Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 22

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WILMETTE LIFE January 31. 1930 America's· Great Music House Garden Talks ByE: G. W. Recently the postman brought to our house the first seed catalogue of the year, and, with the first sight of the cover picture, the wintry landscape outfAde vanished and all the joys of spring were before our eyes. Blue, blue qelphiniurns reaching taU spires against an azure sky, a red roofed cottage in the distance a splash of orange in the foreground. And what visions of loveliness were revealed on turning the leaves! Each year these messengers seem to be more beautiful, mor<: artistic, more . alluring. Here is a basket of brilliant, graceful salpiglossis, there, a spray of deliciously tinted Iceland poppies; then, delicate "sweet peas atiptoe for a flight," a page of colorful zinnias, another of dainty, fring~d petunias, their fri ll y edges of \\'hite peeping from the tinted center like the lace on a mid-Victorian petticoat. And the lovely, new Sunshine asters with their crested centers, the dahlia of softtst o ld rose color and incredible size, . the rock garden into whose cool verdure one enters bv irregular stones, covered with blanket~ of bloom. And nev ~ r a blight, never a cut-worm from cover to cover. nothing but the perfection one longs for hut so seldom attains. For no matter how rnanv failure" one has had, each vear these lovely catalogu es bring to the gardener new hoPes, new ideals. fresh resolut ions. One determines to purchase this magic seed, to 'vork as no one ever worked before and to have, in the corning summer, the garden of one's dreams. And then,-as Kipling says: "\iVhat though his phlox and hotlyhocks arc half a month demised? \ V'hat though his ampelopsis clambered not as advertised? T hough everv seed was guaranteed and everv standard true Forget! ForgiYe! The~· did not live, Believe and bU\' ane\\'." New Trier Mermen Take Double Bill From Morton High By decisive scores of 45 to 14 and 34 to 19 New Trier High school's senior and junior swimming teams ran away with Morton High school of Cicero in the New T.r_ier natatorium last SaturdaY. · the senior division New T r ier won the relay and all of the · first p laces \\'ith the exception of the breast stroke and diving events. The New Trier iunior team also won the relay event. New Trier and Morton each \\'on three first places in this section of the meet, but the Gray and Green S\\'immers were able to win more second and third places. Preliminary tryouts for the New Trier girls' swimming championship were held last Saturday in connection with the Morton-New Trier meet and the finals were to be held Thursday of this ,\·eek. "Babe" Fraser, Marian Lapman, Marian Anderson, and Georgia Vosburr.h were among the leading contenders for girls' swimming honors. The standings of New Trier varsity s\\'irnmers in the Suburban league were dependent on the outcome of the meet with Evanston Thursday of this week. Up to that time the Gray and Green swimmers were unddeated in the junior division, while a victory over Evanston in the senior division would nlace them in a triple tie with Oak Park and Evanston for the league leadership. On Saturclav. fehruar\' 8. Proviso High school of ~ay"·ood \\'itt engage I\e\\' Trier in a swimming match in the latter's pool. :\ext \Vcclnesdav the Xe\\' Trier frrshman s\vimrning team will journey to Evanston for a return match. In a nre,·ious clash het\\·ee n freshman s\vimmcrs of these t\\'O sc hools t~.e -:\' e\\' Trier team \von 3oy; to 160. To Modern Wives Who've Been Afraid To Dream H ·OW many of us have been like you! Living in small compact apartments in the clouds, longing for a home that's truly homelike . · . and afraid to even dream of the grand piano we would love. The fine Bram~ach Baby Grand was buik to solve your piano problem. Full octave keyboard, round and color· ful in tone, modern as Chicago's skyline- yet only 4 /~. 10 in. long! Come in tomorrow. Let us demonstrate this handsome small Baby Grand for you. In · PLA~ RUMMAGE BAZAAR DINNER FOR BRIDE-ELECT ~I r. ancl Mrs. Victor E. Clottu of the SoYcreign hotel ,,·ill give a dinner bridge tomorrow at the Soverign in honor of Miss Virginia Heitman. 212 Greenleaf avenue. and Harold Nel so n r,i \Yilmette, \\'h o are to he marr ied 11ext spring. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ketcham, 40 Devonshire lane. Kenil\\'orth are lea ving next \veek for Nassau to spend a couple of weeks. Xorth shore and Chicago alumnae of ~r nunt \.ern on seminarv are gh· in~ a rummage hazaar at ~f arshatl Field's former store in Evanston, Febrnarv 5. ~~r rs . Lawrence DcGolver. ~f rs. Roland \\'. 'Kcye._, ~frs. Joht; C. Slade, Mrs. Charlc:-; r. . Little. ~f rs. En~ re t t Cook, ~; nd ~f i% ~fan· Cunningham arc col hairmen of tl~c sale \\.'hose procee ds "·ill benefit the Northwestern Univers;ty settlement and thr Crad le. The doors wilt he oprn at 10 o'clock in the ;Horning. THE BEGIMNING OF OUR SPRING SALE Brambach Baby Grand Piano Saturday. February I st, this store will place on sale a com plete stock of FLOOR COVERINGS- the largest showing on the North Shore. ORIENTAL and DOMESTIC RUGS CARPETS and LINOLEUMS E~erytbing offered represents the newest and at such reduced prices as will encourage you to BUY AT BARRY ' S instead of spending your time and money in the " Loop." This is your opportunity to buy from a comple 4 e, ne':' stock. Select NO.W. If it will convenience you, we II hold your aelectron for a ltJter delivery. Evanston Store: 615 .Davis St. The ONLY exclusive CARPET, RUG, and LINOLEUM ·, store north of the "Loop" Open Lyon &. H ealy Et.renings~ · Till 10 o'clock E~~,~~g and Linings s!T;1 St. aVI · PhODes· D .d G B · EstabUshecL '" 19!0 arry Cleaning and Repairing ,.Rugs and Carpets 806-810 GROVE ST., EVANSTON · - · Private Parkiq Space J l University Greenleaf 5712

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