Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 12

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January Jl .. 1930 12 W1LME .TTE LlF"E News of Interest to Church-Goers of Our Village ~lrs. F. L_. H.ice, Mrl:;. U. F. lliff, and ~ln;. :::i. 11. \ uwell. · ~ n ·tnd The anuual l.J<Ll.ll!Uet ~·1 the me ' ' . ·. On :::iunday m orning at 11 u ' <.:lod\: Dr. UU.YS "The LPPL'I' Huon1," the mcl'ling-plac · tiW t:lilll'Ctl \\'.ill, l.>e held u n_ ru~.:s for the youhg people of the c hurch, wa:; Geo rge D. Allison beginH a qe\V ser- day, l't..:lJnHtl'Y J, at li ::..0 p. m .. Dr., :\.. J. dedicated last · ·unday ' \'.cning lJY .L:ishup i ~..:s uf sernwm; e ntitled, "Strange \\'ord., ( "D l .J 1-'tliutt llil~ lJL·en ::;~.·t:U l etl ,ts the ell ~ · 'l'h l\J'Ll:;lHughes. Air. Harry C. Kinne is super- From an .A.ut:ient Law jJ(I()I\. · 'J'l~t; tir:ot spe1_l.;t ·l' tor this ueca::;!Un. e l_: . intendent ut' the dt:J.larltut·Jtt. 'l'lle ua:-;s message will be from Llw l:Lst u l tll· ma~H ·r will IJl· !·;. L. Uuodman, o) for young men i::; taught uy :\Lr. Luther original ten eumnl<llldlll ·llls as g-i \'t·ll iu :::iCI 'ut l·~xu·uti\'t' "l tlle C!lwagu area. Methodist Church Baptist Church \.Jy Jt'irst Presbyterian \Vo1uan's duiJ 'fenth street at Greenleaf tt\'t·nut> 1~, . ,.. Clyde L~andolph Wlleelaud, 1~ :Minister ;o., l:i Urcenwood :1\·entH:! J>lwtll:! Wilmette ~2~L of ,, ··uut ,,r the :·shes s hall rise H. d\IJI't' ll , sulu::; Exodus ~4 :~6. Tlld't : will al:-11 l1t· ~L tile1 dll'ti.'IJ!Jll ,tl· l'·. D . Burtner . . · ·. eh ildn.: n '::; ::;to ry and a kindcn;an·· Jt lur· 'fherl' \\'Ill l1t.: l'IJJllll!UilllY l:'lllt;Ing, undel liner in :- ptrit, greater in ~truetur(·, nell., the little un ·s at sermon timt·. th1.· dirt·etll·ll cot :\1r. 1-:.. D. lJurtner, ~u_1o:-; i n st·l'\'ll'e.·· -., 111 ·u1d uther ~.:ntertaii111lg This group or )"OUltg lJt..!ll l)lc ha \'c l!1alle Ill I, · .\11 Llh' st·n·ices ttf tile dlllrt:h :t lld Sill.' 1 All department::; 11l the ;:-)utHlay :-.dwol ~~ ~: '":~L_,. , )Jlans to lllcCl c\'ei",Y () lh e r :::iunday e \·ening as well a~ ea~o:lt :-lutHiay uwrn1ng-. will convene at :1 :::IJ r .. r a IJI'Id u[Jeninh ~~-~~\~~~ e~~- ·ular .\1 id-\\ t·t·k meeting 1)1 the da~· :-;elwtd will l.Je lldcl in the . \Von~alt ·:- · T h e lltXl meeting· will 1>~..: :-lunday, FelJ- period. adjouruitl~ it· classes at !I :-!.1. Th~.: dtUI't ·lt \~Ill Ill' lldd 1,n \\'ed~1t..:.:'·a.l~~Y a_L dull at tlw usual hours uulll lUI LIH· worship p~..:riud \\·ill ht· oiJS~o:n·~.:d ;tl lU :L1 :::, ,, t'ltwk, uttd1·r tl_tt· l.