Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 34

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january 31. 1930 WI L M E T ·T E · ·L I F E : M usi·c lovers who have a pench'\nt nppearing- before a number of prom- ct~go Sundav, February 2, under the d1- · cert g-iven by the Columl.>Ia School of for \V a.gnerian masterpieces will have inent \\'Oinen's organizations, including rcction o! Bertha Ott, Inc. Mr. Rach- I Music \Yilt take place 111 Orchestra their innings next week when the Ger- the North End Woman's club, Evans- maninoff appears in Orche st ra halliitall, Chicago, Wed~e sday evening. man Grand Opera company presents its ton, Protestant Woman's Service club, Sunday a~ternoo1~ at 3 :30 o'cloc~.~ Fe-bruary 5, at 8 :1? o ~lock. repertoire of that famous composer's the Wicker Park Woman's club ·1nd operas in the Auditorium theater. Per- (1t hers, and scoring his u sual success. Other br:lhant artt sts. to. b~ l~ e~rd th1 s I This ·c hool mamtams a comple!e formance~ begin Sunday, February 2, He is in much demand for special pro- ~~nnday are Leon Ja111ckt, v10hmst, who symphony orchestra, th~ mem!>cr slnp and wilJ continue through seven days grams qiyen by Chicago clubs and ,.. ill play at the Stt~dehaker ~t .3 ;30 of which is composed of 1ts pup1ls who counts among these every year a large \>'clock, and Ilze N1emack, viOhntst, ,, ill take part in this concert, and on v: ith no matinees. who apn,·ars in The Playhouse at the thi s occasion they will play an 0\'erThe opera company made its initial number o~ return engagements. same hour. ture bY Glinka, the important Symtour of America last season presentt·ho ny Ill major hy Schubert, a Baling for the first time Richard VvagItt by De:ihcs, as well as the accnmner's immortal "Der Ring des Nihvaniments ror the various soloists. elungen" in its entirety. New York, Philaciclphia, Baltimore, \Vashington, The artists appearing as solo ist s ::tre Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago, Mil11 \\'a lter Spry, pianist; Hnth R ay. waukee and Indianapolis " ·e re the The disastrous consequences of t hl' \'!Oiinist: Leslie Arnold, haritone, and cities visited, and the company was ac- installation of music reproducin .~ d.e An olct cperetta called "Gypsy Love," C.eorge Lane, hariton~. The orchest~a daimed for its unrivalled perform - \'tees in theaters and moving picture 1)\- Franz Lehar, A. M. \Villner, and is und er the direct10n of Ludwig ances. house has presented a serious situation, I~obert Bodanzky, which had great I Becker, head of the Yiolin departm ent. During the past summer, S. H ur·1k. uot only for musicians, but for art and t·npularity in Europe, has been turned : 0\'erture: "Rouslane t Ludmilla" . ·. . managing director of the German <:ntertainment in America, savs Olin into a film called "The Rogne Song," ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·,. · · · · · · · · : · Ghnka Grand Opera company, spent three Downe s, music critic for the New Yorl( hy Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Lawrence · Ana: Reveng-e, 1 'm othe us Cne:-; Hand , 1 !liOnths on Central Europe in behalf Times. T;bbett, baritone of the Metropolitan ".r\l·e·xand·e·r· s · Wedding Fea~t" of the o:-ganization. \Vith the coThousands of orchestral musician s Opera company, is cast in the leading , . Gt>org!.' Lane 0peration and as sistance of the leading are out of employment in this country masculine role . Mr. Tibbett is said to Ptano: Crmc(>rtstu ck Walter Spry musical 'l ~ lthorities, Mr. Hurok wa s en- and Cana da; ot1 1er t 1 10usanc1 s 1 1ave be the first Metropolitan singer to ~ymphony c ::\fajor Schubert 2.hled to augment his list of principals aband.onerl music as a profession :1nd !!lake a full length audible film. Andantt>, Allt>g-ro ma non Troppo with a number of the most distin- have directed their energies into other The 0 ·p eretta ha s been adapted to the Andaate ron moto guished Wagnerian singers and con- fields, Mr. Downes goes on to say. The c F ranees M anon · 1 Jo 1 C o1 Yiolin: Sch.