January - · Three of 13 New Trier Students Hold Straight-A Average for Entire Year 9N. T. GIRLS, 4BOYS HIT STRAIGHT-A MARK = 31, 1930 Mary WILMETT-E ·LIFE Otto Bettoft, Norman BrueJan~ Mess, Marion Nettleman J~ne Orr Ammon, digam, Alan Fuller, Clark Gapen, KingsMarget Small, Mary Jean~e Tansill' ley Karnopp, Walter Mockler, Guy RobPatsy Boylston, Alice Conhaim Catherin~ bins, Robert Walgren. Elliott Witt, McKay. Ethel Pierce, Martha 'Wilen, Betty Pearson. Honorable Mention .Lora Baughman, Theda Childs, Victoria D!eb~l!, Lois ,Goldstein, Dorothy Hunt, Vn·gnua .Tenkms, Lila .Johnson Betty Keck, ·Marjorie Mergenthaler, 'Marion Popper, Leah Shanken, Pauline Spiegel Anita Watson, Harriett Webster. ' George Wolff. Honorable Mention John Barden, Joe Bezdek, Milton Cornelius, Richard Hooker, Llewellyn Jones, Louis Kuppenheimer, Lawrence Leviton. Gustav.e Link, Jack Mee, Gordon Ruff, Olin Sethness, Robert Shab.no, James Shanken. SOPHOliORE BOYS Honor Roll Stephen Brooks, John Dernehl, Shelby Miner, Jack Broad, Arthur Weldon, Foste1· Bennett, Jack DeBeers, John Hellmuth. Robert Leonard, Donald Matthews, Frank Se.vl, Milton Vore, Cameron Brown, Roger Delandet:, Ed. Bristol, Geo1·ge Everitt .. Colin, Finlayson, Lyman Huff, Geor_g'e Jones, Marcus Levy, Lambert Maguire, Dexter Martin, Jerome Straus, Walker Wolford, Paul Williams. Honorable ]lentlon George Cole, Donald Hughes, Harry Keator, Kenneth King, Elwood Mons, Carlto'l Prouty, Fred Robinson, Byro11 Sanders, Tom Sinding. Paul Venrich, Ted Wachs, .Terry Westerfield, Fred Wetterer, Frank Williams, ,John Withrow. FRESHMAN BOYS Honor Roll William Bremer, Lewis Birdsall, Robert .Johnson, Stanton Schuman, Walter Merrill, Charles Brown, Frank Eager, Victor Hanson, Charles Knapp, William Nordburg, Jack Van der Vries, Roger Barrett, David Eisendrath, Bruce Ellison, Robert Hicks, Cedric King, Fred Leason, Charles Leonard, Norman Modine, Ben Olds, Ed. Schmidt, Jack Stebbins, Harry Weese. llonorable Mention Frank Appleyard, Clinton Demmon, Bert Fal)senberg, Edward Frazer, Dwight Green, Robert Greenhalgh, Charlefl Holmes, George Hunt, Howard Jordan, James Kraft, Allen Morris, Hubert Pelott, Richard Pickard, Sam Rockwell, William Rolftng, Richard Steen, Marshall Turner. Ferrarlni, Amelia Jacobi!! Mary , l11--------------~~~~~-· r Nine girls and four boys whose SOP}IOl\IORE GIJtLS names appear on the honor roll for Honor Roll the third month of the second semester Grace Bartling, Elizabeth Balhatchet at New Trier High school had straight Beatrice Drive1·, Margaret Ebeling, Hele·~ "A" averages for that period. Those nreen: Ann Boyrt Lynn, Lucy Murdison, . . . . Ellen Sager, Carolyn Yerkes, Jane De"·ho won the d·sttnchon were . Anne . ment, Marthn. Ericson Margaret Gould Sherwin, Harriett Williams anrl Robert Agnes Halley, Helen' .Tones, Margaret s,)ierrel seniors. Ruth Jackson Louise ~~ahler, Frances Kelley, Virginia Koom.. to> ' · · ' Jlan, .Jane Snyder, Agnes Fraser, Mildred vVa1!!.1er and Dorothy Wmzenberg, Hempl<>. Florence Olsen, Helen Orvis, juniors; Grace Bar~ling, Stephen Helen Rathbone, Betty Wilson. Brooks, John Dernehl and Shelby . Honorable )fentlon · 1 d H Blame Alberga, Mn.rv Fowler Anna Mtner, sop wmores! an crn?-o~a GE-rken, Helen Holton, i\fargaret 'Huddy, Clark, Cora Mompter and Maqone .Tncinta Kampm+>ier, l\Tarjorle Leach, Seubold freshmen. Winifred Lundquist, Eleanor Mn.yer. ' Camlyn Otten, Cn.roline Preston. Virginia Three of these students - Dorothy i lti<>h, Edna Stiles, Helen Thalmann. \Vinzcnberg, Grace Bartling and Mar- Elsie Wade. jorie Seuhold-have had straight "A" l'ltESHl\L\N GiJU,S averages for the enti~c year thus far. Honor Itoll Hermonn. Clark. Cora Mompier. Mnr.Tohn Dernehl attained a straight "A" inriE> Seubold. Virginia Vawter, Marian averag-e the first month of the