·adershtp ut lJI·j·tc·tit:t'. ruary 11. · ----o'clock in the .lullltll. dl'[Jartmvnl l'lHIItt ..;ulHLi\' llllll'Jtiltl-!.' wor~hip :II ll ··\: lttt·l, Tlw :::ictlior l!it-j_t lea~Ut: will m ·et :::iun- in which all na·tll lkl ·:-; 11r Lhl' :::iuitda~ L·!lvt',:,l:· lll!ildolt:.: ·· ··ttlJltittl·e ttl tl!e dllln ·ll day ·;~,.~,:uiti"!r at the q_~ual illllll" ul ";;10 school ar' a:->ke d to panicipalt.:. ..-\It alt- lia:> :-.-lt···tvd .ut d <~rgallti:ed <l suy-~o·ulll- t:,··\·. \\·:; Iter .\. Uotl<ls fll t he China :\:Lit Lht.:m ant! st~\e l'al l't·Spt·JJ:-t·. · will l1e g'l\'v:J Jttittn· t 111 · tl!t· Jllii'IJ <I!--t' uf :-.ekctlllf:!,' an ta11 1 'l!nstiaJI in:--titute will l·t~ 11Ul' gLw:-.t 'T_ he Olli 'ia l l..Joard will lllL·t·l ~lund:1 \ IJ.Y the J unitJI' chuir unclcr t lit' dir el: tit .Jt ·trL·lltlt l'l. 'IIJJ:-; :-;tl lJ-,··JJnmittee ha:-; held and ~peakl'l'. Tl1~..: ~wn·it·t~ ~.-\,·l:t l ltJt· · ·lilt!..! .t iid :~ nllcipat<-'~ the ··arly uigl1t at :-. tl'd1wk at tlJl· t·hun·h . · 11f :\1 atla me (; ildvrc·Y :->colt. will l1t 111 clmrgc ... r tll1.· I!Jtt·l'lll\'dtat , :-.clecti"n ,,( :u art.:llitt·et _ lor this '\"rl,. :-;und:t~· ~ l'll'"J! :11 :+ ::ltl :t. 111. Til· · vllllr· · .. 1 Tlle :-. I<Jl'~ .\h·uJiwr:- ·ol tiJ I:-i :--111 1-,···tllllltltl·e art·: 1:.. L. :tt ~dl!·lll itl all dt·p:trtmetlts \\'~th dasst ·~ The semi-annual meelin~ ,,f the l~ock uuy::;' :::iundaY sd1<,1~d da:-:-.. JUver 'un t en·n ~ \\ tJ!l!an ~ , ltillll' .\IIS- uf the hymn, "\\"~..: '\ t· a Stt·J ~- lu 'I'd! t" :'···hl'ldo llli.-lill. ,·li:dnn:lll: 1: . :\1. lJI'IIlll.;s, :u r . all a~PS. Tilt· .\dull. S··IJJIII', 1111 · ·r :>iouary sol'iety \\'ill l.> · lidd \\ ··dllo ·:-.day at thu .:\a tit!lls" will l.J·· .:.:. 1n·Jt 1,_, :\liss l' t ar1 :\lr:-. . \ . .J. t ' 1 , J1 un 1 · lll'l'lwrt L<.J~oy, .\.. :\1. llH·di:tte :llld .Juni()l' 'h:partm~..:nts llll.'t ' l the 'hicagu ll'lllple, l.JI"ginning :tl lU u't·IIJl:k. l iuuse.· )~, 1 :--:.llld .\I. ll. \\'esl. 1 111 g· in l111~ mai11 :.ll.l<litul'I.!JIIl. lilt· l'n::t:tl ·' ----- · 111 the littll' audtlfJI'Illll1 and the l~~.·gi llDr. lJigley will gi\1.' att illu:-.tratvd ll-.-tlll't· ~Pt:dal pial!~ ill· · lwlll~ Jtl:l dt; ltll t ile 110 the JnditUI WQI'k. ~'t. lll·l'S in th lt·ti!H.