January 31- 1930 16 WILMETTE LIFE IChurch Choir Gives Lecture and Musical Last Friday .Evening A lecture and musical prog~am were given by the ~ilme~te Englt~h Lutheran church chmr Fnday evenmg, January 24, at the chu~ch. The program was opened hy· ar: tllustrated talk on the City of \Vashmgton by Ab_ram D. Gash of \\' ilmette. "0 Sole Mro, was sung by Miss Bessie Washburn, soprano. Robert Klem gave tw~ cornet solos and little Doris Lechler gave an . ' eccentric dance to the tune o f "N o 1 a ." This was followed by a novelty number by the singing trio, \Vally Stark . ~fax Guier, and Dale Gash, who had ·painted three comic figures on a large 1 sheet of canvas, the trousers of t.he figures being made from the comrcs o f the Sunday papers. The boys had placed their heads through the canvas where the heads of the figures were supposed to be, \Yhid~ afforded much amusement to the audtence. ~frs. Hildegard Kraft gave a number uf violin solos in a finished tone quality. Her selections included uBercuese" by Godard. "The. Dancing Doll" by Poldini, and a Krersler number. Mrs. Hortense Lechler, who accompanied at the piano, also sang a Spanish solo, "The Singing Carmela." She was dressed in a Spanish costume. Mrs. Gash, pianist, and Mrs. Kraft, ,·iolinist accompanied Mrs. Lechler, who sa~g in a clear soprano voice with good diction. The meeting was well attended by members of the church and their friends. sheathing the highways after freezing rain · . . greasing curves for dangerous skids · . . whisking cars into ice-coated ditches ·.. sliding cars into side-swipe collisions ··. slowing traffic to a slipping crawl. N. U. Tank Aces Serious Contenders for Titles - - · Eleetrlc 1Dterurbu8 -o- - Motor eo.cb Bootee You'll Make Better Time on the Electric! Ride 70 miles an hour Make use of our Outing and Recreation Bureau. Free information on outings, trips, recrealion centues, m. 1d educational tours throughout the Chicago Metropolitan Area. North·wcstern university's swimming tc:am revealed that it will prove a serious contender in the Western conference ::..nd. National intercollegiate championships this year by virtue of its victo~y over the strong Chicago Athletic association team. Capt. AI Schwartz, the Purpie's sprint ace, eased his way to victories in tl1c 40 aad 100 yard swims against some cla~~Y competition, including \Viicox, the Cherry Circle star. · Schwartz nep;otiateLl th e century in 53 seconds flat · which is one second slo\n·r than hi s natio:1al intercollegiate record . He expects to reach his record hreak:ng time a:; the season advances. Three c:on ference record holders are 3mong- the group of stars which ~orth western will send into competition this ) ear. They include Schwartz in the 220: Dick Hinch in the 150 vard h;tck s~roke and Don Petersen ii1 the 200 yard breast stroke. The Purple is well fortified \\·ith matuial in every event except fancy diving. Here the loss by graduation of \\' allv Colbath. for three vears holder of the 11ational intercollegiate championship, will be felt. DINNER DANCE CHAIRMAN Mrs. John Vennema of \Villow road, Winnetka \vhose husband is cotl. ul general to the Netherlands, is in char~e ot arrangements for a dinner dance to be held by the women of the consulate s of Chicago at the Belden Stratford February 8. Mrs. Cvrills Ve:merem, wife the consul -general to Belgium. is chairman. Mrs. Forkert Posthuma, wife of the vice-consul to the Netherlands, is chairman of publicity. Mrs. Berthold Singer is president. For achedules,fares and information, phone CHICAGO NORTH SHORE and MILWAUKEE R. R. CO. The Road of Service WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION-Phone Wilmette 25H of -~f Kenilworth, with his daughter, Mis.s Georg-e Stuart, of Chicago, formerly Harriett Suart, left for Biloxi, Miss., on Wednesday. They shipped their ~1r south and will motor to Palm Reach. Miss Elizabeth Stuart and Har:old Stuart wilt join their father and 'iister in Palm Beach. The family exnects to be away about six weeks.