Man: We hope to have a poem contest thts year as the eighth grade did WATf'H YOl'R STEP! around on the points of her Hkates. Shl" -Harry Kramer, 6A Howatd. last year. ' The roads are sliPl·ery and some croRs- was alRo a good skater but I enjoyed the -Marjorie Wedell, Howard SA. i:1gs are coverE'd with ice and the cars couple most. JfltS. STAJ,J,JNO JJ,J. cannot stop very WE-ll. The children ran -Jerrine Fromm, 6B Howard. ~frs. Stalling is sick and we are all ht>lp by waiting until a car comes to a , s?_rry. But we have a very lovely s~bONE GAME "UP" dead stop and then they can walk across. · '1'0 VISIT ARMORY Stttute. Mrs. Htalling- Is home with a . Both of the Howard sixth grade basThey should not run across the corners The boys who are playing basketball ~(Jre throat and I hope it will be bttte'r ~etball tl:'ams are very good. Although JA has tlte better chance at the chaml·ecause any car can hit them and injurt> in SA Howard are planning a trip to the Hoon. them.-Lloyd Hillsberg, 6A Howard. Armory in Chicago. Tuesday, Frank - Marjorie Staubltz, 6A Howard. !·ionshlp ·Or the first team, 6B has also ~~ good chance. Howard 6A and Howard Christy told the boys of the room ·that INTERESTING STORIES as many who wanted to could go down WATCH YOUR LOCK}'RS 6Bdplayed a tie game. It was the first 1 l ~ are hav,lng some interesting stories i to the Armory and play basketball In the h Wa~ch ~our. lockerH.. The Ju~ior Police an the scor~ was 4 to 4. The next game ~ rs. Jones room. They are all kinds gym there and later go through the a~e ~unl many lockerH open. Home are ~as with 6B s second team. We won by stories and most of them are Interest· Armory. 'Ve hope It will be an interestng ~ 1 Olie their lockerH thlf! w·!ek so t e score of 9 to 1 so that we havt: a one game edge over 6B. ng.-Edwln Colegrove. 6A -Howard. 1 ir.g trlp.-Ph,il Hoelz. SA Howard. 1 e care u -Elmer and watch your lockers. Stone, 6A Howard. -Harry Kramer, 6A Howard. fixed that and then finished dressing. Then I :-et the table for brea kfast .md the first thing I knew I had Pl,lt the salt in the sugar bowl instead of sugar and .:\lother wondered what made the coffee taste so funny. Then I dropped the cream on th~ fto(;r and spilt it all over. I got ready to go to school and whe n I was half way to school I saw I had tor;gotten my books and cooking things so l went home and got them. When I did get to school I told Jane :\lcClintock I surely was tired and I never hoped to have another morning like that. -Louis Hickma n, 6B Howard. Monday morning Mrs. Jones told us we Wt>re ~oing to discuss writing JUNIOR J.!FE articles. On Friday we had written some articles on how the editors could encourage the pupils to write articles for the J UNIOR LIFE. Mrs. Jones read them to us and thPn we discussed them. We then decided that we would have f0ur sport editors, two for the boys and two for ~he girls, to go to the games and then write on them for the JuNIOR LII"E. Frank May was chosen to write on the boys' first team games and Charles Hardt to write on the boys' second team g~mes. Betty Shanahan was chosen to v.:rit~ ~n the girls' first team gam s and 1..arJOrle \Vedell to write on the girls' second team games. If this is carried out we will have a greater \·ariety of l'.rticles in the JUNIOR LIFE. -Elaine Angelbeck, 8A Howard. Carl's Puppy Had His Own Pupils of 8-D Louis Finds It Difficult Howard Eight-A Ideas About Getting Home Stolp Organize to Get Day's Work Started Plans to Boost One day when we were at Long Lake, One morning I had more troubles than Trn verH City, l\1i ch., I told my aunt to Three New Clubs had evE:r had before. News for /Jife J First she gave I got up and started to dress a.nd give me a baskl't of lunch "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, . Jingle I was half way dressed when I found out me the basket and the peop ' next door I had put my stockings on wrong side g:1.. ve me a puppy . :\fy aunt told me I couldn't have him out. I changed then and put them on Lut I got a ba~ket and put him in it. right. Then my brother started to cry and I Then I rowed out in the lake. I rowed found that he had bumped his nose on l o an island out in the middle. I know the door and it started to blt'ed and I a boy who lives there and so I started out ,\Jl the Way." Tue!:lday, .January 21, the 8D Stolp class h ad a sleigh ride. The clac:;s met at the school at 7:15 o'clock and :--;oon our s leigh and two horse~ appeared. We hopped on and rod e away, the happi est crowd in the world. \Ve rode around town for two hours. 'Ve had to wait seYeral times for people that were left behind. At S :30 we came back to school and partook heartily of hot dogs and cocoa. Then we went home. -Lury Anne Jonal:!, 80 Stolp. Mrs. Mason Strikes Word Struck Off Spelling List Kate and Friends Enjoy "Hitch" Sled Ride Howard Eight-A Cagers Out to Boost Standing I I I Sixth Grades Make Book Ends, No,,., Being Fired Study Poems in Eighth Grade Literat~re Class "< t' gc