\C ~( llJe duiJ. itJUilg l ' ~..: up! ·· .. !lit ·t·l io1~ , ,., ;-;unlla;. evening a~ :i :;:u. ~\l,·JilUt·rs td. tl1c Lilc :-;,.,·yThe rugul:-41' monthly lllt 'l'ling u( till' :-:unday, F ·llruary :!, will lw till' tliUrth l'ra~·t'l· llll'··.~il,l~,. W': t,l,ne~t,l:t~· ,··.:· l:t'. i~~:: Ladies' Aid ,·11dt:ty will Ill~ held next ice ll:(aguc will )JI'L':-it·l tt :t l.ltc :-;,-n·ll't :->und:t ,. aftt·r l·:pt]Jll:tiiY a tid :tlso t·ll·· .tl .., "l'! l>l'l,. l Ill\ ··I k ;. . llu l 1 t.tl t !l.t~ !Jl'OgTalll, t · :q>l:titllll~ litt; lllv.llll.lj.; ··I ill< Thut·sday. The schedul1· ui Ulv da:, ,::, ,, til·· ··· hult·ll ·s h<~IY days v·oi llloit'.lllll':tti .t...: 1 \\'i~dvm 11l th~· l'tJ\'t· I_I:ll lt. \\ '.' . t~·:·. L · :-;tu d ~ 1 1~011~ ·c ruliun plt-d~l·. \\ ,. lH·[J·· that '\ · r~· as follow:>: the l'rt·~ t·ilt;tlico tt ·ot t'hn~l 111 111.- 'L\: mpk . till' t'tllllj)l'lll i lUlll toi lll'lJJ'C.\\ \\tsdum . . It llll'IHI.H:l' wilJ. tli:tll to lw prt·:··Jtl, .llt d lJvi 1 · 'l'llt·J'I· \\'Ill IH· lltoly t '· ·ntnilldlull :tt "its :L stnli:in:.:: t'tltll llal'IS!>II wnh 'Ill!. J_H't'. e11t ~ ::;u a. m.-ExL·<.: utive l.>oard nll'I.'Ling. 10 a. m. -D ivi siu u meetings aL tlw t·hurdL lH<Lke thb Jlll.'l'IJII~ ,J :--lll:t't':--~ JJ_\' pr:tjt·:- t·.\'l!wl, 111 tlJ,. Jtl\II'Jtillg, ~ lttl~ ·v h st·h1"d day Lt·t~dl'll':Y 111 l·tl1u\V s ltJt..;:tlls, dt:-.Jt·t..;:tld12 llU(Jil- LUn ·hl'll ll st·rve d l1\' th·· :-lt·L·u nd lui participatiun. :1nd 1:ibll' l'!as:-t·s al :1:l.J "dtJl·li: awl 111~ s()ll!l ttulh. divbion. · I Tl,Le l~u:-;v Buzi'. ·· r :- w111 JtJt·,·t ;Jt ·I ,,\·ltw" 11 .. 1\' ( 'to!llllllllllllll at 11 II .-t·wl\. 1 :30 p. m.-Lh-tl ·ral Aid tnevt i ng. .'\~·:-..! :-:uiHlay, lJl'illg tllv fir~t ;-;tuHLtY i11, The l'<t s tur·s t·l:tss Cur instrul'tiou 1': \\·, ,.1,1 tli.1ll .'· iJtThere are four it>aturvs vavl 1 \\'t'"" .tt 1111 :-:,u11d:ty :ti'to·JJt·H·JL tilt· nl<ditll. I\ ill 111 . J.; 11 rpt·ratt· 1 'tllllllllllliull llw yuung- itt the prilll'\l)ll's 1Jl c hurvl1 vite vhild1'1·11 I!lilt ·. l·· Jt ;1 1ttl ··k\ ··11 yv;tl> the Wednesday ·v ·niug- sl· l'\ iet·: ut' age lu 1·111' lllt ... ttlJt.: :-o. Tltl s Wt ·t·l, \\· :->uudaY H·l' tl1e .IJ!Jys' :llld <:iris· ( 'um- n~t·mbt·rsllip will nw..t at till' Sunday 1. Acts uf de,·o tiun . tlllllllllil lt·agu~..:s. sd!Oi·l ll tJUI', ~~ ::lO a. m. All ag ·s :tr'· ·> Brid ::;tudies iii tht· ":\ ldhiJds t>l are !.!'Uillg· Ill lla\t · :1 tli:' <'II:·Sitlll lllt·vll:·~ 'l'OLI:t\' t lJt· \\'ll)!1t·ll ut' tilL! .