18 WILMETTE LIFE I January 31, 1930 Get your Miss Frances Bredin Will Kenilworth Junior Hikers Speak at Junior Auxiliary to Take Annual Hike Feb. 8 The Junior Hikers of Kenilworth, J:loys under Scout age, are looking forward to their annual winter hike, which Robert W. Townley, athletic director 0f the Joseph Sears school has tent~tively stt for Saturday, F~bruary 8. Camp Howell, in the forest preserve . west of Glencoe, will be the hikers' destination . At least seventy boy s are t:xpected to go to the camp for the big winter outing. New aDero·S~ae~aous Vietor ·Radio MOW Play while you pay! A emaD ~ent dowu, and we'll Diake delivery The ] unior auxiliary of the Woman'~ club of Wilmette will hold its first regular meeting in February on Thursday, February 6, in the club. The speaker for the evening will be Miss Frances Bredin, a member of the auxiliary, who will give an informal talk on her experiences in Europe last summer. Reservations for the dinner which will be at 6:30 o'clock, are to be given to Patsy Flentye, telephone Wilmett e Mrs. Leonard Bertola of 1315 As- 1990, by Tuesday evening. bury avenue, Winnetka gave a dinner Mrs. William Taylor, 310 Cumnor on S(!turday evening for twenty-four road, Kenilworth is entertaining her guests. After the dinner bridge was afternoon bridge club this week. · This played. -oclub is one of the first establi shed in Mrs. Charle s Heller of 808 Elmwo,)d Kenilworth. The same group of womaven!Je, · \Vilmette has been quite ill en have been members from the time at her home for the past week. She of its organization more than fift een vears ago. now is improving. NEW TRIER TEACHER TO CONDUCT EUROPEAN TOUR F. D. Frisbie to Lead Party of 11 Boys on Motor Trip Through Continent F. Donald Frisbie, a member of th e history department at New Trier High school and faculty sponsor of the Xew Trier Tri-Ship Boys' club, will conduct a party of eleven boys on a tour of Europe by motor during the summer of 1930. The tour will be call ed "Europe by Motor, New Trier to Old Trier." It is planned to combine the educational advalttagcs 10f a summer abroad with a thoroughly good time. One of the special feature s will be an opportunity of attending "The Passion Play," not to be seen again for Fitted for Tour another Well decade. Through his a ssociation with young men and because of his familiarity with the itinerary gained in previou s trav el, ~1 r. Fri sbie is ideally fitted to lead such a tour. He goes in the capacity of in structor to interpret the signi licanc c of the places and scene s visit ed. Th e last time Mr. Frisbie wa s in Europe wa s in 1927. Four X ew Tri er High sch ool boy s\\"illiam Gage and Horton Kaufman. both oi \\"ilm ett c , Dick Cooke of Ken.lworth. and Gerry Schnur o f Glenc oe - han alr eady registered for the tour. The party will sail from ~f o ntreal o n J unc 21 and is scheduled t o ar rive at LiYerpoo l on July 5. Am o ng th e not able pla ces to be visited in England are th e Shakespeare co untry , Oxford, London, H.unnvm ede wh ere King J ohn sign ed the - ~lagna Carta and Eton colleg e. In Paris Baatile Day The trip has been arranged o that the boys will be in Paris on Ba stil e day, July 14, the national holiday of France. From there th ey will go t o Verdun, old Trier, Munich, and ObeL"ammergau, where they will attend "Th e Pa ssion Play." Before getting back to Pari s on -~ug_ust 1~, the party \vill have visite 1 l \ cmce, Florence, Rome, Naples, lfilan, Interlaken, ~fontreux, and Geneya home of the League of Kations. 01; ~he . rctu~11 trip the party will arrive 111 !\ ork the latter part of August. Announcement of the tour was made b_ y the Korth Shore Travel service in r~ vans ton. fi==================~==========~ Saturday - Monday - Tuesday- Wednesday FINAL today. Mi~O'QI.-IeD81· ¥2 PRICE SALE COATS HATS DRESSES All sizes from one to seventeen yurs An urly selection is urged as quantities are limited Vietor-Badio! tive, balanced. 3 separate units, all acce88ible ··· iaterc~eable. Marveloaa uew d~ic speakerloud or 10ft at tlie turn of a knob. Handsomest radio eabine·~ ever builL Alsotlt.esuperbnewVietol"Radio-Electrola. The Dation is tumiDg to · LA JEUNESSE WILMETTE INC. Wilmette 3 12 Juniors' and Girls' Wear 1 I 68 Wilmette Ave. Don't wait. Come in today! Complete ;w ) OR STYLE'S SAKE HAVE US CLEAN YOUR GARMENTS Chiffons - crepes georgettes, dainty and fragile materials so favored this season, respond beautifully to our careful and scientific cleaning. And just as essential is the precise way in which we re-create flare, drape and every other vagary of the mode~ruly a service for the discriminatIng. Name Assistants for Junior Auxiliary Tea . . Sunday afternoon the Junior auxil. ~ary of the \Voman's club of Wilmette Is to be ho.s tess to all junior auxiliaries of the Tenth district federation at a t~a at the club hou se from 4 until 6 o clock. Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, president of the. mother club, Miss Ruth Bower, president of the auxiliary, and ot_her me_mbers of the executive board s 1 Will _recet~e the gue s t ~ md the Misses Manan Cook, ~1ary ~lack, Elizabeth H~nt, Helen Eilts, Vera Hoerber, Bettv Mtchelet and Florence Branson are to pour. . .Mis.s Marie Flentye will play piano selectiOns during the tea hour Miss Virginia Bixby is gener~l chairman of the affair. The Greatest Sensation in Radio History Open ErJenings I North Shore Talking Machine Co. 712 ~emlworth avenue, Kenilworth are go- M:. and Mrs. John Benham of . 165 SCHULTZ & NORD Cleaners to the Discriminating 115 2 Central A venue, Wilmette · Phones 13 20-3 21 Evanston Phone: Greenleaf 6660 CHURCH STREET, EVANSTON Univ. 45~3 742 ELM STREET. WINNETKA Winnttka 3474 tng· south about February 13. They are to make a number of stops in Florida and wilt be away several week~. M:. B~nham has not been very well ~hts wt!lte,r · and wal.'lts to recuperate ~~ Flonda ·'sunl~ght. ' ~ -o-- Mrs. Th.eodore Moritz, 226 Warwick road, Kemlworth has returned from a week'.s visit with her daughter, Mrs. Morns A. Bell, of Oshkosh, Wis· .·.