semes- Bark<>r, Emma Bickhn.m, Eileen Burke, ter, ;nd Ruth Jackson won the dis- .JanE-t Chatten, Frances Ellis, Cather·ine tinr_tion the second month. lfPpburn, .Jeanette Post, Nancy Rutlt>dge, Katherine Ammerman, Allison Burge, The honor roll is composed of stu- Els:t Carlen. Alice Nord, .Tos(:'phine · 1 "B , ~<·h<>sslf'r, Betty Sheldon, Jeanne ~tout, cIrnts h avmg an average a >Ove ' Leila White. Margaret L0omis, M:Hjorit· while those with an average equal to Winterbotham, HeTen Rooz. Jane Brun" B" receive honorable mention. Fol- ~nn, Dora Crawford, Judith Fox, .Tune lowinrr is the most recent list of honor Kehl, Barbara Munn, Marjorie Ortf'g-aard, ,..., ~ally Romig-, Helen Shephf'rd, Virginia stuclerr.ts at New Trier: ~mith. Cef'ilia Wagner. Barbara Wilder. SENIOR GIRI,S (;pne Boyd. Honornhlf' ,l,.ntion Honor ltoiJ Margaret Baker. D0ris Bell, Betty Anne ~h<>rwin, Harriet William~. Helen Byers, Margery Felsenthal, Dorothy Fox, Hosley, Grace Clucas, Rhea Koll, Har- Winnie Grondal, Charlotte Harvey, riet Postle, Helen Reinhardt, Sylva l:ynthia Holmes . .JanE> 1 rorcler . .Jane HorBruns, Betty Bayliss, Anne Boddie, ton, Polly Hundle. Franees Koch, Ruth Dorothy Darby, Ernestine Herman, Lane, .Janet McNulty, H<>len Parker . Betty .Johnson, Mary McNulty, Lorraine Arline Sandy, Jean \\'eher, Miriam West~feister. Barbara Miner. Mary Niestadt, erfeld. Janet Shepard, Beth Brower, Helen IrvSENIOR BOYS ing, Jean Campbell, Mary Beam, Ali<'e Honor Roll Flesch, Jean Forrest, Elizabeth Haack, Robert Spiegel, William Gage, .Jack Huth Kanberg, Ellen l{atz, Marion LangLoeb. Robert Meyers, Paul Powell, Wildon, Gertrude Lucke, Dorothy Schoenfiel<l, Ruth Scribbins, Dorothy Smith, liam McAnams, Phil Brooks, Cecil Cox. Robert Forster, Tom Hicks, Simeon Jean Thackery, Jeannette Wurth. .Te~ter, Bernard Kram, Robert SchoenHonorable Mention brun:· Richard Schuettge, Robert Atwood. Bernice Augdahl, Dorothy Bersch, Aud- Will.ard Bent, Albert Bows, Ted Derey Binz, Elizabeth Blaylock, Janet Lang, Robert Lechner, Richard Longini. Brown, Elizabeth Clifford, .Jean ('ross- .Tack Ludwig, Robert Reshke, George ley, Katherine Ellis, Ethel Belle Glass, ~anwit, Paul ~eligm:-~nn. Albert Welty, Charlotte Hamilton, Ann Louise Hankins, Townsend Christie. Frank Heineman. Gloria Harrington. Ruth Harrison, Doris Honorable Mention Horder, Louise }Jubsch, Ruth Iverson, Dick Bernard. .John Brenner, Die}{ Florence McCoy, A lice Metz, Charlotte Burmeister. William French, Eugene Moody, Patricia Oliver, Janet Orwig. Hildebrand, Cecil Hurtt, Nishan JorGene Paddock,. Virginia Rich, Betty .i orian, David Kaplan, Charles Meginnis, Richards, Helen Sinclair, Lottie Stern, .John Rutledge, Fred Russell, John Rosemary Walkey, Dorothy Wiedlin. Sanderson, Brice Stephens. JUNIOR GIRLS JUNIOR BOYS Honor R~ll Honor Roll Ruth Jackson, Louise Wagner, Dorothy George Boylston. David Crawford, Paul Winzenberg, Georgia Lloyd, Frances Gilbert, David Davis, James Alsdorf, Lutz, Virginia Preston, Claire Simon, Barclay .Jones, William Freeman, .John Ruth Tay, Louise Shepard, Amy Clagett, Howe, Robert Livingston, Phil Von- fUVNfAIN 5QVARI: · LVAN\TON . . .. SAVE 25 to40% Fitted Overnight Caaea Traveling Bara Suit Cues Wardrobe Trunks A Conover for Efficiency Dishes washed by electricity all year round. Leisure time doubled - or reserved for more interesting occupations than dishwashing. Slithtly shol'worn MW*' EST IISit CHICAGO * * * Suggest to your husband that he see the Kitchenette Size model at $94.25. It does everything the larger Conover does--for a smaller family. And ir occupies so little space that when you're through with it you can just slide it out of sight under your drain-board! For VW.entine's Day 3 Portraits Toloff $10 (Size 6x8) * * ·* JosEph D. 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