\.!:;SOel:lled ill\'itt·d [II lilt· I'!;L!'R. Private H.clig-iou::; Li\'ing-," utili:ling tilt· un the topit.:: " L.:-- iltg tll t: l'ttlttl<d :-..·· l; uilds .\\'ill -Jl H·t·l 111 till' \\'· oJI1:tll's dull l!J . matt:l'ial::; found in a ht'lptul \'ulllllle Ul.'<LIThe \\'ttr,, :->tr:uJg·· l's :tl' t· 1\'t·Leunw in till' tdl"". . The puLJlk is 11· lt 'll ltte :~1. til<: :-liJ!ld:~·, ~;,.w ltl!' :-it. .\lary·~ lluult'. in~ this t itl·~. The r~_~_ll"win~ subjel'l:> \\'Ill h··glll at liJ q'cluck. alll l lundt··1·ll ~hip ,,r ·ol ll' ,·!Jurvh . . \ll thus.'· whq lta\· 1·:\ ·niug dulJ wltil'il Jtl<'<'l:-i :t i t l1v l·' ir:. t will be considered : no n·gular plac.· <JL Wf!rship anLl ·t r· 3. A shun :-.tri ldng· Jltlt'lll with just CungTeg;llillll:d 1 ilun·lt :tl. ~- ::;o. l>r .· \rthut· wtll U<' :-. t· n ·t·d aL IWUll. 'l'ht· 1'n ·- l '"nn·ltti1111 dilllh'l' arrang··d ftli \Yitll~tlll a loo1·a l vllnr ·h llt1!11l! are ill \ It· d C.:. Be:-Lur, will dJ:--t·IJS:-> t l1·· Itt·\\' 1:111<11 a word as to its :-;piritual :- igll!Jic:lll~o·t · . !Jr. Ht· :-.t<~ r 1: Fcuruary :; has lJtTII ealH.:l'kd utt aecuttllt 111 \\'111':-llip with us. 4. Old iamiliar pa::;:.;agvs .. ( ::-:~o·ripllll't · movcml'nt in l·:ll gl:ulll. exq_mined \Vith th' idea (JJ l.Jringiu~ forth the pre::;idettl .. r 1 ' ltaut :t lHJII:i lJtslitltli.,tt, Ill lJJ:-ohlljJ .\.tl(.le l'SUII 't; illlle::i:;. 1 'ummuni11ll tl!~ the Lurd'::> :-iuppt.·r :ttlll The tlele~a t ·s e lL· ·ted :t L t lie P~trislt out of th ·se lreasur~..: stun·-hu uses- .. Ch :Lutauqua. ~ew Yorl{. annual lllL·etiug· J(J reprt·:;~:nt the l '.uish n·t·t·utiiJIJ of new nwmbt:~·s will Ul' ·d1· "thing-s new and old." On \V ·dnesday. Fl'LJI'ti:II'.Y :i, :t t :'! 11\:ltwl\ at the l.Jit·<.:t ·se culi Jit:Jltti uJJ in :-3t. James st·n·~· tl tht~ lourth SUIHlay in Fl·bru ;tJ ~ The Young ~lankd l'1 ·op le ':-; gr"IIP wil l thel't ' 1\ ill lw :t IJtl!:-i ll lt~ss Jt)(·t ·ling- ul lit· Lat!wclral February -! and ;:. are Lester tllll arc· in\·it d to unit· · with u:-. i11 hold its meetings un the !::it·vund Tuvsday v hur.-!1 \\'itll l'L'Jlt·l·ts l l'lllll th t· .. tlker;-; \Vttod. l~~~LH~rl Studdard, lil'lll'Y Fllwlt:r, ( 'hri:--li:Lil It lltl\\' Ship by dturch !vttvr. of each month from uo\\' on. . \. diJJilt·r :tilt! Jin:tl pi:IIIS J'tJI' IIIII' !J:tr_tkl!J:!I.il>ll itl .\Irs. l. K. :::ituver and .