Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 20

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WILMETTE · awoo EVOLVES AS an~aring ~fure prlva~ clu~ m L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the city, and coming from triumphs with the Radio-Keith-Orpheum circuit. , "The Great Laurant-the Man of Many ~-------------, Complete Cuisine Facilitiea and Mysteries"- who was recently !)resented PORTS CALENDAR with a gold medal by the Socit::ty of AmerAugmented Entertainment lean Magicians, as a tribute to his astonFebruary s, 1\londay ishing skill and to his consistent leadt:: r 7 P- m.-Basketball league for wom cu. Newest Ventures shir> in raising the art of magic to th e Stolp gymnasium. · high'e~t plane. :30 p. m.- Volleyball for men. Howard By D. C. ~ 7 In respon se to an increasing demand Promise Moderate Clmrge gymnasium. · · b k tb 11 league that The management at Miralago advises :30-9 :30 ·p. m.-Ice sl{ating. Village A JUnior as e a from community and social leaders of 3 that despite th e additional outlay of Green and golf courl:!e. started last night at the Stolp gymthe north shore that Miralago add to many thousands of dollars involved in February 4, 'fuestlu.y nasium 1s the latest addition to the 1ts facilities for the dansant the ac- equipping Miralago with Supper duiJ faci7 :30 p. m.-Basketball for womcJI. · · · f th W 1 'lmett Stoln gymnasium. numerous .actlvlttes 0 e c couterment of table reservations; and Hties and the additional costs of proft·!;sional entertainment and cuisine se r vice, 7 :30 p: m. Girls' Athletic club meet Playground and ~ecreation. board. supper cuisine, a large construction ing. HQward gymnasiun:. . The league, limited to htgh school force is working night and day at pricel:! will be but very little incr 'al:;C<.i , ma king 1\liralago a delightful l!}ace for 3 :30-9 :~0 p. m.- lce sl{atq_1g. V ·llng·e boys and residents of Wilm. ette, is de_ Miralago-withont, however, interrup- an evening's entertainment on tH e north Green and golf couroo. h 1 l sian ed to furnish wort w 11 ti011 of evening pa rties-in installing a shore, at moderate cost:s. . February r;, We<1ncsc1!LY "' h e competJ "It has been a matter of pride to the : p. m.-Swimming for gu·ls. So\·tion and experience to t e younger battery of ranges, broilers, steam tables 30 6 ereign h_otel. boys. Only one e~ening ~ wet'k in in what it is advised, will be probably resnon:siiJle community- leaders of the nor~h shore to note that · Miralago is the 7 p. m.- Ba:sketball for men. How:t nl · b a vatlable the the most elaborate and efficient kitchen one -ballroom in the country whkh ha:s gymnasium. one gymnasiUm em~ · . equipment on the north shore. league is limited to SIX .t~ams. It ~s been able to insist wi~hout exce ption on 7 p. m.-Basketba ll for men. Stolp gymnasium. . . felt by recreation autbonttes that . thts More than 200 table s and more than the admission of couples onl y," co mmcJitK well known society leader. "This, with 3 :30-9 :30 p. m.- Ice ska tmg. Y·ll :q:~~" will not nearly meet the demanG, so 1,000 chairs have been especially de- a the l:!tandards of serving no ~inge r ale Green and golf course. f · · and set-ups and permitting no use of any team for ettmg once may l>e resigned and decorated in we motif oi Febru!try 6. 1'~Jurstlny 1 tl t 1 placed at once )y any o lCr t!an the moderne with the colors of silver, liquor, has resulted in Miralago L>eiu ~ 30 p. m.-Aero club for boy:s. Ce ntral 7 :school approved by school autJJ.orities and card ul manual training. ·requesting admission to the league. The green and black being retained and pa rents a s a wholesome place at wh ieh 7:30 p. m.-Basketball for high Hc hool league will probably be enlarged next relieved with the othcial Mir.alago voun.speople can enjoy the dan sa nt. " boys. Qtolp gymnasium. · f 11 t' season to take care o burnt orange. 'l'hc chair s will have .~·o C'"tn.,.P."_ ..... e lit Manugemc·at 7:30 p. '"l m.--Gymnasium for women. l al teams pe t\Vith th e introduction of ta iJles and Howard gymnasium. tioning entrance in t 1e eague. the Mtralago "M " design worked out 7:30 p. m.-Horseshoe~ for men. lJowSuitable trophies will be award~d th e m unique fa shion on the stretchers. cuis ine sH vice, the .§..at)'le management r t>mains in <.: harge at Miralagu and th e ard school a ttic. winners at the end of the season. Th e The tables will be in silver and black same :IDWdards which have made it a 3 :30-9:30 p. m.-Ice slmting. Villagt> I with an espcctaUy designed tal>lc cov- place fur the discriminating of the north Green and ~lf course. teams enlist ed in the eague at present }'ebruluy 72 Friday are: Hot Shots, organized by Raymond ering on which artists are etching in- ~hore will be maintained. A survey of the patronage a t Mirala g<J 7 p. m.-Junior police athletic hour. St e ff ens ; ABC's, organized by Clarence teresting musical symbols. r eveals that on Erida.y evenings high Howa rd school. Ste ff ens ; Wildcats. organized by .Jack Loop Chef de Cuisine 7:30 p. m.