January 31, 1930 WILMETTE .LIFE 37 North Shore Scout News 5 New Leaders Registered in Area in 7 Days test. Troop 10, Wilmette-Paul Kasper, J eromc Puize; Paul R. Leach transferred from Troop 4, vVilmettc to,. Troop 13, Kenilworth: Troop 17: \\t mnetka, Robert Faxon, Hobart Ogden. Kenneth Hohn: 'l'roop 22, Glencoe -Daniel Murphey; Troop 23. Glencoe, ]_ames Mus son . . Billy Rothermel, \Viiham. Sa~~r; Troop. 27. Glencoe, John Austm; 1roop 30, Htghlancl Park \,Yalla~e Fritsch; Troop 31, Highland' Park: V tctor Larson: · Tronp 3.2, High land Park, Francis Rudd: Troop 36. High~ood, Frank Shelton; Troop 46, Lake Forest. Donal<! Ilalteuhoff, 11 vron Hiscox, High \Yilson. - No Exceptions! Every Pair of the Season's Smartest Patterns Included ·Great Shoe Sale Five new leaders have registered this past week as scoutmasters and assistants. See Page 23 Keith Drake has accepted. the scoutmastership of Troop 2, Wilmette Contrrcrrational church troop, to succeed \ \'iiliam E. Cook. who is now deputy c\lmmissioner. Drake has traveled the "·orld in newspaner work. has been a teacher in the Chicago Learrue Bovs dub. and a faculty advisor.- He is . :1 1718 Sherman Ave. Studio Building Dartmouth graduate and a member of the troop's church. Beside these things. TROOP 21 MEETS hi s interest in outdoor sports and acSe~ Scout Ship 21 had its \\'cek ly Begin February 3, or Evening tivities is !!"Oing to help the troop much. mcctmg, Januar\ 22 at the Clenro'· R. -:\f. Ward, committee chairman of l't:ion church . \\'e made some equipWe are specialists in training young people for \Vinnetka Christ church, announces 1l1Cnt for the boat we arc laYing out the better kind of Accounting. Stenographic and two new leaders for that church. S. \V . in our Sclmt room. This \\~ork will Secretarial situations. This course of study provides Plowman, assistant scoutmaster of he continued next meeting. \V c will an all-round business education, and qualifies ont for Troon I4~and Alfred V. Horsman. Tr .. ;d~o learn :-.omc of the important splice~ any kind of office work. scout-master of Troop 15. Both leaders 11 ~~t. mcet_Jn~ under the leader ship oi a ha \'e had experience as Sundav school ;-!" 11111 ~ ntstructor.- 1ack de Beers teachers and leaders in bovs' clubs and ! :1~e~n~ln~o~r=a~r~~·-\~·e:o:n:l:at:1·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ramps. They were hoti1 Scouts in ~ \\'innctka Troop 16. :\. H. Ingram, an old Scout of fin }Tars' sen·ice in Troop 16, \\'innctka is no'..r registered as assistant scout ma ster in that troop. He is helping Roger H. Anderson \\'ho is scoutmaster. Troop 6 is now seventeen years old and ~1as turned out many leaders for scout- I " Evanston Business CoRege Day T H R E E 8 X 10 BLACK AND mg. George Lewis Sticrath, for some tim(' a Scout of Troop 55, Glen\'iew, is now registered as assistant scoutmaster nf that troop. The Rev. Ra_ymond Sanger i~ scoutmaster. I 1 Beavers Win Troop 13 Inter-Patrol Contest Tuesday, January 7 was the hig night in the · minds of most of the Scouts of Troop 13, Kenilworth. It was a hil! night of all kinds of contests such as . ~:i'!na ling, fire knots, etc. The Black Bear patrol even went so far as to advertise the fact that it was the first "flntest of its kind in thf' hi,tnrv ni the troop. All the credit for this ad vertising goes to Scout Paul Lt>~rh who printed them. The Beaver patrol won the contest with sixteen noints the Bat patrol ~ot second with thirtreu , noints. and the Black Bear 1>atrnl tonk third place '""ith ten points. There \'.ere a large number of parents present. - .Oefrec~ Holmes, Reporter, Troop 13. 1 WHITE PORTRAITS Glencoe Troop Completes Registration; Get Paper 1 Troon 22 of Glencoe Union church I has just completed re-registration for the coming year. This troop, under the scoutmastership of Dr. S. L. He<lg- J cock. has taken advantage of I\ational headquarters Bovs' Life offer and nineteen boys and -the scoutma~ter haYe suh.scribecl for the , Scout magazine whtch they get at one-half price hecause fiftv percent of the troop enrolled. The rexistration shows thirtysix scouts enroJied with the sponsori;H! troop committee, composed of C. P. Kneebone, chairman: A. C. Goodnow \ at_td L. I. Birdsall. Scout Charles S1t11pson is junior assistant scoutmaster. John Fisher senior patrol leader, and Robert Moulton. scribe. ~CARLOS~ New Scouts Join Ranks of North Shore Area Troops The following new Scouts have registered recently with the North Shore Area Scout headquarters in Highland Park. They have taken the Scout oath and law and completed their tenderfoot 1 PHOTOS MIRALAGO BLDG.: 1647 Sheridan Road at the Lake, between Wilmette and Kenilworth c Telephone Wilmette 650 ·