\lr~. l{obert :::itud- 1'1·athnnatit·!l 11i Yl·\11' r"rmr·r church \'()\\',., The d~..:c:tetl :Lltl:rnates ·a n· Dr. if Yt·\1 hal·, . t'c·rf~o·iu·d yo111' :- tantling; :1 1{.-l·JJ:t h:tll . \ ' isitali~>ll 1·:\ :lll~distll dard. will be e njoyetl IJy thb ~l'llllP :ll Lilt.: the 1·'. \\-'. Fuennaun, 11. i~. liall , :\lrs. l.t· stt·r .L ,.;,lli111UIIil':llll IJll·JillJI'l'. I tl' IJ!l ecol I ··S~I· ·!. campaig·n will l.>e !llade. :::ihawnee club Tuesgay, Febt:Ua.ry 11. \\"oulL .\liss .\ l arJ;n·ie !Jay a_nd :\lrs. llu- 11[ faith. \\·t·d ne~·ala:-.· :1 UertHJIIIl :1 L ;; o\;locl\ t ll·· lJt:rt t 'arl ·Lilll. Bednnin~ Wednesday, February 26, a Tllt: n·ctur \\'ill pre:;ide al a. cu n\···llti!,Jt Tht· ( 'llristiall Cnrl<':t\'01' :-;ocivt~· \\'ill s ries of six simple suppers wHI be helu Liirl :::icouts will han· ·:t pot-ltJd\ dinn.·r in .this church. These :;uppers will he in the :-lt·uut l'tHJlll. .\11 g·irls wrJrl.;ill;_;· t·:t t'llllf t:l'vtH··· 111 :->t. J..<unes CumnlUllity ht~ll:-·· nw..r :->und:ly at ~ p. m. at ··r...·· statioolt Sec1>IHl d:ts!:l will brin.~ a U.i:-.h f.11' til· · lll·Xt TuL·sdar L'\.elting at 7 :;:u ,·t'l"d' 111 atto·nd < 'hil:a~o c'ity-wid · Hally ll1·ld of interest to the whole family. The Lake Bluff orphanage r · ·ci\·ed a 111cal which ha::; b<· n preyitntslv Pl'l'l>.tn ·t! \\'hell l·~l'ttl'SL 1·~. l't.l.J.>e, :-uperinten d t·!Jl ··l at :-:t·(·!I!Hl l'rrsby t l'rian ·hurch. T\\'t·tltii~l~ ligiuus Edill:l..Ltiun in the lJiOCl'S t· · d ..th and ~I idti~:tn, 1 'hicago, :tl :1: l;) 1>. 111. cas h and m erchanui::;e oJiering trom thi::-; uy thenll:;el ve:;. L'hkagt' \\'Ill :-pt·ak tJII "Childn·n and the Tht· ,.;codl'l\' will !ll!'l't :->aturcl;ty, Ft>lll'\1church, amountin~ to $1>!.i0. This large ary 1 .tt -; p. 111 . with ~!_iss :\Iargtll'rit P Frida r. Ft·LJI·ua 1-y 7, th e 1 l'h.lll: 1 r llll' t'l- t 'hun 11... total is the result of the well organized Tilt: :tllll_ll:tl t·lt:ct~UII or t_ lle \\"t·J J:Lil ~ ~l·wldt·l' ti117 .':illlh '-tl'l·f·t. [ur a. ~l··lg-h an d systematic eff.9rt u( ~1 r. K U. Bent- ing of tlw \\ .\llll:tll's socit·tv will IH· hvld ,1' tht· uw;~s~o· 11'111 lw hdtl ~Lt rtd·· p,t;·n·. ley and Mr. S. E. Let'man, and this i::; al tb · \\'om :t n 's duh, ,viH·l··· \\'t· :tre 1<1 ~~ux.IlJary lt 1 · the largest gift of our church to thn.t take part in t lw philanlhnq>y :-t:win~..; bt·- :-;t, .)all~t·s \ athedr::tl ~hur!->d:ty . IJ.-l~ltilll . 