Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1930, p. 6

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6 WILMETTE LIFE ~ January 31, 1930 Dr. Arthur E. Bettor, Speaker ,February 2; Florence Macbeth Will Be Soloist G ISA MATTER{ · AT YOUR HANDY PANTRY OD CENTS·& QUALITY CElLOPHA~E E(onomically distributing well -known ~;roceries has made your .. H andy Pantry·· the preferred · gro-:ery store for thnfty housewl\:e.a. Note these food bargams this week-end. Friday and Satorda,··· Jan. 31 and Feb. I sTAR BR.~~n ~2k.,gb.· 18c WRAPPED ARMOUR 'S BACON & VC'R 0 QUCK OR 4 reg. 7C ~ A TS · REG[LAR . , pkgs. I Qu --------~-----------------------------------------------RED CROSS ~~i~iJ~ifT~R Z pkgs. I)C PILLSBURY'S PANCAKE FLOUR Z ;::~. Zlc One i<&-oz. Sample P.u:ka'e Free with 2 Regular Pac:kages-5c token in each 14-oz. sample packaae ZJ --------~--------------------------~---------------------------- LEA 8 PERRIN'S SAUCE AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP A Coffee For Er:ery Taste NATIONAL =~~o Coffee 1 5-oz. bottle zsc 10 bars sse Dr. :\rthur E. Be stor. pn: i'ltnt , '· Chautauqua Institution. will lle r ·1·· speaker at the \Vilm et t e Sund~\· E\·ening cl uh on Fehruary 2. Act in:: ::1terested in educational matters ..,i ·: 'l· his graduation from th e Cniver-it:, ,): ChicaC!o. Dr . Be tor has been con.nect~ · 1 with Chautauqua fnsti ution -ince 19tJ5, anrl ha3 ~ervt.:d a - it pre-ident for ' fourteen vears. ! Florenc~ ).[acbt::th. :\.me rica· s {, ·:-e , mu t soprann. will in~ at thi · ::)unrla:: '::; , :·n·~ram. · ..\.11 the institution' in erested in r: 1e vari<JU' p 1a.-e- n[ .ad ult en l Cati"'~:l it~ en::-,· natinn met to~ether in En 'land. 1 at Cambricl 'e un i \'Cf· i tv. in a \ r orld ' Cclltcrc:nce l1elrl there trl)m ...\.u:z t"t 21 to 2:. 1r1 20 . Dr. Be-t.,r at enr!t:rl the ·c,>n:trtn ce a.- a meml)er r.i t he offi ! cial ...\. me:-ican delerra i,>n. which conI i.-terl 1) · ~uch eminen~ lea(ler · as \'ew1 t on D. Baker. fnrme:- 5ec:-etarY or \\. ar: f;:-. Jar!le · F. Ru ..,-;e ~l. dean eme rI itu'. Teal' H::< Ct)! t' re. C.)lu mhiz.. uni ,·er.;!t\·: l'r.ir . \\-i~liam H . .E(ilpatrick. T e:ac her.- · . Cc'lllec:~.:. a 1n :.r r-. Dor·1t hy C a n fi t 1 ! F i - he r. a u 11.> r. · f ,· :- 'e,·cr;'ll ,·ear.;. Dr. Be,tor ~as t,ee 1 c, 1e 1·t f :e ·xo .\rnerican mem1 h en ., i t h e C. ,t. n c i1 n · t 1 e \\·or d :\. 1 .;(,r ia i.)n ·1t· ...\.rlt t [ . [ucati ~._) n. Since it~ onza 1iza ·.,n . he ·a.; · ~e en chairman 1 of the I nttrna i1' .a Rdati~1n.; cnm mittee ,) f 1e ...\. merican a.;;.-o c:ati nn. I Dr. Best·>r ·a.- · 1.;t recently re urne d , fr, )m F.nC!land :1.1. \\i 1 '"eak on ~la e ew "Labor Cn-,\·crnment." ;f!· ~·c .Votc! l-·acuum Packed! "The criterion of critical coffee drinkers,. Sugar Prieed Low SUGAR ca!~L~~TTEo S ,... 