Jan uary 3~, 1930 WILMET T E L I F-E 41 rrHE EVANSTON STORE · CHURCH AND SHERMAN MARSHALL FIELD & COMPAN tore Hours: Week days, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday~, 9 a. m. to . 9 p. m.-Telephone Greenleaf ·--····· SALES BEGIN SATURDAY Young Modems' Young Teens' Women's Children's Men's Shoes Instep strap sandal. Silk kid trim. Black or brown lizard, pair $16.25 Brown or mat kid, pair $14.25 Field's Comfopedie Shoes in smart styles. 21f~ at $3.35 ... 61h-8 at $4.25 . . . . 8lf2-ll at $5 .··· lllh-3 at $6 Field Collegi~n Oxfords of lack calf, with heavy out-soles. Brogue effect. Pair $9.50 and values from the Shoe Salon, Arch Preserver and Moderately Priced Sections . You have the opportunity to buy, at winter sale prices, shoes which forecast the styles for spring. GLOVE SALE ... Alexandre Glac~ Biarritz $2.95 ··· washable French doeskin $2.95 ... kid gloves $1.95 Braided ~~T" strap arch preserver slipper in black kid ?r pa~ent leatlier. With lizard tnm. 2-Inch heel. Pair $11.75 SALE . of FIELD'S HOSE ·.. chiffon, $1.35 ·.. Midweight, $1.55 .·. Service Silk, $1.75 ·.. Allover silk, $1.95 · on the First Floor