1 ing doll\' til:lf d:ty for I iJto IJil.J)ti:;L 01<1 at I~ to c.l,t:\k and t'IJ!lllllUlliL; :lllt-1 llllt< ·ll-, :->p··kt· ~ "f t l\t' \\" 11 man ·s St·l'iPty will institution. l't·u pll·':-- humt· in ~layw"ud. The s ·wing t·IJ II .tl l_ .uU. lllltTI Tu·· ~ cJ.;jy, 1·'1·l·rt l:t l' .\ ' ltl.J.., :~t th·· Ltllld!t'lln \\'ill - - --~-h· ·lll·· .. t :\ l r :- . 1 'harl··:- <:il\wrt l J;t \'i:-. This ch urch cooperates in tlw Suntl:tY will IJ1·hil1 at Lvll o'd.,l·l,, e \·ening club which mt·t~ ts in tht> ('ongTI:- Ue :--<L'I'\' t·d promptly at I:.! .:;tJ, :I I'll.- I' whit: II l·i l~. L:l\lJ't·l :t\"1'11\IP. gational church at 7:30. This suntlay our \\'OIIll'll will ;tdjulll'll to 1 ill' \Jf Lilt' eveni ng, Dr. Arthur E. Ut:8to1·... who h:t~ dub l'!HoJllS fur :L bri1·f !nli->illt'~s nt·et in~. l ~l· ··nb · ·r 1Jf llll' lJnitt·(l Lutltt·ran t'llurd t 1:11~ · :'t·ollt~. '[l'·>~·Jl .-,, 11\ITtilll.:, !'\'l.:lll:tr All 11wt1 of' the l'lllll'l'h :1 rv t·ordia ll > rE'cen tly returned from :L tour of Eng-l\' 1'\t·n· Thur:da\· :tl ~ ::;1) p. l_ll. at tht· j in Amt·rica > in\·ited ttJ <'IIIli\' 111\1 i·.. .. :11 1 t' \ ··It Ill~ 1;1 land~ · will discus!'! the llt'\\' lahor 1111>\'Pl::ll!.:li:-h. l.utlH·rait ··hurl'l1. t·t·nH·r ·d t 'i·l'ner 11[ Lin:etil~a.l a\'t'llllt' :tlld ment in that country. D1·. BPstoi· is ft ·llow :-. llip 1111 L· ridny "' ·· IIIII~·. l·'t· lJl' IJI ;)'\'t·IJ!t- ;t r :1\ t·n\l t· ;tl! d :->t·\ I' Jit!J s t !'t·t'\ . S~o·\·euth :trt·l·t l;ast·b:lll, golf .itld utllt·l' g:lmt·: p1·esident of the Chau~auqu:t im.;titution ary I. , ('arl I. Empst·nJ pasLt11· i'ulilivs :111d lill:tlll't'S in C hautauqua, New York l·'lorence will In· playvd. 1·'tollo\\'lll!.!' is tlw llttl:-<ic:tl l_ll'l ·l-!l': LIIl f,>J barn·d ~ Th1s is your pany, llh'JI, du uul :!\1 acbe th will l.>e soloist. Senices fur :-:uJHI:l:·, l·'t·hr i1 ary mis!i it. :\} :tl ' l )t I \\'t ll Tilt- 1-'"urth :-luuday itUer til,· t·:vipl\aJI~ l'n·ludt· "~! ' tltl'h l'tw!n" The choir music for the wo1·ship serYiec !t:l:i a .m. :->utJday :-clttJtd 1111' all gTad.::-. . \litht·m'. "l l· ·~:t nnah in th·· next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock is :tlJt·\ 1· tl1t · l'rimarr ll ig;lwst" . :->t:titw! as fo llows: "Open Our E.Yt' ~"," l)y ~lac Far\\'alter l~··isnvr, '-lllll'l illll'iident .