~rzo t.1m by anc 111 Concerto E l\linor C"onus dtlctors in Europe. Entire ne w scenery American Federation of Musicians is ton, and it was given its premier perRuth Ray for all senn productions in the reperVerdi conducting an extensive advertising formance at the Astor theater in New Aria: 0 Tu Palermo toire has been purchased from Thea- campaign to awaken the public to thl' "I Yel'pri Siciliani" week. Li.onel Barrymore diLeslie Arnold terkunstg. e werbehaus Stenger- Imp e - need of orchestras in place of "canned" Yorkd this 1 fil koven anJ company, Berlin; the cDs- music in the theaters. It is said. that recte t le 111 version. I na~let: :·coppelia" · · · · · : · · · · · . D~lihes tumes arc being designed and £:..tr- !:lOre than 25,000 orchestral players Decision ~vas re.achcd to. photograph ~~1-~~~~~:~ar'(l~tu~~~~w~·lt~~r) yanattOr.') nished hy Theaterkun st Herman ]. have been deprived. of a living during the whole plcture m T echlllcolor and to Czardas. Kaufmann, Berlin, and the electri..:al that there is les:-; incentive toclav for include an Albertina Rasc h ballet oi a -------equipment was manufactured especial- the past two years. Mr. Downes- feels Lt:ndred girls. Songs in "T he Rouge Ernest Bloch's "Ameri·ca" . ly for the company hy Sch\\'abe and. that there is less incentive todav for Song" range from operatic arias with company, Berlin. men to prepare themselves for careers S{' mphony orchestra accompaniment to,· Hailed as Masterpiece Mr. Hurok has not failed in his · · snnple love songs and gypsy ballads. , .. tl tl 1 d I 1at ns B a Mr. Tibbett describes the leadina role \\ dlt~m Mengelherg. conductc~l the promise to give American .! born sing- as ore 1estra Payers, an bad augury for the future. However, hl' t-o fi t I 1 f r t ers an opportunity with his company thinks that the innocent bystander, as · a tUt.1 dul sort of Robin Hood, says rs , . ··~;ropca.n , learmg 0 .'..rne~ and the :-oster of principals includes a who is tht amateur or lover of music. the New York Times, a Robin Hood Bloch s Ame~tca last fall, and ts s:.ucl riding at the head of a ])and of tune-' to have heel! nnmcnsely mo\'ecl by th.r number of native artists. k 'r [_I e IS rcporte<1 to. sa,,y t h at. 1,, f is not happy \\'ith canned music, and ful l>rigand follO\Yers·, w1'th the Cauca- \\'O r·.. \Vork to he offered includes the that he is beginning to tire of it. Pro - sus mou11tains as J)ackgrouncl. Of the n " lnenca sees t 1 1 " le leauty 111 ·'"'-menca. famous \V agncrian operas "The Flying tests arc being made, and this · · I f is a film, Barrymore is ctuotecl as say 1 ·n.!! ~n~1 ~tn<1 erstancts .t 1 1e great message. 1t Dutchman," "Tristan and Isolde," "Das goo d s1gn. n snme t 1 H:oaters a ew or" , " t 1 1 1 1 Rheingold," "Die \Valkuere," "Sieg- c..hestral pla)"l·rs haYe been rein s tated . tLat an attempt \vas made to tell a J~m~->s 0 · lttmamty, t 1e w 10 ,c natiOn 1 romantic story. witt: mu ic, and not to 11 pla): nom,age to Bloch. 11~e work fried," and "Die Goetterdaemmerung-." There will also he a presentation of .bes How Pari·s Is reproduc~ mus1c w1th a sketchy story. ' ·as pla:'- ed b) the Amsterdam Conce1 ~ Descri ~ccnes included episod.e s where the gcbouw orch.estra, and tl:e J?utch aud.t' 'Don Juan," by Mozart. The company contains 150 artists and 1 Receiving Great Artists bandits ride over cliffs, a village fes- ~nee \\'as Wildly enthu. tast1c about tt. symphony orchestra. The roste r of A music critic of the New York Tirnes t i,·al, the abduction of the Princess principals includes the following: 1 Sopranos-Johanna Gadski, Juliette writes of Paris activities: "Once more \ . cr~, and !e.r rescue by Russian N. S. Musicians Club Lippe, Margarethe Baumer, Lavinia Rachmaninoff has conquered his public :.: ldtc.;;s . 1l.r. flbbett says of the op.erto Meet Next Tuesday I·arvt>, J!'old(' Yon Bernhard. Edna Zahm, by hi s yirtuosity without succeeding- in i dta. I .~>l'l.teve that now '~·~ are seemg l\terran Reader, 1\Iiloradovich. stirring- their emotions. The German tlte hegHmlng ,of the translt!On of opera The North Shore Musicians club will Contr:1ltos - Sonia. Sharnova, Mabel r;ive its next program of music in the Ritch, 1\fa ura Canning, Helena Lanvm, piani!:lt, Giese king, excited the adnura- to the sc reen.' 1 Shella Fryer. tion of critics and public by his d1slounge oi the Wilmette Woman's club, Tenors-Karl Jorn, Johannes Sembach, tinguishecl ancl sensitive interpretations Stravinsky's Capriccio "1'nesday afternoon, February 4, at 2:15 Humbert Leucr, Josef S. Lengyel, Alexnf modern \vork s, particularly tho e of · · o'clock <;harp. ander Lar~ e n, Rudolf Hille. · Wins Praise From Critic Mrs. Frances Copt horne of Winnetka Jussy. T he you~g. R :\.ttSSian, n1ns k ·y, . BaritonE'~ Gotthold Ditter. Richard De 1 Gros~. Fr::tnz EgPnieff, '\rerner Kius. appeared to. be still m the. preparatory St:avmsky ga~'e .a first ~erformanc.