-Boxins; and wrestling-. l\J en. · 1 b Cl 1 school alumni and students f··om Dee rThe chef de cuisine and fifteen of fi eld-Shields. New Trier, Evanston a nd Howard school. · Frost: Bruins, o.;,~amze( Y au< c the service personnel of one of the Senn, to the number of more than 500, 8 p. m.-Gymn a§ ium class for uwn . Hill ; Junior A. C., organized h y R)hHowa rd l:ichool. ert \Vaters, and Junior Aces, organizf!d most exclusive pri vate clubs in the predominate, along with many of th e col8:15 p. m.- Lecture. Paul ll . Se yrn o ur. by Sherwood Palmer. Th e scheduh.: loop, have IJecn engaged to serve .Mira- lege crowd. Raturday evenings, there has bee11 Sha wn ee Country club. d f 11 lago patrons the most delicious and de - anOn average attenda nce ::!-PProximating 1,000 8 :30 p. m.-l\farri ~d couples' d a nci ng· fo r the fir st roun o ows: lectable of supper dishes, it ts an- from Lake l!"'orest, Northwestern, Loyola class. Stolp f:ymnasium. January !!0 and De Paul universities and their alumni, 3 :30-9 :30 .P . m.-Ice skati_ ng. Yill :tg"t' 7-Rruins vs. Junior Aces ; 8-Juniot· lOunced. t ogether with a large number of north Green and ~lf course. A. C. ,-~. H v t Shots ; 9-AllC's vs. WildReservations of tables for unit parties shore devotees of the dansant. }"ebrl},!!:fY 8, Su.turday ca t:s. }'ehruury 6 of two, four, six and eight, can be On Wednesd:;!,r and Sunday e v e ning ~ 9:30 a. m.-9 :30 p. m.- Ice sl.: a ting-. 7- ABC's vs . .Junior Aces ; 8- Bruiu :~ made lll advance, it 1s explained, or the "grown-ups" have taken very definite Village Gree n and golf co urse. v:;:. Junior A. C. ; !3- ,Vild ca ts n;. ll ut on the evenin~ ot attendance, and, IJy possession of Miraglago and now, with Shots. permanent reservations of table::; availharmonious blending of tables and }~ ehruury la it is anticjpated that the adults of 7 -Wil ck n. t ~ vs. Junior A. C. ; S-Hot chairs, unit parties of twelve to one able, the !JOrth shore will more and more make Shots v~ . .Juni or Aces; s-Bruiu s v s. thousand can have their own special Miralago their rendezvous for after- Recreation Board Bridge ABC's bridge, ·after-theater and after-dinuer space permanently reserved. Classes Well Favored , 7-Hot · ~h o t :-;Jo'ehrunry 20 A year's contract has been made with parties. vs. AI3C'l-i ; R-Druin ~ vs. The same policies of advertising onl y Reservations may still be made for Wildcats; 9Junior Aces \ ' S. Jun ior A. C. Dell Coon and the .Miralago orchestra on the north shore. and of direct mail Jo'ebruary 27 which have been at .Miralago smct invitations only to north shore people, the Playground and Recreation board's classes, recreation authorities 7-Bruin s . vs. Hot Sho~ s ; S-.Tunior its inception and whose playing has and the provision of Supper club facilitieH bridge Aces, \ 'S . \V1ldcats; 9- Jumot· A. C. vs. professional entertainment during announce. rated them by music critics competent and ABCs. intermissions of the dansant, promises to A great many regi~trations have been 1 All ~am es will be played at the Stolp to observe, as one of the three out- add very cQnsiderably to Miralago' s patstanding orchestras in the metropolitan ronage among the discriminating adults 1 eceived at the board since it was an- :school gymnasium. 'l'he wom en's g-ymuounced that the contract clashes will nasium clasH th~t had lwe n meetin~ area. l<.ecently this orchestra was se- of the north shore. . on Thursday e v e nm~s at Stolp has been bf' held on Monday evemngs and the combined with the 'fhurl-iday eveninglected from all of the orchestras of auction dasses on Friday afternoon. g-ymnas ium - class of Howard antl will the country to play for the Ardeh Build Small Skating Rink Both dates seem to be the most popular mee t at th e latter gymnasium. ~~hore Chanty ball, held at the Stevens for Kenilworth Youngsters ciates left free from social and club hotel, this being their only release The ice skating rink in the park engagements for Wilmette folks and Women's Cage Loop Starts from Miralago. across the street from the Joseph Sears were selected by a majority vote of · Many Special Feat urea Second Round Next Monday In addition to the arrangements of ~ chool in Kenilworth has become so the enrollment in the classes. The women's basketball leag-ue , con Dell Coon, a number of spectal arrange- pt>pular that a new and smaller rink is The hour on Friday afternoon for the ments have IJeen worked out by Ken heing built near it for the younger auction class will be 2 o'clock and for ducted by the Playground and RecreaDavis of the scuc.ophone section, who children. A group of Kenilworth b·>YS the evening class 8 o'clock. Arrange- tion board, will enter upon its second formerly made arrangements and was has organized a hockey club and will tr.ents are being made for a central round of games next Monday evening assistant leader of the