\Jllll\·m. "Tlw 11(}1!11'-Ligllt" :\l:tl'Y lane, and "Light's Abode," hy "?t>st. 11 a. Jll.:->Uiid:ty sdwul 111 r Ut·gn wr : ' I lt'ft·t'tf·n· S11l11, ··o Cull, U:t:\·v ~Jvn·y" 11 Vere V. Lupl'r, :\linist ~..: r ,tlld l'ritll:tn· !..!T:ldt·s. l~t. l':tul) :\lendeb~oli:1 Elizal)eth U. Wt·l>ster The following Scout troops nwd in this :\1 r. Uti!' ~Irs. I'. I.. l·:·; ijJSIIIl, Sll!"·r ittt · ndcut Director (If Hdigious J·:dul'ati·n· c hurch: ( ' Il!:il :t 11 a. Ill. :\]tol'lling· \\'l o l':--ltl)l l'11:--tlt11l··. "Triumphal ~larch" Girl Scout Troop I-Thursday-7 v. m. Tilt· ('hoir Xext :::iu111.lay Or. i.lljlt:r will prt·adt ···· :-ll'l'lll"ll: ' In the l :anll-n" Girl Scout Troop I I - 'VNlnesday <'at!H·rine Cu::;llfJ\!Se. ~-"·J)l'ano; .T1·Illl I:. the :-:ubject, "Camotltlaged :-:ltll!el'!:i," at G :..;u p. m. L11tht:r l··agll·· 3:45 p. m . :\Iill< ·r, t··lll·l': l~o s,· Lutig-Pr ( :anno11. ··tJnthe ~l'l'\'iCe u( WUI'Ship lidtl :tl ll.l :-!,) a. 111. l 'llt·:-ill'l' :-ilark, l}l'l'Sident Girl Scout ~.{OOP IV-Tuesday-:~ :45 p. m. tr:tltl' : l·:clwanl Otis. IJ:ls!-i; Erm:t H.ouncl:-, 13oy Scout Troop III Thursday Frid~tY <'\'J·Iling·. 7 :-l.i 1 'l!C·ir r..IH.:ars:tl, or~:u~isl :111d clin·dor. nliss Gretchen :-ilt·illl'l', spl·cial r<'pn·i :30 p. m. sent::tthe ttf Urinnt·ll ··ollege, will speal~ L~111Jt~rt ...'\UIIn, dirt>ctur. Junior Boy Scouts Wednes<lny Tlw lt·:tvllt·!'S :1nt1 ttlih-1·rs 11f tl!e :->un.to the ::St·nior rlt·partment "( tlh! Church 4':10 p. m. school on :->unda~· 111<>1'llillg at l:! o'dol'l.;. day sehot·1 :t n· l'l'questL·d lll mu·t :tt :\!iss ~teincr is a da ughtvr fl[ tlH~ t:amcnts the e hun ·h :\ltllld:~y 1'\'L·nin;..:, l·'t·IJntary :; 1\:L·nilworth rt\'PiltlP n.ncl \\":tnvick road Dr. Edward J~. :->tL·illl'l', and has b l'll at ~ o'clock. Dr. Ht·rlwrt L. \Villetl. minister The pastot· :tiHI t:llurch t'tJlll1t'il : u·~..: in· director nf a l'llllllllllllity tll1.·:Ltl·l' in the east until just rt't.:t.'Iltly. :->lw will spe:tl' \ited to attt·tHl a t·o nft·n·I!C · with thl' 886 Elm street Dr. \Vill1·tt's suhiN't ne~t Snnd:l.y, l·'eoBoard o( Anwrit::m ~lissiom; in <;rae · nmry ~. will IH·- "J<·!'ns a.tHl :\lodern on the :subjt'ct, "Ul'ii~ious lJram;t." Roy A. Thompson, Pastor 1~\·a ngelil'al Lutlwran <.:hurch, Chicag·c ·. Scholar!'hip." ·winnetka , Illinois Phone Winnetka. 230-t :\IembL·rs of tht! gatJ_ Entl < 'ircle will Tuesd:~y e\·Pning- IJPginning at 7 n'cloclc meet at 12 ::JU 1111 ~[ond~ty at the homt! The conferen··~· will lwgin \\'ilh :t dimwr Sunday ~chnol tlPP<Hlments :u11l l'l:LS!'Ps S·nday, February 2 The l't'g'tllar monthly l1ll'l'ting of LIIL· meet regularly at of )Irs. !larry ·\. I looker, 1 O!l \Vu odbinn !a a. m. q :30 a. m.