· 1 "ill be hostess for the afternoon, while Bassos-Carl Braun, Bennett Challls, ~ tagc, seeming t_? follo'~ 111 the foot- of hts ne,v Capncc1o for P1ano and. Or-~· her assistants will he Mrs. A. H. Ruth Hans E. Hey. Fmally, Magd.a chestra recently at a concert of the and Helen Lerch . Tea will be served C"onductors: Hans Blechschmidt, Ernest steps of Horowitz. h.no(·h, Ernst 1\Iehlich. Tagliaferrn made a profound impres- Orchestre Symphonique de Paris. a:ter the prorrram. sion on the public in Paris, " ·here she Henry Prunieres Paris music cor__ ~->_ _ _ _ __ has seldom. appeared in the last i;~ respondent for the' N' cw York Times, PENS MENGELBER Miniature Opera House years. It IS acknowledged that tn1 says of the Capriccio. "we find once G BIOGRAPHY Haven for Young Artists Brazilian artist, who came to Fra~tce more a Stravinskv who seemed to have A biographical sketch of "MengelA miniature opera house has been es- while still . a ch!ld, is w_ithont doubt disappeared after the 'Symphonie.s for l)erg an.cl the Symphonic Epoch" has tablished in Berlin by Paul von Schlip- the most Illustnous puptl of Cortot. Wind Instruments.' Again his music is Leen wntten by Edna Richolson Soltitt. penbach, architect, painter and lover She _owe~ to her master a marvelous touched \o\ith mystery. We hear the an- Mrs. Sollitt writes of the conductor's of music. Theater holds 100 persons, quality ot tone and. delicacy of touch." guished silences, peopled. with phantoms work here and abroad. Pictures of his , and swarming ghosts, which produced ?wis~ chalet. are said to show the amazand was originally the family d.ining PONSELLE SINGS FAREWELL such an impression on the first hearers mg .hbrary l1l four languages, the colroom. The stage and lighting include tl,e most modern appliances. Young Rosa Ponselle sang her season's fare- of 'Petrushka,' and the 'Sacre.' From lect10ns of. masterpieces of art and artists who cannot afford to pay the \rell in "Xorma_," at the Met~opol~t~n the first bars, the strange chords struck 1 craftmansh1p. His father designed and usual fees for debuts are offered here (lpera house th1s week. She wtll rejotn by the piano with the resonance of made the bronze doors of Cologne Caopportunities to show their \\"Orth. the company for its spring tour, fill wind instruments showed us that the thedral. Many famous stars and conductors concert engagements, and sail in May · Stravinsky of the 'Sacre' is not so dead have promised to take part in perform- for a second opera season in London. as we pretend ... Capriccio is a work RENEWS OPERA CONTRACT &nces. of consid.erable importance, many p:lsArmand Tokatyan, tenor, renewed his PRESENT "CAMILLE" OPERA sages of which leave a profound Im- contract with the Metropolitan Opera ON AMERICAN TOUR . "Camille," Hamilton Forest's opera pression of beauty, power and poetry. company for four years, making his Serge Prokofieff, the Russian com- based on Dumas' story, will be pro- Its performance was a distinguished total contracted service with the composer, has started an Americ<tn tour. duced by the Chicago Civic Opera com- one with Stravinsky at the piano and pany eleven years. He has also heHe gave his first recital in New York pany next season, when it will be one Ansermet, a specialist in this music, at come a favorite with Ravinia opera enrecently. 0i the leadin(l novelties of the year. the conductor's desk." thusiasts. Rachmaninoff in Recital IColumbia School Lusk in Recitals Before German Opera Cast at Orchestra Hall Sunday Artists Present Various Women's Groups in First Wagnerian . Se.rgei ~achmanino~ , world renowned concert February $ During- the month of January, Milan ts outstandmg ~mon.g th.e . . , Program on Sunday l.usk, north shore violinist, has been !·JanJst, ar tist s who will present recttals 1n Ch~The annual professiOnal_ art1sts cr:.n 1 · Music News and Events \{ , "Canned" MusicH as Tibbett Has Lead Disastrous Effects, . in "Rogue Song," Noted Cr ;t,·c . 4vers N S 0 ew ere en pera c J ':·. ' u· I

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