28C SUGAR FI::SEST 10 Mf :.:. GRA~L~ATED lb. cloth ~~c :Will Relocate Portion of Alley Near Prairie · I T 1e ,·acation o · that p.1 rtinn ni t 1 1e , fir.:. t nue anri fect 1 II AMEIUCAN HOME ~~~rE ~-1:: 29c "It· fine, mellorc flaror r.cill please" OUR BREAKFAST ~~~~E ';,!~· 2Sc .. It. flator gairu faror rcith ererg meal" Domino Tablets z~~ 18c XXXXOOMr.-lO SUGAR Z ~t:~. 15c CONFECfiONERS BROWN SUGAR 2 ~t;;. Isc DOMINO OLD FASHIONED Pri~es! Fresh Fruits and t·egetables at Lorr POTATOES FA~~1:~~TE 15 ~'1:· 4?C BANANAS RfP~~\LOW 3 lbtl. 20C lOC a 1; e ,. "out h m: s t o [ P r air i c a\' e · anri immer!iateh· ,1 r · ~ nf [-.a h t:: ia . ,e reloca it) ll tht a lie,· ) eftf:e elimina i11 n oi t~e .-ha:-n c trve . at hat pnint wa~ nrnered hv the \\':1mette \.illa~Ze Boarn 1.: Tr I ' ees I h rNtrrh an ordinance 5U 1Hn:t ed )y I R. \-aninwaQ'en. c airman ,,[ the Turiician· cnmmitt.ee nf t~ e ~ ·· ard. last 1 Tues fiav ni\Zht. The relo atir,n nr the j alte'-· will be made in accnrnance '-'-·ith , olat.- and data 'thm:ttecl hv \"i llag-e Engineer Charle- '\' Rnhert.s and at the reCJUe't nf r e.:.ident \vith propI oerty a butting on the alley. of GREEN PEAS ni:t;gos 2 tba . 2SC ONIONS EXTRA FANCY DRY YELLow J ibe. APPLES WJSESAP QUALITY .MEATS PRICED LOW 619 M.ain St.-1189-91 Wilmette Ave.-348-50 Linden Ave.-1107 Central Ave. ROLLED RIB ROAST BEEF SMOKED BUTTS PORK SAUSAGE MEAT LAMB ROAST SIRLOIN STEAK PORTER HOUSE STEAK Prlm~-Xatin Btllli'.__X o \\'a,ti' H· > nl'lf""i-~Uilar l urt>tl 11".! to :n..! th .... aHraa-1' tuocr, Purl' Dt·lidon"IY S~a.,nnt-.1 ~~ > etPnnin~ ~prina- ~h o nl·ll'f f holre Xatil"f' TPn·!t'f an·l Jult·y Bt> ... t t!nality lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. JSc · 33c 2Sc 29c 39c 4Sc TO GIVE GARDEN TALKS :..rrs. J11 n L'nd nf 313 R ichn l> nd rc.ad. K enih'-·orth "-ill lecture at he tlleetimr or the nature clepartment of the \\.on an'.;; Lihran· club next ~[ o n (i av afterr.n,·n. He~ subject will he "Your Garden anc{ :.f ine." On F ebru a rv 19 ).{ r -. Li nn will spe ak 0n the a.ftern 10n program or the home and t>d ucation depar :nent nf he \\.oma n's dub at Xapervi lk ·'n "Ed ucation. ~he True Backg-round." :..rrs. R. ] ones of 929 ).fic higa!l avenue. accompanier! h,- :.r r s. Ellis J on es ·'r '\'ile Center ann :.ri-· Alice Burrhard of 14.24 F ore · t a,·enue. lea ve· S'lturday, Ffliruary 1. ior ).[elb nurne Beach. Fla. ~[i·s Burchard will go first t'"J :..riami Beach to visit her br other, Edgar Burchard. iormerly of Kenil~,, ·o rth. --o- National Tea Co. Cit ~aln , t. ss· Rfd~e Ave. U ··t LIDdell An. tl8t-tl Wilmette .\vt>. Piggly Wiggly llO;J.; Central .\.H. Robert Law who is now in her beautiful new home located at 323 Ke ·~ ilworth avenue. Ke.nilworth. is giving a dinner and bridge this evening for twelve. ).frs. George H ..B. Burke, 611 ~inth .:;~reet, returned the latter part of last \vt:ek from Schenectady, ~. Y. where she had been called by the death of her mother, Mrs. John Graham . ~frs . -o-- . I

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