January 31, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE 19 Fountain Square-Evanston rs .. . . ... ~ ... Distinctive Party Requisites for Valentine's Day This group of basketeers were scheduled to represent the Shawnee Country club on January 30 in a clash with the !\ews-Index cagers for the title of the Evanston Recreation bureau basketball league. The Indians, as the Shawnee netmen are known, are: standing (left to right), Whelan, coach; Simpson, Witt , HiU and Taylor, manager; sitting {left to right) Cramer, Fox, CulYer, captain; Upsal and McGowan. ' Hostesses! If you're planning Valentine Parties you should visit our Gift Shop. Here you will find c:lever, individual suggestions which will make your party an enjoyable event. Invitations Tally Cards Decorations Valentine Place Cards Nut Cups Napkins Teachers Take Jaunts To Recount Story of "The Sponsored by N. U. Profs Trojan War" at Library A number of teachers in the \Vilmctte -Public schools have been going on the reconciliation trips sponsored by professors from ~orthwestern university and the University of Chicago. Last Saturday's trip was an especially interesting one. It was called "A;1 Inquiry Into the Problems of Unemployment" and included visits to the Illinois Free Employment office, 116 ~orth Dearborn street; the Chicago 1f unicipal Lodging house. 162 Korth Cnion street; the Rufus Dawes hotel, 12 South Peoria street, and the Social Science institute. 1118 \Vest Madison street. Lectures on the subject of unemployment were also a part of the study. This Saturday, February 1. the subject of the reconciliation trip will be "Our Mexican Neighbors." Valentine Greeting Cards Valentines that really "fit" the persons to whom you send themold-fashioned lace ones, heart and cupid strewn-sentimentalcomic or just friendly Valentines. The story of "The Trojan War" will Make your own Valentines-Materials 2Sc be told at the Saturday morning chilGift Shop-1567 Sherman Ave. dren's story hour at the \Vilmette i' Public library this S~turday, Febru- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ary 1, and on the two succeeding :: Saturdays. The story hour begins at 1 10:30 o'clock. The wanderings of Avoid Ulysses, the siege of Troy, atld other *ALOPECIA events that had a bearing on the Trojan war will be included in the stories. (Loaa of Hair) · TO ADDRESS W. C. T. U. The W. C. T. U. of v\'innetka and \Vilmettt! will ·meet with Mrs. William .1. Carey of 883 Oak street, \Vinnetka, Monday at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Maurice Lieber wi!l be the speaker. Mrs. Edgar Stevens, 330 Abbottsford Kenilworth left for New York this week to meet her son, Stedman Willard, who is returning from a five months' tour of Europe. He arrived in New York on Tuesday, January 28; on the Olympic. Mrs. Stevens and her son are expected home today. road~ 11 rs. L. E. Jones and her baby of Rhinelander, Mich., are the guests for st:veral weeks of the former's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cook, 211 Broadway avenue. *baldness ...... can be checked Baldness-the devastating enemy of your appearance can be checked by the Thomas' pscientific treatment perfected by years of specialization. The Thomas' system restores scalp health and gives new vigor to your hair. The Thomas' method positively banishes dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair and assures satisfactory results. Scalp health means hair growth. We are NOT physicians, we are hair experts. VIsit us today. Let us anaiJIIl!l your ease without obUgatloB. World's Leading Hair 8peciaJi8t8-0Ver -'6 Olf#.tJea The Year's Greatest Values ARCH PRESERVER SHOE SHOP FEBRUARY SALE See for Yourself "THE APOSTLE OF HAPPINESS" ------------" Page 21 _j. DON DIXON Bvan3ttm 708 Church St., Depts. for Men and Woomen Chfcago· OJ1icett-30 W. Washington St. Men. Suite 603; Women, Suite 600 West-4010 W. MadJaon St. · ·North: 4753 Broadway South: 6306 S. Halsted St., · 6850 'Stony Island HOURS-tO a.m. to 8:30 p, m., Saturda7 to '1 p.m. :.,be THOMAS'