January 31, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE 23 New Trier and 1Jt1orton . Cagers Split Double Bill. Jack Lorenz Wins Title New Trier Tri-Ship Club March 20 in the school mess hall. The in N. T. Boxing Exhibit to Fete Mothers March 20 £!:~~:; ~~~iat:!s ho:~~s:~~, j~~s bPu~h~ New Trier and Morton High schools divided honors last Friday in two hardfought Suburban league basketbail games played on the Morton floor. Inability to sink easy floor shots cost the New Trier heavyweights a 25 to 24 defeat, and left ¥orto!1 at the . top of th.e lea~ue .standm.g wtth five consecut1v~ vt~tone~, W~Jle the Gray and Green Is t1e.d With Ev.anst?n for second pl~ce With three VIctones and two defeats. Morton had a sever1 point lead at half time, 17 to 10, but New Trier pulled up. Five times in the last minutc of play when Morton was leadillg2~ to 24 the New Trier play er s mi s;,~ d attempts' at field goals. Clayton Paulson, forward, led the scorinsr for New Trier. He collected eight -points, four of them on fr ee throws. Tom Hicks, guard. also sank four free throw shots for Kew Trier. bcsides contributing a field goal. The I\cw Trier lightweights, after trailing 12 to 11 at the end of the fir :; t half, won a 25 to 21 deci sion. Th·:y are now in a triple tie with Provi . . o and Oak Park for the league leadership, each team having won four games and lost one. Paul Jones and Frank Church, fo:ward s, and Elmer Berol, guard. dirt most of the scoring for 1\ew Trier. Jones' four field goals gaye him a tot~,l of eight points, while Berni contribttt ·? d the same number on two field goals and four free thro,,·s. Church sank threc hot s from the fl oor. The student boxing exhibition spon- . The Tri-Ship Boys' club of New Last year the Tri-Ship club gave a sored by the Tri-Ship club of New Trier High school is planning to hold dinner for the fathers, so it is the T · H' h h T a banquet for mothers of the boys on mothers' turn this year. rier Ig sc ool hursday, January ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23, in connection with its monthly dinner, attracted a large cro\~d. Follow· ing were the results of the bouts: Jack Fine Dressmaking AI tering, Remodeling Lorenz defeated John Moran for the school championship; technical knockFor the pleasure and economy of the patron who would like to finish her outs gave Fred Lind and "Bib" Connor own · frocks, we design, fit, pin and baste out-of-style frocks into the victories over Tom Wolters and Bill present mode to suit the individuality. Glencoe 1634 Anderson respectively; "Bud" Thorse11 whipped Adam Bernardi; Al Lind defeated Bob \Vaters, Bill McAdams was victorious over Charles Homan, and Bill Turne,· trimmed Lawrence Doty.· \Vatter Aschenbach, New Trier footwill be a pleasant memory if you select the ball coach, refereed . The judges were right hotel. Basketball Coach Clyde Grater and 'Ate New Bismarck welcomes you to a hosAssistant Football Coach Harold Caton. telry where good food, superior service and cheerful comfort await you. Easily accesLeon Dabo, Artist, to sible to all the high spots of the city. Collette Soeurs Give Series of Lectures Leon Daho of New York, distinguishcd America.n artist whose paintings hang in most of the leading galleries in the United States and in the LuxI embourg museum in 'Paris 1 is coming to Chicago under the auspices of the Adult Education · council of Chicago. I He will giyc t\;·o s~ries of. thr.ee leetures each on 'Soctal Impltcat10ns of .-\meri~an ,\rt." One series will be gl\·en tn the loop on \V ednesclay evenings of February 1~, 19 and ,26. an.d the othe; at the Jewtsh Peoples tnstlt~tte. 3J00 J~ouglas boulevard, on 1 hursclay c,·cm~1gs, Feh:uary 13. 20 and 27. Cl)mpktc 111formajwn can be ohtaincd irnm the Adult Education council nf Chicago. 35 \Ve st Jack so n boule\'arcl. Famous for a third of a century. Quiet rooms, restful beds_ All Outside RooDI8 f2.30 Up With Bath, f3.30 tJp New Trier Cagers Invade Oak Park Floor on Saturday ~orth shore basketbalt fans" 1 .o follow the Xe\\' Trier High school team s to out-of-to\\'n games arc expecting to sec some fast basketball thi s Satur- ' day night, February 1. when the Gra \' and Green meets Oak Park at Oak Park. New Trier won an earlv season doubleheader from the we~t sidersl the lightweights by a score of 26 to 24 and the heavyweights by a count of 21 tn 17. In both games Oak Park was ahead at the end of the first half, the west side team enjoying a nine point lead in the lightweight division. At present three teams are tied for the leadership of the Suburban league in the lightweight division- New Trier, Oak Park. and PrO\·iso-each \Yith four victories and one defeat. New Trier lost to Prm·iso bv two points, while Proviso lost to Oak Park hv the same margin. Last vear the Xew Trir·r li({ht\\'C:.' i_[!ht . were champions of the league. 1 FEBRUARY SALE 2800 Pairs Arch Preserver Shoes For Men and Women-Values to $15.00 7·7~ 400 pairs short lines of stylish shoes. R emark a b I e values. Almost all sizes. Come in at once. g.75 50 styles of high grade shoes. Every p a i r represents great sav· ings. We advise early selection. 10·75 Your choice, hundreds of pairs of beautiful shoes. You will bene· fit by the great savings at this low price. Ted Delang N. T. Club of Bird Banding Ten~ Enjoy the comfort assured by the patented features of Arch Preserver shoes. Our entire stock is included in this great sale. These sharp reductions always mean a large attendance. Make your selection now. Ted Delang of \Vilmete, New Trier High school ho~· who has been handing birds for the government, spoke to the New Trier Ornithology club at its regular semi-monthly meeting la st week on the history of bird banding and his own experiences in this fic:Cl. Since last Mav young Delang has handed about five hundred birds. IT e has invented his own device~; for catching them. The pi.trpose of handing the birds is to determine something ahmtt their migration and to le;trn whetlwr the same birds come hack to the same haunts each year. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE "Love" will he the suhie'ct at the servic<'s in the First Church of Christ, Scientist. in Wilmette, Sunday morning-, February 2, at 11 o'clock. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. Lizard Suedes Kid Leathers Brown Black Light Colors 626 CHURCH ST. -· f~R<llh~~Eil INc. CHILDREN's SHoEs INCLUDED/ EVANSTON Sizes 6 to 8 .. $3.45 8Yz to 12, $4.45 12Yz to 3, $5.45