-Sunday S('hool c hurc h c:otliH:il will lJe held in tl11· ('lll!lwil :1-venue, 11 a. m.-Momlng Worship. "P ter's chamber \V t·<lnes<l:_ty t·\·ening· at :-. 11'dud.;. Young People's :--unper and fclluw::;hip Pentecostal Sermon." The ~orth End 1 'ircle will meet IJn This mePtin.!-!.· is on~ of the most impor- n.t 6 n. m. fi p. m.-Communion stn il'e tant we will. haVl' this yPar a11d ,., l'l'\' :.\[td1dny at tlw hemp 11[ .:\Irs. Lestpr 7:45 p. m.-GosQel ~ I'Yit'<'. ~ingin~ b~· counci lman :-; h ouhl be pn·s<·nt. · the church choir. Sermon : "Is Tht'ri' :\It:e, 1~:!7 t'lH·sUlllt awnu~. The Ladies' (; uild will meet l\Ionday n.t The \Vo.rnen's ~Iissionary sovit·t~· will 10 o'clock in the <1uild room. Luncheon The I'Pg-ular Chun·h S<'hool fnl'nlty din· a Pereonal Devil?" nl'l. an(] meeting- will be held in the h o ld its l'l'g-nlar monthly Jlll·t·Ling· Thurs- will be served at 12 :30. church at 6:30 p. m. on ~londay. Mem - day at:te rno on at :! ::>0. Tuesday, Ffbrnary I The .:.\ie!l's Bmtherhoo11 will hold n ·, 8 p. JII.-Monthly business meeting- of bers o( the Centr:ll .\ \' 'nuc <'ircle will Dr. \Vil.lett i~ giYi~ a series of Wednesmeeting in Febrn:1.ry. llc>wn·Pr. it i~· day e:·en m_g lectures on the theme "How serve the dinner. church. planned to ha\'e :t llin1wr lllt'l'tin ..· i t h e Bt,~le Gr~w." His recently pu'blishec1 The l·'"bruary llH'eting ,,f thl' c r e scent March. Full annuull!'Pm nt wDI 1> · 1~wrl 1 · ~:)Ook, The B1ble Through the Centuries " Thnrsda.y, February 'ft later. CiJ·c le will lJe held on Tut>sday at tht~ 8 p. m.-Mld-week service. Bible study. 1s used ~s a basis for the studies. Th~y "\\o·orshin in Wilrn ttf'... If yo11 ha\'<' home of Mrs. F. E. Parry, 622 Maple will contmue through January and Febnino church home in \Vilnwt tt> wf' in \'itt· avenue. ~Irs. C. L. Mohr will be chair"Se&reh the Scriptures . . . these are ~r~; The subject for next Wedne::.day you to worsl1ip with U!S. ' man of the luneheon committee, assisteu they whtcb teetlfy of Me."-Jesus. 1s The Sages and the Wisdom Wrltlngs." W. Bensou, and the young wunlt·n's cla~:> is taught l..Jy Mrs. H:tYll1t.l.llll (i. Kiml>ell. . I 1110111 Augustine's I I I :::o English Lutheran l Congregational Church Kenilworth Union First Evangelical a:

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