Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 8

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WILMETTE LIFE January 31, 19~~0 :,__.----:-----r'l""'l H :"B. GATES miRES "CARL'S" RIDGE NEWS Vol. 1 Publiahtd in tht inttrut ol Wtlmttlt ptoplt ond tht Ridgt Ro.Jd vicinitv b11 tht i AS TELEPHONE CHIEF 1------------------ Edward G. Petry Named Local Octogenarian Manager' of District of Illinois Bell Telephone Company January 31, 19 30 We know a man in this town who never laces his shoes clear up to the top. H a always ties the bow about half way down. ·No. 43 Drop in for a little Toy or Game for the Kiddy. We a 1 waYs have a nice assortment to choose from, or if he would like a book we have them, too. Henrv B. Ga.tes, who for more than 2-t vea;s has held various r~sp<:m s ible po-.ition s representing the llbnots Bell RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY Telephone company along . the no~th CARL C. RENNECKAR. 1 shore. is retiring from active ser viCl· Edaor. eH ective January 31. After attending the Edward G. Petry, whp for so nw You t·an generally me e t i n g or ::-.I'(Jrth t e ll a married man QY vcars past has. been assistant manage r Shore Area Council, Shop on the Ridge the numbt-r ()( hands Boy Scouts of Am-r~t the \ \ -ilmctte Telephone Exchange . he UHt'H on th e steerica, last Friday night ha s been appointed manager tu suc ing wheel. Any scien ti!'t will at Xew Trier-we ean j ceed ~[r. Gates cff cctive February I. tell you that th e conunder:-;tand w h y ~·o tainer must be largPr many ~ o r t h Short! ~~ r. Gat~ s, wh o resides at 131 i ~<! \Vilnwtle Post No. than the thing conI men are interesterl 46 A mer I an Legion , Oak ~ttcct. Evanston. during his re sitained. But how "IHntt Scouters. _· Thf'Y cet·i s to be co mplimented denc e along the north shore both at a small boy's pneket '! tainly hav f' a n ell"' on tht' efficient anJ \Xil~1ette and Evan~ton .. has been a~Hl th usiastic g r 0 u p , f hu s in i-'~S like way in I Officers. whh-h their Officers 1 conttn ucs to be a~tn·e m lo~al ent<.:rJulia King ChocoC"n ncludect th e meetpri~l·s . .\t . one tnne ~r r. Gat..cs v:~ s lates. 1\0c a pound Jv.x. .Just a b nul e \·ery· ing- o f .January 21st, I prc~ide nt oi the \ ' illag<.: board 111 \\ 11 "profit-sha ring" plan a 1 s o f o r th e imwe e v e r got into prf'ssi\'f· initiation ce rem et tC' . He was first employed hy the Shop on the Rldgt· turm·rl r,ut to be :t m " n i e s giw·n thf· Tck pht ne cnmpany in }{)()(). .~it er -.ix "pre, fit -shearing-" phtn . s~ tm t: f'\·en ing-. in the · 1·.\'an sr, far as w e wt-re X.in t>'ty- !1\"P pt·rc·f·llt ' years of expl'rienc<.: .. I· 1 1~ton ( of all wi n.·s think hu~ i n es~ <>thee 11s managena c u te~ eoncerned. ~hop o n t h e Rldgr their husl >a nd s art· tr'" : we re enlarged to cover all the office-. ~ y 1 0 tis Almond selfish. Anrl e ig-ht~·in the Evanst o n di strict. Six_. )Tars "lla \'e you anythingCream fr,r smoothing!-'f'n-n Jwr·r·Pnt nf th··m ago .\1 r. (~ate · took over the \\ dmctte tn sav be for e the trap h k. "9 r~ re right. ('I ('J is !oiprung'?" roug s rn . ,), e. . , . : . _ 1 .~ ,.L \ area, \\·h irh includes .. .J l' II C~~· \ l'll":--:o, suh. bos:-; , onJ~· ~ydnty Cnr~1111g tnun. _;-~ _ "I ·1 .: \'t ·e ,,·, 'f< Said the sho tr1 th l.! ~. 1 l .a~1 l l ·' >l't<, n Crove, ~tie s, ::\tie s (en jest this. Thi!o> sho' is sto('king, m. t <ncn;t~·· l'- ·nt \\.c·rt 1 · ('t' l'. >ra~t·_r ~; ~ tcr. \,lrthhrtHlk, \\' ilm<:tte, Kenilw orth g-rdn ' to he a lessr1 n tr, ' 'I'll wt-ar a hr 1 ttl!llttl·t_h lllr_ t!Jda.' :--unda.~: J<ttlU,ll' ·- 1 I and \\'in netka. le in me:·· you": .\1 urt t nan It rty ~uc--t" n~ttt·cl htln du rDuring hi s lo ng period of St·n·ice. S;~i~le ~~of',stncking- tt> Oppoaitt Sr. Jouph'a School tllg tltc da\ and ~nany tclt:L!r;un:-. ll't - \fr. G~tc:s made and ha s held the i:-< ·. "I'll Jo ,. cla rm· <l if YIIU P hone Wilmette 316 and tlural. otfl'rtllg". r·:- fri<.:nd,lJip and confidence of the vari ~lflo. 50(·. ___ _d_o _._ .. _______ ______ _______;=- \ cct\-~<.