Goldkette or- meet the Howard school of Wilmette location for the classes to be held and at the Stolp gymnasium. next Tuesday. Roger Barrett ts cap- next week's WILMETTE Ln'E: will an The teams have been divided into chestra of WGN~ and recordmg comtain of the Kenilworth team. When the t:ounce the exact place, Mrs. Jay R. two leagues with s1x teams finishing panies. ~pecial duets and trios arc bcsmaller skating rink is ready for use Brown, chairman of the arrangem~nt the first round m first place being mg <Jevelopcd under the training of the lar g- ~1 rink will be reserved for Vernon Curry, pianist of the orchestra, hockey :titer 4:30 o'clock each afkr- committee, announces. placed in one league and the six trailand their renditions during iutt!rmis- noon. Tickets for the lecture by Paul H. ing teams .. another lea!!ue. The leadsions are becoming more and more apSeymour, bridge editor of the Chicago ing teams will play on- Tuesday evepreciated by music lovers of the north MARRY~NG IN SOUTH Daily News, who will open the course nings and the other league on Monday shore. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Fen- Friday evening, February 7, with a evenings. Winners of each league will Dell Coon has added to the orchestra be a\ Varded trophies, a silver loving two llt:W mt:!n in Keu:sel .L'aul and Wallie ley of Louisville1 Ky., to Thomas s. lecture on "An Easy Transition From l,reil:lsing, each of whom play the viuliu, Edmonds, son of Mr. and Mrs. How- Auction to Contract Bridge," may be cup going to the team finishing in top ch.. rinet, saxophone and flute, which ard 0. Edmonds, 37 Kenilworth av- purchased. at the recreation office or at place in the Monday night league and with the playiug of several instruments enue, Kenilworth, will take place 111 the Shawnee Country club where the gold basketballs to the members of by each other member of the orchestra the team finishing in first place in assurel:! additiuual variety to the musical Louisville at the home of the bride's lecture is to be given. Mr. Seymour, in addition to his news- the Tuesday night league. effects which are so characteristic Qt parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. FenThe team standings at the end of the Dell Coon·~ eusemiJlc. :::icvcral uuvelly ley, February 1, at :· high noon. The pa,per and radio services is such a t:nst::miJles which will iuaugurate the open- ce.remony will he only for intimate 1 widely known ~uthority on bridge that first round were: ing of the Supper club facilities, \.Yednes. . Won Lost Pet. 0 1000 tlay evening, Fepruary 5, are being espe- fnends and relatives of the families. he has b~en chosen for the presidency Wtsconsm . . .. . ....... .. . .. .. 7 cially prepared by Clif Williams, drums; After an extended wedding trip, Mr. of the National Auction Bridge insti- Roughnecks . ...... . ..... . ... li 1 86G !<'rank Hoth, trumpet ; Stan Ogle, guitar and Mrs. Edmonds will be at home at tute. He is also the author of several O'Kays . .. ... . . ... . . . ....... 5 1 833 with Alle!l Macleod, trombone, iu comedy 820 Judson av:enue, Evanston, after books, among them, "Auction Bridge Brownies . ..... .. ....... . ... G 2 750 I>ark liorses .. . . ..... . .. . ... G 2 750 relief. March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ed- ior Beginners," "Highlights on Attc- llorsefeathers .. . .. . ......... 6 New Talent Eaeh Week 2 750 Professional talent of distinction hal:i moncls of Kenilworth, who will attend tion," "Auction Bridge Simplified," and ~orthwestern ...... . .... . ... 5 2 7H been contracted for with th e Kendall Bu- the wedding in Louisville, will return "Simplified Bridge Auction and Con4 428 reaq, Inc.. who will supply difterent tal· 3 500 tract." He has recently revised Hoyle's ent for each week. beginning Wednesday to their home on Sunday. 4 333 book of games. t-vening, JIPbruary 5. The talent procured 4 200 by the Kendall Hureau, lnc., is described Mrs. E. H. Berglund of Milwaukee Helen Hyde Carter of Winnetka will 7 000 & s of an e.;xceedingly high order, it being with her small daughter, :Betty, ts conduct the lessons which are to hegin distinctively di1ferent trom the cabaret style of vrofesslonal entertainment, in- spending two weeks with her parents, the week of February 10, immediately known on the north shore as an excluding such numbers as: Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Curll, 45 Crescent following the introductory lecture by pert and is also a well known author The "College Four," which opens the place. Mr. Seymour. Mrs. Carter is well and lecturer. BEAUTIFUL SUPPER CLUB ~~. Miralago Supper Dansant Wednesday evening, February 5. Tbey comprise one of the mol:!t pcmula_ r professiona l qua~- I January 31. 1930 LIFE w·l . att.on News 1 mett e Reere -~ s d Recreation Boar Adds Junior Cage Loop to Activities - - ·· 1 · ~~J~I~o. ~ .· · ~ ~. : · :· · :-:.~

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