January 31, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE 9 MOSTor '"18£STIOil1111LEAST - - 9 U - -.- Telephone Wilmette 2114 MEAT MARKET CO. ·.,L.. ·.· All Telephone and C. 0. D. Orders Caref1:1IIY and Quickly Deli"Y Charge Accounts Solicited from Reliable People . Telephone Wilmette . 131 MEAT BARGAINS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY BONELESS LAMB NO BONE . ROAST NO WASTE 29172C L lb 39c lb. . BUTTER W APSIE VALLEY BEST CREAMERY . cALttsiiAMs 98c EA. ~~g~ lS1/2C P:ct~ Boneless Veal-Roast 34Y2c lb. SPRING LEG OF LAMB- Very Choice ............................................ lb. 38%c · JACK SPRAT JONES' DAIRY FARM SAUSAGE -link ............................. ................. lb. 39c JONES' ,DAIRY FARM SAUSAGE- meat .......................................... lb. 37c ------ F I SH-----FISH 29c lb. PIKE 29c lb.~--.:...__........., FANCY WHITE FANCY Oysten IE you want safety and purity in oysters-:- just leave your order with us. D a i 1 y shipments insures freshness at all times. , MAKE YOUR SUNDAY DINNER A REAL I'EAST ! AU of our poultry Is sold under a strict guarantee of QUALITY. We are headquarters for the famous W APSIE VALLEY CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE and TURKEYS. Always fresh, because shipments are received dally. WAPSIE POULTRY comes from an Iowa farm, where they know how to raise poultry. W APSIE POULTRY Is a "sure-to-please" proposition. Prlees u.re not high. Yon only JUlY for QUALITY. Peacock Hams&Bacon A real treat - c o u n t r y cured Savor and tute. P·cock brands are Da· tionally lmown and recoa- nized u the Beat. FRESH DRESSED TURKEYS and CAPONS ALWAYS ON HAND · I