~: ~1 ~ a.::.ttnat~ \:. ,.C.l llc 1 ~ 1 \'~ 1,: 1)th cnmm ut1ities. hi s as~nciatcs and th c"~1r.' n 111~ t .1 ,t . ~ r 111 t.: 111 ' 1 · ." · 1 'r. . · t:-.\'cuti\'l~s of the Telephone conq,any. 11 1 1 I L tlltltl l .ca~ue rlul> anr! ~fr . Petry " ·ill assun1c l1is du ics a~ ' . "~nt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - , t·i rht \t';tr . . -.('f\l'd (b ft.'ll' l'l'l' 111 IJ,tnk- 1 .\\-'1 L~ I ~ ma11ager ut the 1 mctte area on r~' >' ruptc,· in l'h ica~u. ---- -·-. rtlan· 1. H c is well eq uipp ed tn filllow · \f r. Cates, h;wing had nearly Authorize Retention of tiftt·en year< .expe ri ence in the y lant and commc:rClal departments ot the SuperVISin g ngtneers I company in the e:-,c han ge otlice~ along At a rct:ttlar ;,rljt ,ttrnl'rl mt ·c tin ~ <.t til _<: north shore,, including E,·a nst on. tilt \\' ilmL ttt: \ iliac:c i"':tr<l. !J cl d Ia · ~I \\ !lmette and \\ aukcgan. ~[r. Petry Tuc <Ia,· cn·n :nl! <tt thv \ illa!..!v IJa t!. i" nn\\· living at 2013 Livingst on stn:c t. tilL' puldic -.cn i, t· L'·· tllm ittct. , ,j \\ilil·h Evatht t ·ll. Tru:-.tu.· !lath ,.t·n 1\. l';ll.,l'l'l'!..! i cll;tir,Tanna ry :20, on \fr. Gate ~' se y~ntict.h man. ,, · a~ au til· .rii'crl t·> rdain atl ..vlll!i· hirthda~-. ~ t~ar!y wa ? gtn.·n 1~1 1.11 -. 11 cnin l! tirtn t·' n·;11·c,t·t1t tlll' \ d 'a~ l' honor by C. 1. fn.rd. l ·.van~tnn <.lt-.t,nct oi \\'ilmctll' dnrilll! the r"n~trut·tilltl manage r. and Ills assoctate .. fhe 11i the Ill'\\. \ 'tliat:t' in t·inn attll. pl;tJtl party was h eld at the Georgian hotel :\ ~o mmuni catirJll . irom Jll'ar:-.<:. Crt't' anrl wa s attended by his as~nci at e;; in le\· and J !athl 111. ~i11H'rYi~in~~ t·n . :...:inn·r - the \' orth Sh o re district, a well a s ing firm "ith <,nicl'" at 11 \',~:·th -.enral __of th e o fficials from the Chi\1 ichigan houlev;Jrd. Chi r;u.~~·. 111a \..:t ng cago othce. applicatinn i11r thv pn . . iti11n ,,·as re --------ferrcd tt ) the Cl)ll111littet will )lP\\· cr ~Ir. and Mrs. Alfred McDougal. J:· .. to act. are the gue sts of Mrs. 1IcDougal, Sr., \\·hile they are sett li ng their home on ~1i ss Clarabel Ru :->~ . 307 ~Ielrose c:1 ; - Drexel street in Glencoe. enue. Kenih,·orth is a boarding PUJ·il --oat the Three Arts club studying dancMrs. Vv. ]. King of 611 Forest aveing. She intend :; to make dancing h er nue was the hostess for the Tuesday nrofessinn. cluh at her home t his week. 1 1 j' I ~~\~ ~~~c:~t~ir~~.a:h~~~~:;)l~ RIDGE AVENUE PHARMACY I t<:~: 1 . :i. . . \\'l'r~· al~n 1 · ·· E · DELICIOUS FOODS In a Chee. rful Atmosphere T The Sheridan Restaurant and Barbecue you ' ll find the winning combination ! Pure foods , deliciously prepared and served in a cheery congenial atmosphere. Ou r moderate price level is ~cceptable. ~ lllllllllll lll((l llllllllllllllllll((((((((lllllllllllllllllllll:(((((((l(lllllllllllll'llllllll ll : ll lll llll l lllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllll lll llllll llllll ll l l lllllllll lllll llll llll llll l:ll llllllll! A First Church of Christ, Scientist - Tenth Street and Central Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES - Wilmette, Ill. 1 1 A. M. SOc Sunday Dinner SOc FEBRU ARY 2, 1930 Subject: I-JOVE Food That Satisfies - Service That Gratifies READING ROOM- 1163 WILMETTE AVENUE Open Daily (excepr Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. WC!dnesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P. M.; Sarurday 9 A. M. ro 9 P.M. Tht .8iblt and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all orhu authorized Christian Science Literarurt may be read. borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THi CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM iilllliiiiiiUIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltl fllllllllllllllllllllltillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllflllllllllllllllllllliiiiUIIIIlllllllllli The Sheridan RESTAURANT AND BARBECUE No. 1 1213 Wilmette Avenue

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