January 31. 19JO 14 ················---------~ WILMETTE LIFE Mission Church Parish House, Oak street John Bengtson, _ p astor 9:30 Sunday school . .. .... . . Y. P. Service. Swedish . .. . .. . . ;; Evenin-g Service, Eng-lish . . . . . . . . S Mr." and Mrs. Culberg will sing, afternoon and evening. Wednesday, Februnry 5, spedal business meeting . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .... .... 8 Friday, · Prayer meeting- . . . . . . .S Artistic Lotan-Howard DECORATING Yoar home hat tt1 own atmotphere. With the aid of our Interior de~orators you ean expren thll tndJvtdaalltJ ID the deeomtlona. P.T.A. Shawnee Sharks Is Newest Adju.nct to Club's Activities M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator 1030 Greenleaf Pbone2764 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Re111.teckar. 625 Eleventh street, will entertain twelve members of their bridge club at dinner tomorrow evening at Shawnee Country club. ROYAL TIGER SALE EXTRA PANTS FREE WITH EVERY SUIT OR OVERCOAT ORDER Made Expressly for You Price S2S The Royal Tailors, 1641 Orrington Ave. Shawnee Sharks, a swimming cluh. The Logan-Howard Parent- Teacher was founded at Shav.:nee Country chi~ association will hold its regular month last Monday. All male members ot ly meeting Fri~lay. afternoon, ·Febr~at~Y the cfub are eligible, and the. pur!)osc 4, in the a·ud 1tonum of the lio\\ al(l is to provide a fm.t an.d exerctse under school. the direction of swtmmmg coach George The program will . be gi\'cn hr the Eckhart. Contests ut~der ~arcfull~, seventh and eighth gr~dc~. Qradc _7 ··.A established handicaps ,nth prtzcs and will present a dramatlzatt?n ~f a. stt.'> - trophies are planned. iec.t which they haye s.tuclted tn S~Klal Meetings are to be held at 6 :.~0 Science. The dialogues were \\Titt~n o'clock the last Monday of each montll, and scenes ·were planned as ~ cl:.tsr- except during the months of J unc-:, ~roject. The eight~ grades .'" 1 ~ _ .g 1 ~r July, and August .. ~ft~r \Yater .gamrs their short plays. wntten hy lndn tdu.d and drills a spertal dmncr wtll 1H· members of thetr groups. served at a table set around the founThe meeting "'ill be opened promptly tain at the cud of th~ pool. ~ome at 3 o'clock with the abo,·e prog.ram. sort of hilarious cntcrtammcnt w1ll he which will be folln,red by a busln·?ss provided at each meeting. Last. Mc;Hlmeeting and social hour. dav King an<l Pern· " ·ere the smgmg As the February meeting i:; in ol_>; I entertainers. whi~e J?ick Ho,~·ell, acl~~d servance of Founder's Day, there ,~· ttl much by his sk1ll 111 Semcttc- bngltsh be ~ Founder's Day Box. for anv. COt itS story telling. w~ich mcmh.crs ma~· wtsh tn con A large iced shark was. placed in tnbute to thts fund. the center of the table wh1le the re·tl The organization ~10\\' O\\'llS four Sharks \H' re garbed in Himati~ns of dozen card tables wh_tch may be ren!e.~l ancient Creek. Himation now ts titc at a reasonable pnce. InformatlO .l same as it alwaYs was. a sheet . plus rna\' be obtained from 1frs. Bersch. the modern innntion-a sa fet~' p111. \·Vilmette 1707. ~ 1 · 1, · · 1 d p s 1 1 · ··1 , Dr C Ho\\·ard Sear e ts t 1c ong111a l-1 :r~ Logan- h owH·ar rle- .. 1 c· wol \cVtr~:~~ prom.ot<.~r of Shawnee Sharks . .wtll meet at t e aware sc 100 · '- . nesdav evening. February 12, The follo\\·ing officers of . the rlnh The Babies' Friendly societ\' will were el~ctcd at ..the las,t meet1~1g: ~ar hold its next meeting at the hom~' n· ~an1els. pres1dent: f<!m K1ng, '~~c of Mrs. Lindstrom. IS.H \ \ 'ilmcttc a v ·- pres1clent: and Arthur Stan ten sect c nue, Thursday. Fehruar~· 13. at 1 :30. tary-treasurer. _____ I ~~~~""""""""lll"""""""""""""""lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllll~ SNIDER·CAZEL DRUG COMPANY Wilmerte and Central Aves. Wilmette 400-401 Dear :\f adam: 1t may interest you to know that 90% of the business of this THE CHICKEN GAMBLE It's gone for good, that old-fashioned gamble on chicken quali~y. The modern hostess no longer takes a chance on having her dinner spoiled by inferior chicken of uncertain origin. She now orders FORD SEDALIA CHICKENS, - store is in supplying the dailv needs and desires of people- 'il'Cll Rut 10~~ of our business consists m supplying the needs of illness. THTS 10% IS CONSIDERED AS T~lPORTANT AS ALL THE REST PeT TOGETHER. Every moment that our store is open it is in charge of ·a graduate registered pharmacist- one who has had a great deal of experience. Our stock of drugs contains from 5,000 to 6.000 different necessary items-always perfectly fresh-although the aYerage prescription may call for httt three or four different ingredients. This means absolute protection for you- and accurate, correct compounding of prescriptions. 25 . _ knowing that they are uniformly fine and that their tenderness and delicious flavor can be depended upon ALWAYS. Sizes 3 ~~ and 3 X , for frying and roasting, will be featured at special prices from Saturday, Feb. r to Saturday, Feb. 8, at the better ser()ice stores. Place your order now. = - If, and when. you need prescription sen·ice. we want you to===_ know that we are ready to serve you just as your physician would want it done. And al·wa}'S we are ready to serve you, with equal intelligence and care, in supplying the surprising number of needs for which our other departments carry complete stocks. At any time, for any need, simply pick up your phone-ask for \Vilmette 400-401. Vve'll call for, fill, and deliver your prescription (or other order) promptly. No charge for this serYire, of course. Cordially, - Sedalia Chickens Sedalia-- Down in Ole Missou.··i f' fo··d - il l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ~l l ~;l l~ ~ ~l~l l l l l l l l :